English Exam Quiz 1 questions

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In the works cited, use three dashes (see below) in place of the author's name in subsequent works by the same exact author(s). true false


In the works cited, use three dashes (see below) in place of the author's name in subsequent works by the same exact author(s). true false

Works Cited Page

In using MLA style, every source mentioned in your paper should be identified in the bibliography foot notes. end notes page. Works Cited page.

I The case of a pronoun used after than in a comparison should be the same case as if the comparison had been finished, as in the following: Jane earned a higher grade on the test than I (did).

Fill in the blank. Jane earned a higher grade on the test than ____. I me us none of the choices will work

I The case of a pronoun used after than in a comparison should be the same case as if the comparison had been finished, as in the following: Jane earned a higher grade on the test than I (did).

Fill in the blank. Mr. Smith drives faster than ____. I me us none of the choices will work

his or her Each is a singular pronoun.

Fill in the blank: "Each of the players brought _____tennis racket." his or her their they're none of the above

Place a semi-colon after class.

How can you correct the following run-on sentence? "Try not to be late for class this teacher has very high standards." Place a comma after class. Place a semi-colon after class. Reverse the quotation marks and the period. None of the above.

d) According to Keaveney, "Before mid-millennium, Gen Xers will be the CEOs of the future" (103).

Identify the correct parenthetical citation for this source: Keaveney, Susan. "When MTV Goes CEO." Acting on Words. Eds. David Brundage and Michael Lahey. Toronto: Pearson, 2004. 99-103. a) According to Keaveney (2004), "Before mid-millennium, Gen Xers will be the CEOs of the future" (p. 103). b) According to Keaveney, "Before mid-millennium, Gen Xers will be the CEOs of the future" (Keaveney, 103). c) According to Keaveney, "Before mid-millennium, Gen Xers will be the CEOs of the future" (Brundage and Lahey 103). d) According to Keaveney, "Before mid-millennium, Gen Xers will be the CEOs of the future" (103). e) According to Keaveney, "Before mid-millennium, Gen Xers will be the CEOs of the future" (Susan Keaveney, "When MTV Goes CEO," 103).

Comma needed at (1) and (2)

Identify the location of the punctuation error (omitted comma or unnecessary comma) in the following sentence. "I had a great time at the game(1) but my date could not wait to get home(2)" Reggie said. Comma needed at (1) Comma needed at (1) and (2) Comma needed at (2) none of the suggestions above will work


If no author is given for a source you are using, you should cite the work by date city of publication and publisher title None of the above.


If your body paragraph lacks development, include some examples that support both the main points of your paragraph and your thesis. True False


In MLA documentation, when there are four or more authors, use the format in the example below. "Et al" is Latin for "and others." For example: (Smith et al. 56). true false

True One is the subject of the sentence, so a singular form of the verb is required.

The capitalized verb agrees with the subject in the sentence below: One of the topics Sam wants to discuss IS how he proposed to Marjorie. True False


The capitalized verb agrees with the subject in the sentence below: Only one of my dogs LIKE to go for a walk. True False

ellipsis . . .

What do you use to indicate that you have left something out of a quotation? brackets [ ] angle brackets ellipsis . . . none of the above

It is a run-on It should read: Bill applied for the position; nevertheless, I don't think he'll take it if we offer it to him.

What is wrong with the sentence below? "Jan wants to go on the trip however I don't think she can afford it. It is a comma splice. It is a run-on. It is a fragment. Nothing.

A comma after Austin and a comma after Texas. When both the city and state are listed, you always need commas after each.

What punctuation does the following example require? Austin Texas has been called Little Silicon Valley. A comma after Austin only. A comma after Texas only. A comma after Austin and a comma after Texas. None of the above.

A semicolon after teacher (not positive on this one) The incorrect answer was a comma after teacher.

What punctuation does the following runon sentence require in order to be corrected? "Dr. Berni has been an excellent teacher in fact, she has won several awards." A comma after teacher. A semicolon [;] after teacher. A colon [:] after teacher. No punctuation is needed.


When citing poetry, give the line numbers from the poem in the parenthetical citation, not the page number. true false


When quoting an indirect source, use the phrase "qtd. in" (quoted in), the author(s) of the source you are using, and the page number. Example: Samuel Johnson admitted that Edmund Burke was an "extraordinary man" (qtd. in Boswell 450). true false


In the latest version of MLA, long works (such as books, journals, plays, websites, etc.) are italicized and short works (such as poems, short stories, articles, web pages, etc.) are enclosed in quotation marks. Underlining is obsolete. true false

(Eliot 163; ch. 23).

