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Which class contains ticks? a. arthropoda b. arachnida c. crustacea d. Animalia e. insecta


which class of arthropods has legs modified to bite and deliver venom? its class name translates to "jaw foot" a. Chilopoda b. arachnida c. crustacea d. diplopoda e. insecta


what order means "sheath wing"? a. Coleoptera b. orthoptera c. hemiptera d. hymenoptera


which group of insects has the most different species a. coleoptera b. hemiptera c. hymenoptera d. orthoptera e.lepidoptera


which of the following classes have NO members that have venom? a. insecta b. arachnida c. chilopoda d. diplopoda e. all can have venom


which order of insects has all members with piercing- sucking mouthparts? a. hemiptera b. orthoptera c. coleoptera d. lepidoptera e. diptera


which order of insects has front wings that have two textures in the same wing the front being leathery and the back part of the same wing being membraneous] a. hemiptera b. diptera c. orthroptera d. Coleoptera


what order of insects has members that have wings protected by scales? a. coleoptera b. hymenoptera c. hemiptera d. diptera e. lepidoptera


when you lift up a board, you see a reddish invertebrate that has many legs (more than 50), antennae, and when disturbed, the organism, curls up into a flat ball. This organism is most likely: a. a centipede b. a millipede c. a rally polly d. a large beetle

a millipede

which insect order has membraneous back wings? a. Coleoptera b. hymenoptera c. lepidoptera d. orthoptera e. all of the above

all of the above

which of the following arthropods has antennae? a. crayfish b. millipede c. beetle d. centipede e. all of the above

all of the above

most healthy humans have several thousand eyelash mites living in their eyelids. These mites are in what class? a. arthropoda b. arachnida c. insecta d. crustacea e. ENTO 2003


which class of arthropods has fangs? a. insecta b. crustacea c. diplopoda d. arachnida e. all can have fangs


the Rollie polls you find on the sidewalk are in which phylum? a. arachnida b. crustacea c. insecta d. arthropoda


a person who is suffering from illusory parasitosis: a. believe they are infested with bugs and does not accept rational explanations b. has parasites infesting them c. is paranoid d. believes they are being bitten by insects but will accept other explanations

believes they are being bitten by insects but will accept other explanations

your friend has dry skin and bumps on her back. she believes that insects bit her and she cannot quit scratching. You feel very itchy too and want to scratch your skin. what are you experiencing? a. parasitosis b. illusory parasitosis c. bell's syndrome d. ekboms syndrome

bells syndrome

which class or classes of arthropods have members that are able to sting using their tale? a. insecta b. diplopoda c.chilopoda d.arachnida e. both a and d

both a and d

during world was 11, which country had more than 250,000 people killed by biological warfare using insects? a. russia b. germany c. Japan d. the united states e. china


which is the lowest taxonomic category shared by both ticks and spiders? a. domain b.class c.plylum d.order


what kind of insects have cerci? a. crickets and katydids b. bees and wasps c. beetles d. butterflies e. all except "D"

crickets and katydids

the arthropod class that can have one or two pairs of antennae is: a. arachnida b. diplopoda c. chilopoda d. insecta e. crustacea


which insect order has one pair of wings? a. orthopetra b. hymenoptera c.diptera d. Lepidoptera


which order of insects has different types of mouthparts including all kinds EXCEPT mandibles (jaws)? a. hymenoptera b. diptera c. orthoptera d. hymenoptera e. all of the above


which order of insects variable mouthparts that include sponging, slicing, and piercing- sucking? a. hymenoptera b. hemiptera c. diptera d. Coleoptera e.orthopetra


entomophagy is? a. the study of insects and related arthropods b. fear of insects c. eating insects d. treatment of insect fear

eating insects

The Ark of the Covenant may have contained insects that killed the Philistines when it was opened? if it contained insects what is the most likely kind? a. mosquitos b. wasps c. fleas d. ticks e. scorpions


which type of insects transmits plague and was used to spread disease during world was 2? a. flies b.fleas c.beetles d.lice e. mosquitos


