English and Language Usage

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A researcher submits a paper for publication in a scientific journal. The editors give it to other scientists. The scientists review the paper. Which of the following options best uses grammar to combine the sentences above for clarity? A. When a researcher submits a paper for publication in a scientific journal, the editors give it to other scientists to review. B. The editors give it to other scientists after a researcher submits a paper for publication in a scientific journal, and they review it. C. A researcher submits a paper for publication in a scientific journal, and then scientists review the paper because the editors gave it to other scientists. D. The scientists review the paper after the editors give it to them when a researcher submits a paper for publication in a scientific journal.

When a researcher submits a paper for publication in a scientific journal, the editors give it to other scientists to review.

Eventually, he stopped hiding the fact that he did not know Spanish and admited that he had been deceiving them for months. Which of the following words is misspelled in the sentence above? A. hiding B. admited C. deceiving D. eventually

admited (correctly spelled admitted).

I truly believe that one cup of coffee a day is neither too much nor too little caffiene for me, but exactly the right amount. Which of the following words is misspelled in the sentence above? A. caffiene B. truly C. neither D. exactly

caffiene (correct spelling is caffeine)

Which of the following is the plural form of the word "chief"? A. chiefs B. chieves C. chievs D. chiefes


Which of the following sentences have correct subject-verb agreement? (Select all that apply.) A. The family always rent a large van for vacation. B. Every one of the passengers has to wait until the bus is functioning properly. C. The group of senior citizens were escorted into the restaurant. D. When we arrived at the petting zoo, each of the children ask to pet the goat. E. He and I take turns driving during our road trips.

- Every one of the passengers has to wait until the bus is functioning properly. - He and I take turns driving during our road trips.

Which of the following words use a derivational rather than an inflectional suffix to create a new word? (Select all that apply.) A. Staircases B. Answered C. Hopeless D. Correcting E. Lovable

- Hopeless - Lovable

Which of the following examples are compound-complex sentences? (Select all that apply.) A. We sat down in our seats, and almost immediately, the stage lights came up. B. Although we didn't realize we were exactly on time, the minute we sat down, the play started. C. Just at the very moment we sat down, the stage lights came up, and the first actor stepped onstage. D. The first actor stepped on stage when we got to our seats. E. Although we were a bit late, the play was excellent, and we very much enjoyed it.

- Just at the very moment we sat down, the stage lights came up, and the first actor stepped onstage. - Although we were a bit late, the play was excellent, and we very much enjoyed it.

Which of the following words are exceptions to a common spelling rule? (Select all that apply.) A. neither B. vein C. flying D. coping E. traceable

- neither ("i" before "e" rule, except after "c" or when sounding like "a" as in "neighbor" and "weigh" as in this case) - traceable (exception to drop the final "e" rule, e is supposed to be removed when paired with a suffix that starts with a vowel) [do not change the final "y" to "i" if the suffix starts with "i"]

Reorder the following sentences in the best chronological sequence to construct a paragraph. (Click on an option from the left column and then click on its corresponding option from the right column to match them up.) - Jenner concluded that contracting cowpox somehow made people immune to smallpox. - Jenner tested his theory by inoculating a boy first with cowpox and then, a couple months later, with smallpox, which the boy did not contract. - For hundreds of years, smallpox was one of the most devastating diseases in all of Europe until Edward Jenner created a vaccine in 1796. - Jenner had observed that milkmaids who'd contracted cowpox, which was a mild disease, did not later catch smallpox.

1. For hundreds of years, smallpox was one of the most devastating diseases in all of Europe until Edward Jenner created a vaccine in 1796. 2. Jenner had observed that milkmaids who'd contracted cowpox, which was a mild disease, did not later catch smallpox. 3. Jenner concluded that contracting cowpox somehow made people immune to smallpox. 4. Jenner tested his theory by inoculating a boy first with cowpox and then, a couple months later, with smallpox, which the boy did not contract.

