ethics final review

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According to your textbook, if you quoted Joy Perkins Newman, a National Institutes of Health researcher, on the causes of adolescent depression, what kind of testimony would you be using?


According to your textbook, the three criteria for judging the reliability of documents located on the Internet are recency, authorship, and


According to your textbook, the questions listeners ask when judging an informative speech include

All of these answers are correct.

According to your textbook, a speaking outline

contains delivery cues for the speaker.

As explained in your textbook, the central idea of a speech should be

free of figurative language.

As your textbook explains, the primary purpose of speechmaking is to

gain a desired response from listeners.

As a member of the City Council, you have been invited to address the city's bicycling club about the mayor's plan to create additional bike routes. The most important demographic factor you should consider when analyzing your audience is probably its

group membership.

In a speaking outline, subpoints are

identified by capital letters.

According to your textbook, a speaking outline usually

includes the quotations a speaker plans to use.

Changes in the pitch or tone of a speaker's voice are called


Selena is creating visual aids on her computer. According to your textbook, when she selects fonts, she should plan to use

no more than two fonts on each slide.

According to your textbook, when selecting fonts for a visual aid, you should usually use

no more than two fonts.

"He was the best in the outfield; he was the best at the plate; he was the best as a teammate" is an example of


If you hoped to convey to your audience the excitement of steering a kayak through river rapids, you should probably

speak at a faster rate.

Persuasive speeches on questions of fact are usually organized in ________ order.


Which of the following organizational patterns is used more than any other method of speech organization because of its applicability to almost any subject?


Which organizational pattern is used in a speech with the following main points? I. Soda lime glass is used in almost all ordinary glass products. II. Lead crystal glass is used mostly for luxury glass products. III. Heat resistant glass is used for cooking and scientific products.


According to your textbook, "Just as the frame of Vienna's tennis racket represents the structure of her family, the strings of her racket symbolize the ties that bind her family together" is an example of a


If you can't identify the author of a document on the Internet, your textbook recommends that you

try to determine the sponsoring organization for the document.

"To persuade my audience that torture is morally justifiable in cases in which lives are at stake" is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of


The specific purpose for Yaoling's persuasive speech is "To persuade my audience that humans have an ethical responsibility to prevent the extinction of animal species." According to your textbook, Yaoling is speaking on a question of


Which step of Monroe's motivated sequence deals with the issue of practicality in a persuasive speech on a question of policy?


The connotative meaning of a word is

what the word suggests or implies

In which situation would a speaker be most likely to recite a speech from memory?

when making a toast at a wedding

Research has shown that the anxiety level of most speakers drops off significantly

when they are 30 to 60 seconds into the speech.

Which of the following words is the most general and abstract?


"Improving our sleep habits" is a poorly phrased specific purpose for a speech because it is

written as a fragment rather than as a full infinitive phrase.

If you were giving a speech about how to execute basic karate moves, the best kind of visual aid to use would probably be



Chapter 14

slippery slope

Develop vivid examples.

When taking research notes, you should

Distinguish among quotations, paraphrases, and your own ideas

Which of the following is discussed in your textbook as a guideline for effective informative speaking?

Don't overestimate what the audience knows.

How does the following excerpt from a classroom speech violate the guidelines for using supporting materials presented in your textbook? Hunger kills millions of people around the globe each year. According to the World Health Organization, an average of 24,362 people died of hunger or hunger-related causes every day last year.

It doesn't round off statistics.

Which of the following does your textbook present as a guideline for preparing visual aids?

Keep visual aids simple.

Which of the following is mentioned in your textbook as a guideline for a preparation outline?

Label the introduction, body, and conclusion.

In a preparation outline, main points should be

Positioned farthest to the left

Which of the following does your textbook recommend as a way to deal with nervousness in your speeches?

Think of your speech as an act of communication.

Academic databases are the best place to look for

articles in scholarly journals.

Speaking extemporaneously

is adaptable to more situations than is speaking from manuscript.

The denotative meaning of a word is

its literal or dictionary meaning

Encyclopedias, yearbooks, biographical aids, and quotation books are all examples of

reference works.