Insects provide a number of services that benefit the U.S. economy. Which ecosystem service provides the most value? a. pollination b. food for wildlife c. waste (drug) removal d. control of pest species such as mosquitos e. production of honey

food for wildlife

compared with humans, what characteristics is/are different for arthropods? a.heart location b.insects do not have a nerve cord c. segmented bodies d. bilateral symmetry

heart location

which arthropod class has the most legs PER SEGMENT as an adult? a. diplopoda b. crustacea c. chilopoda d. insecta


when a butterfly is handled and the scales come off the wings, what happens a. it cannot fly b. it cannot escape predator insects c. it cannot escape a spider web d. it cannot escape birds e. all of the above

it cannot escape spider webs

why is the insect blood not red like human blood? a. it transports different nutrients b. it does not transport oxygen c. it does not have immune cells d. insects have white blood e. all of the above

it does not transport oxygen

what is the lowest taxonomic category that is shared by dogs and spiders? a. domain b. phylum c. class d. kingdom


this order has most species feed on nectar from flowers using siphoning mouthparts. What order is it? a. diptera b. hemiptera c. hymenoptera d. lepidoptera


a good way to help people sufferi9ng from arachnophobia is to use: a. mere exposure therapy b. prescribe medication c. tell them they are silly because spiders don't hurt people d. have the person bitten by a sider e. have them learn the linemen classification system

mere exposure therapy

what are the claws of a scorpion? a. front legs b. modified mouthparts c. modified antennae d. stingers e. both a and d

modified mouthparts

life is organized into a hierarchal classification system first created by Linnaeus. Which level of classification is below class? a. family b. phylum c. order


the locust plagues in North America caused the losses of billions of dollars and thousands of lives. What order of insect was responsible for these plagues? a. coleoptera b. Hemiptera c. lepidoptera d. orthoptera e. none of the above


you find an arthropod that is orange. it has big eyes, six legs, and it does not have wings. It has large back legs and also has small "feelers" at the tip of its abdomen and long antennae on its head. a. hymenoptera b. hemiptera c. othoptera d. diptera e. isopod


when you have another species living on you that feeds directly on you and thus causes you harm, that organism is a _____________ a. parasite b. commensal c. delusion d. ekbom e. pest


which is the lowest taxonomic level shared by crustacea and insects? a. order b. kingdom c. phylum d. domain e. family


which insect listed belongs to the order diptera based on how its common name is written? a. robber fly b. honey bee c. stink bug d. housefly e. both a and d

robber fly

in the biological classification system, which of the following is NOT true for organisms in the same class? a. they are also in the same family b. they are also in the same kingdom c. they are also in the same phylum d. they are also in the same domain e. all are true

they are also in the same family

arthropods have bilateral symmetry. What does bilateral symmetry mean? a. they can be cut in half in one direction b. they are composed of multiple segments c. they have more than four legs d. they have a hard skeleton on the outside e. all are true

they can be cut in half in one direction

what makes aphids not fit the biological species concept some of the time? a. they are ring species b. they often form hybrids c. they can reproduce without sex d. all of the above

they can reproduce without sex

why were hymenoptera used most often in war as offense and defense? a. they are the only arthropods that can sting b. they make loud noises c. they form nests with lots of individuals d. they also make honey e. all of the above

they form nests with lots of individuals

when a person is stung by an insect and then is afraid of insects, the fear is the result of: a. jungian fear b. traumatic conditioning c. vicarious family dependency d. innate fear

traumatic conditioning

After World War II, where did ishii shirt develop biological weap0ons based on insects? a. Japan b. russia c. viet nam d. united states e. korea

united states

during which conflict was an event known as the "battle of the bees"? a. civil war b. world war 2 c. world war 1 d.viet nam e. all wars

world war 1

how many pairs of antennae do arachnida have? a. 1 or 2 b. 2 or 4 c. 3 d. 0


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