At what place in the paragraph below is more information or development needed? Making pizza dough from scratch is a lot easier than you think. First, you need to start with water and yeast. (1) Mix the water and yeast together and then stir in some olive oil. After that, add flour and salt, which will result in a kind of rough dough. (2) You then turn the dough out onto a floured surface and knead it for at least five minutes. (3) When the two pieces of dough have risen, you're ready to make pizza. Then, you can add whatever toppings, cheese, and sauce you like. (4) That's pretty much all you need to know about making pizza dough from scratch. A. 1 B. 3 C. 4 D. 2

3 (The sentence after this discusses how two pieces of dough will rise, but there is no explanation of how you get two pieces of dough or how long they should rise).

Which of the following punctuation marks correctly completes the sentence below? I need an assistant who can do the following _ input data, edit reports, and maintain the website. A. ; B. : C. , D. .

: (A colon is correctly used here to indicate a list).

Which of the following pieces of writing should include citations? A. A comparison of the language used in two different Shakespeare plays B. A news article describing a burglary C. A description of your favorite play D. A personal essay about your lifelong interest in marine biology

A comparison of the language used in two different Shakespeare plays.

Which of the following sentences uses correct punctuation for a possessive noun? A. The babys' bibs were covered in pureed food. B. Sarah's and Claire business was thriving in its new location. C. A multitude of clients' complaints filled the comment box. D. A busy workers' best tool is a good plan.

A multitude of clients' complaints filled the comment box (The possessive form of the plural noun "clients" is punctuated correctly in this sentence. "Baby" is a singular noun, so the apostrophe should appear before the "s").

Based on the analysis of word parts, what is the meaning of the word "bibliophile"? A. A person who collects books B. An index at the back of a book C. A compiled list of different books D. A place where books are kept

A person who collects books

Which of the following is an example of deliberate plagiarism? A. A student copies an informational source that they mean to paraphrase. B. A writer forgets to include quotation marks around a direct quote. C. A student submits a paper they found on the internet. D. A writer omits a source citation because they believe the information is common knowledge.

A student submits a paper they found on the internet.

The Great Fire of London of 1666 burned through the city of London for four days straight. The Great Fire started at a bakery on Pudding Lane and spread west across the city. A year before the Great Fire, a terrible epidemic killed about a sixth of London's inhabitants. It is estimated that the Great Fire burned 70,000 homes of the 80,000 inhabitants of London. Which of the following sentences from the paragraph above does not belong in a well-organized paragraph? A. It is estimated that the Great Fire burned 70,000 homes of the 80,000 inhabitants of London. B. The Great Fire of London of 1666 burned through the city of London for four days straight. C. The Great Fire started at a bakery on Pudding Lane and spread west across the city. D. A year before the Great Fire, a terrible epidemic killed about a sixth of London's inhabitants.

A year before the Great Fire, a terrible epidemic killed about a sixth of London's inhabitants.

The hike became increasingly difficult as we got closer to the top of the mountain. Which of the following parts of speech is "increasingly" as used in the sentence above? A. Adjective B. Interjection C. Verb D. Adverb


Please don't take what I said so personally. Which of the following parts of speech is "personally" as used in the sentence above? A. Article B. Adjective C. Verb D. Adverb

Adverb (The word "personally" modifies the verb "take").

Which of the following defines the word "omnipotent"? A. Well-worn B. Overreaching C. All-powerful D. Angry


In which of the following word pairs does the noun become a verb when the suffix is added? A. Biology, Biologist B. Apology, Apologize C. Happy, Happily D. Mineral, Mineralogy

Apology, Apologize

Which of the following compound sentences is punctuated correctly? A. The Forlows would be spending two weeks in Greece, and Turkey. B. She was awake the minute the sun came up; though she had been up late the night before. C. Diana stepped out into the rain but she had to turn immediately back inside for an umbrella. D. Aziz was astonished; he had never seen horses in the wild before.

Aziz was astonished; he had never seen horses in the wild before (This sentence independent clauses without a conjunction; therefore, it requires a semicolon).

According to the affixes, which of the following words refers to the love of books? A. Logophile B. Bibliophile C. Discophile D. Audiophile


Which of the following is a good first step when coming up with an idea for a group presentation? A. Interview sources for your presentation. B. Brainstorm interesting topics and ideas. C. Develop an organized outline of the topic. D. Cite the sources in your presenation.

