English c1

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5.Speeded up

- Accelerated

3.Given to

- Administrated

4.A good idea

- Advisable


- Catalogued

1.Got worse

- Deteriorated


- Occupation

7.Very bad

- Unacceptable


- achieve


- ambiguous


- conservative


- dismantle


- fragile


- military


- noticeable


- objective


- безрамотный


- в направлении к


- ли


- способный


- строже

Text 1 One of the quirks of the MegaCorp employment process is that existing employees are encouraged to act up,12_ to perform roles on a temporary basis at a level slightly more senior than their experience and qualifications would normallyallow. An employee may do a job ably for months, if not years. 13_ when the position is formally advertised and filled, that worker may well be passed over. Until that process began, the employee had had a reasonable level of job satisfaction. 14_ the permanent member of staffis appointed, the long-term employee may have become resentful towards the organization. 15_ they may leave, and in the meantime their productivity is likely to suffer. Text 2 The choice is apparent either the two partners demarcate the sides of the business entirely (16_ one deals with suppliers and the other with customers), or they find ways of sharing more than the minimum of information. When a micro-enterprise hires its first employee, the lines of communication triple: 17_what previously existed, we must factor in A to C C to A, and also B to Cand C to B.

12. Choose the correct connector to fill in the text-1 above: i.e. (meaning: that is) 13. Choose the correct connector to fill in the text-1 above: however 14. Choose the correct connector to fill in the text-1 above: By the time 15. Choose the correct connector to fill in the text-1 above: Eventually 16. Choose the correct connector to fill in the text-2 above: e.g. 17. Choose the correct connector to fill in the text-2 above: in addition to

___ it was very late, we decided to have room service and watch a movie


Choose the example of using other's opinions:

According to Stickland (2010), "many civil-rights groups have united in opposition to these proposed census changes" (p. 5).

Choose the most appropriate answer:

Advertisers already ask customers HOW products make them feel and HOW commercials influence their purchasing decisions

What are brackets used for?

Are used when giving additional but not essential information

Choose the option that is NOT the example of giving your own opinion.

As Grover observed (2007), "Several categories of question can be distinguished in market research questionaries" (p. 45).

Identify the phrase for giving an opinion more emphatically:

As far as I'm concerned...

Older information is stored offsite _____ a lack of space within the main office


_____ technological advances, the world is becoming a global community


Which of the following can be used instead of "may" when paraphrasing?

Be possible

They didn't find any proof of illegal activity and ______, the investigation with regard to these companies was terminated


What kind of paraphrasing techniques did you learn on lesson 4?

Changes in word forms and structure

Complete the sentence by adding one of the words.

Chemicals can be MADE to react through the input of an energy source such as heat

What is the difference between relative clause 1 and 2?

Clause 1 is essential to the meaning of the sentence; clause 2 contains useful additional information, but the sentence would remain meaningful without it

Identify the word that refers to a process?


What are the types of relative clauses?

Defining and non-defining (both)

Choose the most appropriate answer:

Don't you love the sense of FREEDOM you get when you're skiing

Complete the sentence.

Each feature may be present to a greater or lesser extent in any individual

Define the common verbs describing research aims:


Identify the word that refers to a quality or characteristic.


What technique is used in the following example:

Familiarity with the policies of a prospective employer can ve useful at an interview-> It can be useful at an interview to be familiar with the policies of a prospective employer: Noun changed to an adjective

Correct the sentence by adding one of the words.

Fundraisers fear that if the centre carries making a loss, it will be closed by the end of the year. ON

Complete the sentence.

Higher levels of rainfall can give rise to flooding and landslides

Choose the most appropriate answer:

Historians are divided as to WHETHER they ever represented a serious threat to the Union or whether the Lincoln administration violated their civil liberties

Complete the sentence, using one of the words.

I WOULD rather take all questions at the end of the presentations, if you don't mind.

Choose the most appropriate answer:

I believe THAT we can keep THAT attitude as adult too

Choose the sentence with the correct comma placement:

I need sugar, butter and eggs from the grocery store

Identify the phrase for disagreeing:

I see what you mean, but...

_____ demonstrate the safety of a new car, a number of tests are carried out


Choose the best version of the answer:

IP has always been a cornerstone of BlackBerry's business model and has become increasingly more important as the company has shifted away from MAKING its own hardware.

Complete the statement of aim using an appropriate construction:

IT IS SUGGESTED THAT the decision-making processes change across the lifespan

Choose the most appropriate option.

In pollution control, it is SOMETIMES impossible to establish a firm link between a specific event, such as a leak of chemicals, and harm to the local population

Where are typically the aims, results, and conclusions summarized?

In the abstract and introduction

Choose the most appropriate answer:

Is anyone mad enough to jump from a plane without the ASSISTANCE of a parachute?

How do you understand "referring to a person or actor"?

It can be a person, a group, or a thing (such as machine) which performs an action

How do you understand "referring to a quality or characteristic"?

It is a word naming an attribute of a noun, such as beautiful, technical, and etc.

How do you understand "referring to a process"?

It is a word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence

Which sentence uses capital letters correctly?

