EnglishComp101 study set

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Because of the Labor Day holiday, several assignments will be due on Monday, 9/2.

Because of the Labor Day holiday, several assignments will be due on Monday, 9/2.

Course Level Student Outcomes

Draft, organize, revise, and edit an expository form of writing to clearly communicate ideas. Use Modern Language Association (MLA) standards to document sources in essays. Use computer technology and software designed for written communication proficiently. Analyze, through critical reading, other writings, especially professional essays.

V. How to locate the syllabus and the "How to Get Started" document for each online course

From the main page of your online course, find "Handouts" in the right-hand column. Under "Handouts," there should be a syllabus and a "How to Get Started" document. Click on the document to open it. Read each of these thoroughly to learn what is expected of you for this particular online course.

Please note the Wednesday and Sunday due dates each week.

Please note the Wednesday and Sunday due dates each week.

Inside Ranken

Students are expected to use Inside Ranken (http://insideranken.org) to gain access to general course information, digital course materials, current attendance record, current grades, and online assignments. Students are to notify their instructor immediately of any error in grades or attendance.

Important facts to know before you get started:

To determine whether you are registered for an online course, refer to the course number. Online courses have the letter "O" (for Online) and a section number. For example, ENG1101 O 40 is a Composition I online class.


There are 8 weeks of assignments. According to the Work Table breakdown of the class, you should allow approximately 20 hours per week to complete assignments. The Work Table does indicate that this is not an "easy" class and that it requires work. Please check assignments on Sunday nights for the following week. Some assignments will be due on Wednesday or other dates. An assignment is always due by 11:55 pm on the date listed in Coursework of each week for attendance purposes. Assignments can be submitted anytime during the week until they are due on Sundays at 11:55 p.m unless a mid-week due date is given. It is not encouraged to wait until the last minute to do assignments. All smaller assignments will be uploaded to the assignment link in Coursework only; all essays will be uploaded to the assignment link and Turnitin.com. Course dismissals may be appealed to the general education department chair. See Ranke's home page for the proper Appeal form and procedure. Computer requirements for the course It is each student's responsibility to have access to a computer with internet and the ability to create essays in Word. Because I will give you feedback and then re-upload your graded paper for you to see it in the Comment Box of the essay link, it is important that work be submitted in Word only. I cannot give feedback on pdf files and other programs. If you use Google Drive, copy and paste it onto a Word document and then submit it. It is each student's responsibility to use a browser that is compatible with Inside Ranken. It is best to use Google Chrome when uploading to Turnitin.com. The link to the compatibility statement is on Ranken's main page. IF YOU DO NOT OWN WORD, GO TO office.365, USE YOUR RANKEN EMAIL, ETC. FOR A FREE DOWNLOAD! For help with technical issues, there is a link to Ranken's IS department on Ranken's main page. Textbook and materials The textbook is required for this course. It is used for learning how to write specific types of essays and is used for taking the reading quizzes. Other reading materials or documents for the course will be provided by the instructor as files or links on the course. Contacting the instructor The best way to contact me is through email. Please use email only to contact me and not to upload assignments. Students are asked to check their Ranken email several times a week for any communication from me. I will also post announcements on the course main page; please check them each time you log on to the course site. In addition, do not send messages or assignments through emails that have gone out to the entire class. Always start a new thread. For your convenience, I accept calls and text messages on my cell phone. The number is on the course main page. Essay length, general layout formatting, and documenting sources All essays must meet the requirements outlined in each assignment (normally five paragraphs if not noted). Failure to meet the requirements will cause a deduction in your grade for that essay. All essays must be formatted using the Modern Language Association (MLA) general formatting standards. A link and chart on the main page is provided for examples of MLA formatting. There is also an activity and handout showing a properly formatted page. All research sources must be cited correctly using MLA standards. This includes in-text citations and a works cited page. A link is provided on the main page with instructions for documenting essays using MLA standards.

Work Ethics

Work ethics: Treat this course like a job. Submitting assignments on time, staying on task, being professional and courteous, and cooperating are all standards of good work ethics. At the end of the semester, a work ethics grade will be given and could affect your grade.

Program Level Student Outcomes

create oral and written communications that are concise, informative, and appropriate for business situations. Demonstrate proficiency in the use of productivity software applications in general business situations. Demonstrate quantitative thinking and reasoning skills through scientific computations common in technical environments. Exhibit work ethic skills and basic business knowledge required to secure and retain employment. Demonstrate critical reasoning and thinking skills through problem solving, argumentation, data collection, documentation, and analysis. Apply general knowledge of the humanities to enhance interaction with people of all ethnicities and social groups.