Brainstorm interesting topics and ideas.

Wow, I can't believe that beret I was planning to buy is 100 bucks. Which of the following words from the sentence above is slang? A. Wow B. bucks C. can't D. beret


Which of the following sentences contains a homophone? A. Each evening, the young woman walked alone on the canal path. B. As water is heated up, it slowly begins to expand. C. By Sunday, they were ready to raze the old building, and everyone gathered to watch. D. The previous tenant had been a chemistry teacher.

By Sunday, they were ready to raze the old building, and everyone gathered to watch (The word "raze" is a homophone of "raise").

If the choices below were part of an outline, which one would be the first level of the outline, or the main point? A. Division over the practice of slavery B. State rights versus federal rights C. The election of Abraham Lincoln D. Causes of the Civil War

Causes of the Civil War

In which of the following words does the suffix make the root word an adjective? A. Created B. Pointing C. Childlike D. Suburbanite


Which of the sentences would be a good topic sentence? A. Ultimately, you will find that getting it just right can be surprisingly satisfying. B. Cooking requires a number of different skills that can be learned and practiced. C. One of the first things you will need as a chef is a good set of well-sharpened knives. D. Of course, it can take a while to get the hang of chopping vegetables efficiently.

Cooking requires a number of different skills that can be learned and practiced.

Based on an examination of word parts, which of the following words means "abnormality of movement"? A. Dyskinesia B. Hyperkinesia C. Akinesia D. Hypokinesia

Dyskinesia (The prefix "dys-" means "abnormal" or "impaired").

Which of the following sentences has correct pronoun-antecedent agreement? A. All passengers must show his passport before getting on the international flight. B. Each of the cats has its own special hiding place inside the house. C. If the students need my help with this project, he or she can just email me with questions. D. When the clothes come out of the dryer, it should be folded right away.

Each of the cats has its own special hiding place inside the house (The word "each" is an indefinite singular pronoun and is correctly replaced by the singular pronoun "its").

Which of the following is a true statement about the revision process? A. Outlining is part of the revision process. B. Mind mapping is part of the revision process. C. Editing and proofreading come after the revision process. D. Drafting the introduction and conclusion come after the revision process.

Editing and proofreading come after the revision process.

You're in a difficult class, and you've fallen behind. You're intimidated by the instructor, who is at times difficult to approach. She has assigned a research paper, which you're nervous about. You decide to request an appointment to discuss it with her. Given the above scenario, what type of language should the student use? A. Text message starting with "Hey professor!" B. Email message starting with "It's me, the one who's way behind." C. Email message starting with "Dear Professor:" D. Email after forgetting about the appointment starting with "Hey professor, I can't believe I missed the appointment."

Email message starting with "Dear Professor:"

Based on the word parts, which of the following is a synonym for superlative? A. Relevant B. Surprising C. Excellent D. Unimportant

Excellent (This is a synonym for the word "superlative," as indicated by the prefix "super").

Which of the following sentences is spelled correctly? A. He always adds insightful, relevant remarks to the conversation. B. Her comment was revelant to the class discussion. C. His remarks were not relevent to the current situation. D. Her suggestion has no relavance to issues discussed at the conference.

He always adds insightful, relevant remarks to the conversation.

Which of the following examples from a paragraph about the Silk Road is a transition sentence? A. The Silk Road got its name from Chinese silk, which was a major item traded along the route. B. However, there were many other important trade items, some of which would end up changing the world forever. C. Because the Silk Road was not just one single road, historians also use the term "Silk Routes" to describe the network. D. The Silk Road was an ancient network of trade routes that stretched from China through India all the way to Africa, Greece, Rome, and Great Britain.

However, there were many other important trade items, some of which would end up changing the world forever.

Which of the following is a correctly punctuated compound sentence? A. It took Desiree 5 years; but she finally completed her microbiology dissertation. B. The pianist decided to play something dramatic, and soulful. C. I love all kinds of scented candles, and yesterday I found one that smells like licorice. D. The cat sat curled up in the sunshine and when the sun set he finally walked away.

