Epitheliel Cells
synovial membrane
membrane lining the capsule of a joint
endocrine glands
-glands lack ducts and secrete their products, called hormones directly into the blood stream. -act as chemical messengers to influence cell communication.
exocrine glands
-invagination of epithelium that burrows into underlying connective tissue. -maintain connection w/ surface by means of a duct through which they secrete and discharge onto the epithelial surface.
Tubular gland
A gland with a secretory portion in diameter to its duct is called?
acini and at least 1 duct
A multicellular exocrine gland consists of?
basement membrane
A thin extracellular layer upon which an epithelium rests is called?
Lacrimal gland
An example of a merocrine gland is?
dense irregular connective
Collagen fibers randomly arranged & clumped together; -function: withstands stress in all directions **location: most of dermis of skin, periosteum covering bone; perichondrium covering cartilage, epineurem covering nerves, epimysium covering skeletal muscle, some organ capsules**
collagen, elastin, reticular
Describe 3 components of connective tissue
a) Richly innervated B) lack blood vessels c) have high regeneration capacity d) composed almost entirely of cells e)cells are bound closely together f) basal surface is bound to a basement membrane g) covers surfaces and lines cavities and organs
Describe the common features of epithelial tissue
To support, protect and bind organs
Describe the functions of connective tissue.
Epithelium act as "gate keepers" to control the movement of substances into the body?
stratified cuboidal
Epithelium forms the walls of the ducts of glands and has at least 2 cell layers with the most superficial layer being cuboidal in shape?
Epithelium is found in areas likely to be subject to abrasive activities and mechanical stress?
a) covers surfaces and lines cavities and organs b) form glands
Explain 4 functions of epithelial cells.
Exposed to surface or lumen
Facilitates Movement
reticular fibers
Fibers made of collagen fibers that are very thin and branched. Forma tightly woven fabric that joins connective tissue to adjacent tissues. **found in lymph nodes, spleen, liver**
Fingerlike extensions of plasma membrane of apical epithelial cells, increase surface area, aid in absorbtion, exist on every moist epithelia, but most dense in small intestine and kidney
dense regular connective tissue
Function: attaches muscles to bones or to muscles; attaches bones to bones; withstands great tensile stress when pulling force is applied in one direction Location: tendons, most ligaments, aponeuroses
Cilia of epithelium
Goblet cell
Have intercellular connections
stratified cuboidal epithelium
Identify which of the following options is best described as a multicellular tissue with the superficial cells cuboidal in shape which form the walls of the ducts of glands?
Smooth Muscle Tissue
Involuntary muscle is found in the intestines where it pushes food along the digestive tract. Also found in arteries and veins.
Cilia, simple
Letter A indicates- Letter B indicates -columnar epithelium
nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
Location: Lining of the oral cavity and esophagus, vagina, anus Function: The multiple layers of cells withstand abrasion from ingested materials
1) simple epithelial 2) Simple squamous epithelium 2) simple columnar epithelimu 3) Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium 4) Simple cuboidal epithelium 5) Non-keratinized epithelium 6) Keratinized stratified epithelium 7) Transitional epithelium
Name the classes of epithelial tissues based on cell layers and cell shapes
Pads between vertebrae that are shock absorbers
elastic connective tissue
Predominantly composed of elastic fibers; fibroblasts occupy some spaces between fibers.
a) ducts of most glands b) kidney tubules
Select all that contain simple cubodial epithelium.
nervous tissue
Structure: contains neurons, which have a cell body, dendrites & axon that extend from the cell body; also contain gilal cells, which lack the processes seen in neurons Functions: Neurons receive, processes and transmit nerve impulses, where as glial cells help protect, nourish & support neurons Location: brain, spinal chord, and nerves.
epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous
The 4 major tissue types are?
keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
The epidermis of the skin is composed of which type of tissue?
Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
The lining of the larynx consists of what epithelial tissue?
acinar gland
The secretory portion of a gland forms an expanded sac, the gland is called?
The simple squamous cells that line blood and lymphatic vessels
cutaneous membrane
The skin; composed of epidermal and dermal layers
The study of tissues and their relationships within organs is called?
compound acinar gland
The type of multicellular exocrine gland in this picture is?
nonciliated simple columnar epithelium
These epithelial cells form a single layer of tall narrow cells whose apical membranes may have microvilli for increased absorption and secretion.
ciliated columnar epithelium
This type of epithelium is know for its ability to move structures like the oocyte in a uterine tube or small particles in the bronchioles of the lung?
exocrine gland
This type of gland has a duct and carries its secretions to the surface of the body or the lumen of an organ?
