English Short Story Context test study

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Which story is an example of a Japanese kaidan?

"Kibitsu Cauldron

Which story is an example of a dramatic monologue?

"The Cask of Amontillado"

Which is an example of literary modernism?

"The Metamorphosis"

Which short story is an example of so-called Dark Romanticism?

"The Painted Skin


A brief, often humorous narrative told to illustrate a moral. The characters in them are traditionally animals whose personality traits symbolize human traits. Particular animals have conventionally come to represent specific human qualities or values. For example, the ant represents industry, the fox craftiness, and the lion nobility. It often concludes by summarizing its moral message in abstract terms.?


A brief, usually allegorical narrative that teaches a moral, often implicitly.

Literary Abstraction

A literary passage that represents its subject matter in general or nonsensuous words or with only a thin realization of its experienced qualities, as opposed to doing so with striking particularity and sensuous detail.

Blank 4

A narrator who has the ability to move freely through the consciousness of any character and has complete knowledge of all the external events of the story.

Open Denouncement

A plot that involves a longer period of time that obliges the writer to make transitions between scenes.

In "The Painted Skin," who tells Wang that he has been bewitched and tries to help him to escape the clutches of the "devil"?

A priest


A scene relived in a character's memory. They can be related by the narrator in a summary, or they can be experienced by the characters themselves. They allow the author to include events that occurred before the opening of the story.


A short narrative drawn from folklore that has been passed down through an oral tradition.?

Literary tale ?

A short narrative usually consisting of a single incident or episode. Often humorous, they can be real or fictional, and they can stand alone. When they appear within a larger narrative as a brief story told by one character to another, the author usually employs them to reveal something significant about that character.?


A short prose tale that usually depicted in relatively realistic terms illicit love, ingenious trickery, and sensational adventure, often with an underlying moral. Marguerite de Navarre's Heptameron is a classic collection of them.


A short realistic tale that often turns on a bawdy situation. In the strict sense, it is written in verse, as is "The Miller's Tale" in Canterbury Tales.?

In Media res

A term of French origin for the final part of a plot, it returns the characters to a stable situation. But this type leaves us with a few tantalizing loose ends.


A term of French origin for the final part of a plot, it returns the characters to a stable situation. This type ties up everything neatly and explains all unanswered questions the reader might have.


A traditional narrative handed down through popular oral tradition to illustrate and celebrate a remarkable character or an important event, or to explain the unexplainable. They claim to be true and usually take place in real locations, often with genuine historical figures. Originally, the term was applied to accounts of the lives of saints; it gradually was applied to all types of narratives about heroic or noteworthy individuals.


A type of beginning that has a "blind" bit of action before supplying its context


All the distinctive ways in which an author, genre, movement, or historical period use language to create a literary work. An author's style depends on his or her characteristic use of diction, imagery, tone, syntax, and figurative language. Even sentence structure and punctuation can play a role in an author's ______.


An element defined as the overall meaning the reader derives from the story.


An element of short fiction that is first a movement in time; second, a movement in causality; and, third a movement in dramatic tension.


An element of short fiction that refers to the question of who narrates the story.

Point of view

An element that recurs significantly throughout a narrative. It can be an image, idea, situation, or action. It can also refer to an element that recurs across many literary works, such as the Faustian figure.


Aristotle used this term to describe the sudden change of circumstance affecting the protagonist of a narrative, a reversal of fortune. This change may affect him or her contrary to the way it had been intended.

Franz Kafka lived within the confines of the ______ empire.


Who is the Faustian figure in "The Birthmark"?


Pu Songling was from


In "The Sandman," what is the name of the man who's responsible for Nathaniel's father's death?


Who does Freud claim is the uncanny figure in Hoffman's "The Sandman"?


Blank 3

Device wherein a third-person narrator comments directly on the action.

Blank 2

Employs a nonparticipant narrator, a voice of authority, which never reveals its source and can usually move from place to place to describe action and report dialogue.

"The Painted Skin" ends with Wang's burial.


At the end "The Cask of Amontillado," Montressor awaits trial for the murder.


Even after Gregor's transformation in "The Metamorphosis," he is still able to speak to his family about his needs.


Gregor's sister Anna narrates "The Metamorphosis."


In "The Birthmark," Aylmer dies at the end of the story.


In "The Cask Amontillado," Montressor kills Fortunato for money.


In "The Metamorphosis," Gregor continues to report at the office and work his sales region for several weeks after his transformation.


In "The Sandman," Lothaire is Nathaniel's brother.


In "The Sandman," Nathaniel ultimately kills Coppola.


The Well of Pen-Morfa" features an O Henry ending?


In "The Kibtsu Cauldron," the ritual at Kibtsu Shrine foretells a good marriage between Shotaro and Isora?

False "this is the end of module 1 and 2

Guy de Maupassant was from ______.


E. T. A. Hoffman was from?


Elizabeth Gaskell was from ______.

Great Britain


In a general sense, it refers to the representation of characters, events, and settings in ways that the reader will consider plausible. In a historical sense, it refers to a movement of 19th- century European fiction that rejected the idealism, elitism, and romanticism of earlier fiction in an attempt to represent life truthfully.