I love all kinds of scented candles, and yesterday I found one that smells like licorice (this sentence includes two independent clauses, and it correctly punctuated with a comma before the conjunction).

Which of the following is the correct sequence to place the following sentences to construct a well-organized paragraph? I. Leon Czolgosz, an anarchist, felt President McKinley symbolized the injustice of American society. II. On September 6, 1901, President McKinley became the third American president to be assassinated, after Abraham Lincoln and James Garfield. III. Czolgosz shot McKinley twice, and President McKinley died a week later from gangrene causes by the bullet wounds. IV. On that September day, President McKinley was at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York, shaking hands with the public. A. IV, I, II, III B. II, IV, I, III C. I, III, IV, II D. I, II, IV, III


Which of the following options contains a possessive pronoun? A. If the patient chooses to leave, let them know the right to do so is theirs. B. When we support patients in these ways, the hospital's mission is accomplished. C. Take personal items to the front desk once you have finished. D. This hospital has some problems, no doubt.

If the patient chooses to leave, let them know the right to do so is theirs.

Which of the following is an incomplete sentence? A. Watch out. B. In the rose garden out back. C. I guess that's true. D. It would take about three weeks.

In the rose garden out back (This sentence does not contain a subject and a predicate).

Janine was so nervous that she was surprisingly graceless and awkward onstage. What is the meaning of the word "graceless" as used in the sentence above? A. Against fear B. Without religion C. Lacking elegance D. Full of caution

Lacking elegance

Laura was stuck in traffic. Laura was on her way to a concert. Laura though she would miss the concert. Which of the following options uses correct grammar to combine the sentences above for clarity? A. Because Laura was on her way to a concert, she was stuck in traffic and thought she would miss the concert. B. Laura was on her way to a concert, and she thought she would miss the concert. Laura was stuck in traffic. C. Laura was on her way to a concert, but because she was stuck in traffic, she thought she would miss the concert. D. Laura thought she would miss the concert because she was on her way to the concert, but was stuck in traffic.

Laura was on her way to a concert, but because she was stuck in traffic, she thought she would miss the concert.

Which of the following examples is a complete sentence? A. Let me know. B. On the subject of philosophy. C. Depending on the type of books you like. D. Where there are lots of people.

Let me know (This is a complete sentence. The understood "you" is the subject, and "let me know" is the predicate).

Sciatica refers to pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve, which branches from the lower back down each leg. Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve becomes pinched, often by a herniated disk in the spine. Many people have disk herniations but do not have any symptoms from these herniations. People who sit for prolonged periods or have a sedentary lifestyle are more likely to develop sciatica. Which of the following sentences from the paragraph above does not belong in a well-organized paragraph? A. Many people have disk herniations but do not have any symptoms from these herniations. B. People who sit for prolonged periods of have a sedentary lifestyle are more likely to develop sciatica. C. Sciatica refers to pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve, which branches from the lower back down each leg. D. Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve becomes pinched, often by a herniated disk in the spine.

Many people have disk herniations but do not have any symptoms from these herniations.

Which of the following options best uses grammar to combine the sentences below for clarity? Min Jin roamed around the house. Some days were just like that. Min Jin could not get settled. A. Because Min Jin roamed around the house, some days were just like that, and she could not get settled. B. Some days were just like that because Min Jin roamed around the house and could not get settled. C. Min Jin could not get settled because she roamed around the house and some days were just like that. D. Min Jin roamed around the house because she could not get settled, but some days were just like that.

Min Jin roamed around the house because she could not get settled, but some days were just like that.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the prewriting stage of the writing process? A. The works cited page of a paper is finalized during prewriting stage. B. The first draft of a paper is written during the prewriting stage. C. Mind mapping and free writing occur during the prewriting stage. D. Copy editing and proofreading happen during the prewriting stage.

Mind mapping and free writing occur during the prewriting stage.

Which of the following sentences from a paragraph about sun-dried tomatoes is a transition sentence? A. Sun-dried tomatoes, either in olive oil or plain, add a great flavor to many dishes. B. Once you have decided what tomatoes to use, there are three different methods for drying them. C. You can use any variety of tomato, but the drying times will vary based on the water content. D. It is actually easy to make your own sun-dried tomatoes at home without any special equipment.