VI. How to locate your assignments and their due dates

1. From the main page of your online course, find "Coursework" in the left-hand column. 2. Click to open. 3. You should see your assignments in order of their due dates. 4. At the top left is a box that lists the next two assignments that are due. 5. There is also a link in that same box that says, "view all assignments by date." 6. If you cannot see your list of assignments or their due dates, contact your instructor. 7. Generally, assignments turn blue and are hyperlinked (underlined) when they are ready to be worked on. Assignments in gray lettering and no hyperlinks are either closed or have not yet been activated by your instructor. 8. If the instructions and/or grading rubrics are not located under the assignments when you click on them, check to see if they are located under "Handouts" on the main page. 9. If you have any questions about your assignments and due dates, contact your instructor.

Academic Honesty

Academic honesty is essential to the education process at Ranken Technical College. Thus, academic dishonesty is a basis for disciplinary action or dismissal. Such acts include: - Cheating on any type of exam - Cheating on homework assignments - Helping another student to cheat on any type of exam - Helping another student to cheat on homework assignments - Illegal or unauthorized possession of exams or restricted material - Illegal or unauthorized changes to a graded assignment or exam - Plagiarism (including in your work, another's work that is not properly cited In addition, I want to make clear of my class policy concerning "recycling" and "reusing" essays previously submitted for another class. Here is the policy— It is the student's responsibility to understand what plagiarism is and to avoid it after the initial instructor lessons. Essays cannot contain more than 25% of previously used papers or outside material when cited properly. You will submit papers to the plagiarism checker, Turnitin. If essays are not submitted to Turnitin, I will do it, and you will lose 10 pts. on the essay. You will receive one warning with the opportunity to upload it to Turnitin before I will deduct 10 points. I will notify you in the Comment box under the assignment link. If an essay has more than 25% of a reused/recycled/previously written paper, the student will receive a 25% penalty for the assignment. The student will be required to rewrite the assignment. If an essay has more than 25% outside sources (website, books, etc.), the student will receive a 25% penalty for the assignment. The student will be required to rewrite the assignment. If an essay is intentionally plagiarized, (i.e. deliberately and directly copying from another source and not crediting the source) the student will receive a zero and will be referred to the dean. If there is a second occurrence of plagiarism in this or any other class taken at Ranken, the student will fail that course. If there is a third occurrence, the student will be dismissed from the College.

Online Courses:

All students in online courses will be held to the following standards: Students are expected to actively participate in all course sessions. Online courses run from Monday at 12:00 a.m. CST to Sunday at 11:59 p.m. CST. Please note that in this course there are assignments due mid-week as well. This is to make sure we learn all of the content and so there are not a lot of assignments due on Sunday nights only. The allowable number of absences is based on the total number of sessions the course is scheduled to meet. The allowable number of absences in this course will be ONE, as dictated in the student handbook. Each week the online course meets is considered a session. Students must actively participate at least once per week to be counted present in their online course for that week. To satisfy weekly attendance requirements online, students must complete one of the following actions as directed by the instructor: Submit an academic assignment Submit a quiz or exam Participate in a posted online academic discussion Simply logging into the class without active participation does not constitute official weekly attendance. Participation must be within Inside Ranken and/or the learning management system used in the class, such as MyMath Lab, SAM, or MindTap. Attendance will be adjusted if students simply open an assignment but fail to do it. Failure to actively participate during the week will result in an absence for that weekly session. Calculations for tardies do not apply to online courses. Students will be allowed to make up reasonable academic work missed due to an absence. Reasonable work includes homework, quizzes and tests. It is not reasonable to make up missed shop and lab hands-on work. If no weekly assignment is completed, and you are counted absent, the assignment(s) will be reopened after the student contacts Ms. Price on Monday morning. After contacting Ms. Price, the missed assignment will be due on the same day, Monday by 11:55 pm. Remember that you can only do this once because on the 2nd absence you will be dismissed from the class.

Course Description

An English Composition course designed to develop the student's ability to organize, draft, revise and evaluate expository forms of writing. Students are given extensive practice in developing expressive, informative, and persuasive essays. Pre-writing techniques and editing are emphasized. Three credit hours.

