Environmental Health exam 2 ch 4,5,6

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Environmental impact Rule

If you are hurting the environment somewhere you have to replace it somewhere else with the exact same type. example you kill a tree, you must replace it with the exact tree.

Polluter pays principle means that the polluter should bear the expenses of carrying out the pollution prevention and control measures to ensure that the environment is in a acceptable state.

If you cause pollution then you should bear the cost and pay for it. All must follow standards such as filters etc. If anything leaks or any harm to anything the polluter is responsible.

Faulkner's links. Hazards leads to risks leads to impacts and then social cost. Ex: Chemical properties and how hazardous is it to the environment is the hazard. exposure to the environment such as emissions, and probability of exposure?

Impacts: what kind of harm will it do if used? ecosystem, species vulnerability. Then social costs, preferences and values. What is the perception of harm to the environment and what do people think it will cost to clean it up?

Control of Mosquito-Borne Diseases. Use sentinel chickens to monitor for presence of viruses. Drain standing water.

Introduce mosquito-eating fish into ponds. Wear repellents and protective clothing. Repair window screens.

Dengue Fever. is Caused by flaviviruses. The proportion of deaths can be as high as 40% to 50% when the disease is untreated.

It Occurs primarily in tropical subtropical areas of the world, for example, Southeast Asia, tropical Africa, and South America. The vector for transmission of the disease is the Aedes aegypti mosquito.

Clean Air ACt 1970. a comprehensive federal law that regulates air emissions from stationary and mobile sources.

It authorizes EPA to establish National Ambient Air Quality Standards N.A.A.Q.S. to protect public health and public welfare and to regulate emissions of hazardous air pollutants. ex. burn days, trucks and exhaust.

case studies of environmental health policies: Environmental policies in economies in transition.

previously immigrants were placed under the burden of pollution, and environmental protections were not in place in Central eastern Europe, former soviet economies. the environmental policies put this under control such as polluter pays etc.

Endangered species Act

provides a program for the conservation of threatened and endangered plants and animals. any endangered animal found, the project stops until they can relocate it in a like location.

Relationship of risk assessment to policy process is through balancing of economic and other costs with health and societal benefits that may accrue through specific policy alternatives.

risk assessment should occur at the beginning of policy process. Look at risks ahead of time, adopting policies are very costly. Taxes will increase.

Symptoms of Acute Poisoning from Toxic Metals are Depending upon portal of entry, symptoms may consist of gastrointestinal effects like vomiting and stomach pain,

and neurological effects like headaches, suppression of normal breathing, and convulsions. it depends on route of exposure. ex; 6000 hospitalized and 500 died from homemade bread ingestion. ask how wasw it made, how was it stored, how much yeast?

Plague. Infectious agent is a bacterial. Bacterium Yersina pestis. The reservior are ground squirrels in the U.S.. Cata and dogs brought in squirrels and rodents into the homes and transmitted it via bites or scratches so was thought of as the Bubonic Plague.

antibiotics helped with prompt treatment, but still worried authorities since it was distributed across the world and U.S.. So some thought the plague was zoonotic but it was bacterial.

NPL national prioity list

are toxic substance sites that are most hazardous.

Bubonic plague had nonspecific symptoms of fever, chills, head ache. Later it spread to the lymph nodes causing lymphadenitis at site of flea bite. There was a secondary involvement of the lungs called the pneumonic plague.

bacteria Transferred by respiratory droplets to others. If untreated the fatality rate was 50-60% so there was strict isolation and disinfected clothing. those in contact also were quarantined.

case studies of environmental health policies. Water policy reform in South Africa.

before only the wealthy got the water and now due to the reform the government took over the water rights so the water can be equally distributed and affordable to all citizens to meet basic needs and to protect aquatic ecosystems in the country.

epidemiological transition

Chronic disease are replacing infectious diseases, less infectious diseases

we need vectors to die

if not then they will start to change and can be harmful, that's why seasons are good. which is effected by global warming

Methods for Transmission of Zoonoses

Contact with the skin, A bite or scratch from an animal, Direct inhalation or ingestion, The bite of an arthropod vector, ingestion of contaminated food

What Can Be Done to Control Malaria? During mid-20th century, efforts to control malaria by spraying with DDT and administering synthetic antimalaria drugs were found to effective.

2 reasons why DDT didn't work. 1 discontinued use of DDT. 2, this caused the mosquito to build up a resistance to the DDT spray.

