ES 105 Final

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Short term

1 event on a fault with an avg rate of 2cm/ur Quiet for 200 years 200 x 2cm/yr= 400 cm= 4m= 12 feet of offset

Mid-Ocean RIdges

Avg rate of sea floor spreading-6 cm/year

Intraplate Earthquakes

Basin and range normal faults Happen along zones of weakness Re-activation of ancient faults Occur in the interior of a plate Ex: Salt lake City and Provo, Utah Major earthquakes occur every 100 to 1000 years Now quiet area since 1857 in an area with a million people ex:Charleston, SC -1886 New York City 1884 Plymouth, Mass 1863, 1755 Felt long distances compared to those on a plate boundary Ex: 6.0 earthquake along san andreas fault felt in less pla es in california where as 2011 Virginia earthquake m5.8 felt all over east coast


11 million miles Moons: shadow, Dione, Hyperion, Phoebe, Epimetheus, Mimas

Edward Hubble/Mt.Wilson observatory:

1937 at observator confirms Slipher's observation to include 39 galaxies All moving away from each other with the most distant at the greatest velocity

Appollo Lunar Missions:

1963-72 6 missions landed man on the moon Apollo 11 launch 1969 was first humans on the moon Apollo 17 6th and last lunar landing All lunar samples 4.0-4.6 bil years old

Human population in billions

1st billion-1830 2nd-1930 3rd-1960 4th-1975 5th-1987 6th-1999 7th-2012


2 kinds are rising magma and tectonic Effects on land: -landslides Liquefication, ex: Marina District, SF 1991, Mexico City 11975 Regional uplift and subsidence Effects at sea: -tsunamis


2.7 million miles Moons: Io, Ganymede, Europa

Milky Way

200 billion stars 6 billion with solar systems Our galaxies We are 30,000 light years from a dark hole

Long Term

30 million years of movement on the San Andreas 30,000,000 yrs x 2cm/yr= 60 M cm= 600 km= 352 mi LA now adjacent to Berkley

Early Elements Earth is made of

35%FE 29% O2 15% Si 12.7% Mg 2% Nickel 1.9% Sulfur 0.05% TI

Last 500 mil years timeline

500: geoclines at site of Appalchians, Urals, SIerras 410: Collision-europe/asia>>N. Appalachians 370:COLLISION- EUrope/NA>>S. Appalachians 290: Collisions- Africa/NA>> S. Appalachians 290-180: PANGEA 180: RIFTING- Laurasia and GOndwana LAnd- Tethys Sea 170: RIFTING- Laurasia >> N. Atlantic 120: RiFTING-GOndwanaland>> S> Atlantic 70: COLLISION- Africa with Europe >> Alps 60: COLLISION- Island Arcs with CA >> SIerras, Rockies 40: COLLISION- INdia with Tbet >> Himalayas 20: RIFTING_ East Africa and the Rio Grande 20: San ANdreas forms 6: San Gabriel MOuntains- bending of the San Andreas

Cambrian Era (explosion)

570 mil years ago Triobites Life explosion Time when most of major groups of animals first appear in the fossil record Find ammonires in England Ocean molluscs

Plate Movement

6 cm/year is typical but rates can range from 2 to 10 cm/yr


800 mil year old lunar crater 90 km across

SUmatra Tsunami

9.3 magnitude Second most powerful earthquake in history 230,000 killed

The Great Mop Up

99.9% of mass collapsed to form sun with 0.1% in the remaining mass (gas and dust) in the rotation contracted to form planetismals The planets build up by accretion and collision by gravitational attraction, accompanied by a great increase in T and P

Gas Cloud:

A future star

Philae Lander Found

A little spacecraft that was presumed lost has been found Descended from its parent Rosetta spacecraft to the nucleus of COmet C67/P Sent back images from an unknown location


A process involving all aspects of subduction, including earthquakes, faulting, folding, metamorphism, melting and volcanism, mountain building, continental growth From Alaska to S. Mexico the mountains of the Cordilleran orogeny

How a star is born:

