English III Unit 4 Answers PHS

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What is one of Aesop's Fables?

"The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf"

_________ is ancient Chinese wisdom and teaches people how to maintain _________.

Confucianism; harmony

Infer why Bartleby did not eat or go anywhere.

He had emotional problems.

Examine the graphic. How does the abstract artistic style of the picture compare to Quixote's characterization in the book?

It infers the imaginary, just like Quixote's world.

The novel Don Quixote was written by _________ in the year ________.

Miguel D. Cervantes; 1605

________ is a scientific theory about organisms and survival traits.

Natural selection

________ means causing an extreme effect of distress or sadness.


__________ is God or nature as a protecting power that causes an outcome or a designated fate.


Who is the narrator in The War of the Worlds?

a person who experienced the story

The Martian's craft is _______.

a machine with three legs

Bernard greatly desired to become an NBA basketball player.


Kevin _________ to be a famous singer because he had such a great voice.


How does the author develop the plot?

by a character in the story describing past and present events

What is the most important aspect of a story?

character's conflict

Reading __________ and college-level __________ are the best ways to improve one's vocabulary.

classical literature; nonfiction

What is the meaning of the word bawled in paragraph 41?


Pride leads to ________.


I need some new shoes, but my need is not ________ at the moment.


Authors use information from their own experiences so that readers can understand the __________, __________, and __________ contexts of their times.

historical; social; economic

How does the tone change after the climax?

hopelessness to relief

The narrator's point of view is ________.

limited third person

The religious leader called the opposition infidels.


What is the meaning of the word plied in paragraph 8?


What is a thematic element of The War of the Worlds?


That Stent and Ogilvy at first requested soldiers to protect the Martians, then, were killed by the Martians is an example of _______.


The people that wanted to protect the aliens were killed by them. This is an example of _______.


Don Quixote believes that he is a(n) ________.


The novel Don Quixote by Cervantes is about a man who believes he is a(n) _______.


What is the meaning of the word lassitude in paragraph 1?

lack of energy

The best definition of the word insensate as used in the context (sentence 43) is ___.

lacking reason

The tone of the writing gives the reader a ______ mood.


Are the results in both categories ("Tragedy and Loss" / "Success and Happiness") always certain?


Do all stories have a clear resolution?


Do all stories have the climax in the middle of the story?


The theme of The Great Gatsby mentioned in the graphic's caption is ____.

not all people can or should get what they want

Initially, the wrong conclusion that the narrator made was _______.

not realizing that technology could help the Martians move around; the Argon in the atmosphere on the Earth helped with the weight of the Martians

What is the meaning of the word trivial in paragraph 3?

not serious

When should students begin to prepare for their future?


Most of the description is related in a(n) _______ tone.


The resulting death of Ahab and the ship's crew conveys the idea that _______.

obsession is destructive

A(n) _______ is a short tale with symbolism used to teach values.


In which paragraph does the author briefly mention what happened to him?

paragraph 5

Which paragraph(s) illustrate(s) a moral dilemma?

paragraphs 3-5

A(n) __________ is a literary piece that continues from a previous work.


The parable taught people that they should be kind and generous.

short tale

What did the Martians do with their weapons?

shot heat rays that burned and melted everything

A(n) ___________ is a white burial cloth.


Make an inference about human nature; how are people presented in that time and place compared to people in your time and place?


The best way to learn is __________ and __________ all through a person's lifetime to keep the brain in the best possible shape.

slowly; constantly

Sentence 5 infers _______.

something bad will happen the narrator made a mistake

A parable can teach _____ or universal laws.

spiritual concepts

Animal Farm is an allegory because it compares the rule of the pigs to a past political system.

story with symbolism

The narrator tries to calm his wife's fears, and this makes him feel _______.


Courage leads to _________.


The allusion in paragraph 30 refers to a factual story of extinction of the dodo bird. Sailors who came to the Mauritius Islands ate all the birds and eggs, not allowing them to reproduce, thus causing extinction. This idea adds to the suspense by ________.

suggesting that humanity has no hope

Which is the most complete summary of the entire selection?

The army and Martians are warring, and the narrator flees with his wife and their servant to another city.

Infer: Why do the family and friends attempt to maintain Quixote's fantasies?

They realize he is dying; For him to regain sanity is too miraculous to believe.

Coach Vargas ________ the students for leaving practice early yesterday.


