EOC Physical Science

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A student coiled wire around a nail, attached both ends to a 1.5-V battery, and attempted to lift paper clips with the nail. 10=2 20=4 30=10 40=20 What is a valid conclusion for this investigation?

Increasing the number of turns of wire increases electromagnetic strength.

Two equal forces act at the same time on the same stationary object but in opposite directions. Which statement describes the object's motion?

It remains stationary.

Why is lightning seen before thunder is heard?

Light travels faster than sound.

A student is listening to the radio and realizes that the volume is too low. When she turns up the volume, which part of the sound waves is she changing?


A chair exerts a force of 20 N on a floor. What is the force that the floor exerts on the chair?

20 N

A car starts from rest and accelerates uniformly at 1.7 m/s/s. How long will it take the car to reach a speed of 34 m/s?

20 s

This diagram shows an object being pushed along a friction less surface. The object accelerates at 2 m/s/s. The object is 3 kg. What force was applied to the object?

6 N

A total of 750 J of work was done when a force of 125 N was exerted on a box to move it. How far was the box moved?

6.00 m

A car's velocity changes from 0 m/s to 40 m/s in 5 seconds. What is the average acceleration of the car?

8 m/s/s

Carts A and B have the same mass. Both students have a mass of 80 kg. If the student in cart A pulls the rope, what will result?

Both carts will move toward each other.

A light bulb with a resistance of 100 ohms is plugged into a 120-volt outlet. What is the current flowing through the bulb?

1.2 amperes

What is the speed of a wave with a wavelength of 0.5 m and a frequency of 20 Hz?

10 m/s

A 1-kg block of ice is set into motion on a friction less surface. It attains a speed of 5 m/s at point X. What is the kinetic energy of the ice at point X?

12.5 J

A series circuit has a 6-V battery and 3 ohms of resistance. How much current will flow through the circuit?

2 A

How much force is needed to accelerate a 500.0-kg car at a rate of 4.000 m/s/s?

2,000. N

A motor has a current of 2 A flowing through it when it is powered with a 12-V battery. What is the power used by the motor?

24 W

What is the potential energy acquired by an object with a mass of 5.00 kilograms when it is raised 5.00 meters?

245 J

A 3.00-kg object rests on the roof's edge of a 10.0-m high building. What is the object's potential energy?

294 J

After a spacecraft takes off, its distance traveled is measured and is represented in this graph. What is the average speed of the spacecraft?

3 kilometers per second

An object rolls east at a steady speed of 12 m/s for 3.0 seconds. What distance did it travel?

36 m

What is the average speed of the object from time = 0 s to time = 5 s?

5 m/s

A student exerts a force of 500 N pushing a box 10 m across the floor in 4 s. How much work does the student perform?

5,000 J

How much current is used by a 120-V refrigerator that uses 650 W of power?

5.4 A

A 100-N force causes an object to accelerate at 2 m/s/s. What is the mass of the object?

50 kg

How much power is used to lift a box that weighs 50 newtons 10 meters in 10 seconds?

50 watts

Which time period shows the acceleration of the bicycle?

8—10 s

What voltage is required to run a 45-watt light bulb if the current is 0.5 amphere?

90 volts

A student uses two identical balls to perform an investigation. The student throws ball A with a horizontal velocity from a height of 10 meters. At the same time, another student drops ball B from the same height without any horizontal velocity. Neglecting air resistance, which best describes the results?

Both balls will hit the ground at the same time.

Which statement best describes a bar magnet that has been broken into two pieces?

Each piece has both a north and a south pole.

When a plastic rod is rubbed with fur, the plastic rod becomes negatively charged. Which statement explains the charge transfer between the plastic rod and the fur?

Electrons are transferred from the fur to the plastic rod.

Which best describes a circuit in series?

Electrons have only one path at all times.

How do electrically charged objects affect neutral objects when they come in contact?

Electrons move from negatively charged objects to neutral objects.

Which statement best explains why the boat moved away form the student who went for a swim.

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

How does ice cool a warm drink?

Heat flows from the drink to the ice.

A quarter is resting on top of an index card, which has been placed across the top of a small cup. When the card is given a hard horizontal push to the right, what will happen?

The card will fall off the cup, but the quarter will fall directly into the cup.

The liquids in two beakers have an initial temperature of 50°C and are left to cool. What will happen to the liquids?

The ethyl alcohol will cool first.

A 200-kg load is suspended from a cable on a crane. The load is moved upward at a constant velocity 20 m to the top of the building. What would be true of the force on the cable as it moved upward?

The force on the cable remained the same.

A magnet is moved back and forth through a loop of wire What will happen as the magnet is moved back and forth as shown?

The galvanometer needle will move back and forth.

The diagrams represent two complete circuits. A 9-V battery is connected to two light bulbs as shown. Which statement best describes what can be observed?

The light from Circuit B will be brighter because each light bulb has a direct path to both poles of the battery.

A solid object at 30°C is placed inside a container of liquid at 60°C. What most likely will be observed?

The temperature of the solid object will increase.

Which statement is true about parallel circuits?

They contain separate branches through which current can flow.

A roller coaster car moves on a roller coaster track through positions W, X, Y, and Z. At what position will the roller coaster car most likely have the greatest kinetic energy?


This chart represents information about four different carts and the force applied to each cart. W=5&3 X=5&6 Y=5&4 Z=5&1 Which cart will have the greatest amount of acceleration?


A student is a passenger in the front seat of a moving car. Which object is the best frame of reference for the student to determine how fast the car is moving relative to the ground?

a signpost on the side of the road

A student opens the top window and the bottom window in a hot room. Warmer air goes out the top window, while cooler air comes in the bottom window. Which best explains why the room becomes cooler?


Which describes the magnetic fields of permanent magnets?

domains aligned in a similar direction

When comparing the types of electromagnetic waves, which has the greatest energy?

gamma rays

In which example would the amount of work done equal zero?

holding a 1,000-N rock overhead

a negatively charged balloon. When the charged balloon is brought near some pieces of paper, the papers are attracted to the balloon. Which describes the charging of the pieces of paper?

positive, due to induction

A metal rod and a brick are both in the sun. Assuming that both are the same mass, which property of matter will make one hotter to the touch than the other?

specific heat

A sheet of paper is positioned to completely cover a bar magnet. Iron filings are then gently sprinkled on the paper. What does the pattern created by the iron filings indicate?

the magnetic field created by the two poles

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