environmental science exam 2

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Notice in the table that the energy consumed by the food retail and commercial food service component almost quadrupled from 1.05 quads in 2009 to 3.9 quads in 2016. What might be the reason(s) for this increase?

-Consumers are eating out more at food establishments that serve fast food but with a focus on fresh and healthy ingredients -Consumers are purchasing more processed and ready-to-eat foods, thus outsourcing much of the food prep to retail and wholesale grocery stores

Which of the following policies was the first to introduce the federal government's oversight in municipal solid waste?

Rivers and Harbors Act

As the food energy available increased from 1.4 quads to 1.75 quads between 2009 and 2016, the ratio of energy consumed by the food system per unit of available food energy also increased -T/F


Between 2009 and 2016, energy use in the processing industry changed much more substantially than energy use in packaging materials changed during the same period -T/F


Canada produces the most MSW per capita in the world - T/F


Energy used in food retail and commercial food service increased from 1.05 quads in 2009 to 3.9 quads in 2016 -T/F


If the average person in Latin America and the Caribbean produced 1 kg less MSW per day over the next 100 years, that region would generate the least MSW per capita per day -T/F


Nations in sub-Saharan Africa currently produce the least MSW and are predicted to produce the least in 2050 - T/F


On average, waste generation around the world is expected to go up by the year 2100 -T/F


There is an overall positive relationship between GNI per capita and MSW generation per capita -T/F


Though energy used in household storage and preparation increased by 0.7 quads from 2009 to 2016, the percentage of the total energy consumption represented by household storage and preparation declined -T/F


A city hopes to create soccer fields in a new recreational park. However, tests reveal unusually high levels of hazardous waste in the soil, but the company responsible for this cannot be identified. Consequently, the cleanup will be paid for by a superfund generated from taxes to producers of hazardous waste under __________.

The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 1980

How is the generation of municipal solid waste likely to change in the next 20 years?

The answer cannot be determined from the graph

Recycling behavior is influenced by an individual's perception of the usefulness of waste materials, regardless of their form. The study that led to this conclusion was inspired when the researchers noticed that whole sheets of paper were recycled more than paper fragments. In the experimental design, each person receives a sheet (8.5 x 11") of paper and a pair of scissors and is assigned to one of several groups. Which of the following represents the treatment group?

The group was asked to evaluate the scissors without cutting the paper

Between 2000 and 2010, per capita generation of solid waste declined, but the total amount of MSW remained relatively constant. What caused the difference in these two trends?

The total population was increasing

Which of the following scenarios represents food with the largest ecological footprint? A student in Alabama eats a lunch that includes __________.

beef raised on a farm in Argentina

Compared to early pesticides such as DDT, new pesticides __________.

break down faster and affect a narrower range of species

Industrial solid wastes __________.

can be reused and recycled

Energy and matter move through natural ecosystems in a __________.

circular fashion, while the movement of manufacturing products and waste management moves in a linear fashion

The main functional unit, or super organism, of a honeybee hive is the __________.


The wastes from a dairy farm with 700 cows__________.

contribute to global warming and are equivalent to the septic waste produced by a population of about 10,000 people

Participants in the reuse and recycling of electronic waste under the Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) Electronics Challenge __________.

must be certified by an approved, independent certification body

In parts of Asia, many fruit crops are pollinated by hand using feathers. This human method of pollination is used because __________.

overuse of pesticides has greatly reduced the populations of bees

For dinner, you have pasta with tomato sauce and meatballs, with cheese sprinkled on top. Which of these four is most likely to have been produced without bees?


When our oil supply is depleted, a new material will need to be used to produce _________.


The wastewater treatment industry gets involved with pollution from consumers washing clothing. Which of the following should be their main focus?

plastic microfibers

Compared to an open dump, sanitary landfills __________.

prevent the contamination of groundwater

Which of the following waste management activities is preferred over all the others?

preventing waste

You ______ by using it to start a fire while on a camping trip.

recover energy from the waste

You ______ by placing it in the bin marked for general paper recycling.

recycle the waste

You ______ by purchasing a microwave that advertises that it has minimal packaging.

reduce the production of waste

You _________ by dismantling and folding up the box before throwing it in the trash

reduce the volume of the waste

Individuals who buy in bulk or buy items in reusable containers are __________.

reducing waste

You _____ the waste by using the box to store your recyclables in the corner of your dorm room.