Jim and I study Japanese every Friday; Mr. Edgar watched Spider Man with his wife

Complete the sentence with an appropriate word.

Many demographic studies are BASED on official census statistics

Choose the most appropriate option.

Mature students do not NECESSARILY manage their deadlines better than younger colleagues

Replace the underlined word or phrase with one of the given formal words.

Medical reports suggested that the trapped miners' physical condition got worse rapidly after the first week: deteriorated

Choose the function of the word in bold. The results were adjusted for age and gender:

Method of data selection/analysis

Correct the sentence by adding one of the words.

Most new companies must anticipate money in their first year of business. LOSING

Choose the best example of "cause and effect" technique:

Most poor countries are poor as a result of the institutions and organizations that govern them. 1)effect 2)cause

Choose the best paraphrased sentence with participles:

Mr. Lee went straighr to the receptiom desk after he arrived at the hotel->After arriving at the hotel, Mr. Lee went straight to the reception desk

Are the following words antonyms: attain, achieve?


Are the following words synonyms: biased, objective?


Are the following words synonyms: civil, military?


Does the following sentence need hedging? Many medical practitioners would argue that assisted suicide is never justified:


Does the following sentence need hedging? Published sources indicate that 43 journalists were imprisoned during the regime's first year in power:


Choose the right variant?

Non-defining clauses from the rest of the sentence by commas; I met the woman who lives next door; Your friend Jane, who lives in London, got a new job; She likes movies that have a happy ending; They bought this house in 1998, which was the most important purchase in their life

The company had to close down _____ the decline in profits


Complete the sentence, using one of the words.

Observers at the aquarium are able to WATCH octopuses feeding on crab

Choose the phrase with a mistake.

On my view, ... I can't agree with

Choose the phrase with a mistake.

One of the main argument on favour of (a change in the law) is ...

Complete the following sentence with the adjective or verb that best fits the meaning and grammar of the sentence:

Only a small proportion of the workforce (PARTICIPATED) in the survey

Which paraphrasing technique is used in the following example: Researchers earlier showed that high stress can cause heart attacks -> It was earlier demonstrated that heart attacks can be caused by high stress.


Complete the sentence with an appropriate word.

Patients were EXLUDED from the study if they were under the age of 18 years

Complete the sentence with an appropriate word.

Pensions will also be ADJUSTED if the average life expectancy changes

What pronouns are usually used when writers refer to themselves?


Choose the sentence with the correct comma placement:

Please, Sasha, come home as soon as you can; My oldest sister, Maya, is the feisty one

Complete the sentence using a suitable preposition.

Political scientists might suggest that individual well-being is dependent on the quality OF political institutions and the level OF participation IN the democratic process

Identify the word that refers to a person, or actor.


Complete the sentence, using the past form of one of the verbs.

Professor Curnick REMINDED her team not to talk to journalists from the medical press during the drug trial.

Choose the most appropriate answer:

Recent history suggests WHY reforming our Organization is essential

The team had to carry out their observation with caution _____ disturb the nesting birds


Paper files need to be organized and labelled _____ staff can find what they need easily


You need to find a more user-friendly name _____ people can access it more quickly


Complete the sentence, using the past form of one of the verbs.

Selco only MANAGED to survive the recession by selling its assets in Spain

Choose the most appropriate option.

Smaller shops NORMALLY suffer a decline in trade when a supermarket opens nearby

Choose the example of giving your own opinion:

Smith's view (2010) about the events in Syria was "much clearer and deeper than our view" (p. 30).

What is the adjective form of stabilize?


Nobody is perfect: ____, nobody's answers are perfect either


Complete the statement of aim using an appropriate construction:

THIS ARTICLE INVESTIGATES possible spillover effects of the minimum wage

Identify the phrase for agreeing:

That's exactly what I think

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation:

The American flag has three colors: red, white, and blue; She has three dogs: two poodles and a beagle.

Complete the sentence with an appropriate phrase.

The English word "olive" is DERIVED FROM the Latin word "oliva"

Choose the most appropriate option.

The US economy grew SLIGHTLY faster in the first quarter than was expected

What does the following sentence refer to?

The analysis provides evidence that FINDINGS/RESULTS OF THE RESEARCH

Which style is used in the following sentence?

The analysis suggests that reference to the text

Complete the sentence.

The ban on smoking in public places came into force in England and Wales in 2007.

Complete the following sentence with the adjective or verb that best fits the meaning and grammar of the sentence:

The course is very interactive and specifically (ORIENTED) towards young adolescences.

Which sentence is more formal?

The disproportionate youthfulness of many developing countries contrasts with the ageing demographics of Europe

Complete the sentence using a suitable preposition.

The emergence OF new industries is shaped by various economic forces

Replace the underlined word or phrase with one of the given formal words.

The enquiry concluded that the drugs given to the patients by hospital staff were inappropriate: administered.

What technique is used in the following example:

The performance of the choir moved the audience in a surprising way -> The performance of the choir was surprisingly moving: Adjective changed to an adverb adverb -ly

Complete the following sentence with the adjective or verb that best fits the meaning and grammar of the sentence:

The public is largely (IGNORANT) of the environmental implications of their decisions

Complete the sentence.