II. Policies regarding attendance for online courses

Attendance is very important in an online class. You must submit the weekly assignment or assignments to be considered as "present" in attendance. If you do not submit the assignment when it is due, you will be counted "absent unexcused." Note: Some instructors require 2 or more assignments per week. Submitting some but not all assignments may result in a tardy and negatively impact your attendance. Attendance policy: In a 14-week online course in the day program, you are allowed 2 unexcused absences; on the third unexcused absence, you will be dismissed from the course. In an 8-week online course in the day program, you are allowed 1 unexcused absence; on the second unexcused absence, you will be dismissed from the course. As with seated classes, 3 tardies are accepted, but each tardy thereafter will count as an "unexcused absence." REMEMBER, SUBMITTING IS ATTENDING.

IV. How to email your instructor

First, do not use a Yahoo or other account. Only use your Ranken email account. Also, it is important to send an email using the correct starting location such as the ones listed below. This will put your name (last name and first name) in the sender line. Otherwise, sent from the wrong location, your email may say "Do Not Reply," which causes confusion to your instructor and can get lost. Avoid sending emails from "Course Information" and "Collaboration" links on Inside Ranken. OPTION 1: Go to your course on Inside Ranken. Look for your instructor's email link on the main page, center column. Click the link. Outlook Web App should open. Log in with your Ranken user name and password. An email should open with your instructor's email in the "To" line. OPTION 2: 1. Go to https://mail.ranken.edu 2. Outlook Web App should open. Log in with your Ranken user name and password. 3. Click on "New" to open a blank email. 4. At the "To" line, type in your instructor's email address. a. Or, click on the "To" and type in your instructor's last name and click on the search icon to find your instructor's name from the list. b. Find the correct name and click on it. That puts the name in the "To" line below. c. When finished with names, click on the "OK" button. 5. In the "Subject" line, type in good information to describe what the email is about. 6. In the text box, type in your question or comment. 7. Click on "Send" to submit. OPTION 3: 1. Go to Inside Ranken (https://insideranken.org) 2. From the first page you land on, which is the Public page, right-hand column, select "Ranken Student Email." 3. Follow steps 3 - 7 above.

Getting feedback on essays

I read each essay thoroughly and give you grammatical as well as content feedback on it. Allow about a week to two weeks to receive your grade and the feedback. I normally only edit the first two paragraphs of an essay, allowing you to revise and edit and resubmit your essay for points missed. I will re-upload your essay with comments and suggestions to the Comment Box under the essay link in Coursework. Be sure to check the assignment and review the feedback. It is expected that you use this feedback to improve your writing. Again, all ESSAY assignments must be uploaded to Turnitin.com as well as the appropriate link in Coursework. Assignments other than essays will just be uploaded to the appropriate link in Coursework. Grades will be posted in InsideRanken, and you can also access your graded essays and my feedback in Coursework to help you for future essays.

VII. How to submit assignments in Coursework, Collaboration, or as an attachment in email

Note: First, check the instructions given by your instructor. Know where your instructor wants your assignments sent. Also, know what kind of document your instructor wants you to create—a reply to a post in Collaboration, or a Word document, PowerPoint, etc. to be uploaded to Coursework, Collaboration, or attached to an email. Secondly, create the document and save it in a file on your computer or on a flash drive. SUBMITTING ASSIGNMENTS IN COURSEWORK 1. From the main page of your online course, find "Coursework" in the left-hand column. 2. Click to open. 3. Select and click to open the assignment to which you want to attach your document. 4. Click on the blue box that says, "Upload a file." 5. Follow the prompts to upload your saved document. 6. At this point the assignment is just sitting in the file and has not yet been sent to your instructor. 7. IMPORTANT: To submit your assignment to your instructor, you must click on the dark blue box that says, "Turn in your _________assignment." SUBMITTING ASSIGNMENTS IN COLLABORATION First, be sure to follow your instructor's instructions. Your instructor will either want you to simply reply to a post (or several posts), create your own post; or attach a document to a reply. 1. From the main page of your online course, find "Collaboration" in the left-hand column. 2. Click to open. 3. Click on "Forum" and then "Forum Home." 4. Click on the topic folder in which your assignment is due. 5. If your instructor wants you to add a post, look for a blue box along the left-side of the topic that says, "Add a Post" and click. Create the post and submit. 6. If your instructor wants you to reply to a post, click on the post that you are to reply to, look for a blue box along the right-side of the post that says, "Reply" and click. Create the reply and submit. Tip: Inside Ranken may time out while you are writing a long reply. You may want to write your reply in a Word document first; then copy and paste into the reply. When finished, click "Submit". 7. If your instructor wants you to upload a document to a reply, open the reply and click on "Browse." Select the saved document and click on "Open." When finished, click "Submit." SUBMITTING ASSIGNMENTS AS ATTACHMENTS IN EMAIL 1. Follow the instructions on page 2, "How to email your instructor." 2. Before sending, click on the paperclip icon at the top to attach a file. 3. Select the saved document and click "Open." 4. This will attach your document and take you back to the email. 5. When you are finished with your email, click "Send."

