Ethical Hacking Quiz Week 2
In Perl, comment lines begin with the ____ character(s). % // # $
In a Linux script, the line ____ is important because it identifies the file as a script. #!/bin/sh #!/bin/script #!/bin/shscript #!/bin/sc
The ____ statement in C is used to load libraries that hold the commands and functions used in your program. #include package use #import
In Perl, variables begin with the ____ character. % ! * $
The logical operator in C that is evaluated as true if both sides of the operator are true is ____. = && || ==
The mathematical operator in C that increments the unary value by 1 is ____. + % ++ &
The ____ option of Nmap is used to perform a TCP SYN stealth port scan. -sS -sU -sV -S
You can use /* and */ instead of ____ symbol(s) for one-line comments in C. # #! ** //
NetBIOS names have a limit of ____ characters. 8 12 16 24
LDAP (port ____) is the protocol used to access Novell's eDirectory, Microsoft Active Directory, and Apple Open Directory. 52 89 128 389
The best way to protect a network from SMB attacks is to make sure routers filter out ports 137 to 139 and ____. 135 389 445 636
HTTP uses port ____ to connect to a Web service. 21 22 25 80
The Trojan program called Sheepshank makes HTTP GET requests over port ____. 25 80 129 139
The logical operator in C that is used to compare the equality of two variables is ____. = && || ==
____ is a reasonably priced commercial port scanner with a GUI interface. AW Security Port Scanner Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures Ethereal Tcpdump
AW Security Port Scanner
____ takes you from one area of a program (a function) to another area. Branching Looping Testing Dividing
The print command for Perl is almost identical to the ____ print command. Java C PHP Smalltal
UNIX was first written in assembly language, soon rewritten in ____. Smalltalk Perl Python C
For a Windows computer to be able to access a *nix resource, ____ must be enabled on both systems. NetBIOS SMB CIFS NetBEUI
NetWare's ____ is a graphical Java utility for centralized network administration. ConsoleOne Bindery eDirectory Client32
The C programming language was developed by ____ at Bell Laboratories in 1972. James Gosling Larry Wall Dennis Ritchie Larry Tesler
Dennis Ritchie
Windows 95 uses the ____ file system. FAT16 FAT32 NTFS ext3
Windows 98 introduced the ____ file system. FAT16 FAT32 NTFS ext3
When a TCP three-way handshake ends, both parties send a(n) ____ packet to end the connection. SYN ACK FIN RST
A NetBIOS name does not need to be unique on a network. True/False
A closed port can be vulnerable to an attack. True/False
A closed port responds to a SYN scan with an RST packet, so if no packet is received, the best guess is that the port is open. True/False
A disadvantage of Nmap is that it is very slow because it scans all the 65,000 ports of each computer in the IP address range. True/False
Most programming languages do not have a way to conduct testing of a variable. True/False
The Netmon Agent is a Linux network-monitoring tool. True/False
You must always add "//" at the end of comment text in C. True/False
The most popular enumeration tool for security testers and hackers alike is the ____ utility, which enables you to find out who is logged in to a *nix system with one simple command. Whois Finger Ping Who
With the ____ tool, you can ping multiple IP addresses simultaneously. Fping Nmap Nessus Unicornscan
With ____, you can have your desktop computer or laptop start in both Windows and Linux. Grand Unified Bootloader FreeBSD Boot NetWare Connect 5.0 Connection Client
Grand Unified Bootloader
MBSA has its origins in the ____ scanner. MDAC HFNetChk MSXML Mbsacli
____ is a markup language rather than a programming language. C HTML Perl PHP
Many security testers use the ____ tool to bypass filtering devices by injecting modified IP packets. Tcpdump Hping Nmap Nessus
The ____ tool enables you to craft an IP packet to your liking. Unicornscan Hping Nmap Ethereal
____ is an excellent GUI tool for managing Windows OSs and is capable of displaying graphical representations of several areas. IIS Zion NetDDE Hyena
In NetWare 5.0, TCP/IP replaced ____ as the default protocol. NetBIOS IPX/SPX ATM LDAP
If the LRK5 rootkit is installed on a Linux computer, entering the Trojaned ____ command allows the attacker's processes to continue running, even though the Linux administrator thinks all processes were killed. Killall Get target Dir
A common Linux rootkit is ____. Back Orfice Kill Trojans Packet Storm Security Linux Rootkit 5
Linux Rootkit 5
____ is the act of performing a task over and over. Branching Looping Testing Remembering
To determine whether a system is vulnerable to an RPC-related issue, the best tool is ____. Nessus Winfingerprint MBSA Unicornscan
SELinux contains several features and modules that use ____, an OS security mechanism that enforces access rules based on privileges for interactions between processes, files, and users. Mandatory Access Control (MAC) Server Message Block (SMB) Common Internet File System (CIFS) Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA)
Mandatory Access Control (MAC)
Complete instructions for MBSA are available from the MBSA Help interface or the ____ site. Microsoft Security Tools Web Microsoft Knowledge Base Windows Help Windows On-line Help
Microsoft Security Tools Web
NetBIOS over TCP/IP is called ____ in Windows 2000 Server. NBT NetBEUI NetBT NetTCP/IP
Windows NT 3.51 uses the ____ file system. FAT16 FAT32 NTFS ext3
The ____ command is a powerful enumeration tool included with Windows. NessusWX Nbtstat NetDDE Netmon Agent
The ____ command gives you a quick way to see whether there are any shared resources on a computer or server. Nbtstat Net view NetDDE Netmon Agent
Net view
NetBIOS is not a protocol; it usually works with ____, a fast, efficient protocol that requires little configuration. TCP/IP NBT NetBT NetBEUI
Early Windows OSs communicated with each other by using ____. Microsoft RPC IPX/SPX Winsock NetBIOS
The computer names you assign to Windows systems are called ____ names. Active Directory NetBIOS NetDDE IIS
NetBIOS over TCP/IP is called ____ in Windows Server 2003. NBT NetBEUI NetBT NetTCP/IP