Choose the correct way to cite a literary book with chapters: (Eliot 163; ch. 23). (Eliot 163). (Eliot 163, ch. 23). (Eliot ch. 23).

false In MLA style in-text citations, no abbreviation or punctuation is used before the page number.

When you use a page number in an in-text citation (or parenthetical documentation), insert the abbreviation "pg." or "p." before the page number. true false

(Buck 5).

A proper citation for a quote using MLA style might look like which of the following entries? (Buck, p. 5). (Buck, page 5). (Buck 5). (Buck, 1999, p. 5). You've been studying MLA.

false It's is a contraction of it is, while its means belonging to it.

All of the capitalized words are used correctly in the sentence below: IT'S intriguing to watch a bird build IT'S nest. True False

d) Managers from both generations will find ways to work together by "[f]acing the issue squarely and approaching Gen X workplace issues as issues of cultural diversity" (Keaveney 103).

In which sentence has the quotation been integrated the most successfully? a) One of the ways that Baby Boomers and Gen Xers can get along in the workplace is to "[f]ac[e]" their problems "squarely" by looking at them as "issues" that consider differences in "cultur[es]" (Keaveney 103). b) "Facing the issue squarely and approaching Gen X workplace issues as issues of cultural diversity" will help managers from both generations work together (Keaveney 103). c) By "[f]acing the issue squarely and approaching Gen X workplace issues as issues of cultural diversity," managers from both generations will be able to work together (Keaveney 103). d) Managers from both generations will find ways to work together by "[f]acing the issue squarely and approaching Gen X workplace issues as issues of cultural diversity" (Keaveney 103).

do all of the above

On the Works Cited page, double space everything. indent one-half inch after the first line of each entry. organize alphabetically. do all of the above.


Papers should include a heading and be double spaced. True False


Quotation marks are correctly used in the following sentence: The student said, "Amy Tan's short story 'Two Kinds' is very realistic." True False Double quotation marks are usually used around titles of short works. However, if such titles are placed within another set of quotation marks, they are changed to single quotation marks, as is done here.


The capitalized verb agrees with the subject in the following sentence: The first five chapters of the book IS hard to follow. True False

("Tourism in Ireland").

The following entry could be the correct parenthetical documentation for an online source with no author or pagination (and not in a PDF file): ("Tourism in Ireland" 2). ("Tourism in Ireland" pg. 3). ("Tourism in Ireland," 2). ("Tourism in Ireland").

its Remember: its = the possessive form of it it's = it is

The little Yorkie was scratching ________ ear. (its or it's)

b) This study used thirty-one patients whose melanoma (a type of skin cancer) could not be removed by surgery and had obviously spread ("Melanoma" 372).

The original quotation discussing melanoma treatment reports that "[t]hirty-one patients with histologically confirmed unresectable measurable metastatic melanoma were enrolled [in this] study" ("Melanoma" 372). Which paraphrase is done correctly and best for a lay audience (one unfamiliar with the medical terminology)? a) Thirty-one people getting medical treatment with the confirmation by microscopic tissue study that their quantifiable, spreading skin cancer could not be removed by surgery were registered in the investigation ("Melanoma" 372). b) This study used thirty-one patients whose melanoma (a type of skin cancer) could not be removed by surgery and had obviously spread ("Melanoma" 372). c) Participants in this study all had melanoma ("Melanoma" 372). d) All the participants in the study (31) had microscopically established melanomas that were metastasizing and were not good candidates for surgical intervention ("Melanoma" 372).

is the main idea of the essay

The thesis statement is the writer's opinion is usually 4-8 words long is the first sentence of each body paragraph is the main idea of the essay

All of the above

The topic sentence states the main point of the body paragraph is usually the first sentence of the body paragraph must have a tight connection to the thesis all of the above


There is no need to document information from another source unless it is a direct quote. True False

D. All of the above.

Which of the following contains an awkward construction? A. Through using grotesque simile is how O'Connor is able to manipulate the reader's emotions. B. She was interested in how we respond to the message that we know less than we think we do. C. Dogs have an emotional intelligence that far exceeds by comparison our rational intelligence. D. All of the above.

All of the above.