To create common ground with an audience in the introduction of a persuasive speech, your textbook recommends that you

show the audience that you share their values.

Good speech delivery

sounds conversational even though it has been rehearsed.

Diego needs to make an impromptu response to another speaker at a staff meeting. Your textbook recommends that he should do all of the following except

tell the audience how nervous he is about impromptu speaking.

As explained in your textbook, the three main parts of a speech are called

the introduction, the body, and the conclusion.

Although most people speak at a rate of 120 to 180 words a minute, the brain can process words at a rate of

400 to 500 words a minute.

According to your textbook, the main reason to keep a speaking outline brief is to

help the speaker maintain eye contact with the audience.

According to your textbook, ________ plagiarism occurs when the speech as a whole is ethical but the speaker fails to give credit for particular quotations and paraphrases.


As explained in your textbook, the credibility of a speaker before he or she starts to speak is called ________ credibility.


According to your textbook, if the following statement occurred in the body of a speech, it would be an example of what kind of connective?In discussing the problem of childhood asthma, we shall look at the symptoms of the disease, its causes, and current treatments.

internal preview

According to your textbook, if the following statement occurred in the body of a speech, it would be an example of which kind of connective? As we have seen so far, ignorance about the disease and how it spreads, cultural norms that make it nearly impossible for women to protect themselves, and rampant poverty all contribute to the rapid growth of AIDS among women in Africa.

internal summary

Margaret is passionately committed to animal rights. At an evening lecture required for her biology class, she learned that the title of the speaker's talk was "The Importance of Animal Experimentation to Medical Advances." Offended and sure that the speaker had nothing ethical or interesting to say, Margaret ignored everything the speaker said and spent the whole lecture sending outraged tweets to other animal activists. According to your textbook, the primary cause of Margaret's poor listening was

jumping to conclusions.

Audience-centeredness means that public speakers should

keep the audience foremost in mind throughout the speechmaking process.

According to your textbook, in a speaking outline, the conclusion should be

labeled as a separate part of the speech.

The fact that audiences are egocentric means that

listeners are concerned above all with how a speech will affect them.

People spend more time ________ than in any other communication activity.


When business managers are asked to list the communication skills most crucial to their job, they usually rank ________ number one.


Giving excessive attention to the details of a speech is an example of

listening too hard.

The preliminary bibliography

lists each source that looks as if it might be helpful in speech.

According to your textbook, when you are in a formal speaking situation the most effective way of gaining the initial attention of your audience after you walk to the front of the room is

looking directly at the audience without saying a word.

According to your textbook, when you prepare speaking notes for your first speech, you should

make sure the notes can be read at arm's length.

The U.S. Secretary of State is giving a speech announcing the specific terms of an agreement with Russia on the use of chemical weapons. What kind of delivery is the Secretary of State most likely to use?


As your textbook explains, one advantage of Wikipedia is that

many articles have footnotes, reference lists, and links to other resources.

According to your textbook, persuasion is a psychological process in which listeners engage in a ________ with the speaker.

mental dialogue

"In Italy, each meal is a journey, with fascinating destinations along the way" is an example of


"Success attained after walking through the minefields of adversity is sweet indeed" is an example of


If the object you want to use as a visual aid is not available, the next best option ideally is a


Gerald is listening to comfort a friend whose apartment has just been burglarized. According to your textbook, Gerald is engaged in ________ listening.


Visual aids can be very useful to a speaker because they

enhance the clarity of a speaker's ideas.

As your textbook explains, ________ are usually the most effective supporting materials if you want to increase the emotional appeal of a persuasive speech.


According to your textbook, the type of delivery in which you plan your speech in detail and learn it well without trying to memorize the exact wording is called


Using ________ is the best way to pull listeners into your speeches.

extended examples

What error in reasoning is exemplified by the following passage?Home sales were 30 percent higher in the summer of 2018, when temperatures averaged 95 degrees, than they were in the summer of 2017, when the average temperature was only 83 degrees. Clearly, then, hot temperatures make people more inclined to buy a house.

false cause

The major reason Monroe's motivated sequence is such an effective way of organizing persuasive speeches that seek action from listeners is that it

follows the process of human thinking.

