English voc

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large, destructive flood A section of artificially drained land), by surrounding it with dikes or quays for the twofold purpose of protecting it from all further _____ from outside and of controlling the amount of water inside.


great or total devastation or doom. Many religious groups believe an ____ will one day terminate the lives of all sinners. With global warming accelerating, an environmental _____ could destroy many natural habitats.


guard; sentry The armed ______ stood outside of the meeting room to make sure no one interrupted the two world leaders.


having or exhibiting ill will; wishing harm to others; malicious. How ______ of you to wish that I was dead.


having or producing sound; full, deep or rich sound. Even without a microphone, the singers ____ voice filled the entire room.


intended to instruct; morally instructive (designed or intended to teach) Although the fiction books are not meant to be ______, they are quite informative. Even though my parents drive me crazy, I know they think they are being helpful by giving me ______ advice.

poignant (adj)

keenly distressing to the mind or feelings 1.An example of _____ is the anniversary of September 11th for those who lost loved ones in the 2001 attacks.


(adj) askew, wrong 1. despite the best made plans, things can go _____, therefore checking that the jeweler will accept the piece of jewelry back for exchange is useful.


(adj.) intended for or understood by only a select few, private, secret 1. The medical research was so esoteri_________ that only a few physicians could actually understand the results


(adj.) lacking spirit or interest, halfhearted After the surgery, I was ________ for several days. Mary is so ______ she will not get out of bed most mornings.


(adj.) very wicked, offensive, hateful, shockingly evil. When I forgot my wedding anniversary, my wife told me I had committed a _____ act. The priest told the man that only God could forgive him for his ______ actions.

Innuendo (n)

(n.) a hint, indirect suggestion, or reference (often in a derogatory sense) 1.. Although the dialogue in the book is not sexually explicit, the writer makes great use of _________to convey his message. 2. The top advertisers frequently use a form of _____to sell their products.


A direct contrast or opposition Her behavior was the very _____ of cowardly. Rhetoric. the placing of a sentence or one of its parts against another to which it is opposed to form a balanced contrast of ideas, as in "Give me liberty or give me death."

Dystopic literature

A genre of fiction that presents an imagined future society that purports to be perfect and utopian but that the author presents to the reader as horrifyingly inhuman.


A great affliction or distress (a cause of great trouble or suffering) While we won the war, the battles were a ______ for our soldiers. Although Sue is dealing with the ______ of cancer, she is still keeping a positive attitude.


A meeting at a set time and place The detective is going to try and catch the lovers during their intimate _______. During the war, the spies would often exchange information during a ______ in the church.


A pattern or mode of thought 1. Sister Mary Catherine is considered a _____ of virtue by everyone in the church.

Epiphany (n)

A revelation of a divine being, a movement of sudden awareness 1.His everyday reports seems to consist of one _______ after another, followed by periods of self-doubt and isolation. 2.Like all great records, the seeds of baptism came from personal _________


A riddle or dilemma (a confusing and difficult problem or question) Trying to solve this _____ is really making my head hurt. There is not a math _____ that my whiz kid cannot solve


A word that imitates the sound it represents.

Visceral (adj)

Affecting the riscera(internal organs), extremely emotional 1.The advertising creates a _________ sensation of fear for which reason it also sells well. It created a visceral thrill that carries you along through the film's two hours.


Agreeable, pleasing sound. The ____ of the readers voice tempted me to fall asleep.


Assisting or intending to assist the memory, from Mnemosyne-Greek goddess of memory

Pugnacious (adj)

Combative in nature, belligerent 1. it is a clever, agile and powerful dog, extremely ______ in disposition. 2.It is exceedingly fierce and _______, the males especially fighting with each other for possession of the females.

cosmopolitan (adj)

Common to all the world. 1. Since Jane loved being around people of various cultures, she enjoyed the ________ atmosphere of the international market. 2. Hank is a __________ traveller who has visited over eighty countries. 3. With restaurants representing over twenty countries, the mall food court has become a ________ eatery.


Complete or perfect in every way Phil is a _____ golfer who earned over eight million dollars in tournaments last year.


Concealed or secret; a hiding place The spy went to great lengths to make sure his enemies would not discover his cover_____ plans. Because my husband is always snooping into my affairs, I am working very hard to keep his surprise party _____.