The report paints a disturbing picture of the state of UK prisons

Choose the function of the word in bold. According to the latest figures from the World Bank, the country's GDP grew at an average annual rate of 2.4 per cent.

The source of data

Choose the function of the word in bold. Data is derived from a national survey conducted in 2012:

The source of data

Replace the underlined word or phrase with one of the given formal words.

The suspect refused to reveal his job to the police: occupation

Choose the most appropriate option.

The transition from prison life to ordinary society is QUITE a difficult one

Complete the following sentence with the adjective or verb that best fits the meaning and grammar of the sentence:

The wind turbines are (CAPABLE) of generating power 98% of the time

Which sentence is more formal?

There exist many interpretations of both the meaning and the substance of corporate social responsibility (CSR).

Complete the sentence.

These voters tend to vote the same party no matter who the candidate is

Complete the following sentence with the adjective or verb that best fits the meaning and grammar of the sentence:

This allows users to (INCORPORATE) stricter security checks into their online systems

Complete the sentence, using one of the words.

This essay WILL explore the organizational differences between Apple Inc. and Microsoft Corporation

Complete the sentence using a suitable preposition.

This research examines how the interaction BETWEEN factors such as adoption OF specific energy policies, the supply OF wind turbine components, or the deregulation OF electric utilities determines wind energy price

Choose the function of the word in bold. These discrete events can, however, be viewed as part of a long-term trend:

Time or frequency

Complete the sentence using a suitable preposition.

Two perspectives dominate accounts OF the growth OF the wind energy industry and research ON new industries generally

What does the following sentence refer to?

Using a tailor-made panel database for regions in these two countries, we show that RESEARCH AND METHODOLOGY

What kinds of combinations does collocation include?


Choose the correct sentence:

What are your children's names; I went to editor-in-chief's house for dinner last night;

What technique is used in the following example:

Whatever the virtues of its design, a restaurant has to be functional-> A restaurant must function well, whatever the virtues of its design: Adjective changed to a verb

Complete the sentence, using the past form of one of the verbs.

When Muhammad Ali REFUSED to serve in the US Army during the Vietnam WAR, his boxing licence was immediately revoked

What are the relative pronouns?

Which, that, who связь между частями пр

Which relative pronouns can be replaced by that?

Which, who in defining relative clause

Choose the most appropriate answer:

Who khows what strange creatures live in the DEPTHS of the ocean

What technique is not appropriate for keeping track of journal references?

Write to the author of the article in direct to get personal explanation of the results of the research

Are the following words antonyms: durable, fragile?


Are the following words synonyms: Retain, keep?


Does the following sentence need hedging? New insights into the causes of dementia will emerge from a doubling of government research funding:


How can we express author's opinion as evidence in writing?

You can paraphrase, or you can make a direct quotation

Correct the sentence by adding one of the words.

Zantec pic launching its new smartphone when rumours circulated that it had a serious design fault:DELAYED

The pace of change within. the industry has speeded up over the past decade:


Choose the noun form of a verb "to act"?


The construction company claimed it had informed employees that the wearing of goggles was a good idea:


What is a synonym for "vague"?


Choose the word that means "happening once every year":


Which word is not appropriate for the construction "verb+sb+to do smth":

benefit from

Which word is not appropriate for the construction "verb+preposition+ing":


Which word is not suitable for the construction "verb+preposition+ing":


Find incorrect collocation:

commit a decision, big temperature, destroy the law, do a wish, do clear, social contacts, break the ice

What is an antonym for "not straightfroward"?


What is an antonym for "innovative"?


Choose the word that means "clearly separate or different in shape or form":


What is a synonym for "disassembe"?


What is the most appropriate word for the construction "verb+preposition+ing":

exclude from

Collocation is two or more words that:

go together

Find the correct collocation:

human rights

Correct the sentence by adding a preposition: The new antibiotic has principle better long-term prospects:

in principle

What is a synonym for "conspicuous"?


Explain the meaning of the idiom "in the same vein":

on the same topic, style or manner

Choose the variant with the WRONG prepositions (memorize the correct prepositions):

participation in/on

Choose the word which can be adjective and noun:


Identify the verb which does NOT belong to reporting verbs:


What is the most appropriate word for the construction "verb+sb+to do smth":


Which of the following modal verbs can be used instead of "be likely to"?


Define the common verbs describing research aims:

show, report, address (all mentioned above)

Complete the sentence. Germany introduced stricter controls and other countries soon followed:


Explain the meaning of the idiom "come to the fore":

to become noticeable

Explain the meaning of the idiom "bring into contact (with)":

to cause people or things to meet or touch

The new law will some extent reduce the opportunities for tax evasion:

to some

The inquiry panel listed the number of accidents that had occurred in that part of the motorway: catalogued. The opposition argued that the government's cuts to housing benefit were very bad:


Replace each underlined word or phrase with a more formal alternative. Three of the seven species identified by the team in 1972 have almost disappeared:


Explain the meaning of the idiom "at the expense of something":

with loss or damage to

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