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Shortages of bilingual teachers exist in

cities and rurual areas all over country

According to a national survey, the majority of the public believes that the best way to lift student achievement is for all teachers to:

1) be highly qualified

15) When Pestalozzi developed lessons using objects and sensory perception based on the philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, he was applying Rousseau's belief that teachers should A) help children to return to their ʺnatural state.ʺ B) lead children to conclusions through ʺguided discovery.ʺ C) help each child write on his or her ʺtabula rasa.ʺ D) concentrate on teaching children ʺmanual and vocational skills.ʺ


17) Which of the following is not an educational approach developed by Friedrich Froebel? A) strict discipline is required for learning B) establishment of the first kindergarten C) originator of the idea that women are best suited to teach young children D) emphasis on creativity and learning by doing


18) The ideas of Johann Friedrich Herbart were beneficial to schools in the United States because A) they brought organization to badly organized teachers. B) they were designed to monitor teachers and hold them accountable. C) they established an appropriate organizational model for large schools. D) they introduced the first student teaching models.


2) When teachers ask a series of questions that leads students toward a certain conclusion, they are using a strategy called A) the Socratic method. B) the Platonic method. C) the Aristotelian method. D) the Pythagorian method.


20) Social and economic conditions were most favorable for the development of schools in which of the following cities during colonial times? A) Boston, MA B) New York, NY C) Philadelphia, PA D) Charleston, SC


23) In addition to accreditation, which of the following is considered a major component in quality assurance for professionals? A) state licensure B) grade point average C) number of credits in the major D) satisfactory grade in student teaching


24) Elementary schools that were established with the intent of teaching large numbers of students were called A) monitorial schools. B) dame schools. C) academies. D) grammar schools.


27) Principles of the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) describe: A) what teachers should know and be able to do in their first few years of practice. B) what teachers should be able to do during their career. C) the components of an effective teacher portfolio. D) the required standardized test for all teachers.


33) African Americans were first allowed to develop their literacy skills in A) organized churches. B) schools set up by plantation owners. C) the north. D) their cabins after work was completed each evening.


34) Brianne is an adventuresome young lady who is free to move anywhere in the country to accept a teaching position. As she considers her options, she notices that some areas of the country have higher salaries than others. She realizes that this is probably because some regions have A) a higher cost of living. B) more experienced teachers. C) potentially higher tax bases. D) different requirements for teacher preparation.


39) No matter in which content area you will be certified at the end of your professional preparation program, it is imperative that you remain current in your knowledge of your chosen field. You will be able to do so in all of the following ways, EXCEPT: A) participate in social gatherings with your colleagues. B) read educational journals and websites. C) join and become active in content-area professional organizations. D) participate in educational research.


40) The right for private schools to exist was confirmed by court decisions when the state tried to take over control of A) Dartmouth College. B) Harvard University. C) William and Mary College. D) Yale University.


5) School districts are more likely to retain new teachers if they have effective: A) induction programs B) National Board certification policies C) merit pay scales D) summer jobs availiable


7) Contributions in knowledge that came from eastern civilizations and were spread through western civilization during the period of time shortly after 1000 CE include all of the following EXCEPT: A) adoption of the Arabic alphabet. B) adoption of the Arabic numbering system. C) advances in mathematics. D) advances in science.


Maria teaches in an urban school district. Like numerous other teachers, she prefers teaching in a large city because A) it is challenging and therefore, more rewarding. B) it offers a less diverse population. C) the schools have larger budgets. D) extra teaching supplies are unavailable elsewhere.


Professional standards boards have been established in a number of states. These boards are characteristically controlled by A) the State Department of Education. B) the National Education Association or American Federation of Teachers. C) members of the profession. D) an independent committee of parents with children in school.


Tran is considering how to approach his first year of teaching. Which of the following dispositions is most likely to lead to a successful career in education for him? A) demonstrating enthusiasm for the discipline he teaches B) a slow, deliberate approach that ensures all students grasp the concepts presented C) applying a no nonsense set of rules with zero tolerance in the classroom D) setting strict deadlines to demonstrate that the real world provides no flexibility


11) The major subject area(s) with the largest teacher shortage is A) elementary. B) science and mathematics. C) social science. D) English.


13) As a citizen of Prussia during the reign of Frederick the Great, if you wanted to become a teacher it would be necessary for you to A) belong to the state church. B) obtain a license to teach. C) learn a trade that you could teach. D) be very guarded in expressing your opinions.


13) Which of the following statements is true about the racial, ethnic, and linguistic populations in schools? A) The diversity of both students and teachers is increasing. B) The diversity of students is increasing while that of teachers is decreasing. C) The diversity of students is decreasing while that of teachers is increasing. D) The diversity of both students and teachers is decreasing.