Four Main Clinical Symptoms of Arboviral Disease. 1, Acute CNS [central nervous system] illness

2, Acute self-limited fevers, with and without exanthum/rash, 3, Hemorrhagic fevers, 4, Polyarthritis and rash, with or without fever and of variable duration


A disease found in more than 100 countries, with more than 40% of the world's population at risk. In the tropical areas since cold puts vectors to death.

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Causal agent is Rickettsia rickettsii, a rickettsial agent. The tick. Usually in outdoor activities such as hiking or fishing.

A febrile disease. Case fatality rate up to 25% among untreated patients. Transmitted by the bite of an infected tick.

Environmental Justice. Equal treatment of all people in society irrespective of their racial background, country of origin, and socioeconomic status. same lectures and disclosure for all.

A federal group that regulates the counties if they are doing the right thing for all, and will check and make sure. Can be placed on a watch list, can throw money from federal to local to fix. Any toxic exposure to any group, can lead to shut down if non compliant.

Arthropod-Borne Viral Diseases. Also known as arboviral diseases. arboviral meaning arthropod vectors. These are from blood feeding arboviral vectors.

A group of viral diseases that can be acquired when blood-feeding arthropod vectors infect a human host. Vectors that transmit arboviruses include ticks, sand flies, biting midges, and mosquitoes.

Heavy Metals. they do not break down easy

A heavy metal has a high atomic weight with a specific gravity that exceeds the specific gravity of water by five or more times. sink down to where water table is. so some areas heavy metal is so great, that you can't grow anything there.

Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide ACT FIFRA of 1966. federal regulation of pesticide distribution, sale. EPA regulated new chemicals or pesticides. before use the applicant must show that using the pesticide according to specs won't cause unreasonable adverse effects to environment.

All must be registered. look for a EPA number, it means it has been registered. without it, it cannot be out on the market. If its a restricted material, ex farmers have to take classes 1st before use and how to treat. Must notify before spraying and exactly how much before doing so.

Arboviral Encephalitides. Caused by a virus that produces an acute inflammation of: Sections of the brain, Spinal cord, Meninges

Among the etiologic agents are viruses associated with many forms of encephalitis, including: St. Louis encephalitis, Western equine encephalitis

Top 20 Hazardous Substances from the 2007 CERCLA Priority List of Hazardous Substances.

Arsenic, Lead, Mercury, chlorform, ddt, chronium hexavalent what erin brocavich found.

Safe drinking water act of 1974. Protects quality of drinking water.

Authorizes EPA to establish minimum standards to protect tap water and requires all owners to operators of public water systems to comply with these primary health related standards. ex.: lead

Environmental Impact Assessment E.I.A. is a process that reviews the potential impact of anthropogenic activities, those that are man made, with respect to their general environment consequences.

Before you do anything you have to put out a E.I.A. environmental impact report to all agencies so people can comment to protect the environment and community. Such as road work only between 9pm -6am, wetting the ground for dust control etc.

Each state can make laws more strict but not less and has to abide by them. Federal sets the bar.

CAlifornia is always more strict so used to go off CAlifornia rules. Most licences in CAlifornia can practice in other places but not the other way around unless you take the exam.

Examples of risk management. Licensing laws, standard setting laws where one cannot exceed x amount of a particular chemical.

Control-oriented measures such as child proofing bottles on Asprin to prevent Reye's syndrome. and Monitoring to measure background exposures.

National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health NIOSH. NIOSH is the federal agency responsible for conducting research and making recommendations for the the prevention of work related injury and illness plans for work places.

Created in the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 along with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA.

Skin ulcer due to leishmaniasis. from sandfly bite

Cutaneous leishmaniasis is transmitted by the bite of an infected sand fly. Mostly happened in Africa.


Defined as "an insect or any living carrier that transports an infectious agent from an infected individual or its wastes to a susceptible individual or its food or immediate surroundings."

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability ACT 1980 CERCLA. Provides federal Superfund to clean up uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites as well as accidents, spills, and other emergency releases of pollutants and contaminants in tot eh environment

EPA was given power to seek out those parties responsible for any release and assure their cooperation in the cleanup. ex. Methyl death can't just clean up, must have federal funding to clean up because itis toxic.

Resource Conservation and Recovery ACT RCRA of 1076. states if you generate a hazard you are responsible for it. The EPA controls hazardous wastes from cradle to grave. this act includes the generation, transportation, treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous wastes. If someone got sick, you are responsible for it.

Enabled EPA to address environmental problems that could result from underground tanks storing petroleum and other hazardous substances. RCRA focuses on waste minimization and phasing out land disposal of hazardous waste as well as corrective action for release.

Now called the Clean water act C.W.A . the federal pollution control act of 1948 was the first major U.S. law to address water pollution.