According to your textbook, which of the following is a demographic characteristic of a speech audience?


To paraphrase is to

give the gist of someone's statement in your own words

Referring back to your introduction in the conclusion of your speech is recommended as a way to

give the speech psychological unity.

According to your textbook, language is important because it

gives meaning to events.

Language helps to shape our sense of reality by

giving meaning to events.

According to your textbook, which of the following is a demographic characteristic of a speech audience?

group membership

What error in reasoning is exemplified by the following statement? A random survey of 20 adults coming out of subway stations in New York City revealed that 16 considered owning a car to be of little importance. Clearly, 80 percent of Americans don't care much about owning cars.

hasty generalization

How much time does the average adult spend in conversation?

about 30 percent of waking hours

What kind of reasoning is used in the following passage? According to the Washington Post, more than 400 large military drones have crashed around the world, including 49 in the United States. If military drones are crashing in such large numbers, how can we expect to be safe when thousands of civilian drones are unleashed into our skies?

analogical reasoning

Because it follows the process of human thinking, ________ is particularly useful for organizing persuasive speeches that seek immediate action.

Monroe's motivated sequence

While doing research for his speech, Aaron was not able to identify the author of an Internet document titled "What Can and Cannot Be Patented." According to your textbook, what should Aaron do next to assess the credibility of the document?

Try to determine the sponsoring organization for the document.

If you wanted to show the changes over the last 10 years in the number of people who get their news from newspapers and the number of people who get their news from the Internet, the best kind of visual aid would probably be a

line graph.

Using evidence is especially critical in a persuasive speech when your target audience

opposes your point of view.

According to your textbook, "Let every nation know that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty" is an example of


Examples are especially helpful as supporting materials because they

personalize your ideas.

Two types of speech outlines discussed in your textbook are the

preparation outline and the speaking outline.

Which objective of a good speech introduction is fulfilled by the following statement? Today we're going to look at the three parts that go into making a skateboard—the plank, the wheels, and the "truck."

preview the body

A catchy speech title is fine as long as it is

relevant to the speech.

"When you see your street, see my street; when you see your house, see my house; when you see your children, see my children" is an example of


Your textbook recommends using repetition and parallelism to enhance the ________ of your speeches.


When main ideas follow a directional pattern, they are organized in

spatial order.

"To inform my audience about the history of the Super Bowl" is an example of a

specific purpose.

Both a preparation outline and a speaking outline should

use a consistent pattern of symbolization and indentation.

What kind of reasoning is used in the following passage? Alton Elementary School in Washington, D.C., has had great success getting kids to eat vegetables at lunch by allowing them to taste-test different recipes before putting specific vegetables on the menu. If that plan has worked at Alton, it can work at other schools, too.

analogical reasoning

As your textbook explains, if you want to persuade a skeptical audience, you need to

answer the reasons for the audience's skepticism.

"We must come to realize that we are responsible not only for preparing you for the world, but for preparing the world for you" is an example of


Forming particular speech sounds crisply and distinctly is called


Which of the following is the first step in Monroe's motivated sequence?


According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?Every presidential administration in recent memory has engaged in questionable fundraising activities, so I don't see any reason why it is wrong for the current administration to do so.


Here are the main points for an informative speech about the process of drying and storing garden herbs. I. The first step is to rinse the herbs. II. The second step is to dry the herbs. III. The third step is to strip the dried leaves. IV. The fourth step is to store the herbs properly. These main points are arranged in ________ order.


If your specific purpose were "To inform my audience how hurricanes develop," you would probably organize your speech in ________ order.


When the main points of a speech follow a time pattern, they are organized in

chronological order.

The most important task when preparing to conduct a research interview is

devising questions to ask during the interview.

To say that people usually want to hear about things that are meaningful to them is to say that people are


According to your textbook, visual aids are most effective when they are

explained clearly and concisely.

"Denying a college education to children of undocumented immigrants is like cutting off your nose to spite your face" is a poorly phrased central idea for a persuasive speech because it is

expressed in figurative language.

