Environmental Science - Chapter 5: "How Ecosystem Works"

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Food Chain

1) Describe how energy is transferred from one organism to another


15. From producer to secondary consumer, about what percentage of energy is lost? a . 10 percent b. 90 percent c. 99 percent d. 100 percent

When burning fossil fuels we transform the fuel into carbon dioxide, which is then put into the atmosphere

Describe how the burning of fossil fuels affects the carbon cycle.

Lichens are essentially algae and bacteria that help form the 1st human soil.

Describe the role lichens play in primary succession. Write a short paragraph to explain your answer

The two processes of the carbon cycle are cellular respiration and photosynthesis.

Describe the two processes of the carbon cycle.

The excessive use of fertilizers affects the nitrogen cycle and phosphorus cycle by disrupting a body of water. For example a lake for example and when it rains and the water absorbed from plants that had been fertilizers, algae starts to form and the plants in those oceans can't absorb the sun, nitrogen, or phosphorus, which leads to the plants dying. The fishing also not having oxygen and food to eat, they would die and the lake is worthless.

Explain how the excessive use of fertilizer affects the nitrogen cycle and the phosphorus cycle.

It would not allow the plants/trees to germinate/spread their seeds.

Explain why putting out forest fires, may be damaging in the long run

The reason why the phosphorus cycle occurs more slowly than the nitrogen cycle is that phosphorus is less likely to occur as a gas.

Explain why the phosphorus cycle occurs more slowly than the nitrogen cycle.

Lichens are considered to part of the pioneer species because their algae dissolve and become the first human soil. Because abandoned farm areas are the first human soil they are, but Lichens does not need soil to colonize an area.

How are lichens similar to the pioneer species that colonize abandoned farm areas? How are they different?

Use solar power energy, don't take away more energy than before. Reduce the amount of time using a car, use public transportation instead as an alternative. Recycle/Reuse products that are reusable or recyclable.

What is one way that a person can help to reduce the level of carbon dioxide the atmosphere? Can you think of more than one way?

Some bacteria take in carbon dioxide during cellular respiration, which is one of the processes in the carbon cycle.

What is the importance of bacteria in the carbon cycle?

Bacteria play a key role to help the nitrogen cycle by taking/fix nitrogen for another organism in the nitrogen cycle.

What is the importance of bacteria in the nitrogen cycle?

Decomposition of humans results in bacteria and then minerals being produced and resided in the soil.

What is the importance of bacteria in the phosphorus cycle?

Pioneer species will make the new area habitable for the species.

What role a pioneer species plays during the process of ecological succession?


Which of the following statements is not true of consumers? a. They ger energy indirectly from the sun. b. They are also called heterotrophs. c. They make their own food d. They sometimes eat other consumers.

organisms that get their energy by eating other


breaks down dead organisms in an ecosystem and returns nutrients to the soil; water, and air


a gradual process of change and replacement in a community

ecological succession

a sequence in which energy is transferred from one organism to the next as each organism eats another organism

food chain

shows many feeding relationships that are possible in an ecosystem

food web

A process in which nitrogen is cycled between the atmosphere, bacteria, and other organisms

nitrogen cycle

organisms that can fix atmospheric nitrogen into compound chemicals

nitrogen-fixing bacteria

The movement of phosphorus from the environment to an organism and then back to the environment

phosphorus cycle

the first organisms to colonize any newly available area and begin the process of ecological succession

pioneer species

type of succession that occurs on a surface where no ecosystem existed before, such as on rocks or sand dunes

primary succession

the more common type of succession, occurs on a surface where an ecosystem has previously existed

secondary succession


11. Which of the following is correctly arranged from the lowest trophic level to the highest trophic level? a. bacteria, frog, eagle, raccoon b. algae, deer, wolf, hawk c. grass, mouse, snake, eagle d. grass, bass, minnow


12. Communities of bacteria have been found living thousands of feet underwater. Which of the following statements is a proper conclusion to draw about these bacteria? a. Somehow they are conducting photosynthesis. b. They are living on borrowed time. c. They were somehow by human activities. d. They use an energy source other than sunlight


13. Which of the following pairs of organisms probably belong to the same trophic level a. humans and bears b. bears and deer c. humans and cows d. both (a) and (c)


14. The energy lost between trophic levels a. can be captured only by parasitic organisms. b. cools the surrounding environment used in the course of normal living. d. evaporates in the atmosphere .


16. Which of the following statements about the nitrogen cycle is not true? a. Animals get nitrogen by eating plants other animals. b. Plants generate nitrogen in their roots. c. Nitrogen moves back and forth between the atmosphere and living things. d. Decomposers break down waste to yield ammonia.


17. Which of the following are most likely to be the pioneer organisms on an area of bare rock? a. trees b. shrubs c. lichens d. perennial grasses


18. Excessive use of fertilizer that contains nitrogen and phosphorus a. affects the carbon cycle. b. may cause algal blooms in waterways . C. causes soil erosion. d. contributes to primary succession .

cellular respiration gives carbon and photosynthesis turns the carbon animo acids, etc.

19. Explain the relationship between cellular respiration and photosynthesis.

Organisms make their own food and are the beginning producers/organisms of the food chain.

2) Describe the role that producers play in an ecosystem

There a limited amount of energy transferring between level, if there are unlimited levels, there won't be enough energy for the upper levels

20. Why is the number of trophic levels that can exist limited?

Decomposers get rid of dead organisms and help produce nitrogen and fossil fuels

21. Why are decomposers an essential part of an ecosystem?

Phosphorus rarely occurs as a gas , but 78% of air composed of Nitrogen, which makes it much easier to form various kinds of reactions

22. Write a short paragraph that explains why the phosphorus cycle occurs slower than the carbon and nitrogen cycles . WRITING SKILLS

Carbon moves from the atmosphere to plans.

23. Describe what happens to carbon dioxide in the carbon cycle

Herbivores are animals that eat plants, omnivores eat meat and plant.

3) Explain the difference between an herbivore and an omnivore.

Food chain is a sequence in which energy is transferred from one organism to another. Food Web shows many feeding relationships that are possible in an ecosystem

4) Compare energy transfer in a food chain to energy transfer in a food web.

Food Web, shows all the possible feeding relationships

5) look at figure 8. what feeding relationships does the crab eater seal have?

Yes, in the paragraph it stated that "Each time energy is transferred from one organism to another, some of the energy is lost as heat and less energy is available to organisms at the next trophic level." Plants and animals have the most energy, so if eat more of those higher containing levels of energy, people would be supported on 20 acres of land.

6) Read the paragraph under the heading "Trophic Levels" . Could more people be supported by 20 acres of land if they ate only plants instead of both plants and animals. support your answer.

Primary succession is the type of succession that occurs on a surface where no ecosystem existed before. Secondary succession occurs on a surface where an ecosystem that has to seem disturbed by human or animal, or by natural processes like storms, floods, earthquakes.

Compare primary and secondary succession

Secondary succession usually a body ocean would not turn easily to land unless it was interfered with by humans or animals.

Over a period of 1,000 years, a lake becomes a maple forest. is this process primary or secondary succession?

Energy from the sun enters an ecosystem when a plant uses sunlight to make sugar molecules in a process


An organism that can make its own food.


process by which carbon is cycled between the atmosphere, land. water, and organisms.

carbon cycle

the process of breaking down food to yield energy

cellular respiration

a final and stable community

climax community

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