An idea in this excerpt of The War of the Worlds deals with the dilemma of _______.

seeking peace vs. destroying alien life

Allegories can be ________ and criticize governments or other institutions.


Which line from the text is similar to a euphemism because it is lessening the impact of reality?

"They can scarcely move," 24 "You'll hear more yet," 18

Which is the best plot summary of this excerpt?

A character in the story who was with a welcoming party escaped the heat beams of a Martian attack. He explains the results of the attack, Martian weapons, and how the town's people react to the event.

What do sentences 23-24 show?

At first, the narrator does not know why the Martians died. The narrator speaks of the past.

________ leads to friendship.


A four-leaf clover is a(n) __________ from the usual pattern.


The main purpose of fiction is to _______.


Read the first sentence in paragraph 4. From which perspective is this comment?

from the narrator's characterization

A student lacking in skills needs ___________ study to remedy these deficiencies.


Values lead to __________.


The end of a story is called a(n) _________ or _________.

resolution; denouement

What is the meaning of the word mounted in paragraph 4?

riding a horse

A complex plot may include ________ or ________ that function within a major plot structure.

subplots; parallel plots

One of the most important skills is __________ knowledge.


A(n) ________ is an event in a story where there is no resolution.


According to the plot graphic, the point of highest suspense is the middle or ___________.


Analyze the character's motivation for his dilemma in paragraph 22. Choose the statement which best reflects the underlying human condition that the narrator expresses.

Humans often entertain violent encounters yet resort to actions based on higher values.

What does Don Quixote do that causes the fall from the horse?

He attacked the traders.

What is a thematic element in the excerpt that occurs in much science fiction today?

(all of these) Aliens are more advanced than humans. Humans may be more dangerous to aliens than aliens are to humans. Aliens come to conquer Earth.

What is ironic in the story?

(all of these) People enjoy excitement even though their lives could be at stake. The men who wanted to protect the Martians ended up dead. Curiosity caused death.

Why might the author first present the narrator encountering people who seem unconcerned about his state of being?

(all of these) It makes the reader feel more compassionate toward him. It increases the narrator's pain. It implies that people do not want to get involved.

After analyzing the text, which is a major theme in the selection?

Attempt communication and peace first with all life.

What does the last sentence allude to and explain?

God decided to kill the Martians. God changed his mind. a Bible story

Infer: Why does the narrator say he is moving around "mechanically" after seeing all the devastation?

He is beyond emotion. It is a survival instinct.

How does Quixote change?

He realizes that he had imaginations.

Infer: Based on your historical knowledge of those times, which might be the reason the author chose to end the story this way?

He wanted to please his religious audience.

What are TWO effects of having rain and a thunderstorm underway?

It adds more intensity to the man's emotions. It lightens up the path.

What does Animal Farm expose?

It exposes the politics of Stalinism.

In paragraphs 25-27, the narrator reverts to speaking in the present time and says that he had made wrong conclusions. How does this affect the plot?

It foreshadows that the situation will get worse, causing suspense. It develops a plot of going from past to present.

Infer: What is the effect of ending the story this way?

It makes the story less sad and depressing.

In the novel The War of the Worlds, who attempts to take over the Earth?


This idea makes readers more sympathetic to the _________ in the novel, The War of the Worlds, who attempt to take over the Earth.


What is the effect of the described noise? It makes the _______.

Martians seem strange; Martians more animalistic

Match the authors to the books they wrote. Louisa May Alcott Stephen Crane F. Scott Fitzgerald Jane Austen Charles Dickens George Elliot

Match the authors to the books they wrote. Little Women The Red Badge of Courage The Great Gatsby Emma Great Expectations Middlemarch

Match the idea or theme to the book. family; love; security pride or courage desire vs. reality; right vs. ... decisions adventure and/or growing... happiness vs. unhappiness

Match the idea or theme to the book. Little Women The Red Badge of Courage The Great Gatsby Emma Great Expectations Middlemarch

Match the terms with the definitions. A difficulty or problem in a story The height of suspense where a problem is solved Having to do with the physical Having to do with mental decisions or beliefs The major events in a story The answer or the solving of a problem A change in the speaker's point of view in a text

Match the terms with the definitions. Conflict Climax External Internal Plot Resolution Shift

Match the terms with the definitions. antagonist dynamic flat characters protagonist round characters static