18) When professional standards boards investigate complaints against teachers that may lead to removal of a license to teach, they: A) employ private investigators to verify the details. B) apply a code of ethics recognized by the organization. C) turn the matter over to the Parent-Teacher Association. D) rely on the criminal courts to make decisions.


21) The purpose of Latin Grammar Schools was to A) provide education for all boys and girls in a town. B) prepare boys for admission to college. C) provide training for workers for industry. D) prepare students for government service.


22) All of the following are part of the No Child Left Behind Act, EXCEPT: A) stronger accountability for student learning results. B) tighter federal control and less educational flexibility. C) expended educational opportunities for parents. D) emphasis on using teaching methods that have been proven, through research, to work.


22) The Latin grammar Schools that existed in colonial days were most like which of the following present-day schools? A) an elementary school B) an exclusive college preparatory school C) a vocational high school D) a contemporary high school


24) Erika is about to complete her student teaching assignment and will be eligible for certification in the state where she is attending school. She has received an offer of employment from another state and is wondering about licensure requirements. She asks several friends and receives conflicting information. Which course of action should Erika take? A) She does not have to do anything because if she is certified in her home state she will be certified throughout the United States. B) She should contact the state directly to check on licensure requirements in that state. C) If she passes the PRAXIS exams she is automatically certified in every state. D) She can teach without a licence in every state as long as she has received a degree in her education program.


28) Teacher candidates who are successful on the Praxis series of examinations A) receive a teaching certificate valid in all states. B) demonstrate they possess the knowledge and skills required to be an effective educator. C) have completed the prerequisites for writing licensure examinations in their home state. D) receive credit for a portion of their student teaching placement.


31) Professional standards for the teaching profession can be levers for A) making all training programs alike. B) protecting students from incompetent practices. C) persuading incompetent programs to adjust their practices. D) providing competent programs for the advantaged.


35) You are about to sign your first teacher's contract. Which of the following would you most expect to find as a benefit? A) profit sharing B) medical insurance C) free summers D) a comfortable teachers lounge


37) The major contribution of Prudence Crandall was that she A) established an early boarding school in Boston. B) admitted young African American girls to her school. C) established a kindergarten program based on Froebel's views. D) instructed African American boys in the fine arts.


37) When teachers are granted their initial teaching license, that license is usually good for: A) life. B) a provisional period before securing a professional license. C) three to five years and then it must be renewed. D) one year at a time.


39) All of the following statements about Ella Flagg Young are true, EXCEPT: A) She was a student of John Dewey. B) She established the Chicago Female Seminary. C) She was head of the Cook County Normal School. D) She was the first female president of the National Education Association.


5) The period during which the importance of human learning and knowledge was deemphasized in western civilization is called the A) Reformation. B) Dark Ages. C) Renaissance. D) Enlightenment.


7) The supply of teachers depends on all of the following, EXCEPT: A) the number of new teachers licensed. B) job openings. C) teachers returning to the work force. D) teachers who retired the previous year.


9) One of the major reasons that Martin Luther believed that education for the common person was a goal that should be vigorously pursued was because he believed that people needed to be able to A) read the interpretations of the Bible that were produced by the clergy. B) read and understand the Bible for themselves. C) translate Greek and Latin texts into English. D) read the writings of the great authors of the day.


After three years of teaching, what percentage of teachers will have left the profession? A) 10 B) 20 C) 30 D) 40


10) The tabula rasa concept of John Locke indicated his belief that children were born A) in a depraved state. B) pure and without defect. C) with minds that were empty. D) with a predisposition to vocational learning.


14) The principal of Forest Hill Elementary School has noted that the school is becoming more ethnically and culturally diverse. She determines that the best strategy for the school would be to A) choose one teacher to be trained in teaching diverse students. B) choose a small team of teachers to be trained in teaching diverse students. C) provide professional development so that all teachers can be trained in teaching diverse students. D) ask the school district to transfer several teachers to the school who already know how to teach diverse students.


14) You teach in a community where a significant number of people believe that physical punishment is a prerequisite in developing an appropriate attitude toward learning in children. One of the parents in a meeting has challenged you with the comment, ʺBefore the 20th century, no one believed in this nonsense that children learn best when they are treated with love, understanding, and patience.' You people need to study history and find out that I'm right!ʺ In order to counter the argument of the parent you could read quotations from which of the following? A) Aristotle B) Plato C) Pestalozzi D) Archimedes


19) Heidi is considering which dispositions she has that will help her be successful in her teaching career. She recognizes that all of the following are essential for success EXCEPT: A) a commitment to continuous learning. B) a belief that all children can learn at high levels. C) a strict, uncompromising approach to discipline. D) valuing the many ways in which students communicate.


25) More and more states are moving toward performance-based licensing systems. These systems include all of the following, EXCEPT: A) a measure of the knowledge that new teachers should possess. B) an indication of the skills new teachers should possess. C) a list of specific courses that must be included in their college transcript. D) scores obtained on state licensure assessments.