Established basic structure for regulating pollutants discharges into the waters of the United states.

case studies of environmental health policies. control of pollution across international boundaries such as green house gases, air pollution, it effects all,

European countries are so close to each other , since their pollutants effect the and impact near by countries.

The precautionary principle. States that preventative, anticipatory measures should be taken when an activity raises threats of harm to the environment, wildlife, or human health.

Even if some cause and effect relationships are not fully established it is still their fault. If there is a small oz of doubt it can harm the environment, DO NOT do it.

Health impact assessment H.I.A. refers to a method for describing and estimating the effects that a proposed project or policy may have on the health of a population.

Ex: urban development, large dams, mines, power plants, airports, development corridors

Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers VHF. Viruses that cause VHFs require an animal host or insect host such as arthropod vector as a natural reservoir. such as a mosquito or tick.

Examples of animal host reservoirs include rodents such as the cotton rat, deer mouse, and house mouse. The viruses are limited to those geographic areas in which the host species reside.

Toxic Metals Include: Heavy metals e.g., lead, mercury, nickel, Other metallic compounds e.g., aluminum, iron, tin

Featured in the CERCLA Priority List of Hazardous Substances that is regulated by ATSDR

Infectious Agents of Malaria, Plasmodium falciparum are the Most deadly, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale, Plasmodium malariae

First discovered by ROnald Ross. Plasmodium falciparum is the most deadly agent of malaria

U.S. Environmental protection agency = E.P.A. is a federal agency that finds you if you do something bad. Mission of the EPA is to protect human health and the environment. Air, water, pollutants etc.

July 1970 the white house and congress established the EPA in response to the growing public demand for cleaner water, air and land.

Characteristics of Hazardous Substances on the CERCLA Priority List. They Pose the most significant potential threat to human health because they have:

Known or suspected toxicity and Potential for human exposure at NPL national prioirty list sites. It is possible for substances with low toxicity but high NPL frequency of occurrence and exposure to be of the priority list. Can have low toxicity level but the occurence of exposure happen over and over again.

High- and Low- Level Contacts. Contact with high concentrations of toxic metals is most likely to occur in an occupational setting, e.g., among persons who work with metals, battery workers, auto , welders.

Lower-level exposures may result from contact with the ambient environment e.g., children may ingest toxic metals present in paint. depends on toxicity of substance. Leadis toxic so lower levels like a pencil tip can be deadly for children.

Classification of Toxic Effects of Metals.

Major toxic metals with multiple effects. Essential metals with potential for toxicity. Metals related to medical therapy. Minor toxic metals

Risk management involves the adoption of steps to eliminate identified risks or lower them to acceptable levels. This is ofen done by a government agency that has taken in input from the public.

Makes sure if you can manage the risks if they occur. So risk assessment first, then if it becomes a problem then it goes to risks management who addresses the problem. Such as lead problem pre 1976 homes

Vector-Borne Diseases. Transmitted from arthropods, usually insects.

Malaria, Leishmaniasis, Plague, Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever,

Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome HPS. The causative agent is the hantavirus, part of the viral family known as Bunyaviridae.

May be transmitted when aerosolized/airborne, urine and droppings from infected rodents are inhaled. Primary vectors are four species of rodents: cotton rat, rice rat, white-footed mouse, and deer mouse.

Other Zoonotic Diseases Examples:

Monkeypox, Tularemia, Rabies, Anthrax, Psittacosis

West Nile Virus. Classified as a mosquito-borne arboviral fever, the etiologic agent is a Flavivirus.

Mosquitoes are the carriers that become infected when they feed on infected birds. Health effects vary from no symptoms to very severe symptomatology.

causal agents of malaria.

Mosquitos. Signs and symptoms of malaria are fever, confusion, like the normal flu. usually stays 9-14 days to have symptoms

Lungs through inhalation of dusts, metal fumes, and vapors. Skin, through contact with dusts, usually from work, touching, or biomagnification, so always wash hands.

Mouth, by ingestion. Parameters need to be in place to protect people.

Environmental Factors Associated with Observed Increases in Leishmaniasis

Movement of the human population into endemic areas. Increasing urbanization. Extension of agricultural projects into endemic areas. Climate change due to global warming.

National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 NEPA. One of the first laws ever written that establishes the broad national framework for protecting our environment.

NEPA's basic policy is to assure that all branches of govenernment give proper consideration to the environment prior to undertaking any major federal action that significantly affects the environment.

Under the CDC there is NIOSH/research and OSHA/enforcement.