You _______ by throwing the box in the trash.

simply dispose of the waste

Moisture content, pH, and aeration are factors that greatly influence __________.

soil fertility

Which of the following scenarios are examples of waste reduction?

- Bringing a reusable grocery bag to the market instead of using a plastic bag provided by the store - Purchasing bar soap instead of bottled body wash or liquid soap - Shopping for previously worn clothes at a thrift store instead of purchasing new clothes at a department store

tradition agriculture

- controls pests with natural pesticides and planting of multiple crops - relies on human and animal power - many crops together grown on small plots of land

industrial agriculture

- heavy use of synthetic fertilizer - controls pests with synthetic pesticides - relies on fossil-fuel powered machinery -single crops grown on large plots of land

Most desirable to least desirable:

1. avoid the production of waste 2. reduce the production of waste 3. reuse the waste 4. recycle the waste 5. recover energy from the waste 6. reduce the volume of the waste 7. simply dispose of the waste

Energy consumed in the US food system

1. household storage and prep 2. food retail and commercial food service 3. processing industry 4. agricultural production 5. packaging material 6. transportation

Food processing and packaging together account for a little over 25% or ____ quads of the energy consumed in the food system annually.


In 2000, how much solid waste did the average person in the United States produce?

770 kgs per year

The U.S. food system is rather inefficient as it consumes almost ____ times as much energy in producing, processing, packaging, and transporting food than it makes available as food energy output


Which of the following would be considered household hazardous waste?

A can of spray paint

Which of the following statements is correct?

A sweet potato is actually a stem *Wheat and barley are seeds An onion is a flower A baked white potato, such as those commonly served in restaurants, is a root

___________ would help prevent the creation of leachate.

Capping the landfill when it is filled to capacity

Which of the following is an example of take-back regulations?

Apple Computer sends out shipping labels for customers to return, without charge, old computers when a new Mac is purchased

The development of agriculture is said to be a coevolutionary process because __________.

As crops evolved, humans evolved too

Which of the following statements is the best description of the per capita generation of solid waste between 1960 and 2010?

Between 1960 and 2000, per capita generation increased. After 2000, per capita generation declined

Which of the following statements is the best description of the total MSW generation between 1960 and 2010?

Between 1960 and 2005, total MSW generation increased at a steady rate. After 2005, total generation leveled off

Although "dry tombing" or capping a landfill after it is full is necessary, what problem can it create?

Biodegradable waste can remain for decades in a landfill

Which one of the following methods of addressing hazardous waste may include the use of bacteria?


Which of the following best illustrates a way to reduce the production of waste?

Buying food in bulk instead of individual packaging

If trends continue, which of the following will happen?

Consumers will purchase more clothing but keep it for less time

Which of the following irrigation systems is most efficient and LEAST likely to lead to soil salinization?

Drip irrigation in a high-humidity climate

Which of the following is the greatest obstacle to feeding all of Earth's people?

Equitable food distribution

Energy use in agricultural production and transportation increased from 2009 to 2016 -T/F


Every person in the Philippines produces less waste than every person in the United States -T/F


If the average person in Burundi produces 40 bags of trash per year, the average person in Malta would produce 400 bags -T/F


People in high-income nations are predicted to increase their waste generation over time - T/F


Total energy consumed by the U.S. food system decreased by 3.6 quads from 2009 to 2016 -T/F


Which of the following scenarios will most likely produce the most sustainable method of pollinating crops?

Include strips of wildflowers within and around an apple orchard

Which of the following would do the most harm to the productivity of a garden?

Killing the fungi in the soil

Minimally processed, locally grown foods are usually healthier and better for the environment. Suppose you're craving lasagna. Which of the following options would be the most ecological version of lasagna?

Locally made pasta, locally made cheese, your own tomato sauce made from local tomatoes, and no meat

Which of the following would discourage the recycling of a material?

Lower prices for recycled paper pulp

Layer 2: weathered parent material


You purchase a hoodie that contains recycled content. Where did this content most likely come from?

PET bottles

Which one of the following illustrates open-loop recycling?