Once you have decided what tomatoes to use, there are three different methods for drying them.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly? A. One of my favorite places to visit is San Francisco California, and I'll never forget my trip there from June 2011. B. One of my favorite places to visit is San Francisco, California and I'll never forget my trip there from June 2011. C. One of my favorites places to visit is San Francisco, California, and I'll never forget my trip there from June 2011. D. One of my favorite places to visit is San Francisco, California, and I'll never forget my trip there from June, 2011.

One of my favorite places to visit is San Francisco, California, and I'll never forget my trip there from June 2011.

Which of the following is a correct thesis statement? A. President Perez pledged to improve living conditions for all during her well-attended inauguration speech, which drew thunderous applause. B. President Perez graduated first in her class at Harvard University after defending a capstone project on inequality. C. President Perez is our greatest leader because her proposal of a universal income will eradicate inequity among citizens. D. President Perez was interviewed on television in February, where she spoke without commercial interruption for 1 hour.

President Perez is our greatest leader because her proposal of a universal income will eradicate inequity among citizens.

Read the following brief passage and answer the question. I am asking each department supervisor to identify the advantages of reconfiguring our internal accounting system. Indicate to me by next Friday if you feel this change would improve the DPD program. Which of the following genres of writing does the passage represent? A. Literary B. Professional C. Scientific D. Colloquial


Which of the following is part of the last step of the writing process? A. Proofreading B. Brainstorming C. Citing primary sources D. Identifying a thesis

Proofreading (Revision stage)

He had to fill out a health history __________ before seeing the doctor. A. questionnaire B. questionaire C. questionnare D. questionairre


Based on the evidence found, electrical stimulation may be a potential therapy for OSAS, warranting further clinical trials. Which of the following is the likely medium for the sentence above? A. Motivational speech B. Business memo C. Scientific journal article D. Personal blog

Scientific journal article

Based on an examination of word parts, which of the following words means "above the kidney"? A. Interrenal B. Subrenal C. Intrarenal D. Suprarenal

Suprarenal (The prefix "supra-" means "above." The stem "renal" refers to the kidney).

She was a gifted pianist, although she's struggling with the piece for her upcoming concert. Which of the following grammatical errors is present in the sentence above? A. Inappropriate transition word choice B. Poor diction C. Tense disagreement D. Incomplete sentence

Tense disagreement

She was a fierce competitor, and nothing is going to keep her from running that marathon despite a hamstring injury. Which of the following describes the grammar problem in the sentence above? A. Poor diction B. Ambiguous word choice C. Tense disagreement D. Inappropriate transition word choice

Tense disagreement (the first verb is in the past tense, while the verb in the second independent clause is in the present).

Frida Kahlo, a Mexican painter known for her striking self-portraits, lived from 1907 to 1954. The Mexican Revolution began in 1910, when Frida Kahlo was three years old. After a serious accident, which left her in a body cast for three months, Kahlo began to paint. Of Kahlo's 55 self-portraits, many depict the pain she suffered after her accident. Which of the following sentences from the paragraph above does not belong in a well-organized paragraph? A. The Mexican Revolution began in 1910, when Frida Kahlo was three years old. B. Frida Kahlo, a Mexican painter known for her striking self-portraits, lived from 1907 to 1954. C. After a serious accident, which left her in a body cast for three months, Frida Kahlo began to paint. D. Of Frida Kahlo's 55 self-portraits, many depict the pain she suffered after her accident.

The Mexican Revolution began in 1910, when Frida Kahlo was three years old.

Which of the following situations requires the inclusion of a citation? A. The author is stating an opinion about a new biography of Abraham Lincoln. B. The author is describing a trip she took to Abraham Lincoln's birthplace. C. The author is quoting another author's opinion about a new biography of Abraham Lincoln. D. The author is describing a play she saw about Abraham Lincoln.

The author is quoting another author's opinion about a new biography of Abraham Lincoln.