A star is born when atoms of light elements are squeezed under enough pressure for their nuclei to undergo fusion Once fusion begin exert outward force As long as inward force of gravity and the outward ` Where elements come rom, dying exploding stars

Theory of Plate Tectonics

Accounts for distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes, how continents form, and why ocean basins are never to be long lived

SUbduction zones

Accretion and volcanism only at subduciton zones Deep earthquakes because the subducting slab is cold

Accretion during subduction

Accretion is a process by which material is added to a tectoni plate or a landmass Material may be sediment, volcanic arcs or other igneous features

Closure of the Tethys Sea

Mediterranean portion of the Tethys about to close as Africa and Eurasia converge

Coal Beds:

Ancient Coal beds allowed for fossil fuels Extraordinarily rich source of the remains of ancient plants

Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson:

At Bell Labs in New Jersey, 1965 Discovered the Earth is bathed in cosmic microwave background radiation that comes from everywhere Confirms Big Bang Theory

The San Andreas Fault

Began 20 mil years ago Tanya Atwater at UCSB discovered due to the subduction of the East Pacific RIse Connects spreading ridges- GUlf of California to Juan de Fuca Ridge, the pacific plate and farallon plate spreading Example of transform boundary

Age of Reptiles

Began 220 mil years ago Mezozoic era Diversified rapidly and giant reptiles and dinosours ramed the Earth

Life on Land

Began 400 mil year ago Fossil ferns evidence Plants began colonizing the land During cambrian explosion Freshwater plants inched their way onto muddy shores and swamps and true land plants eolved from there

Earth's Moon

Born 4.5 y died 4.0 bil years ago Lunar highlands 4.3-4.5 bil eyears ago anorthosite Lunar maar created 4.0 bil years ago by basalt crater

Cascadia Tsunami

Caused by Cascadia Earthquake of 1700 8.7-9.2 magnitude Reached Japan's shores in 12 hours Demosntrates that a Japanese earthquake-induced tsunamia could easily reach U.S

Two Great Belts of Earthquake

Circum-pacific alpine-himalayan

Comet Catalina

Comet Catalina now leaving the inner Solar System and galaxy M101 2x the size of the Milky Way and just 270,000 light years away

Wilson Cycle

Continental rifting Opening of ocean basin Closing of ocean basin Re-opening of ocean basin Rifting-subduction-collision Appalachian model Serpentine "spirit of oceans past"

3 types of boundaries

Convergent Divergent Transform

Hyrdogen Fusion

Creates helium and releases 4x the energy of a nuclear bomb Fuels the sun

Japan type subduction:

Creates island arcs Arcuate trend due to the Earth being round Always bordered by a deep-sea trench

Melvin Slipher 1913

Discovered 12 galaxies beyond the Milky Way All showed doppler Effect Proof that the universe is expanding

Inland mountain range

Double thickness of continental crust Continental crust colides into other plate The impact of the 2 plates buckles the edge f one or both plates into a rugged mountain range

EEarliest Humans

Early human-like species at 4 mil years ago Earliest human Homo Havilis at 2.5 mil yers ago Homo Erectus at 1.5 mil years afo (in East Africa Rift VAlley) Neanderthal at 100,000 years Homo Sapien at 40,000 years

Origin of the Universe:

Earth is 4.5 bil years old


Earth's twin planet Covered with dense volcanic clouds of CO2 and sulfuric acid Exhibits abundant volcanic and other geologic activity

China's 7.9 Earthquake

Eastern Sichuan, China epicenter 7.9 magnitude 40,000 fatalities Occurred in an area that is deforming as a result of the collision between 3 tectonics plates (the Indian and the Eurasian plate)

Einstein vs. de Sitter 1917:

Einstein- theory of relativity, an equation with a beginning De Sitter- corrects Einstein's model... a beginning of time

Appalachian collision

Elongated belt of folded and thrust faulted marine sedimentary rocks, volcanic rocks and slivers of ancient ocean floor