Thin plastic bags used to haul groceries are recycled into plastic boards to be used in the construction of home decks

Eating less meat would reduce energy used in ____.

agricultural production

Purchasing organically grown food would save energy involved with _____ as it would reduce the energy that goes into producing chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

agricultural production

Which of the following scenarios would provide the greatest chance of resistance to widespread crop disease on a particular farm? A farmer in Illinois __________.

alternates between raising soybeans or corn from year to year, and uses hybrid varieties of seeds that are different from the seed varieties used on surrounding farms

Home hazardous wastes are threats to the environment and public health because they __________.

are frequently discarded into wastewater or municipal landfills

Compared to most natural ecosystems, most agroecosystems __________.

are simpler food chains

You _______ by deciding not to buy a new microwave and use the community microwave located on your dorm floor instead.

avoid the production of waste

Two children, helping out their grandmother with her organic garden, inspect her bean plants and remove insects every day for a month. Sadly, the bean plants do not do well and produce few beans. The grandmother, wondering what has happened, inspects the garden and finds that the children compacted the soil at the base of the beans, which in turn harmed the plants by __________.

decreasing aeration and increasing runoff

A window air conditioner typically consists of a few basic components such as a fan, electronic controls, and a cooling unit. A manufacturer recognizes that old air conditioners could be recycled if it was easier to disassemble these units and either reuse them in other systems or recycle the materials. Designing an air conditioner such that it is easier to take apart and reuse or recycle illustrates __________.

design for disassembly

Large, commercial pharmacies across the country must dispose of outdated, unsold drugs. This waste represents a type of __________.

discarded commercial chemical waste

A computer manufacturer offers to pay for the return of your old computer when you buy a new one. This is an example of __________.

extended producer responsibility

To best reduce the environmental impact of agriculture, consumers should choose __________.

foods that are in season

Compared to sanitary landfills, waste-to-energy facilities __________.

generate electricity

Buying frozen convenience food in bulk could increase energy used in _______.

household storage and preparation

The largest portion of energy in the food system is consumed by _______.

household storage and preparation

Agriculture originated during a time when human populations were __________.

increasing, climates were getting warmer and dryer, and wild food was less available

Which of the following actions would not reduce the per capita generation of solid waste?

installation of waste-to-energy incinerators

E-waste is considered to be a form of hazardous waste because __________.

it contains large amounts of heavy metals

Radioactive waste from spent fuel rods used in nuclear reactors is particularly difficult to dispose of because __________.

it contains large amounts of toxic heavy metals and the radioactivity decays very slowly

What hazardous material do electronics contain, making them important to recycle properly?


The continued decline of bees in the United States is most likely due to __________.

many factors, including viral, bacterial, and fungal infections and improper use of pesticides

What hazardous material do fluorescent light bulbs contain, making it important to dispose of them properly?


The production of aluminum cans produces waste and uses energy at each of the five steps. The recycling of aluminum cans, however, reduces waste and energy use by skipping several steps. These steps include __________.

mining, refining, and smelting

The best response to the spreading disease affecting Cavendish bananas is to __________.

switch to other types of banana plants

The fashion industry adopts standards to decrease their impact. To have the largest positive impact, where should they focus?

textile mills

Studies of materials in modern landfills reveal that __________.

the volume of waste is not closely correlated with weight

The two main processes that form soil are __________.

the weathering of bedrock and the decomposition of organic materials near the soil surface

Which of the following makes the use of synthetic fibers so appealing to the clothing industry?

they are durable

Compared to most natural ecosystems, agroecosystems are particularly fragile because __________.

they have much less biodiversity

Layer 3: subsoil

this layer accumulates minerals and organic matter leached from upper soil layers

Layer 5: Topsoil

this layer consist of organic matter, humus, and inorganic minerals. It facilitates plant rooting, has high nutrient content, and holds water

Layer 6: Organic (litter layer)

this layer consists of plant residue atop the soil surface. On a forest floor, it may be leaves and twigs. In a field, it may be crop residue left after the harvest

Layer 1: rock (parent material)

this layer forms the base geologic material in a particular location: it is sometimes called bedrock

Layer 4: Eluviated (leaching layer)

this layer losses minerals and organic matter to the layer beneath it

Which of the crops shown on the map are out of season during winter in the United States?

tomatoes and strawberries

Consolidation in the food system means that there are fewer food processing operations, which increases energy used in ____ by increasing the distance between food sources and consumers.


Purchasing locally grown produce would reduce energy used in ____.


Biomagnification of DDT in natural ecosystems could be greatly reduced if DDT __________.

were not a long-lived compound

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