OSHA has a consultation branch for advice and an enforcement branch that fines you if you are not in compliance.

Dengue Fever in the U.S.. In the U.S., most cases of dengue are imported by travelers who are returning from endemic areas or by immigrants. spread from one area to another.

Occurrence of dengue fever that originated in the continental U.S. has been documented. Southern Texas and the southeastern states are at theoretical risk for transmission of dengue and for sporadic outbreaks.

Factors Associated with the Rise of Emerging Zoonoses are Ecological changes that result from agricultural practices e.g., deforestation, conversion of grasslands, and irrigation.

Other factors include changes in the human population and human behavior e.g., wars, migration, and urbanization.

Monkey pox causes lymph nodes to swell

Otherwise similar to small pox but milder

Examples of Emerging Zoonoses and Their Contributing Factors cont. Bacterial: Escherichia coli O157:H7 the hemolytic-uremic syndrome. From Mass food processing technology allowing contamination of meat

Parasitic: like Cryptosporidium and other pathogens. From Contaminated surface water, faulty water purification


Refers to "an infection or infectious disease transmissible under natural conditions from vertebrate animals to humans."

Emerging Zoonoses/ infectious disease from vertabrae animals to humans. from new agents, or in species that wasn't known to be affected there before. shows areas that were not there also

Refers to zoonotic diseases that are caused by either apparently new agents or by known agents that occur in locales or species that previously did not appear to be affected by these known agents.

National Priorities List NPL is "EPA's list of the most serious uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites in the United States identified for possible long-term remedial action under Superfund."

Sites are scored based on the Hazard Ranking System and updated at least once a year.

Environmental health regulation agencies: WHO is international over sees them all, then you have thos on a national level such as the EPA, DTSC, and federal level. Federal level gives you 180 days to accept their regulations, if not they will enforce it and becomes law.

State level has to reinforce regulations. Then local county or cities, then departments such as EPA, dept of anvionmental conservations, department of natural resources etc.

Lyme Disease. A condition identified in 1977 when a cluster of arthritis cases occurred among children around the area of Lyme, Connecticut.

The causative agent for the disease is a bacterium known as Borrelia burgdorferi. Transmission of Lyme disease to humans is associated with infected black-legged ticks (Ixodes scapularis) that ingest blood by puncturing the skin of the host

The reservoir for the cutaneous form of leishmaniasis includes wild rodents, human beings, and carnivores e.g., domestic dogs. They died. Sandfly ate them and then.

The disease is transmitted from the reservoir to the human host by a sand fly known as the phlebotomus fly. Endemic in a total of 82 countries

This is a deer mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus, a hantavirus carrier that becomes a threat when it enters human habitation in rural and suburban areas.

The main host for the hantavirus is the deer mouse--Peromyscus maniculatus, which is found throughout North America.

CERCLA pays for the federal Superfund cleanup. So toxic it cost billions. closest dump is Kettelman City. Southwest Fresno has a Superfund site.

The most toxic super funds get cleaned up first but takes about 5-10 years due to moving dirt and testing and hazardous air.

Principles of environmental policy development

The precautionary principle: if there is a chance it can harm the environment, you can't do it. Environmental justice: equal treatment, no burden of any environmental impact. Environmental sustainability: wealthy society and healthy planet. The polluter pay principle: you break you buy.

Acute Toxic Metal Poisoning is fast.

The symptoms of acute poisoning from exposure to metals generally have rapid onset—from a few minutes to approximately one hour. from high leavels all at once.

The policy cycle which all leads to increase taxes. Start with the policy definition/formulation/reformulation. Then the agenda setting: when and who will deal with it. Then Policy establishment of policy and parameters for a problem in your community.

Then policy implementation; how to implement it, a lot of politics local and federal. Turmoil policies: all about seats and no common sense. Then assessment policy, is it working, does it need to change? Then start over with definition, agenda, establishment, implementation, assessment. Cyclic

Arboviral Encephalitides is Transmitted by the bite of an arthropod vector primarily mosquitoes. The reservoir hosts for some forms of encephalitis viruses consist of nonhuman vertebrate hosts e.g., wild birds and small animals.

They can spread and is hard to find out.

EPA strategic plans 2009-2014 , updated every 3 years to better achieve and measure environmental and human health outcomes. lists a number of targets that may effect humans, impacts in the next years to come.

They targeted reduction of green house gas emissions, sustainable agriculture, impacts on global climate changes, contaminants, import safety, environmental indicators, monitoring, and related information, etc.

Environmental policy. A statement by an organization such as government or private of its intentions and principles to its overall environmental performance.