Tiny, cytoplasmic projections on the apical surface of a cell that increases the surface area for secretion and adsorption are called?
simple squamous epithelium
Tissue type shown here
Tissues are groups of cells that carry out a common function
hyaline cartilage
Translucent bluish white cartilage consisting of cells embedded in an apparently homogeneous matrix, present in joints and respiratory passages, and forming most of the fetal skeleton
skeletal muscle tissue
Voluntary muscle pulls on bones and causes body movements. -attaches to bones or sometimes to skin, forms external urethral and sphincters
a) number of cell layers b) shape of cells at apical surface
What criteria are used to classify epithelia?
transitional epithelium
What type of epithelium contains cells able to withstand a significant amount of stretch?
Basal epidermal layer
Where epithelium is attached to underlying connective tissue.
a) Anchors the epithelial to connective tissue b) Provide physical support c) act as a barrier
Which 3 are functions of the basement membrane?
a) It is composed almost entirely of cells b) The cells are bound closely together c) The basal surface is bound to a basement membrane
Which 3 characteristics describe epithelial tissue?
a) Richly innervated b) lack blood vessels c) has high regeneration capacity
Which 3 statements correctly describe epithelial tissue?
lining of trachea
Which is a location of pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium?
Mammary Gland
Which is a type of apocrine gland?
sabaceous (oil) glands
Which is an example of a holocrine gland?
Which of the following epithelial cells are flat, wide and somewhat irregular in shape?
High regenerative capacity
Which option best explains the ability of of epithelial tissues to repair themselves?
stratified columnar epithelium
Which option is characterized by being rare in the body, found in the ducts of the salivary glands and is multicellular?
a) lines part of the anus b) keratin not present within the cells c) The cells remain alive all the way to the apical surface d) The cells remain moist
Which statements characterize nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelial tissue?
1) cover body surfaces, 2) line body cavities, 3)line organ cavities 4) form glands
Which statements describe the locations of epithelial tissues?
a) It allows for rapid diffusion and filtration. b) It lines blood vessels
Which two statements characterize simple squamous epithelial tissue?
Which type of epithelium is composed of a single layer of cells that are attached to a basement membrane but not all the cells reach the apical surface of the epithelium?
Which type of glands lack ducts and can secrete their products directly into the blood stream?
goblet cells
a column-shaped cell found in the respiratory and intestinal tracts, which secretes the main component of mucus.
a structure that is composed of two or more tissue types that work together to perform specific, complex functions.
adipose connective tissue
acts as a storage depot for fat -stores energy; insulates, cushions & protects **location- subcutaneous layer, surrounds and covers some organs.
mucous membrane
also called mucosa: lines passageways and compartments that eventually open to the external environment -digestive, respiratory, urinary & reproductive tracts
cablelike long protein fibers that are strong, flexible and resistant to stretching. **found in tendons & ligaments**
elastic cartilage
cartilage with abundant elastic fibers; more flexible than hyaline cartilage * found in ear, epiglotis*
elastin fibers
contain protein elastin. The fibers branch ad rejoin and appear wavy **found in skin, arteries & lungs**
controls activities, processes information
covers surfaces and lines body cavities and organs
stratified columnar
epithelium is fairly rare in the body and is found in the ducts of the salivary glands
supporting connective tissue
firm extracellular matrix bone and cartilage
areolar connective tissue
ground substance, few collagen and elastic fibers, scattered fibroblasts **protects tissues and organs, binds skin & some epithelia to deeper tissue** -Location: papillary layer of the dermis, subcutaneous layer; surrounds organs, nerve cells, some muscle cells and blood vessels.
individual cells or multicellular organs composed of epithelial tissue.
epidermis of skin
keratinized stratified squamous epithelium tissue is located on the?
serous membrane
lines body cavities that typically do not open to the external environment and covers the external surface of many organs. Form 2 passageways: Parietal and visceral layers -location: between 2 layers
Pseudostratified Ciliated columnar epithelium
lines the respiratory tract
transitional epithelium
lining of urinary bladder, ureters, and part of urethra
reticular connective tissue
meshwork of reticular fibers, leukocytes & some fibroblasts -Function-provides stroma (supportive framework) to lymphatic organs **Location: spleen, lymph nodes & red bone marrow**
protects, binds together and supports organs
simple columnar epithelial lines the larger bronchioles of the lungs
fluid connective tissue
specialized cells that circulate in a watery fluid containing salts, nutrients, and dissolved proteins Primarily within blood vessels and in the heart **blood vessels and in the heart**
mucous connective tissue
specialized loose connective tissue present in the umbilical cord function- support structures in umbilical chord
cardiac muscle tissue
specialized muscle tissue found only in the heart
Mesenchyme Connective Tissue
spindle shaped ground substance in fluid with some immature protein fibers. **located throughout the body of the embryo**
simple epithelium
which type of epithelium is 1 layer thick?