Continuing without interruption The incessant crying of a baby drives me nuts! My sister's _____phone conversation with her boyfriend may never end.


Dangerously lacking in stability 1. Running around with a knife is very ____. 2. Austin is in a _______ financial situation, owing thousands of dollars.

effervescent (adj)

Emitting small bubbles (as in carbonated liquid), to show high spirits 1. The soda pop was so________effervescent, that its bubbles tickled my nose. 2. When I added baking soda to the vinegar, it created an ________ effect.


Extraragantl showy ostentations 1. The swindler was a _______ man who claimed to be descended from royalty. 2. Because the weight loss product seemed fake and _______ to me, I decided to buy an alternative item.


Filthy or foul; depressingly squalid, wretched (very bad or dirty). To get publicity, the actress created a ____ but fake tale about childhood abuse. The con artist had a ____ motive for being nice to wealthy old man.

Magnanimous (adj)

Generous and noble, especially in forgiving His heart was kind and his affections were strong; he was _______ and disinterested, simple and honest. Sumner's last years were further saddened by the misconstruction put upon one of his most ________ acts.


Harsh, disagreeable sound. An unpleasant mixture of loud sounds. Because the band had not practiced enough, their arrangement came across as a ____ instead of entertaining music. The ______ in the crowded classroom drowned out the principals announcement.


Highly refired; delicate; heavenly (extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world; heavenly or supernatural) A sleeping baby has an_______, angelic appearance you don't often find in your wide-awake teenager.

provincial (adj)

Of or relating to a province, local, limited in perspective 1. Even though James had travelled all over the world, he still wore clothing which was quite _______ and outdated. 2. Because I grew up in an orphanage run by nuns, I have a very _______ outlook on life and tend to prefer the simple things.

ominous (adj)

Menacing or foreboding(giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen). 1.Because of the ______ music, we knew something bad was about to happen in the movie. 2. The warning sounds of an______ storm made us run for cover. 3. When I heard the front door slam, I took it as an _____ warning that my father was in a bad mood.

heterogeneous (adj)

Of different, dissimilar nature 1. The twins are ________ in appearance and look nothing alike. 2. When the civil rights laws were passed, schools could no longer segregate by race and their populations became __________.

Homogeneous (adj)

Of the same of similar nature, uniform in composition 1.As races have mixed, the world's population has become more and more ________ 2. All the members of my book club share a ________ taste in reading so we never have any issues agreeing on a book.


One who is is unduly fearful of strangers or foreigners 1. Shane's _______ prevents him from going to social events where there are people he does not know. 2. If ________did not exist, racism would not exist because people would not dislike others because of their differences.


Present; appearing; or found everywhere He aims to make his product ______ by selling it internationally. We live in a society where the term "risk" has become _____. They have become a seemingly ______ part of our national culture.


Seemingly contradictory statement which may be true 1. The idea of being cruel to be kind is a ________ because cruelty is not normally associated with kindness.


Splendid, great 1.Standing on the balcony, the vacationer was in awe of the_________ view of the city. 2. After winning the lottery, Marie bought _______furniture to decorate her magnificent new home.


Tending backwards; reverting to an earlier or inferior condition (reverting backwards) The stroke caused the teenager to make a ______ fall into his childhood behaviors. The disease produces a ______ process which weakens normally healthy muscles.


The deprivation of human qualities, rights, or understanding. Inspectors have observed terrible factory conditions that _______ workers.


The resolution of a dramatic or narrative plot; the outcome of a sequence of events (the ending of a literary work, musical composition, or a sequence of actions) The film ended with a _______ that left the audience speechless. Because the book's _______ left some unanswered questions, the author is currently writing a sequel.

Flabbergast (v)

To overwhelm with astonishment (surprise someone greatly). 1. As a single mother on a tight budget, I am ________by the huge cost of video games. 2. The burglar was _________ when he broke into the house and found himself surrounded by police officers.

Nemesis (n)

Unbeatable foe, Greek goddess of vengeance 1. Kara was not happy when her ______ won the contest. 2. As soon as Kurt saw his _______, he became enraged. 3. In the film, the superhero vowed to catch his ______ before he wrecked havoc on the planet.