Which of the following corrects the comma splice error in this sentence? Natalie loves to play tennis, she enjoys physical activity. Natalie loves to play tennis and participate in physical activity. Natalie loves to play tennis; she enjoys physical activity. Natalie loves to play tennis. She enjoys physical activity. Natalie loves to play tennis, and she enjoys physical activity. All of the above.

"Ouch!" John exclaimed.

Which of the following is punctuated correctly? "Ouch," he exclaimed! "Ouch!" John exclaimed. "Ouch!", Jane exclaimed None of the above is correct.

all of the above You need to document even when it is not a direct quote.

Which of the following must be documented when using MLA style? summaries quotations paraphrasing all of the above

Who do you think is responsible? The correct answers: Who's that walking down the street? Whom should we invite? Give the candy to whomever you please.

Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct? Whose that walking down the street? Who do you think is responsible? Who should we invite? Give the candy to whoever you please.

I like swimming, running, and to golf.

Which of the following sentences is not parallel? I believe her to be both cautious and controlling. I like swimming, running, and to golf. He enjoys both golf and football. All of the above.

By the late sixteenth century, the Arabs had introduced the beverage to the Europeans.

Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? By the late sixteenth century the Arabs had introduced the beverage to the Europeans. By the late sixteenth century, the Arabs had introduced the beverage to the Europeans. By the late sixteenth century the Arabs had introduced the beverage, to the Europeans. none of the above is correct

Despite her arrogance, Janet went on to become a major fundraiser.

Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? Despite her arrogance, Janet went on to become a major fundraiser. Despite her arrogance Janet went on to become a major fundraiser. Despite her arrogance, Janet went on, to become a major fundraiser. none of the above

The car was driven by our neighbor.

Which of the following sentences uses the passive voice? The car was driven by our neighbor. Dana laughed at me. She is satisfied with the results. None of the above.

The professor asked me to look up the word "verisimilitude." Remember: Commas and periods ALWAYS precede quotation marks.

Which of the following sentences utilizes the correct punctuation? The professor asked me to look up the word "verisimilitude." The professor asked me to look up the word "verisimilitude". Neither are correct. Both are correct.

Each of the students is responsible for doing his or her own work. The corrected sentences are: Each of the students brought his or her pencil to class. Somebody has left his or her keys in the ignition. Everyone has done his or her homework.

Which of the sentences is grammatical sound? Each of the students brought their pencils to class. Somebody has left their keys in the ignition. Everyone has done their homework. Each of the students is responsible for doing his or her own work.

Each of the students is responsible for doing his or her own work. The corrected sentences are: Each of the students brought his or her pencil to class. Somebody has left his or her keys in the ignition. Everyone has done his or her homework.

Which of the sentences is grammatical sound? Each of the students brought their pencils to class. Somebody has left their keys in the ignition. Everyone has done their homework. Each of the students is responsible for doing his or her own work.

According to Smith Always introduce quotes with a tag like the one found in this example: According to Smith, Blah, blah, blah (par. 6).

Which one of the following phrases could be used to introduce or "tag" a quotation? According to Smith, In the second chapter, Edna realizes that she no longer wants to be a mother: In the second poem, Smith says, all of the above


Wikipedia and About.com are acceptable sources for a formal, academic paper. True False

e) Earlier, Emerson had claimed that he would do everything he could to fight the Liberals in government ("Was Emerson Lying" A2).

You are using material from a newspaper article. There is no author given, but the title of the article is "Was Emerson Lying to his Constituents?," published in the Edmonton Journal on Feb. 14, 2006, on p. A2. Which is the proper parenthetical citation for this paraphrase? a) Earlier, Emerson had claimed that he would do everything he could to fight the Liberals in government (Anonymous A2). b) Earlier, Emerson had claimed that he would do everything he could to fight the Liberals in government ("Was Emerson Lying"). c) Earlier, Emerson had claimed that he would do everything he could to fight the Liberals in government. d) Earlier, Emerson had claimed that he would do everything he could to fight the Liberals in government (Emerson A2). e) Earlier, Emerson had claimed that he would do everything he could to fight the Liberals in government ("Was Emerson Lying" A2).

Acknowledging the words, ideas, and concepts of others by using MLA documentation.

You can avoid plagiarism by cutting and pasting articles into your paper Acknowledging the words, ideas, and concepts of others by using MLA documentation. Making up everything yourself. None of the above. all of the above

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