treatment enterococcus
(VRE) so use linezolid (line around scene) or tigecycline (police line lined by tiger stripes)
2 species of enterococcus
E faecalis (california for the rest of the people) E faecium (protester with sign saying stop the feesssss) Faecalis is more common (california population vs protestor)
do u heart trees sign represents
U: urinary tract infections heart: endocarditis tree: infections of biliary tree (can do this since it's insoluble in bile)
growth conditions of enterococcus
able to grow in 6.5% NaCl (sign that says resist the 6.5%)
enterococcus resistance
enterococcus, specifically E calcium, is a nosocomial infection that is resistant to almost every antibiotic we have-even vanc -in these cases bacteria is referred to as VRE
is faecalis or faecium more serious
faecium-but less common (protestor is buff)
enterococcus was formerly a member of
group D strep
enterococcus colonizes
our intestinal tract entero-
protestor avoiding being hit by billy club represents
that it is bile resistant