25) The failure of the monitorial schools, that existed between 1805 and 1840, could be used as evidence for educators today that A) humanistic approaches to education are not successful. B) hands-on strategies for learning are too time consuming. C) students cannot learn when class sizes are too large. D) schools can be operated as efficient businesses.


26) The first compulsory attendance law for schools was passed in 1852 in A) Rhode Island. B) Delaware. C) Massachusetts. D) New York


28) The American Academy opened by Benjamin Franklin in Philadelphia in 1751 was most like which one of the following present-day schools? A) an elementary school B) an exclusive college preparatory school C) a contemporary high school with a vocational track D) a magnet school concentrating on science


30) All of the following are required to gain NBPTS certification EXCEPT: A) three years of teaching experience. B) a portfolio with examples of studentsʹ work. C) recommendations from parents and students taught by the teacher. D) completion of a set of activities at an assessment center.


30) The first resource available to pupils in colonial schools was the A) battledore. B) blue-backed speller. C) hornbook. D) New England Primer.


32) As Branko sorts through the artifacts he has collected in his folio, he decides that he would like to prepare a portfolio to demonstrate how he has grown as a potential teacher during his years in the teacher preparation program. To demonstrate this most effectively, he should include in his portfolio A) everything he has collected. B) only the best examples that received the highest grades. C) some of his earlier work showing areas where he needed to improve. D) at least one sample from each course that he completed in the program.


36) All of the following statements about John Chavis are true, EXCEPT: A) He was born a free man in North Carolina. B) He was a successful teacher of aristocratic whites. C) He founded a school for slaves in Virginia. D) He advanced rapidly as a student at Princeton.


36) Due to the beginning salaries in the district where she will soon begin her first teaching position, Adrienne is considering taking a part-time position as a sales associate in a clothing store to help pay off her student loans. Which of the following situations will she find to be true? A) She will be able to grade all the student papers during free time at school. B) She will have plenty of time to do her lesson planning during the school day. C) She will not be able to meet with colleagues during the school day to receive help. D) She will have equal opportunities for the professional development provided for all teachers by the district.


38) One of the first female seminaries to offer an educational program equal to those offered to boys was A) Benjamin Franklin's academy in Philadelphia. B) Mary Lyon's school in Mount Holyoke. C) Emma Liard's school in Troy, New York. D) Julia and Elias Mark's South Carolina Collegiate Institute.


4) The great contribution of the Romans that helped to advance education throughout the ancient world was A) the contributions of Roman philosophers. B) the large numbers of children who were educated in the extensive system of Roman schools. C) the Roman genius for organization. D) the direct involvement of the Roman emperors in setting up schools.


6) The Dark Ages was a period of time when there was little advancement in learning and knowledge A) throughout the world. B) in eastern civilizations. C) in western civilizations. D) in North America.


8) Nearly half of the teachers hired in a given year come from the ranks of: A) experienced teachers moving from district to district. B) experienced teachers reentering the field after having left. C) newly trained first-time teachers. D) other professionals, e.g. engineers, musicians, etc. who now wish to teach.


According to recent Gallup Poll the most trusted group of people in the country are: A) doctors B) lawyers C) teachers D) ministers


20) Professionals traditionally require all of the following, EXCEPT: A) unique knowledge grounded on research. B) advanced levels of education. C) little direct supervision of their work. D) a one-to-one relationship with a supervisor.

C or D figure it out

1) Although it is believed that all people, regardless of their time and place in history, have cared for their young and prepared them for life, the greatest impetus for a more formal type of education was the development of A) suburbs. B) agriculture. C) oral traditions. D) written communication.


11) Alex MacFie is a first-year teacher at Sycamore Grove Elementary School. He has asked for an opportunity to teach in the early primary grades because he accepts the philosophical views of John Locke. Alex thinks that he will be able to make more of an impact on students in those years since he believes Locke's teaching that A) all children are born good. B) society conspires to ʺruinʺ young children's minds. C) children learn best in a high-pressure atmosphere. D) all children are born with a mind that is a blank slate.


12) Rationalism as a philosophy includes all of the following axioms EXCEPT: A) Reason is supreme. B) The laws of nature are invariable. C) Truth is verifiable through exact methods of testing. D) Reasoning skills are innate.


12) The No Child Left Behind Act is designed to: A) help teachers teaching out of their fields to be certified automatically. B) encourage more teachers to teach outside their fields. C) lower the standards for qualifying to teach out-of-field. D) reduce the number of out-of-field teacher assignments.


16) Johann Friedrich Herbart stressed an approach to learning by apperception (association) that became known as the five steps of the Herbartian teaching method. A teacher using this method would develop a lesson plan that included the steps in the following order: A) application, preparation, presentation, generalization, association. B) application, association, preparation, presentation, generalization. C) preparation, association, presentation, generalization, application. D) preparation, presentation, association, generalization, application.