Which of the following situations requires the inclusion of a citation? A. The author is stating an opinion about a topic. B. The author is describing a dream they had. C. The author is quoting another author's opinion about a topic. D. The author is describing what happened on a trip they took to China.

The author is quoting another author's opinion about a topic.

The cherry tomatoes in our backyard garden are finally ready to be picked. Which of the following is the complete subject in the sentence above? A. tomatoes B. ready to be picked C. The cherry tomatoes in our backyard garden D. finally ready

The cherry tomatoes in our backyard garden

Which of the following punctuation marks is used incorrectly in the sentence below? She put down her glasses, and her book; the train was starting to enter the long, dark tunnel. A. The semicolon after "book" B. The comma after "long" C. The comma after "glasses" D. The period at the end of the sentence

The comma after "glasses"

If you go to the market, please pick up some beef, carrots, and celery, and I will make some of that delicious, stew we had last week. Which comma should be removed in the sentence above? A. The comma after the word "market" B. The comma after the word "beef" C. The comma after the word "celery" D. The comma after the word "delicious"

The comma after the word "delicious"

Which of the following sentences uses formal language? A. The guests had a wonderful time at the party. B. The guests said the party was awesome! C. The partygoers wanted to hang out all night. D. The partiers were up for something more.

The guests had a wonderful time at the party.

The sheer number of people in the audience overwhelmed the actress as she peaked through the curtain before scene one. Which of the following correctly describes an error in the sentence above? A. The homophone "sheer" should be "shear." B. The homophone "peaked" should be "peeked" C. The homophone "through" should be "threw." D. The homophone "scene" should be "seen."

The homophone "peaked" should be "peeked."

Which of the following sentences correctly uses subject-verb agreement? A. The lead scientist write the reports; however, all scientists in the group does the research. B. The lead scientist is the one who writes the reports; however, she is only one of the scientists who do the research. C. The lead scientist write the reports; however, she is only one of the scientists who does the research. D. The lead scientist is the one who writes the reports; however, every scientist in the group do the research.

The lead scientist is the one who writes the reports; however, she is the only one of the scientists who do the research.

Which of the following examples is a simple sentence? A. The man who wore a checked tie. B. The man with the checked tie. C. The man in the blue pin-striped suit and checkered tie looked somewhat out of place at the party. D. The man in the blue pin-striped suit looked out of place because of his checked tie.

The man in the blue pin-striped suit and checkered tie looked somewhat out of place at the party (complete sentence with a single independent clause).

Which sentence correctly uses quotation marks in connection with an indirect quotation? A. My sister suggested, "that we go to a movie this weekend." B. My brother asked "me to babysit his two children." C. "The newscaster pointed out the storm's destruction." D. The meteorologist called it "the storm of the century."

The meteorologist called it "the storm of the century."

Which of the following is a correctly punctuated compound sentence? A. The moonlight glowed white on the roof next door, and the sky was a gentle summer blue. B. The raspberries we just picked from the garden are ripe, and sweet. C. She spent all afternoon studying for the biology test; but she neglected to work on her psychology paper. D. The man often drew sketches in his room but he never liked to show his art to anyone.

The moonlight glowed white on the roof next door, and the sky was a gentle summer blue.

The plump old white cat basked in the warm sunlight. Which of the following options correctly punctuates the sentence above? A. The plump, old, white cat basked in the warm sunlight. B. The plump, old, white, cat basked in the warm sunlight. C. The plump, old white cat basked in the warm sunlight. D. The plump old white cat, basked in the warm sunlight.

The plump, old, white cat basked in the warm sunlight.

Which of the following sentences from a paragraph about yoga is the topic sentence? A. The word "yoga" was mentioned in the Vedas, a collection of texts containing songs, mantras, and rituals used by Vedic priests. B. By the late 1800s, yoga masters from India began to travel to the West, attracting followers. C. After a few hundred years, Yoga masters rejected the teachings of the ancient Vedas and embraced the physical body as the means to achieve enlightenment. D. The practice of yoga first developed in the Indus-Sarasvati civilization in Northern India over 5,000 years ago.

The practice of yoga first developed in the Indus-Sarasvati civilization in Northern India over 5,000 years ago.