This a framework or parameter they must follow to show what they are going to do, and how they will protect the environment. government has regulatory steps, you must follow guidelines.

Example of the National Environmental policy Act NEPA is freeways. They must think of the environment first. If they take that area they must replace it exactly. entire ecosystem.

This also applies to federal they are not exempt.

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry ATSDR has identified a list of rank-ordered hazardous substances, known as the CERCLA Priority List of Hazardous Substances.

This list is revised and published on a 2-year basis, with a yearly informal review and revision. report has to list all chemicals a company has and give it to the fire department and health agency with maps where they are located.

Plague. The bacterium Yersinia pestis is the infectious agent for plague, a condition that infects both animals and humans.

Transmitted by the bite of a flea harbored by rodents. Historians believe that the plague epidemic during the Middle Ages AKA the "black death" was caused by fleas from infested rats.

Malaria Transmission. Transmission involves the complex life cycle of mosquitoes which are the vector and human hosts with human liver and human blood stages.

Transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito of the anopheles type. and multiply most of the time in the liver

Examples of Vectors

Various species of rodents like rats and mice, Arthropods like, mosquitoes, ticks, sand flies, biting midges

Examples of Emerging Zoonoses and Their Contributing Factors. Non-conventional agent: are Bovine spongiform encephalopathy. From Changes in rendering process.

Viral: such as Hantaviruses, are from Ecological/environmental changes and Increasing rodent contacts

WHO World health organization. environmental regulation at international level. WHO controls and prevents the spread of diseases. WHO is the major international agency that is responsible for environmental health at the global level.

WHO provides leadership in minimizing adverse environmental health outcomes associated with pollution, industrial development, and related issues.

Environmental sustainability. As a goal of environmental policy, environmental sustainability adheres to the philosophical viewpoint "that a strong, just, and wealthy society can be consistent with a clean environment, healthy ecosystems, and beautiful planet."

We don't want to deplete all of our resources. we should be able to replenish ourselves, such as the water table and doubt. Make sure the environmental can take care of itself. Resources, trees, water, basins.

Any company with hazardous materials has to send a materials business plan.

a copy goes to the fire department so they can handle and respond and know location and be able to use the correct type of suit, regulator.

Psittacosis from bacterial agent from dried bird droppings

chlamydia psittacosis bacteria from dried bird droppings

Anthrax is a spore forming bacterium, commonly occurs in cattle sheep and goats and other herbivores

cutaneous, inhalation, and gastrointestinal from under cooked meat of infected. Causes itching, skin lessons, development of a black eschar, and possible spread to the lymph nodes. Can be treated with antibiotics.

Arsenic is in pesticides, wood preservatives, and manufactured products and gold refineries

from ingestion or inhalation

Rabies caused hydrophobia. from virus in saliva of infected animals, mostly wild animals

is acute and highly fatal disease of CNS, causing encephalopathy and paralysis of he respiratory system. Only a few cases of survival. highly fatal disease.


is the most common environmental pediatric toxic substance, it should be regulated but it isn't. soil near car exhaust has lead in it.

any act came from Federal level after studying the environment

it is not over night, there is data collection 24/7

Toxic substances control act TSCA / DTSC ag department, provides EPA with authority to require reporting record keeping and testing requirements, and restrictions relating to chemical substances and or mixtures

look at chemicals every year and every 2 years they move the chemical added to list.

Bioaccumulation or biomagnification is Toxic substances such as heavy metals that become more concentrated and potentially more harmful as they move up the food chain.

lower organisms eats mercury, and is eaten by snail, and is eaten by fish, and then humans. It does't go away. so plant roots absorb it and animals and fish eat it and humans eat them and get toxic metals in their system.

FWS the U.S Fish adn waildlife service

maintains a worldwide list of endangered species. Birds, insects, fish, reptiles, mammals, crustaceans, flowers, grasses, and trees.

dengue fever virus vector is the Aedes aegypti mosquito via imigration or travel

people went into shock syndrome

Tularemia/ rabbit fever bacterial from bite of arthropod.

skin ulcers, swollen lymph glands, painful eyes, and sore throat. inhalation may cause sudden fever, chills, headache, muscle aches, joint pain, dry cough, and progressive weakness and some pneumonia. Treatable with antibiotics

studies takes a long time so it's hard to prove that it causes harm.

so doesn't mean it is safe

ATSDR puts the most hazardous substances on the CERCLA list

they go through testing process constantly to check how hazardous it really is .

Toxic metals are already preexisting in the environment.

trace metals are essential for life but don't need it in large quantities.

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