New Madrid, Missouri: 1812

Example of an intraplate earthquake Rang chrichbells in New England and diverted the Mississippi River which flowed backwards Mid-continent Motion felt for 100's of miles

Primary Waves

Fast 6km/s P and S waves can be used to determine distance push -pull motion, slinky

Earliest Earth's Oceans and Land

First earthquakes and colcanoes- 4.6 bil ears ago Early atmosphere, precipitation and oceans (acidic) -4.6 bil years ago Earliest continents- 4 bil years ago

The Earth Melts

Forms the crust, atmosphere, oceans and life

California Earthquakes

Ft. Tejon 1857 8.0 San Francisco 1906 8.3 San Fernando 1971 6.4 Whittier 1987 6.1 Loma Prieto 1989 6.9 Big Bear 1992 5.5 Landers 1992 7.6 Northridge 1994 6.6

Doppler Effect:

Galaxies are speeding away because they showed a "red shift" in color

Pangea Ice Cap

Glacial deposit (tillte) found in SOuth Africa shows connection to Gondwanaland At higher latitudes there were ice caps Had karoo ice age found in Karoo region of South Africa

Mass Extinctions:

Great Oxygenation Event- 2.4 bil years ago Ordovician:-440 mil years ago Devonian- 375 mil years ago Permian- 251 mil years ago, the largest extinction 95% Triassic- 220 mil years ago Cretaceous- 66 mil years ago, diosaur extinction


Greek for "solid" Curst and upper mantle 14 plates Plates under stress leads to earthquakes

Earliest Life:

Green algae used photosynthesis to grow an change the atmosphere By 2.2 bil uears the Earth's initial CO2 rich atmoshere became thinner and rich in nitrogen and oxygen Eospharea and archaeorstris


Has canyons which is evidence of water erosion Was alive Landslide and impact crater Branchman dunes from wind Has wind and a thin atmosphere mostky of CO2 Moons: phoobs, (larger moon), Dead


Process by which gravity separates materials according to density Process by which diferent types of minerals form a conglomerate rock Any process by which a planet's surface evolves differently from another planet's surface

Early Americans:

Ice age and humans at 2.5 mil years ago Last 0.04% of Earth Time Spread of HomoSapian into North America 15,000 years ago 10,000 years ago Ice Age ends and current global warming begins


Iceland is on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge Iceland rift is all basalt Iceland emerged as the result of the divergent, spreading boundary between the North American tectonic plate and the Eurasian tectonic plate Only place where you can stand on midatlantic ridge on dry land


Icemountains and plains Has hydrocarbon atmosphere Form horizons from methane, acetylene and ethylene

East Pacific Rise

In and out of every ocean like a seam on a baseball Hydrothermal vents on edge that vent warm, mineral-rich fluids and team with extromophiles

James Hutton

In llate 1700s James Hutton doctor, lawyer farmer helped found the field of geology One of his discoveries is that oldest rocks in mountains were often marine sedimentary rocks at various states of metamorphism Folded strata on the Canadian Rockies and Humboldt Range, NV originated as sediments at the bottom of the ocean

Richter Scale

Invented by C.F Richter 1935 Quantitative Log scale from 1-10 Each unit differs by factor of 10 in magnitude and factor of 32 energy Ex: 2 vs a 4 -10^2= 100 x greater magnitude 32^2 = 1024 x more energy Ex: 2 vs a 5 -10^3= 1000 c greater magnitude 32^3= 33,000 more energy

The Giant Outer Planets:

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune Called gas giants Large worlds Less dense than inner planets Ocmosed mostyl of gases and ices of H, S, and NH3 (ammonia) and CH4 (methane) Mostly non-metal

The Cretaceous- Tertiary Impact

K-T extinction Elimated dinosaurs and many marine intvertebrates Those that survived led to modern birds and crocodilians Theory that it was caused by meteorite impact that ejected rock debris into that atmosphere and blocked sunlight Found giant crator in Yucatan Peninsula Extinction allowed for mammals to thrive however

Age of Mammals:

Last 66 mil years Cenozoic Largest ;and animals are mammals Mastodon went extinct w/ Ice Age


Location projected to surface Allows plotting on map Requires 3 stations Distance circles from time between P and S waves, ex: Difference = 10sec Distance: 10 x (6-3.5= 2.5km/s)= 250 km

Fossil Bacteria

Look like worms First animals at 800 mil years ago

Andean type subduction

Major volcanic belt along the Andean cordillera formed as a result of subduction of the Nazca Plate and Antarctic Plate beneath the south american plate

Moment Magnitud

Measured by height of greatest magnitude as measured 100 km away < 2 not felt 3 felt by those close, sharp bump 4.5 felt by many, local damage 5.5 damaging 6.5 destructive > 7.5 serious harm

The Inner Planets:

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars Smaller, rocky More dense Rich in metals and non-metals Fe, Mg, Si, O


Mostly H and HE at 10,00 degrees F on surface

Pacific Subduction:

Nazca plate oceanic tectonic platshares both convergent and divergent boundaries Courners multiple triple junctions, 3 seamount chains, overrides 4 htspots Responsible for creation of the Andean orogeny

Early Eart

No air, no water, no llife Started w/ Great mop up 4.6 bil years ago Meteorites of metal, rock and carbon and comets of ice came together

Big Bang Theory:

Origin of the universe 13.7 bil years ago Cosmos goes through superfast "inflation" expanding from the size of an atom to a grapefruit in a fraction of a second Post inflation universe is hot "soup" of electrons, quarks and other particles a a rapidly cooling cosmos permits quarks to clump into protons and neutrons Too hot to form atoms, charged electrons and protons prevent light from shining, universe is a superhot fog Electrons combine with protonsand neutrons to from atoms, mostly hydrogen and helium and light can finally shine Gravity makes hydrogen and helium gas coalesce to form giant clouds that will become galaxies, smaller clumps of gas collapse to form the first stars As galaxies cluster together under gravity, the first stars die and spew heavy elements into space, they eventually form into new stars and planets Created H and He

Continental Drif

Pangea drifted apart to form Gondwanaland and Eurasia First proposed by ALfred Wegner in 1915 Failed to be an accepted theory because he could not provide a mechanism for plate tectonics His data included a rich variety of land-based, geologic data Found fossils and rock ages connecting now separated land masses Hypothesis died for the next 45 years Remains of freshwater reptile Mesosaurus have been found in both Brazil and Africa Fossil remains of cynognathus a triassic land reptile approximately 3m long gounf in argentina and southern africa Fossils of fern gossopteris found in al of the southern continents are proof they were once joined Evidence of triassic land reptile lystosaurus have been found in Africa, Antarctica and India


Part of the mantle Cause of plate techtonics Convection currents in the Earth's mantle caused by the rise of hot material rising towards the crust, becoming cooler and sinking back down Process occurs repeatedly causing the currents to constantly flow Movement of the currents plays a factor in the movement of the mantle Greek for "mobile" 5% melt Upper to deeper melt

Transform Plate Boundaries

Places where plates slidepast each other Strong motion causes a lot of Earth quakes that occur at shallow depths

Convergent Plate Boundary

Process of subduction occurs An inclined plate boundary (aka "Benioff Zone") Goes to depths over 500 km Where the most damagin earthquakes occur (mexico city 1975) and the most dangerous and powerful volcanoes (Phillipines) 1991 When two plates come together The impact of the 2 plates buckles the edge f one or both plates into a rugged mountain range A changain of volcanoes often forms parallel to the boundary to the mountain range If one of of the colliding plates is topped with oceanic crust it is forced down into the mantle where it begins to melt Magma rises into and through the other plate and solidifies into new crust Magma fomed from melting plates solidifies into granite ( akes up the continents, low density) Continental crust made of granite is created and oceanic crust is destroyed

Sea Floor Spreading

Proposed by Harold Hess in 1960 Observations: -ocean ridges-every ocean -All basalt -Thin oceanic crust -Symettrical ages to the ridge -youngest crust at the ridge and oldest near subduction zones -Young ages all under 220 mil years old The missing mechanism was the Theory of Plate Tectonics Theory was formulated as a unified explanation for oriins of oceans, continents earthquakes and volcanoes

