Estonia 1

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28. What was the National Awakening and when did it happen? What was the movement promoting and what was it resisting?

singing and shiit around 1850

36. What was the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact? What was its outcome for Estonia?

stalin and hitlers agreement to split europe between germany and russia as far as land they anticipated to occupy to avoid controversy between the empires

12. What did the crusaders do when settling in Estonia and other conquered territories? What was the fate of the native population?


17. What was the Protestant (Lutheran) Reformation, when did it happen and what were the consequences for Estonians and the Estonian language?


18. When did the first Estonian-language books appear?


27. What happened in the Estonian society during the last third of the 19th century (think agriculture, industry, society)?


29. What happened in Russia in 1917 and what were the consequences for Estonia (the then Russian province)?


30. What happened on February 24, 1918?


31. What was the situation in Europe at the time of establishing the Estonian Republic?


32. When did Estonia fight the War of Independence and with who? What was the outcome?


33. What kind of a state was the new state of Estonia?


35. What was Estonia's economy and society like in 1920s and 30s (main exports, activities, values)?


42. What were collectivization and deportations? Who were the Forest Brethren?


43. What happened to Estonians under Soviet rule in 1960s-1980s? Were Estonians able to keep their language and traditions?


44. Who was Mikhail Gorbachev and what were his policies?


45. What was the role of ecological protests in 1987 for future events in Estonia (the so-called Phosphate War)?


46. What was the initial and official goal of Estonia in breaking away from centralized Moscow rule: political or economical independence?


47. Why has the political activism at the end of 1980s and early 1990s that led to the re-establishment of independent Baltic Republics been called the Singing Revolution?


48. What was the Baltic Chain?


49. What happened on August 20, 1991?


50. What were the two main focuses of the Estonian Republic since re-gaining of independence? What has been characteristic of the economy?


19. Who (what countries) fought in the Livonian War, when did it happen, what was the reason for fighting and who won?

1581 all the swedes, germans, dains and other were fighting to get control of the estonian territories. late 16th century and the Swedes won

23. Who fought in the Great Northern War, when did it happen, what was the reason for fighting and who won?

1700-1721 the great northern war was fought between Sweden and The Russian Empire

26. When was Tartu University re-opened and were there Estonian students?

1802 it re-opened a a russian university there wasnt really estonian students most students were upper class baltic germans

25. When was serfdom abolished in the Baltic provinces?

1819 it was abolished it was abolished 50 years before it was abolished anywhere else under the russian rule

34. What was the land reform about and what was its outcome for the Estonian society?

1919 when the big estates of the baltic Germans were nationalized and given in parts to the estonian peasants

5. How old are the oldest human settlements on Estonian territory and why do you think this fact is important for the Estonian identity?

9000 BC important because it creates a sense of pride in estonians that they have been in this land the longest and have withstood numerous impositions by other countries

2. What is the capital? What is the second-largest city and university town?

Capital: Tillinn University town: Tartu

38. Who invaded Estonia in June 1941? (What was going on in Europe at the time?)

Germans came in an occupied for 3 years

9. Who was Lembitu?

He was the only pre-crucade Estonian ruler who was taken prisoner by the germans for leading groups of estonians into battle against the crusaders

6. What do we know about Estonians before the Crusades? Was there an independent state?

It was not an independent state there were free tribes and groups but no homeland or state established called them selves country people

4. What does Finno-Ugric mean? What are the three largest Finno-Ugric peoples and languages, where are they spoken?

Its a small language family including: Finnish, Hungarian, and Estonian

15. Who were the immigrants from Germany during Middle Ages- peasants, artisans or merchants? What was the cultural (and linguistic) division of the population resulting from the conquest? Where did these different cultural groups live (towns, countryside)?


14. What does serf and corvée mean? (Miljan)

Serf was german classification for the estonians that they essentially enslaved after the crusaders

40. Who re-invaded in September 1944? What was the consequence for Estonia?

Soviet Union

37. Who invaded Estonia in June 1940? What were the results?

Soviet Union this was not a war, they essentially just came in and took over

8. Who were the crusaders who came to Estonia and when did the conquest of Estonia take place (decades)? What was the goal and motivation for the crusade? What were the results for Estonia and Estonians?

The crusaders were German

3. What makes Estonia a small country (in the European context), the territory or the population? What is the population figure (in millions)?

The population is what makes Estonia a small country. Population: 1.3 million

13. What happened on St. George's Night 1343?

Unsuccessful uprising of estonians against the German and Danish landlords who controlled them since the 13th century

20. In what century was Estonia under Swedish rule? Why has it been called the "Good Old Swedish Times"?

more progressive in pesentry on estonian people. they worked them less, they eased the taxation and labor, way of life, allowed self governing estonians, and they established grammar schools to promote literacy and Lutheran catholicism

39. Why did some Estonians initially volunteer to join the German forces?

because they hoped to fight against the soviet union. It seemed as a better option for the safety and preservation of their land

16. What was the Hanseatic League and what was its relevance for Estonia?

collection of merchants who controlled the trade traffic on the norther baltic sea. The League was created to protect economic interests and diplomatic privileges in the cities and countries and along the trade routes the merchants visited

22. What activities under the Swedish rule promoted Estonian literacy and laid the foundation to a culture of reading and education?

grammar schools to teach people to read so they could be apart of the lutheran Catholicism that the swedes were attempting to expand

10. What is the connection between Denmark and Tallinn?

the name of the city and it means Ta: which means denmark llinn: which means city or fortress THUS: -Denmark fortress (it was a danish established city essentially)

21. What happened in 1632 (what was established in Tartu)?

the university

41. What does de jure Republic mean? (Also, why is the Republic of Estonia 94 years old, although there was no such state on the world map between 1944 and 1991?)

these are the latin terms describing that estonian republic was never really dissolved during the soviet union. essentially it was a state occupied by russia but not given up to them. it was never documented that estonia was forfeited rather it remained an occupied free state

24. What consequences did Russia's victory and the czar's rule bring to the Estonian peasants (compared to the Swedish rule)?

went back to old harsh ways of brutal working, less freedom, and overall a harsh and stringent way of living

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