Ethics Study Guide #1

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Consequentialism is a position taken by a teleologist and based on the notion that what matters is the result of an action. Virtue ethics was advocated by early philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.

Both are True

Ethics is a discipline consisting of thoughts and ideas about morality. Virtue is a type of ethics that emphasizes a person's character traits.

Both are True

Utilitarianism is a type of consequentialist theory. Teleology is a moral position that includes consequentialist theories.

Both are True

Utilitarians view social justice as a means to happiness. Utilitarianism is a general theory of normative ethics.

Both are True

Prima Facie duties are determined by the present situation. Therefore, if person A has a right, then person B has a duty to ensure that right.


The first two utilitarian philosophers were Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. Utilitarians are concerned with consequences when making ethical decisions.


Virtue ethics is based on theories from various philosophers, such as Socrates and is based on character traits.


Kant said, "Thy will shall make sense." Therefore, the good will is the will to do right.


Kantian ethics is concerned with duties. According to Kant, morality is the will to do good.


A utilitarian who is concerned with individual acts is a rule utilitarian. A utilitarian who is concerned with the best ways of acting in a given situation is an act utilitarian.

Both are False

Metaethics is the ethical studies that explore the nature of moral judgments and the structure of moral concepts.


A deontological approach considers the benefit of happiness that would result from a decision, while a teleological approach does not consider the consequences.


Normative is a branch of ethics that recommends specific actions it considers justified. Consequentialism is a type of normative ethics that judges an action by its consequences.


Kant is interested in the consequences of doing the right thing. Utilitarianism is concerned with total amount of happiness in the world.


A privilege is a valid claim earned by effort and hard work. A right is a valid claim guaranteed by a society.


According to Kant moral laws come from oneself; therefore, if you are following orders whether it is from a teacher, parent or even God, then you are not truly being moral.


According to Kant, it is imperative that we always set a good example for everyone around us. According to Kant, it is NEVER alright to tell a little white lie EVEN if in the end the outcome will be good.


Deontology is a branch of normative ethics that emphasizes duties. Duty is an obligation or action that ought to be done regardless of consequences.


John Rawls is known for his theory of justice.


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