Match the terms with the definitions. person or thing that opposes the main character changing not fully developed; simple and unchanging the main character realistic and developing in a story unchanging

Match the terms with the definitions. antagonist climax conflict dynamic external flat characters internal

Match the terms with the definitions. person or thing that opposes the main character person or thing that opposes the main character a difficulty or problem in a story changing having to do with the physical underdeveloped; simple having to do with mental decisions or beliefs

Match the terms with the definitions. plot protagonist resolution round characters shift static

Match the terms with the definitions. the major events in a story the main character the answer or the solving of a problem realistic; develop in a story a change in the speaker's point of view in a text unchanging

Match the terms with the definitions. allegory hierarchy infidel moral parable shroud

Match the terms with the definitions. a story that exposes truth about institutions or humanity through symbolism an arrangement based on leaders and subordinates a negative term for a person who does not have similar religious beliefs or none at all a wise saying of common principles for living a short tale with symbolism used to teach values a white burial cloth

Match the terms with the definitions. cliffhanger epilogue natural selection Providence sequel

Match the terms with the definitions.check an event in a story where there is no resolution the ending of a story that reveals what happens to the characters a scientific theory about organisms and survival traits God or nature as a protecting power that causes an outcome or a designated fate a literary piece that continues from a previous work

Match the words with the descriptions. allusion drama endurance euphemism foreshadowing moral dilemma poignant protagonist

Match the words with the descriptions. referring to something well-known in a story an intense or exciting event; also, a play or show characters need this to survive a word used that is less severe than the original intent hints of what is going to happen in a story a problem of right or wrong that is difficult to solve in one's mind causing an extreme effect of distress or sadness the main character in a story

The narrator of this novel, ___________, expresses his/her admiration and __________ of Gatsby.

Nick Carraway; fondness

What does the theme of the climax tell the reader?

People have a breaking point.

What thematic idea does the last paragraph convey about human nature?

Personal fear of death causes inconsideration for other people's lives.

Which sentences best express the climax?

Sentences 5-12

Which is the best summary statement of paragraphs 38 and 39?

The Martians and the soldiers are both preparing for battle.

What changes the narrator's mind about giving up?

The Martians have died.

Which is the most complete summary statement of paragraphs 33-39?

The narrator rents a carriage and doesn't consider the safety of the landlord.

What is the meaning of the figurative language in sentence 18?

The remark mirrors human reactions.

In lines 7-17, a group of people ridicule the narrator. What impact does this have on the narrator?

They aggravate his mental condition.

What does this narrator do?

comments on his own reactions tells the past and the present analyzes the Martian technology

Can the moral of a fable be interpreted in different ways?


The sequel to the first movie will be out in March.

a continuance of the plot

The dark heap in sentence 77 is probably ________.

a dead person

What is the meaning of the word common in paragraph 2?

a public open area near a town

What does the writer portray Quixote to be?

a tragic fool

Louis greatly disliked Brussels sprouts.


Martina _______ the bullies at school who teased her and made her angry.


An internal conflict could be ________ or ________.

about making a decision; fighting against a negative self-image

Because of the recent burglaries, security officers have ________ all people lingering in the parking lot after school starts.


The white whale was an oddity.


To analyze a character, the reader has to look first at the character's __________, then their _________, and finally, what others say.

actions; words

"I will pass that test," said Missy. She was ________ about graduating on time.


Through natural selection, organisms survive by generations of change.

adapting to the environment

A(n) __________ is a story that exposes truth about institutions or humanity through symbolism.


What does the narrator decide to do?

allow a Martian to kill him

When an author refers to something well-known, it is called a(n) _________.


The narrator realizes that the dead body is ________.

an acquaintance

Sentence 54 describes the narrator's ______.

emotional condition; physical condition

A(n) _________ is a negative term for a person who does not have similar religious beliefs or none at all.


Why does the narrator call Don Quixote a "gallant knight"?

because he is being sarcastic

How is the first sentence in paragraph 4 ironic?

because the situation is all in Quixote's mind

In sentences 82-84, the narrator implies that he is moving ________.

by habit; on instinct

How is the wife characterized?

by the narrator's comments

I heard a(n) _________ in the kitchen; the dog had jumped on the table, and everything fell down.


The sound of the angry whale and the men screaming in the water made a great noise.


Lonnie pleased his little sister by saying, "You're so smart!"