Well meaning; kindly; willing to help, do good, and be generous towards people. Holding the door open for Marie was very______ of you.


Wild uproar or noise; chaos; capital of Hell in Miltons paradise lost. Because someone had booked three separate conventions for the same dates, there was nothing but _______ in the lobby. Many people were badly injured during the _______ of the riot.

Misogynist (n)

Women-hater The boy's _______ hailed from the abuse he suffered from his mother. In my opinion, our professor allows his _______ to give women lower grades than men despite the work quality.


almighty, having unlimited power or authority, able to do anything. Susan likes to believe she is _____ in the household.


a commotion; a fuss (a great noise or excitement) After they won the national championship, there was a ____ throughout the arena. The last day of school was a _____ with both teachers and students celebrating.

Lexicon (n)

a dictionary; a specialized vocabulary used in a particular field or place 1. In the first year of law school, we learned a large number of words that became the basics of our legal ____.


a feeling of depression, uneasiness, or queasiness, unpleasantness. Vague discomfort. (When you don't know what to do often). Jason knew he was getting ill because of the ______ he had been experiencing for a few days. Since Barbra felt the ______ was interfering with her daily life, she scheduled a doctors appointment.

festoon, (n)

a garland hanging between two points 1.The wedding gazebo was ______ with curvy strings of white roses


a large destructive fire The definition of a _____ is a massive destructive fire. An example of a _______ is a large fire that burns up two houses.

Plethora (noun)

a large or excessive amount of (something) 1. I don't see why my mother wants more shoes when she already has a ________ of them. 2.He eagerly accepted the job because it came with a _______of opportunities.


a large, elaborate structure; an imposing building. As I stared at the gigantic ______, I knew I would get lost once I entered the largest mall in the country. The church on the corner is the oldest _____ in the county.


a maze Lana suspected the ______ of tunnels and chambers ran beneath the entire town. South, there is a very curious ________ of red marble rocks


a model of excellence or perfection 1. As a _______ of purity, a nun would never dress inappropriately. 2. The editors of the magazine described the supermodel as a ______ of beauty.


a person who hates or distrusts everyone 1. The old man was a _____ who surrounded his entire yard with barbed wire to keep his neighbors at bay. 2. Because the hermit lived far away from the village, everyone thought he was a ______ who hated the world.


a transformation or dramatic change We have watched her ____ from a shy schoolgirl into a self-confident businesswoman. The government has undergone political ________ since his election.


a very large indefinite number The priest urged everyone to thank God for the _____ blessings in their lives. If you are going to New York City for your vacation, you will find _____ attractions you can visit.


a very steep cliff; the brink or edge of disaster A steep _______ forms a natural wall between it and the rest of the island. He thought she'd walk away, but instead, she cautiously lifted the rope, turned further away from the ______ and took baby steps backwards toward him.


deliberate deception in behavior or speech But reasonable judgment must find very unjust the stigma of _____ put upon him by the Federalists. She'd thought him beyond the _______ that made up the actions of the elite class.


difficult to understand When Larry wrote the letter, he was so tired the writing was nearly _______. Not even the leading experts in criminology could understand the killer's ______ motives.

incognito (adj)

disguised; pretending not to be oneself He wore a disguise of glasses, a fake mustache, and a cap. The famous thief is known to be a master of disguise. After he faked his death, he attended his own funeral ________ to see what people were saying about him. Although she tried to crash the party ________, one of her former friends recognized her voice and had her tossed out.


eager to fight; aggressive; engaged in warfare. My brother was always _______ and ready to fight. You make more friends being nice than you do by being ______.

eclectic (adj)

employing elements from a variety of sources, systems, or styles 1.The restaurant's menu was ________ and included foods from a number of ethnic groups and cultures.


full of juice; tasty There is a marked tendency towards a succulent habit. Pretty _____ plants of easy growth, and mostly suitable for rockwork. This has a relatively large development of _________ parenchyma on its upper and lower sides.


give an imitation that ridicules; imitate mockingly. The character in the _____ show are men dressed as loud and obnoxious women.