David regained consciousness after he was knocked out for a minute. What is the meaning of the word "consciousness" in the sentence above? A. The state of being alive B. The state of being awake C. The state of being curious D. The state of being scared

The state of being awake

This plan was developed based upon previous years' data, tracking trends in revenues and expenses. It includes a five-month track of sales, accounts receivable and payable, and inventory from a year-end benchmark. Based on the language in the passage above, which of the following conclusions can be reached about the writer? A. The writer is a college student writing a first draft of a paper. B. The writer is a researcher writing for a medical journal. C. The writer is an author of literature. D. The writer is a professional in a business environment.

The writer is a professional in a business environment.

Read the following passage and answer the question. The thesis of this paper will be on the development of an experiment designed to detect flaws in how a golf ball is hit. Sometimes it can be hit perfectly, but sometimes it can be a bust. Based on the language in this passage, which of the following scenarios is correct? A. The writer is a professional in a business environment. B. The writer is a researcher writing for a scientific journal. C. The writer is a student writing a first draft of a paper. D. The writer is an author of literature.

The writer is a student writing a first draft of a paper.

Read the following passage and answer the question. When Miss Emily Grierson died, our whole town went to her funeral: the men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument, the women mostly out of curiosity to see the inside of her house, which no one save an old manservant - a combined gardener and cook - had seen in at least ten years. Based on the language in the passage, which of the following scenarios is correct? A. The writer is a professional in a business environment. B. The writer is a researcher writing for a scientific journal. C. The writer is a student writing a first draft of a paper. D. The writer is an author of literature.

The writer is an author of literature.

Which example uses a quotation correctly? A. "I'm not going to spoil my appetite, said Philip, as he pushed the plate of cookies away." B. "I'm not going to spoil my appetite" said Philip, as he pushed the plate of cookies away. C. "I'm not going to spoil my appetite," said Philip, "as he pushed the plate of cookies away." D. "I'm not going to spoil my appetite," said Philip as he pushed the plate of cookies away.

"I'm not going to spoil my appetite," said Philip as he pushed the plate of cookies away.

Which of the following sentences follows the rules of punctuation and capitalization? A. "That was amazing," She said. "I can't believe we almost missed it." B. "That was amazing." She said. "I can't believe we almost missed it." C. "That was amazing," she said; "I can't believe we almost missed it." D. "That was amazing," she said. "I can't believe we almost missed it."

"That was amazing," she said. "I can't believe we almost missed it."

Which of the following demonstrates correct punctuation of a quotation? A. "You should have never invited Neda to that party," said Angelica, "if you didn't want her to run into Alex." B. "You should have never invited Neda to that party," said Angelica. "If you didn't want her to run into Alex." C. "You should have never invited Neda to that party," said Angelica "if you didn't want her to run into Alex." D. "You should have never invited Neda to that party," said Angelica, "If you didn't want her to run into Alex."

"You should have never invited Neda to that party," said Angelica, "if you didn't want her to run into Alex."

The test was ridiculously easy, and the entire class got every question right. Which of the following parts of speech is "ridiculously" as used in the sentence above? A. Verb B. Interjection C. Adjective D. Adverb

Adverb (The word "ridiculously" modifies the adjective "easy" and is thus an adverb. An adjective modifies, or describes, a noun, which is not how "ridiculously" is used here).

A student is writing a paper for their basic anatomy class and is unsure how they should cite their sources. What should the student do? A. Look for a citation style online and use that one. B. Find out from the instructor what citation style to use. C. Use the citation style used in other science classes. D. Alternate different citation styles, assuming that one will be correct.

Find out from the instructor what citation style to use.

Which of the following sentences from a paragraph about gingivitis is the topic sentence? A. Gingivitis can be reversed by daily brushing, flossing, and regular dental cleanings. B. Gingivitis is a mild form gum disease, in which bacteria causes inflammation of the gums. C. With gingivitis, the gums become red and swollen and can bleed easily. D. If left untreated, gingivitis can cause periodontitis, in which the gums pull away from the teeth, and can eventually lead to infection and bone loss.

Gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease, in which bacteria causes inflammation of the gums.