Divergent Plate Boundary

Sea floor spreading Continental rifts East Africa Rift- Lake Victoria Exists between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other Lava spews from long fissures and guysers spurt superheated water Frequent earthquakes along the rift Beneath magma (molten rock) rises from the mantle, oozes into the gap and hardens into solid rock forming new crust on the edges of the plates Magma solidifies as basalt and creates oceanic crust


Sedimentary rocks forming the continental shelf and slope across a rifted continental (passive) margin Upwards to 30,000' thick, the lowest layers date back to the opening of the ocean As preduicted by the Wilson cycle, when the margin breaks into a subduction zone, these sedimentary rocks will be metamorphosed and carried high into emerging mountains

Sedimentary Rocks

Shows records of early life on Earth The oldest rocks are at the bottom Ex: the grand canyon

Secondary Waves

Slower 3.5 km/s Rolling waves

Surface Waves

Slowest Lengthy Most damaging

History of the WOrld:

The big bang Star formation Supernova explosion Solar nebula condenses Planetary rings and sun forms Earth forms Earth's core forms Oceancsand atmosphere form

Outer core

The cause of the Earth's magnetc dynamo

The Archaen Eon:

The earliest continents and oceans Oldest life 3.8 bil years old Consists of phanerozoic, then proterozoic ,then archean era

The SOlar System:

The strong thermal and pressure gradient developed by the early sun evaporated the volatile elements in the inner (terestrial) planets They condensed thm in the colder outer (gaseous) planets The chemistry of the planets is related to their distance from the sun Mercury, venus, earth, mars, cerese(asteroid belt), jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto and charon Tip for remembering the planets: My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Noodles

Pangea to African Collision

Thethys formed separating laurasia and GOndwana Alps formed when the African tectonic plate bumped into the European tectonic plate and pushed a bunch of rocks up when bumped into each other

Distribution of Matter in the Universe

Uneven All matter on edges of curved surfaces with great voids between (all expanding) Galaxies, , dark holes, star clusters, stars, solar systems


Universe has a least 125 billion galaxies

Rift Stages

Upwelling Rift valley Sea ocean -uprising plume causes doming of crust with magma chamber developing underneath -as extinction continues, an ocean basin forms and thick sedimentary sequences develop at continental margins as rivers dump sediments in deep water

Where Does Air, Land and Eventually life come from?

Volcanoes Fuel is radioactivity (U, Th, K and AL (ewhich is exteinct) Where its hot the Earth melts at rifts, subduction zones and hot spots

How Earth is unique:

We have life (but could be possible on Mars and Ganymede) An internal heat engine- radioactive U, Th, and K Size (gravit to hold an atmosphere) Differentiated planet0 fives us core, mantle, crust and atmosphere Magnetic field- Fe-NI core of outer liquid and inner solid, the magnetic field deflects solar plasma Atmpsphere 1) insulator of Heat and T change 2) a filter of UV radiation and meteorites 3) provides water Asthenosphere and lithosphere- plate tectonics, 14 plantes of broken lithosphere\

Island arc

When 2 oceanic plates collide, the denser of the 2 slides under the other and into the mantle in a process called subductin As it happens it causes some rock to melt The magma rises through the crust which causes volcanoes to form They start on the sea floor and eventually build into islands As the plate subducts sediment is scraped off the top and piles up where the 2 plates meet forming an accretionary prism Accretionary prism may poke above surface forming islands


Where at depth Shallow < 70 km Intermediate 70-300 km Deep > 300 km

How Earth's Core Formed

With planitecinals crashing into each other Earth heats due to radioactive decay, compression and impacts The diiferentiatiaon causes the heavy metals (iron, nickel) to be concentrated in the core of the earth Light elements (oxygen, silicon, aluminimu, potassium, sodium, calcium etc.) were enriched in the mantle

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