What error in reasoning is exemplified by the following statement? I always wear my blue sweater when I take an exam, but I couldn't find it yesterday. If I had worn it yesterday, I would not have flunked my accounting exam.

false cause

Which of the following does your textbook recommend as a way to steer clear of incremental plagiarism?

When taking notes, distinguish among quotations, paraphrases, and your ideas.

Which of the following is an instance of informative speaking?

a business manager reporting on next year's budget

Lucy wanted to know what percentage of students plan to attend graduate or professional schools after college, so she distributed a survey in three of her classes. Based on the results, Lucy concluded that nearly a third of college students plan to continue their education further. What is wrong with the way Lucy used the statistics from her survey?

Lucy's sample isn't representative of college students as a whole.

Each of the following is presented in your textbook as a guideline for presenting visual aids except

Pass small visual aids among the audience.

Which of the following is an instance of informative speaking?

a social worker explaining adoption laws to potential parents

Which of the following is an instance of informative speaking?

a student sharing ideas about leadership based on a book she has read

Which of the following is an instance of informative speaking?

a teacher explaining the requirements for an assignment

Which of the following is an instance of persuasive speaking?

a union representative urging management to avoid a strike by raising wages

Which of the following is an instance of persuasive speaking?

a volunteer convincing a group of citizens to sign a petition

When your textbook describes public speaking as a form of empowerment, it means that public speaking is

a way to make a difference in something we care about.

Outlining is an important part of public speaking because

an outline helps ensure that ideas flow clearly from one to another.

As explained in your textbook, public speakers have an ethical obligation to avoid name-calling and other forms of abusive language because such language

demeans the personal dignity of the groups or individuals being attacked.

One of the ways speakers analyze audiences is by looking at traits such as age; religion; racial, ethnic, and cultural background; gender and sexual orientation; and group membership. According to your textbook, what is this called?

demographic audience analysis

All of the following are necessary in a preparation outline except

directions for delivering the speech.

As your textbook explains, if you plan to use a photograph as a visual aid in a speech, you should usually

display the photograph using presentation technology such as PowerPoint.

According to your textbook, when a speaker concludes a speech by fading out on an emotional note, he or she is using a ________ ending.


The action step in Monroe's motivated sequence usually comes in the ________ of a persuasive speech on a question of policy.


As your textbook explains, ________ meaning gives words their emotional power.


"Repealing the Affordable Care Act now would open a real can of worms" is a poorly phrased central idea for a persuasive speech because it

contains figurative language.

"When Edward Snowden let the cat out of the bag, he ruined our country's intelligence system" is a poorly phrased central idea for an informative speech because it

contains figurative language.

As your textbook explains, each main point of your first speech should

cover a single aspect of the topic.

Ryan located three excellent sources for his persuasive speech. He copied long sections from each source word for word, strung them together with a few transitions, and mentioned the sources of his information in passing. Which of the following statements best describes Ryan's situation?

Ryan is guilty of patchwork plagiarism.

All of the following are basic objectives of a speech introduction except

Support your main points.

According to your textbook, listeners are persuaded by a speaker for one or more of four major reasons. Which of the following is among those reasons?

The audience is won over by the speaker's evidence.

Which of the following would lead you to doubt the objectivity of a sponsoring organization for an Internet document?

The organization benefits financially by promoting its position on the issue.

Arranged in random order below are a main point, two subpoints, and two sub-subpoints from a speech preparation outline. Which is the first subpoint?

The purpose of a screening interview is just what the name implies—to screen out people the company doesn't want to hire.

Which of the following is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of fact?

To persuade my audience that capital punishment fails to deter people from committing murder.


Chapter 16


Chapter 17


Chapters 1, 2, & 4


Chapters 11 & 13.


Chapters 15 & 5

According to your textbook, what is the most important reason for limiting the number of main points in a speech?

It is hard for the audience to keep track of too many main points.

If you are planning to use presentation technology in a speech, you should

bring a backup copy of your slides on a flash drive.

The main value of using expert testimony in a speech is to

build the credibility of speakers who are not experts on their topics.

Karyn was leading a meeting of the parent-teacher group at the local elementary school. As her first item on the agenda, she described the position of homeroom mother and asked people to sign up after the meeting if they would be willing to take on the job. One of the dads in the room raised his hand and said, "I'd love to do it, but is there any way we could change the name?" Which of the following factors of audience analysis did Karyn fail to take into consideration?