Online classes are just as challenging as seated classes and may take more time to complete the coursework. Like a seated class, you should expect to put in more than 3 hours per week per course. (In an 8 week online class, you should expect to put in 6 or more hours per week, per course.)

Online classes are just as challenging as seated classes and may take more time to complete the coursework. Like a seated class, you should expect to put in more than 3 hours per week per course. (In an 8 week online class, you should expect to put in 6 or more hours per week, per course.)

Redo Policy:

Redo Policy: My policy is to allow students to redo, rework, or revise writing assignments in which they were not successful for at least half of the points missed. In order to do this, you must schedule a conference with me over the phone to review your work. We will then set a deadline for you to resubmit your work. You have one week to schedule the initial conference after an assignment is graded and returned to you. For example, suppose you scored a 40 out of 50 on a major writing assignment. You can earn five of the 10 points missed by conferencing with me and rewriting or revising your errors after our conference review. This policy only applies to work turned in on time.

Course Materials and Texts

The College Writer: A Guide to Thinking, Writing, and Researching, 6th Edition John Van Rys; Verne Meyer; Randall VanderMey; Patrick SebranekISBN-10: 1-305-95806-3ISBN-13: 978-1-305-95806-7 The textbook for this course should be purchased as an e-text for Androids, iPads, and for use on a laptop. PLEASE SEE THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORDERING YOUR TEXTBOOK ON THE COURSE MAIN PAGE. Notebook, paper, writing instruments, flash drive

The dog ate my homework

The dog ate my homework! Excuses such as my computer is broken, and the internet is down are not viable excuses for turning in late work. Plan ahead by completing your work on campus or finding other ways to make sure your work is turned in on time.

Grading policy

The grading scale is found in the syllabus. Since this is a writing course, the essays and writing assignments will be worth the most points. The instructor will make every attempt to record the grades correctly and timely in the inside Ranken gradebook. Major essays take about one to two weeks to grade. Smaller assignments will be graded quicker. Students should check that assignments and grades are recorded properly and as indicated on the assignment's rubric or in feedback. Final grades are submitted as soon as possible after the last day of the course. Note: These policies and procedures may not be all that is expected to successfully complete the course. Additional policies and procedures may be added by the instructor if warranted. The instructor will state any added policies and procedures on the main page.

The most up-to-date assignments and due dates can be found in Coursework on the course site.

The most up-to-date assignments and due dates can be found in Coursework on the course site.

General College Information

Tutorial Assistance Students experiencing academic difficulties are encouraged to use the tutorial services offered by the Student Success Center (SSC) located on the top floor on the Finney Building and through the Gray Bridge. You can contact the SSC at (314) 286-4891. Students with Disabilities Ranken Technical College makes every effort to accommodate individuals with disabilities. To obtain accommodations, students must identify themselves to the Student Success Center (SSC) and provide written documentation of their disabilities from qualified professionals or agencies. You can contact the SSC at (314) 286-4891. Career Services The Career Services department is available to help students with resume writing and job placement. You can contact Career Services at (314) 286-3665. Snow Days and Campus Emergencies If classes are canceled due to weather or an emergency, students will be notified via the notification system which will generate a text message to the assigned cell phone and/or email address. Notifications are also posted on the College website and Inside Ranken web portal. Notifications are active for the time period you specify during the sign-up process. It is recommended that you sign up for a one-year period. If you are still actively taking classes at Ranken after this time period, your notifications can be revalidated for an additional period of time. This will also allow you to verify that your information is correct on a yearly basis.Please Note: You may incur charges from your cellular provider for each text message. We will make every effort to contact you when classes are cancelled. UNLESS YOU ARE ADVISED OTHERWISE, YOU SHOULD ASSUME THAT CLASSES WILL BE HELD.

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