Ueda Akinari was from ______.


What was stock character from blackface minstrelsy whose name became synonymous with racial segregation?

Jim Crow

In "The Nose," what title does Kovaloff, the character who's lost his nose, insist that people use when speaking to him?


Which term is used to name new and distinctive features in the subjects, forms, concepts, and styles of literature and the other arts in the early decades of the present century, but especially after World War I?


Who is an example of an unreliable narrator?


In "The Sandman," what is the name of the automaton?


Episodic Plots

Plot in which the action is more or less continuous, and it takes place in a carefully limited locale.

Liaozhai is the scholarly sobriquet for which writer's collection of short stories?

Pu Songling

What is the name for the European intellectual movement that trusted in the adequacy of human reason to solve the crucial problems and to establish the essential norms in life?


Nicolai Gogol was from


What's the general term for the time and place of a story?


In "the Kibtsu Cauldron," which character is the first to die in the story?


Which artistic movement advocated a revolt against all restraints on free creativity, including logical reason, standard morality, social and artistic conventions and norms, and all control over the artistic process by forethought and intention?


What is the name for the European literary and artistic movement that involved new valuations of the 'irrational,' the 'unconscious' and the 'legendary' or 'mythical' alongside new valuations of the folk-cultures?

The Enlightenment

In "The Kibtsu Cauldron," which of the two families joined by the marriage is a noble house in the province?

The Kasadas (the bride's family)


The appearance of "trouble" constitutes the second part of a plot, which takes the form of some circumstance that shakes up the stable situation.


The attitude or feeling that an author communicates through a narrative. It plays an important role in establishing the reader's relationship to the characters of a narrative.


The central moment of crisis in a plot, the point of greatest tension, which inaugurates the falling action of the story, in which the built-up tension is finally released.

"The Sandman" was published in

The early 19th century (1800-1840)

"The Metamorphosis" was published in _____.

The early 20th century (1900-1940)


The emotional aura surrounding a certain setting.


The first part of the dramatic structure of many plots provides the reader with the essential information—who, what, when, where—he or she needs to know before continuing.

"The Necklace" was published in _____.

The late 19th century (1860-1900)

"The Web of Circumstance" was published in _____.

The late 19th century (1860-1900)


The literary art of diminishing or derogating a subject by making it ridiculous and evoking toward it attitudes of amusement, contempt, scorn, or indignation. It differs from the comic in that comedy evokes laughter mainly as an end in itself, while _____ derides; that is, it uses laughter as a weapon, and against a butt that exists outside the work itself.

"The Birthmark" and "The Cask of Amontillado" were both published in ____.

The mid 19th century (1840-1860)

"The Well of Pen-Morfa" was published in _____.

The mid 19th century (1840-1860)

Blank 5

The narrator sees into the minds of some but not all of the characters, most typically restricted to the eyes of one character, whether major or minor.


The sense of the "times" and how a story's characters interact with events and social currents going on in the larger world.

Local Color

The use of specific regional material—unique customs, dress, habits, and speech patterns of ordinary people—to create realism in a literary work.


The use of specific regional material—unique customs, dress, habits, and speech patterns of ordinary people—to create realism in a literary work.


The voice or character that provides the reader with information about and insight into characters and incidents.


This technique hints at what is to take place later, so that the events of a story do not seem to be arbitrarily assembled but fit together in some larger pattern that in some cases resembles the unrelenting workings of fate in a Sophoclean tragedy.

By the end of "The Metamorphosis," Gregor has died.


In "The Birthmark," Georgiana dies from Aylmer's procedure.


In "The Kibtsu Cauldron," Shotaro tricks Isora into helping him to escape with his concubine?


In "The Metamorphosis," Gregor's family must take on lodgers to make ends meet.


In "The Nose," Kovaloff's nose ultimately reattaches to his face.


In "The Nose," it isn't entirely clear if the nose impersonates a "state-councillor" or is a "state-concillor."


Blank 1

Uses a participant in the action to tell the story. The narrator can be either a major or minor character.

Ueda Akinari exemplifies the 18th century bunjin, ______.

a noncomformist, independent artist, typically a painter and writer, who devoted himself or herself to high culture, stood aloof from commercial or political profit, and felt disdain for the vulgarity of contemporary society

In "The Nose," the nose is found in which type of food?


In "The Painted Skin," what talisman does Wang hang on his bedroom door in a failed attempt to keep the "devil" out?


In "Dragon Dormant," what does Commissioner Qu have to put on in order to release the dragon?

mandarin hat

What precursor to the short story involved a brief, usually allegorical narrative that teaches a moral, often implicitly?


In "The Birthmark," Aylmer is a _________.


In "The Painted Skin," how does the "devil" kill Wang?

tears his heart out

Charles Chesnutt was from ______.

the United States

Edgar Allan Poe was from ______.

the United States

Nathaniel Hawthorne was from ______.

the United States

In "The Metamorphosis," what instrument does Gregor's sister Anna play?


In "The Cask of Amontillado," how does Montressor murder Fortunato?

walls him in his catacomb

In "The Painted Skin," the devil or demon is disguised as a _______.

young lady

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