Chapters 6 & 3


Chapters 7 & 8


Chapters 9 & 10

Which of the following does your textbook recommend as a way to avoid patchwork plagiarism?

Consult a large number of sources in your research.

When Tami introduced the new university president to a group of distinguished alumni, she closed her remarks by saying, "You folks are really going to like this new Prez." Afterward, the event organizer told Tami that in the future she should use more formal language when speaking on such an occasion. Which of the following statements best describes Tami's error?

She did not use language appropriately.

Alisha began the introduction of her speech by saying: Like typical new parents, Paige and Iain Lochlan were thrilled when their son Lincoln was born. But their elation soon turned to fear as Lincoln began to miss important milestones. As an infant, he didn't make eye contact, and a year later he showed no interest in learning how to walk or talk. It wasn't long before Paige and Iain got the diagnosis every parent dreads—their child has autism. What kind of supporting material did Alisha use in her introduction?

brief example

________ are especially valuable for showing an audience statistical trends and patterns.


Arranged in random order below are a main point, two subpoints, and two sub-subpoints from a speech preparation outline. Which is the main point?

Phobias can develop either in childhood or adulthood.

What guideline presented in your textbook for using supporting materials is followed in this speech excerpt? According to the Office for Substance Abuse Prevention, alcohol is the leading cause of death among young adults. Furthermore, of college students currently enrolled in the United States, more than 240,000 will eventually lose their lives to alcohol. Two hundred forty thousand—that's the current student population of this university six times over.

Relate statistics to the audience.

Which of the following is a major objective of a speech introduction?

Reveal the topic.

What contemporary researchers term credibility, Aristotle termed


Problem-solution order is most appropriate for organizing ________ speeches.


When using a visual aid in a speech, you should display the aid

so everyone in the room can see it.

As explained in your textbook, if your specific purpose statement were "To inform my audience about the major features of four American quilt patterns" you would probably organize your speech in ________ order.


For his first speech, Peter is organizing his ideas around three holiday customs that were passed down by his Polish grandparents. According to your textbook, Peter's speech will most likely be organized in ________ order.


According to your textbook, when using PowerPoint slides in a speech, you should

use slides only where they are needed to communicate your ideas.

One way to build confidence as a speaker is to create a vivid mental blueprint in which you see yourself succeeding in your speech. According to your textbook, this process is called


The more ________ your examples, the greater impact they are likely to have.


________ is the repetition of the initial consonant sound of close or adjoining words.


Which of the following is inappropriate in a speech to inform?


Which of the following would probably be the best kind of visual aid to summarize the major types of agricultural crops grown in the United States?

a chart

Speechmaking is a form of power and therefore carries with it heavy ________ responsibilities.


The following set of main points for a persuasive speech on a question of policy follows which pattern of organization? I. Bacterial meningitis is a deadly disease that can spread easily on college campuses. II. Every college student should be required to get vaccinated against bacterial meningitis.


According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? How can we be so concerned about shielding children in the U.S. from Internet pornography when millions of children around the world continue to be sold into slavery every year?

red herring

According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? We are spending too much time talking about regulating the cable TV industry while other countries are beating us in technological development.

red herring

According to your textbook, in addition to reinforcing the central idea, a speech conclusion should also

signal the end of the speech.

"Just like an iceberg, the most important dimensions of culture are below the surface" is an example of


"The Philippine Islands look like huge pieces of broken emerald that were dropped into the South China Sea by some giant" is an example of


According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? If we allow the government to require healthy meals in school cafeterias, then it's only a matter of time before the government tells us everything we can and cannot eat.

slippery slope

A speech with the specific purpose "To inform my audience how outbreaks of bird flu move from region to region" would most likely be organized in ________ order.


If your specific purpose statement were "To inform my audience about the different regions of Spain," you would probably organize your speech in ________ order.