William _________ him saying he missed him and wanted to hang out together.


I laughed at the baby when he fell down. Mom said, "Don't be so __________."


She had a(n) unconcerned attitude toward Geraldo losing his cell phone.


The narrator _______.

causes the cart to overturn; kills the horse

Learning physically _________ the brain by increasing blood flow to certain parts of the brain.


In paragraph 36, the author uses figurative language to _______.

compare the Martians to a poison and the effect of war to a fever

After a discussion, the students ___________ that they would meet at Cindy's house on Monday nights to study.


How is the word contagion used in sentence 13?

connotatively; figuratively

Historically, powerful countries have continued to _________ and _________ weaker nations.

conquer; control

Paragraph 22 contains the moral dilemma of ________.

conquest vs. mercy

When using vocabulary in _________, the word's __________ or part of speech should match the grammatical construction of the sentence.

context; usage

What is the meaning of the word droning in paragraph 5?

continuous sound

What is the meaning of the word stereotyped in paragraph 21?

conventional, usual

She had swallowed huge amounts of water.


Since quartz is the main mineral in sand, there are __________ amounts of it on our planet.


The __________ theme of the story taught us that people should not trust strangers.


The urgent need of the victim was to get an ambulance as soon as possible.


What is the meaning of the word tragedy in paragraph 2?


A(n) _______ is made up of exciting events and can be a play or a show.


A(n) ________________ is the ending of a story that reveals what happens to the characters.


Tenesha just had a(n) sudden realization that there was a way to go to college.


When William noticed that his cousin was acting strange, he had a(n) _______ that he could help him.


When a person uses words that are less severe than the original intent, they are called _________.


In paragraph 6, the author has the narrator ______.

explain a recurring feeling of being out of reality

In the excerpt from Moby-Dick, the narrator _______.

explains why white is an evil color

Every story has to begin somewhere, and this is called the ________.


The thematic element of ___________ is a constant for science fiction writers.

extraterrestrial invasion

A(n) ________ is a simple allegory that has a message called a(n) ________ .

fable; moral

Intermittent in sentence 51 means _______.


The narrator uses _______ to develop suspense for the reader.

foreshadowing; a stormy setting

What is the meaning of the word bevy in paragraph 32?


There are many types or ________ of fiction, and the ________ have time-enduring themes.

genres; classics

What is the meaning of the word lurid in paragraph 32?


What is the meaning of knots in paragraph 4?

groups close together

What is the meaning of the word sentinel in paragraph 8?


Choose six RESULTS under the column of "Tragedy and Loss."

guilt murder loss defeat violence corruption

The classics continue to be enjoyed and studied because they _______.

have time-enduring themes

The best synonym for the word contagion would be ___.


Characters change because of their experiences, new information, or because of the ___________ in the story.

influence of people

The diction and style of the narrator's description suggest that _____.

he sees himself as more advanced than the common person

The parable of "The Good Samaritan" is about ________ and exposes the ________ of leaders who ____________________.

helping people in need; hypocrisy; tell people what they should do and yet do not follow their own advice.

In sentences 55-57, the narrator is trying to ___.


A(n) ___________ is an arrangement based on leaders and subordinates.


In paragraph 3, the narrator explains _______.

his transition out of shock

In paragraphs 1-3 the narrator describes _______.

how he is trying to recover from the exhaustion; how he ran from the Martians and escaped death

Sentences 7-10 best express a(n) ________.

human condition

Universal themes are common ideas concerning ________ and are not limited by culture and time.

human nature

In a thematic allegory, the characters and their actions often portray failing ______.

human qualities

What is the meaning of the word incontinently in paragraph 1?


The effect of the narration in paragraph 6 ________.

makes the character realistic

A(n) __________ is a wise saying of common principles for living.


A father has to make the decision of whether to pay a ransom for his kidnapped child. The captors told him that if he involves the police, he will have no hope of getting his child back. However, the father thinks that he may pay the ransom and still not see his child. The police might help him to find the child. He has to decide what to do.This is an example of a(n) __________.

moral delimma

A(n) __________ is a problem of right or wrong that is difficult to solve in one's mind.

moral dilemma

In the novel, Don Quixote, Quixote has a __________ __________ and an internal conflict because he wants to be a knight and that era is in the past, so he imagines he is in a different world. He is a __________ __________ because he regains his sanity and realizes that he has been wrong all the time. The story exhibits __________ when the opposite occurs. For example, Quixote's friends try to support his fantasy world as he lay dying instead of trying to help him see reality. Both novels, War of the Worlds and Don Quixote are the __________ genre because they are not true stories. These stories __________ people either through the suspense and action or through humor. One way to create suspense is through hints or __________, which keeps the reader guessing what might happen next.

moral dilemma; dynamic character; irony; fiction; entertain; foreshadowing

Stories teach useful ideas and _______ about the human condition.