17) Ronald Drake teaches social studies. He has always enjoyed teaching a unit on the Native Americans who inhabited the area prior to European settlement. One of the assignments that he requires of his students is to conduct research and complete a diorama of a typical village. He is amazed that every year some of the students do a very poor job on the diorama even though they seem to know the academic content associated with it. Which of the following actions by the teacher reflects a disposition that is more likely to result in better work by the students? A) He prepares a rubric describing expectations for all aspects of the diorama. B) He initiates an award system using medals and ribbons. C) He provides a wider variety of materials to construct the diorama. D.) he allows the students to demonstrate what they have learned in a mode of communication of their own choosing.


19) In early America, common religious views, town life, and a large middle class made it possible for the people to agree on common public schools in A) all the colonies. B) Southern colonies. C) Middle colonies. D) Northern colonies.


23) Colonial elementary schools had objectives that were primarily A) commercial. B) economic. C) political. D) religious.


26) In order to be eligible for a state teaching license, a teacher education candidate usually must present proof of all of the following to the state board of licensing EXCEPT: A) completion of a state-approved teacher education program. B) a passing score on a standardized test of basic knowledge. C) successful completion of student teaching and/or internship. D) a major and a minor in a Bachelors program.


27) Compulsory school attendance laws became a concern for various states when which of the following events occurred? A) The number of universities and colleges began to multiply rapidly. B) More religious groups began to open schools. C) The federal government began to pressure states to open more schools. D) Elementary education began to become more secular and less religious


29) The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) was established to: A) replace state licensing boards. B) provide initial certification for teachers. C) provide alternative routes for teacher certification. D) provide a system for certifying accomplished teachers.


29) Which of the following is a direct ancestor of the high schools in existence in the United States today? A) the Latin Grammar School B) the American Academy of Benjamin Franklin C) the Monitorial School D) the English Classical School


3) The earliest known roots of the humanist movement in education are found in the writings of A) Socrates. B) Plato. C) Aristotle. D) Quintilian.


31) All of the following descriptions apply to the New England Primer EXCEPT: A) It was heavily religious in its content. B) It was the first real elementary textbook. C) It was a small book with wooden covers. D) The first edition was written by Benjamin Franklin.


32) The school district in which you teach is setting up a model colonial classroom for a celebration of the community's 175th anniversary. As you look for possible resources to make samples of how students of that time would record their lessons, you would need to collect which of the following? A) sheets of parchment B) packets of old letters, since the pupils used the backs of them to write on C) hornbooks D) pieces of slate framed with wood 3


33) Ti-elle is contemplating leaving her present career as an accountant and entering the teaching profession. Since she is a single parent with two children to support, one of her most serious concerns is her ability to support herself and her family. She knows that teacher's' basic salaries are less that what she is making now, but she is also aware that she might add to her school board pay checks in all of the following ways, EXCEPT: A) possession of a master's degree in mathematics. B) teaching summer school classes. C) coaching the softball team at the school. D) assisting with the breakfast program at the church next door.


34) The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts A) sent out missionaries. B) was an early abolitionist group. C) established schools for girls. D) established schools for African Americans.


35) All of the following statements about Frederick Douglass are true, EXCEPT: A) He learned to make fluent speeches by listening to his master. B) He thought that attempts to combine liberal and vocational education for African Americans had failed. C) He advocated concentrating solely on vocational education for African Americans. D) He believed African Americans would benefit from a liberal education.


38) Javier is developing a portfolio to present to school districts where he will be applying for a teaching position. He should provide evidence to answer all of the following questions, EXCEPT: A) Can the candidate do the job? B) Does the candidate's performance in the classroom show that he/she will do the job? C) Why is the candidate a good match for the needs of the district? D) Can the candidate describe their family situation?


8) Erasmus taught that the education of children should include all of the following EXCEPT: A) They should be instructed in piety. B) They should love and learn the liberal arts. C) They should accustom themselves to good behavior based on moral principles. D) They should experience equal educational opportunities


Factors that influence the number of teachers needed annually include all of the following, EXCEPT: A) the number of students in schools. B) the ratio of teachers to students. C) immigration and migration from district to district. D) salary and benefits scales.


Teachers usually leave the classroom for all of the following reasons, EXCEPT: A) returning to school for graduate work. B) deciding to pursue a career that pays more. C) poor working conditions. D) numerous opportunities for upward mobility.


21) Juan wants to be the most effective teacher that he can be. He is aware that to be a competent and qualified teacher he needs to be knowledgeable about all of the following aspects of his field, EXCEPT the: A) core concepts. B) methods of inquiry. C) basic skills. D) ability to answer all possible student questions.

D ?

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