The ________ is the group that, in the absence of a clearly identified author, is responsible for the content of a document on the Internet.

sponsoring organization

According to your textbook, when analyzing demographic information about your audience, it is essential that you avoid


Luna wanted to convince the technology department at her company to install new accounting software. Some staff members supported the change, a few were opposed, and most were undecided. Luna realized that the undecided group was her ________, so she focused most of her effort on them.

target audience

Which of the following does your textbook recommend that you do when rehearsing your first speech?

Ask family members or friends for feedback.

"Police officers need extra life insurance to protect their wives and children," said city council member Heather Carpenter. Carpenter's language violated which of the guidelines for inclusive language discussed in your textbook?

Avoid stereotyping jobs and social roles by gender.

"Surgeons and their wives deserve the financial protection offered by these caps on monetary awards in malpractice suits." This statement violates which of the guidelines for inclusive language discussed in your textbook?

Avoid stereotyping jobs and social roles by gender.

In her speech about depression, Tanya, said: "A person who has depression can experience a variety of symptoms. He might have difficulty concentrating or making decisions; he might show signs of fatigue; he will probably lose interest in his favorite activities. "Which of the guidelines for the inclusive use of language in public speaking mentioned in your textbook does this passage violate?

Avoid the generic "he."


Chapter 12

Heather was in the midst of an excellent speech on campus history when she made a minor mistake by giving the wrong date for the opening of a campus building. She suddenly stopped speaking and said, "Oh, I messed up." Then she provided the correct date. The rest of her speech went well, but all she could think about afterward was her mistake. What is the major piece of advice from your textbook that Heather needs to be reminded about?

There is no such thing as a perfect speech.

Cesar's specific purpose for his classroom informative speech is "To inform my audience how to load apps onto their cell phones." According to your textbook, are there any flaws in Cesar's specific purpose?

Yes. Cesar's specific purpose is too trivial for this audience.

Gillian prepared beautiful photographs in Keynote to illustrate various parts of her speech about the Grand Canyon. When Gillian finished explaining each photograph, she left it on the screen for her audience to study until it was time for the next slide. Did Gillian make any mistakes in her use of visual aids?

Yes. She should have displayed blank slides between the photographs.

If you wanted to compare the amount of fossil fuels, solar power, and wind energy used in the United States and Germany, which type of visual aid would be most effective?

a bar graph

Which of the following would you most likely find in a speech conclusion?

a compelling quotation

Which of the following is an instance of informative speaking?

a doctor explaining how antioxidants affect the body

According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? Councilman Stewart's recommendations for a wind farm might work, but do you want to take advice from a man who was caught cheating on his wife?

ad hominem

According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? Of course, Senator Davis opposes serious tax reform. Before going into politics, he was a corporate lawyer who defended several companies that have since been implicated in unethical financial dealings.

ad hominem

According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? People who say Barbie dolls are bad for girls' self-esteem are a bunch of liberal do-gooders who don't want anybody to have fun.

ad hominem

According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? The mayor's plan to turn the rundown section of the city into a park will never work. Don't forget that she was involved in a scandal last year.

ad hominem

In her speech introduction, Kailyn asked, "Have you ever looked through old family photo albums and laughed at what people were wearing? Like many of you, I've noticed the changes in fashion and feared that my effort to look stylish today may eventually be a source of amusement to my future children." According to your textbook, by attempting to show her listeners why they should care about her topic, Kailyn was

adapting to her audience.

In her speech introduction, Suya said, "Though we are all very different, we are all students here at this university and are all working toward the completion of a degree. Unfortunately, because of rising tuition, some of us may lose the ability to continue in school." According to your textbook, by trying to show her audience how her topic affects her listeners, Suya was

adapting to her audience.

When you experience stage fright, your body is producing extra ________, a hormone that is released into the bloodstream in response to physical or mental stress.


Elisa is giving a speech on campus sexual assault and has brought a petition for her listeners to sign. When should she circulate the petition?

after she has finished speaking

According to your textbook, when you are going to give an audience material to take home from a speech, you should usually distribute the material

after the speech.