In the summary of the story about Bartleby, to get away from Bartleby, the lawyer eventually has to _______.

move to another office

In paragraph 32, the author implies that _______.

people are more fearful of war with the Germans; people do not understand the threat before them

This example of figurative language from paragraph 7, "They must have bolted as blindly as a flock of sheep," has the connotative meaning of _______.

people move quickly without thinking

Although there are variations of the allegorical meanings in Moby-Dick, the common idea from various sources is that __________.

people search for the meaning of their lives

What type of figurative language is used in sentence 18?


Which is one word of the narrator's personal commentary in paragraph four?


There are also _________ workbooks to assist students to learn new vocabulary.


The narrator of War of the Worlds is the __________ who is threatened by the Martians who are the __________(s) in the story. The narrator is a __________ __________ because he is believable and realistic. The wife is a(n) __________ character because we know very little about her personality. She is also a(n) __________ character because she does not show a change. However, the narrator is also a(n) __________ __________ because he changes at the end of the story. Referring to the point of view, the narrator makes a __________ when he tells the story in the past and also comments in the present. When he begins to figure out that the Martians are dying, this is the __________ of the story. Then, the resolution comes and the narrator explains why the Martians died. The theme of this science fiction story is about an alien __________ and how the human race did not almost __________ it. The idea that something so small as bacteria kills the powerful and technologically advanced aliens is __________.

protagonist; antagonists; round character; flat; static; dynamic character; shift; climax; invasion; survive; irony

The main characters or ________ are usually more rounded characters that may be tested or pushed to their limits of ________ against enemies of their survival.

protagonists; endurance

While memorizing vocabulary words is good, a student needs to know how to use the word in a sentence to __________ that knowledge.


What kind of ideas are presented in the epilogue?

science and religion

The genre of the novel The War of the Worlds is _______.

science fiction; action

The most obvious thematic element is ________.

survival in devastation

The term for keeping a reader interested by delaying the solution is called _______.


The ______ of the story is increased by elements such as ______ where the author gives hints of what is going to happen.

suspense; foreshadowing

In allegories, the characters and the plots ________ something other than the actual story.


The author ________ the experiences from his life and created a fiction story. His character, Quixote, believes he is a great _________.

synthesized; knight

The story of Moby-Dick concerns the theme of _______.

taking revenge leads to death

In paragraph 1, how does the narrator describe the Martian weapons?

technologically advanced

In the excerpt, from the story about Bartleby, the narrator's remarks tell the reader ___.

that Bartleby was a clerk who burned letters that had been sent back because the recipients had died.

An external conflict could be a _______ or _______.

the environment; problem with a person

The allusion in the story compares the extinct dodo bird to _______.

the human race

The final statements in the excerpt appear to conclude that _______.

the job that Bartleby had in Washington caused him to be even more hopeless

Don Quixote is imagining that an empress is ______.

the most beautiful in his guard being disrespected

Infer: Sentences 102-106 are most unusual because _______.

the narrator is not wondering about the safety of his wife

The shock value of the death is increased by _________.

the position of the body; the narrator running into the body; knowing the person

What does the imagery "infected by the excitement" from paragraph 4 describe?

the reaction to strange events

Sentences 61-62 show how the plot develops because _______.

trauma affects the narrator; decisions and the following actions cause problems

A cliffhanger does not have a resolution to the climax.

unsolved event

What is the meaning of the word novelty in paragraph 3?

unusual event

Name four CAUSES under the column of "Success and Happiness."

values independence courage helpfulness

Anger leads to ___________.


The narrator has a moral dilemma when thinking about ______.

wanting to destroy the Martians or be merciful

The moral was "never give up."

wise saying

The connotation of mechanically in sentence 83 suggests _________.

without thinking

Which social custom of those times is related in the selection?

youthful interactions after work

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