____ is a system process that runs on Windows OSs to facilitate the exchange of network data. NetBIOS Active Directory NetDDE IIS
The ____ tool was originally written for Phrack magazine in 1997 by Fyodor. Unicornscan Fping Nessus Nmap
____ is currently the standard port-scanning tool for security professionals. Unicornscan Fping Nessus Nmap
The most recent version of Novell OS is called ____. NetWare 6.0 NetWare 6.5 Novell Open Enterprise Server Novell NetWare 4.0 Server
Novell Open Enterprise Server
The open-source descendant of Nessus is called ____. NW WNessus OpenVAS WinNessus
____, an open-source fork of Nessus, functions much like a database server, performing complex queries while the client interfaces with the server to simplify reporting and configuration. Unicornscan NetScanTools OpenVAS Nmap
The Conficker worm took advantage of a vulnerability in ____ to run arbitrary code on susceptible hosts. SQL Server RPC Windows Registry NetBIOS
____ is an interprocess communication mechanism that allows a program running on one host to run code on a remote host. RPC NetBIOS Winsock NetBEUI
A computer that receives a SYN packet from a remote computer responds to the packet with a(n) ____ packet if its port is open. FIN RST SYN/ACK ACK
____ is an open-source implementation of CIFS. Samba GNUCIFS GCIFS OpenCIFS
Trusted Computer Solutions____ program is used to tighten Linux system security configuration by using templates. OpenVAS MBSA SQL Server Security Blanket
Security Blanket
____ is a client/server technology designed to manage patching and updating systems software from the network. Systems Management Server (SMS) Software Update Services (SUS) Automatic Update Patch Manager
Software Update Services (SUS)
SMB usually runs on top of NetBIOS, NetBEUI, or ____. Winsock CIFS TCP/IP IPX/SPX
____ is a protocol packet analyzer. Nmap Fping Tcpdump Nessus
Bugs are worse than syntax errors because a program can run successfully with a bug, but the output might be incorrect or inconsistent. True/False
HTML doesn't use branching, looping, or testing. True/False
NBTscan is a tool for enumerating Windows OSs. True/False
NTFS was implemented to replace FAT16 and FAT32 because of the difficulty in incorporating security in these file systems. True/False
Port scanning is a method of finding out which services a host computer offers. True/False
Security professionals often need to examine Web pages and recognize when something looks suspicious. True/False
The enumeration process for Windows Me is the same as for Windows 98. True/False
To compile the "syntax.c" program in *nix you enter the gcc -c syntax.c -o syntax.o command. True/False
You can search for known vulnerabilities in a host computer by using the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures Web site. True/False
Unicornscan optimizes ____ scanning beyond the capabilities of any other port scanner. TCP UDP ICMP IP
____ implemented Windows File Protection to prevent core system files from being overwritten. Unicornscan NetScanTools Nessus Nmap
In ____, instead of peer-to-peer networks, a client/server model was created in which a server was responsible for authenticating users and giving them access to resources on a network. Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows Me Windows NT 3.51
Windows NT 3.51
____ implemented Windows File Protection to prevent core system files from being overwritten. Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows NT 3.51 Windows XP Professional
Windows XP Professional
Closed ports respond to a(n) ____ with an RST packet. XMAS scan SYN scan Connect scan ACK scan
XMAS scan
The ____ special character is used with the printf() function in C to indicate a new line. \t \0 \n \l
The ____ special character is used with the printf() function in C to indicate a tab. \t \0 \n \l
In C, ____ show where a block of code begins and ends. braces parenthesis brackets dashes
In any *NIX system, after saving a script, you need to make it executable so that you can run it. From the command line, type ____. chmod +execute script_name chmod +x script_name chmod -execute script_name chmod -x script_name
chmod +x script_name
The ____ relies on the OS of the attacked computer, so it's a little more risky to use than the SYN scan. NULL scan connect scan XMAS scan ACK scan
connect scan
The ____ vi command deletes the current line. d dl dd dw
Windows Server 2003 and 2008 ____ are used to authenticate user accounts, so they contain much of the information that attackers want to access. SMB controllers domain controllers CIFS servers file servers
domain controllers
____ is an enhancement to NDS (NetWare Directory Services). Active Directory Bindery X.500 eDirectory
In C, the statement ____ tells the compiler to keep doing what's in the brackets over and over and over. loop continue do(forever) for(;;)
In HTML, each tag has a matching closing tag that's written with a(n) ____ added. forward slash (/) backward slash (\) bang (!) ampersand (&)
forward slash (/)
A ____ is a mini program within a main program that carries out a task. function script branch loop
Software engineering firms don't retain computer programmers who do not document their work because they know that 80% of the cost of software projects is ____. documentation debugging testing maintenance
One of the biggest vulnerabilities of NetBIOS systems is a(n) ____, which is an unauthenticated connection to a Windows computer using no logon and password values. open session unauthorized session void session null session
null session
If you want to know what the Perl print command does, you can use ____. perl -h perldoc -f print perl -h print man perl print
perldoc -f print
A ____ or batch file is a text file containing multiple commands that are normally entered manually at the command prompt. script program snippet signature
In Perl, the keyword "____" is used in front of function names. func declare sub proc
In an ACK scan, if the attacked port returns an RST packet the attacked port is considered to be "____". open closed unfiltered unassigned
Red Hat and Fedora Linux use the ____ command to update and manage RPM packages. yum get dir alert