If you were giving a persuasive speech to a general audience on the subject of mandatory retirement, the most demographic important factor to consider when analyzing your audience would probably be its


"Solving the problem of video-game addiction in children involves a combination of supervision, support, and substitution" is an example of


Which of the following would you least likely find in a speech introduction?

an internal summary

According to your textbook, the juxtaposition of contrasting ideas, usually with a parallel structure is called


In her persuasive speech, Josina concluded with the following statement: So the next time you see flyers around campus announcing a blood drive, decide that this will be your moment to get involved—to do something worthwhile, to take a step that may help save someone's life. What method of concluding her speech did Josina use?

appeal to action

Fletcher is listening for pleasure as a friend discusses her trip to Australia. According to your textbook, Fletcher is engaged in ________ listening.


Zhu wants to create concern among her listeners about the dangers to civil liberties posed by government surveillance. She has decided to use words with strong connotative meanings because she knows they will help her

arouse an emotional response.

According to your textbook, a speech title should

attract the audience's attention.

The most effective order of main points in a speech depends above all on your topic, purpose, and


What are the three criteria discussed in your textbook for assessing the soundness of documents found on the Internet?

authorship, sponsorship, and recency

A ________ graph is best suited for showing comparisons between two or more items.


The ________ is the longest and most important part of the speech.


The process of generating ideas for speech topics by free association of words and ideas is known as


The ________ contains a list of all the resources owned by the library.


Which organizational method is used in a speech with the following main points. I. Caused by the bite of infected mosquitoes, West Nile virus has spread throughout the United States. II. The effects of West Nile virus include flu-like symptoms, convulsions, swelling of the brain, and, in some cases, death. Select one:


"You can increase your gas mileage by reducing the weight in your car, doing regular maintenance, and reducing your driving speed" is an example of a

central idea

If you wanted to summarize the eight steps in a criminal trial, the best type of visual aid to use would probably be a


If you wanted to summarize the steps of a process in a speech, the best kind of visual aid to use would probably be a


According to your textbook, brainstorming is especially helpful when you are having trouble

choosing a speech topic.

For her first speech, Rebekah plans to explain her interest in gymnastics beginning with her childhood and continuing through her days in high school. Which pattern of organization discussed in your textbook will she use in her speech?


As your textbook explains, ________ order is a way to structure a persuasive speech on a question of policy when the audience already agrees that a problem exists but needs to be persuaded that your plan provides the best solution to the problem.

comparative advantages

According to your textbook, the two most important factors affecting the credibility of a persuasive speaker are

competence and character.

According to your textbook, the two most important factors affecting the credibility of a persuasive speaker are character and


Julia is listening to her meteorology professor explain how to interpret images from Doppler radar. Because Julia's goal is to understand the information being presented, she is engaged in ________ listening.


According to your textbook, when you listen to evaluate a speaker's message for purposes of accepting it or rejecting it, what kind of listening is involved?


Dealing with such matters as the logical relationships among ideas, the soundness of evidence, and the differences between fact and opinion are all part of what your textbook calls

critical thinking.

According to your textbook, which of the following is a demographic characteristic of a speech audience?

cultural background

After choosing a topic, what is the next step of speech preparation?

determining the general purpose

According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? You can either double the size of the police department or let criminals roam the streets.


As your textbook explains, connotative meaning gives words their ________ power.


Jia's persuasive speech contained the following statement: The decline in the U.S. bat population has reached critical proportions. Since 2006, more than six million bats in 33 states have been killed by a fungus called white-nose syndrome. The shrinking number of bats has serious consequences, not only because bats eat insects that are harmful to trees and crops, but also because they eat mosquitoes, such as those that carry West Nile virus. Which of the three basic issues of persuasive speeches on questions of policy did Jia address in this excerpt?


Which of the following is the second step in Monroe's motivated sequence?


According to your textbook, when is it appropriate to cite an abstract of a magazine or journal article in your speech rather than locating and reading the full article?


Communication based on a speaker's body and voice, rather than on the use of words, is called

nonverbal communication.

As Jenell listened to her classmate's speech explaining the differences between collision insurance and comprehensive insurance, it reminded her that she needed to pay her insurance bill before the end of the day. Then, rather than listening to the speaker, she started thinking about all the other things she had to do that day. According to your textbook, the primary cause of Jenell's poor listening is

not concentrating.