goes against your gut feeling or common sense (the opposite of what makes sense). The articles _______ tips for getting the partner of my dreams are techniques I never would have attempted. Because the medicine has so many negative side effects, it's use seems _______ to me.


occurring at irregular intervals, having no set plan or order in time Since my father left my mother and me twenty years ago, he has made ______ appearances in my life. The doctor decided to hospitalize my mother because of her _______ heartbeat.


of high spiritual, moral, or intellectual worth; inspiring awe; impressive. After the _______ meal, we asked to see the chef so that we could give him our compliments. Jess's favorite element of the cruise was the beautiful views and ______ scenery along the Alaskan coast.


of immense size; gigantic It took five men to move the _______ bed frame into the house. Even though Janice does not have a nickel to her name, she still has _______ tastes and is not willing to settle for the small things.


personal belongings; articles or equipment used in a certain activity. Martha could easily spend hours in any store that specializes in cooking _____. While searching the mans vehicle, the police found needles and other drug ____.


pertaining to beauty or the arts Most of the sculptures on display were not made to become subject _______ contemplation in western art museums. I have an _______ appreciation of John's looks, personal style and creativity. His concept of ______ appeal just can't be based on numbers.


present or potential but not evident or active The detective asked the lab technician to search the room for ______ fingerprints. If Janet is anything like her mother, she will show a _____ skill for singing when she reaches her teenage years.


produce or be filled with a deep, full, reverberating sound.


providing supplementary or additional help and support. When my grandmother retired, she joined the hospital ____ team that visited lonely patients. Maggie is in charge of the women's_____ group which aids the minister in caring for sick parishioners.


rustic and pastoral; characteristic of rural areas and their inhabitants He drank in the sights and sounds of the _______ world around him and for the first time in days felt relaxed.


sad, depressed, gloomy state of mind. The films tragic ending put us in a ______mood. After heather broke up with her finacee, she walked around in a _____ state for weeks.


severe or stern; somber; strict in discipline (without any decoration; strict and serious in manner) Even though she appeared ______, my teacher was a very kind woman. The soft candlelight made the room's décor less _____.

eviscerate (v)

take away a vital or essential part of something 1. We can ________ the computer by removing its power supply. 2. Upon my death, the hospital will _______ my body and transplant my useful organs.

oblivion (n)

the condition of being completely forgotten His theories have faded into scientific ______. Her work was rescued from ______ when it was rediscovered in the early 1900s.


the highest point; the strongest or most successful period of time. Before her _____ ended, she published six best selling books. The singer reached her _____when she sold over 12 million records.

Synergy (n)

the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects 1.The agreement exploits the natural _______ between the two companies.


the lowest point; point of greatest adversity or despair; all time low. When Clark got fired and was unable to find another job, he realized his professional life was at its _____.


the purest, most essential, or perfect example of. Combined together, rosemary and pork are the _______ingredients for a meat dish. Everyone knows watermelon is the _______ fruit on a hot summer day.


the tendency over time to show weaker emotional responses to emotional stimuli The shot will help to ______ the nerve.


to banish; to shut out from a group or society by common consent She was _________ from the scientific community for many years because of her radical political beliefs. The other girls _________ her because of the way she dressed.


to confuse; to perplex My order for a vegan meal may _____ the chef at the steakhouse.


to increase the severity of; to aggravate 1. Cora chose to _____ the argument by throwing a lamp at Mark's head. 2. If you do not take your medicine, you condition will ______, and you will feel worse.


to interpret 1. We were all amazed by the detective's ability to ____ logic out of the killer's strange riddle.


to overwhelm The police was ____ with calls from people who saw the unexplained lights on Saturday night.


to ridicule, laugh at with contempt, mock If the police do not intervene, the fans of the winning team will ______ the losing players as they leave the arena.

oscilate (verb)

to swing back and forth steadily, to vary between attenuate extremes 1.Though you cannot see it, sound waves constantly _______ as they travel through the air. 2. The pendulum_________ side to side, making it difficult for the man to focus on anything but the clock.


to walk about; to stroll They decided to take a short cut and _____ over the large hill. Everyone was intrigued when the man decided to ______ across country.


wasteful, counterproductive work 1.Private healthcare is a huge _________ for insurance companies and related industries who have enormous influence over both political parties.

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