English Writing- exam questions

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What is the purpose of a topic sentence?

The topic sentence states the main idea of the paragraph; it tells the reader what the writer will be addressing in the paragraph.

What is a thesis statement? Where should it be found when utilizing the candy wrapper model?

Thesis statement states the main idea of a writing assignment. End of intro, then restated at the beginning of the conclusion.

Where should a clincher sentence be found in your paragraph?

A clincher sentence comes after all the details have been included in the paragraph.

What is the purpose of a clincher sentence?

A clincher sentence may remind readers of the topic, summarize the paragraph, or link the paragraph to the next one.

What are the characteristics/components of a thesis for an informative essay?

A well crafted sentence that introduces your topic, ideas, and claims.

In the candy wrapper model, where should your body paragraphs be placed? What should they do? How should they work in relation with one another?

After the intro paragraph. The body contains details that explain, relate, and support the topic sentence.

What are the rules for when to capitalize (and not capitalize) when integrating a quote?

Capitalize the first letter of a direct quote when the quoted material is a complete sentence. Do not use a capital letter when the quoted material is a fragment or only a piece of the original material's complete sentence.

Where should a topic sentence be found in a paragraph?

First sentence in the paragraph.

For a literary analysis essay, what should your title include?

General information about your argument.

When should a direct quotation be used in your writing?

Only use a quotation when it expresses the concept in the exact right words or it has information that cannot be put into your own language.

In the candy wrapper model, what is the purpose of an introductory paragraph? What should occur in this paragraph?

To introduce the ideas that will be discussed in the paper.

In the candy wrapper model, what is the purpose of a concluding paragraph? What should occur? What should not be included?

To restate thesis, review main points, end broad. DO NOT INTRODUCE NEW INFO.

When and why should a writer utilize brackets when quoting?

To show addition in your quote. Ex: using it to show an opposing verb tense "I was [am] a tree."

What are the rules for punctuation when integrating a quote?

Do not include the quotation's punctuation unless it is needed to convey the context or emotion of the quote.

What are the characteristics/components of a thesis for a literary analysis essay?

Must be focused on a particular analytical claim for which you are going to provide evidence. Must be relative to the specific focus of your entire paper.

When do you underline the title of a work?

When handwriting a document--or in other situations where italics aren't an option--use underlining.

Where is an in-text citation needed?

When quoting another source or using information or ideas from another source.

Where should you use transitions in your writing?

When you need to link ideas from different sentences and demonstrate how they relate to one another and the writer's main idea.

What are characteristics of strong body/support sentences? What should you include in this section of your writing?

Each of your sentences should clearly relate back to your topic sentence and the main idea of your paragraph. It should contain details that explain and support the topic sentence.

What are strategies for integrating direct quotations into your writing?

1. Sandwiching the quotation. Before quoting, provide an introductory phrase that contextualizes the material. After the direct quotation, provide an interpretation of the quote to show analysis and relation to your argument. 2. Integrate the quotation into your pre-existing sentence. This strategy is best suited when using individual words or small phrases/clauses; do not use this strategy for a long quote.

When should a clincher sentence be used?

Always consider your audience, purpose, and task, when considering whether or not to include a clincher. For instance, when responding to a test essay prompt, you should always include a clincher sentence.

Where is a parenthetical citation placed within your sentence?

At the end of your sentence.

What information should be included in an in-text citation?

Author's last name and page number.

What are the guidelines for formatting your title?

Be centered on the first line of available text after your heading. Use title capitalization. Consistent with the font and font size of the rest of your paper.

What are some things to keep in mind when choosing a direct quotation?

Be sure to keep in mind the length of the quotation and the integration strategies we have been practicing this year- sandwiching.

What is a signal phrase?

If using a signal phrase, such as "According to Anderson," you only have to include the page number since you already gave credit to the author.

What are the components of the candy wrapper model of writing?

Intro paragraph starts broad, preview main points, end with thesis. Body paragraphs. Conclusion restates thesis, review main points, and end broad and do not introduce new information.

When writing your own title for a piece of your own writing, how should you decide what information and form your title should take?

It should be clearly related to the piece of literature being discussed and be descriptive of your analysis and argument.

When do you italicize the title of a work?

Italicize the titles of magazines, books, newspapers, academic journals, films, television shows, long poems, plays, operas, musical albums, works of art, websites.

What verb tense should you use when writing about literature? What are the exceptions to that rule?

Present tense unless: 1. a direct quotation contains past tense 2. when something that is referenced in the novel happened prior to the action of the story 3. when the historical context of the setting, the author's life, etc. are being described.

For an informative essay, what should your title include?

Preview the information and general topic for the essay.

What are the rules for formatting a parenthetical citation?

Put the author's last name and the page number(s) in parentheses after the quotation.

Where does your sentence's punctuation go when using a parenthetical citation?

Put your sentence punctuation after the parentheses.

What types of language/words should you avoid in a formal, academic essay?

Slang and thesaurus words.

When and why should a writer use an ellipsis when quoting?

The most common way to use an ellipsis is to show that you've omitted words. For example, if you're quoting someone and you want to shorten the quote, you use ellipses to indicate where you've dropped words or sentences.

What are words should you use in a formal, academic essay?

The most formal version of you and your vocabulary.

What do you do if you have a quote withing a quote (meaning there are quotation marks in the novel and then you have to put quotation marks around them)?

Use a single quotation mark to indicate the beginning and end of the quotation within the quotation. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

When do you put the title of a work in quotation marks?

Use quotation marks for the titles of shorter pieces of work: poems, articles, book chapters, songs, T.V. episodes, etc.

How do the rules change depending on whether you are handwriting or typing?

You can't write in italics so you use underlining for anything that should be in italics.

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