"Our mission is to right wrong, to do justice, and to serve humanity" is an example of


According to your textbook, ________ plagiarism occurs when a speaker copies word for word from two or three sources.


In her speech about child abuse, Kim included the following statement: The effects of child abuse last long after the child has grown to adulthood. As one victim of child abuse stated in a local newspaper article just last week, "I know it sounds crazy, but sometimes I still wake up in fear in the middle of the night. Even worse, I find myself raging at my own children and treating them like my parents treated me." According to your textbook, what kind of supporting material did Kim use?

peer testimony

When the general purpose of your speech is to ________ you act primarily as an advocate.


Advocating a position is most appropriate when the general purpose of your speech is to


Of all the kinds of speechmaking, ________ speaking is the most complex and the most challenging.


"What should be done about the problem of identity theft?" is a poorly phrased central idea for a persuasive speech because it is

phrased as a question instead of as a statement.

A ________ graph is best suited to illustrating the relationship among parts of a whole.


The relative highness or lowness of sounds produced by the human voice is called


Hector's persuasive speech contained the following statement: Reducing the problem of bullying will require a combination of measures. To begin with, school personnel need to be trained to recognize the signs of bullying and to respond appropriately. In addition, students need to be reminded that bullying is everybody's problem and that every student has a responsibility to report it to school officials. Finally, parents and teachers need to know how to empower students with appropriate ways to respond when they find themselves victims of bullying. Which of the three basic issues of persuasive speeches on questions of policy did Hector address in this excerpt?


"To persuade my audience to take a class that will teach them CPR" is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of


As your textbook makes clear, speechmaking carries heavy ethical responsibilities because it is a form of


Margarita's persuasive speech contained the following statement: Prosecuting military sexual assault cases in a system outside the chain of command will ensure that victims get a fair and impartial trial. According to the National Organization for Women, a separate system has been successful at protecting victims' rights in Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and Israel. Which of the three basic issues of persuasive speeches on questions of policy did Margarita address in this excerpt?


Natasha's persuasive speech contained the following statement: When schools switch to a year-round schedule, students won't have time to forget what they've learned, because the breaks between sessions will be shorter. And studies have shown that students in year-round schools outperform students in traditional schools in subjects like math and science. Which of the three basic issues of persuasive speeches on questions of policy did Natasha address in this excerpt?


While attempting to persuade her audience to volunteer for a community literacy program, Sabrina provided evidence that volunteering takes only two hours a week and that employers look for volunteer service on résumés from job applicants. Which of the three basic issues of persuasive speeches on questions of policy did Sabrina address in this section of her speech?


According to your textbook, when using visual aids in a speech, you should

practice with the aids when rehearsing the speech.

Camille prepared excellent PowerPoint slides for her speech about education reform, but the speech didn't go as well as she had hoped. She had trouble finding the Enter key on her computer to advance her slides, and sometimes she skipped a slide because she held the key down too long. According to your textbook, Camille could have presented her slides more effectively if she had

practiced using the keyboard until she could advance the slides easily.

Which objective of a good speech introduction is fulfilled by the following statement?This morning I'll explain the four kinds of exercises you need to make a complete fitness program—aerobic, strengthening, endurance, and flexibility.

preview the body of the speech

A soccer player herself, Jenine is very concerned about the growing number of serious injuries at all levels of the sport. When the time came for her persuasive speech, she presented a speech with the following main points: I. In the past ten years serious soccer injuries have risen dramatically among players of all ages and skill levels. II. The best way to control this problem is through changes in rules and training. Jenine's main points were arranged in ________ order.


If you give a persuasive speech advocating a change in policy, your main points often will fall naturally into ________ order.


According to your textbook, the credibility of a speaker at the end of the speech is called ________ credibility.


When committing the fallacy of false cause, a speaker assumes

that when one thing follows another, the first is the cause of the second.

To avoid plagiarism when using an Internet source in your speech, your textbook recommends keeping track of all of the following except

the comments the document has received on Google.

If you were giving a persuasive speech to a general audience arguing that all children should be required to use standard English in the public schools, the most important factor to consider in audience analysis would probably be

the ethnic background of the audience.

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