Which of the following examples would be a good transition sentence? A. You will have an instructor and a syllabus with a list of the books you will need to read. B. Taking a course online is in many ways similar to taking a course in a traditional classroom setting. C. You will even have class discussions and one-on-one meetings with your professor. D. However, online students often work entirely from home, which is just one part of what makes online learning different.

However, online students often work entirely from home, which is just one part of what makes online learning different.

If all of the following sentences appeared in the same paragraph, which sentence would be irrelevant? A. I had been doing yoga at least three times a week for the past year. B. At first, I walked and ran, though really it was more walking than running. C. I had never run a 5k race before, but I decided to try and gave myself six weeks to train for it. D. Each day I was able to run a bit further and a bit faster.

I had been doing yoga at least three times a week for the past year.

Which of the following sentences contains an indirect object? A. Melissa walked to the grocery store for milk. B. Dante skimmed the magazine while waiting in the lobby. C. Jorge assigned the class some math problems. D. Sara went to the movie with Amal.

Jorge assigned the class some math problems (In this sentence, "the class" is the indirect object of the verb "assigned").

Which of the following words is spelled correctly? A. Miniscool B. Minature C. Maintainance D. Millennium

Millennium (Minuscule, Miniature, Maintenance)

Which of the following defines the word "unilateral"? A. Performed by one person B. Performed for many people C. Performed with precision D. Performed according to rules

Performed by one person

Which of the following is a synonym for "reiterate"? A. Refine B. Relegate C. Regale D. Repeat


Which of the following prefixes means "above"? A. Dys- B. Supra- C. Intra- D. Sub-


Which of the following punctuation marks is used incorrectly in the sentence? Otto, somewhat abruptly, got up out of his chair, and just like that; headed into the next room. A. The comma after "Otto" B. The semicolon after "that" C. The comma after "abruptly" D. The comma after "chair"

The semicolon after "that"

Which of the following sentences has correct subject-verb agreement? A. The crowd standing outside the club are getting restless. B. Most of the cookies we left out on the counter was eaten by the dog. C. The upholstered couch and rocking chair we bought together look great in the living room. D. Ricotta cheese and pesto tastes great on a pizza.

The upholstered couch and rocking chair we bought together look great in the living room.

Which of the following sentences contains a homophone? A. They were never going to be allowed into that exclusive party. B. That is not really an accurate description of the event. C. They sat in a garden chair by the side of the lawn. D. It was actually a pretty tame affair.

They were never going to be allowed into that exclusive party (allowed, aloud).

Which of the following best defines the word circumvent? A. To go around B. To go under C. To come near D. To come through

To go around

The patient was experiencing intraocular pressure. Based on the analysis of word parts, what is the meaning of "intraocular" as used in the sentence above? A. Within the eyes B. Above the eyes C. Between the eyes D. Below the eyes

Within the eyes

She was really looking forward to the picnic, ____ she fears it might rain that afternoon. Which of the following transition words/phrases is most appropriate to complete the sentence above? A. after all B. likewise C. in other words D. although


The plane ride was terrible and they got home three hours late; ____ they never made it to the wedding. Which of the following transitions correctly completes the sentence above? A. although B. conversely C. unless D. consequently


The glittering lights in the garden were meant to entrance the guests as they arrived. What is the meaning of the homograph "entrance" as used in the sentence above? A. enter B. passage C. opportunity D. enchant


Which of the following words is written correctly in its plural form? A. halves B. prooves C. razores D. chieves


His skill on the soccer field made him an ____ member of the team. A. indispensible B. indespensable C. indespensible D. indispensable


Which of the following prefixes should be added to a base or root word to indicate something that is inside something else? A. sub- B. anti- C. dys- D. intra-


Based on an examination of the word parts, which of the following means "within the heart"? A. intravenous B. intracardiac C. interveinal D. hypercardiac


The flustered man watched the train as it pulled out of the station. Which of the following is the simple subject in the sentence above? A. man B. the flustered man C. watched D. train


If you know that "cutaneous" refers to skin, which of the following prefixes would you add to make a word that means "under the skin"? A. sub- B. supra- C. inter- D. hypo-


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