Eukaryotic Cells- Plant and Animal Cells

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What is the Nucleus? And what cell is it found in (plant or animal)?

- Cell's managing organelle -It contains most of the cell's genes (DNA) - The nuclear envelope which is surrounded by a double membrane contains nuclear pores ( openings that allow substances to move in and out.) *This is where ribosomes are made - It also is very important to the cell because it gives instructions to the cell and tell it what it needs to do. PLANT CELL

What are Golgi Bodies? And what cell is it in (plant or animal)?

- Is a stack of flattened sacs. - The functions of golgi bodies are modify/package proteins, transport materials, produce lysosomes BOTH

Explain the important role of the nucleus in the life of a cell. Why is the nucleus sometimes called the control center of the cell?

- It directs all cell activities and is separated from the cytoplasm by a membrane. - Materials enter and leave the nucleus through openings in this membrane. - It contains the instructions for everything the cell does. DNA is the chemical that contains the code for the cell's structure and activities.

What is Cytoplasm? And what cell is it in( plant or animal) ?

- Made up of semi-fluid material called cytosol. - It is found inside the cell membrane and surrounds all organelles. IN BOTH CELLS

What are vacuoles and vesicles? And what cell are they in (plant or animal)?

- Membrane bound sacs within the cell. - VACUOLES are a type of vesicle. - They may store food, waste, and water BOTH

What are lysosomes ? And what cell are they found in ?

- Membrane- bound organelles that contain enzymes that break down organic molecules and old worn out cell parts. - They are the cell's digestive system. ANIMAL CELLS

What are Ribosomes ? And what cell is it in (plant or animal)?

- Protein factors - They can be found on the nuclear envelope, the ER, or in the cytoplasm - They are the site of photosynthesis DO NOT HAVE A MEMBRANE BOTH

what is Mitochondria? What cell is it in (plant or animal)?

- The site of cellular respiration. - Converts energy stored in the bond of carbohydrates into energy-rich ATP. - The more metabolic activity a cell has, the more mitochondria it has.

Name two plant cell parts that are not found in animal cells. What is the function of each part?

Chloroplasts are the site of photosynthesis, which is the process by which the cell converts light energy into glucose (food). Chloroplasts contain stacks of thylakoid discs, which are referred to as grana. Plant cells are the only eukaryotic cells that have cell walls. Cell walls are made of a tough, yet flexible material called cellulose that gives the cell a rigid, boxlike shape. A plant's cell wall helps to protect and support the cell.

what are Chloroplasts? what cell is in found in (plant or animal)?

- organelles that capture light energy and convert it to chemical energy through a process called photosynthesis - Thylakoids are the stacked structures found inside the chloroplast that contain chlorophyll. PLANT CELL

What is Endoplasmic Reticulum? And what cell is it in (plant or animal)?

-A system of folded membranes and channels. -There are 2 types: The rough ER, is involved with making & processing proteins for export. The smooth ER is involved with the production of lipids and detoxification of drugs & poisons

What is Cytoskeleton? And what cell is it in (plant or animal)?

-Cell framework and it is composed of 2 types of protein fibers.. Microtubules: are made of tubulin , these shapes support the cell. Microfilaments:are made of actin, these allow for cell movement and intracellular (in-cell) transport PLANT CELL

What are Cilia and Flagella? And what cell is it in (plant or animal)?

-Composed microtubules -They aid in feeding, locomotion, and they may be used to sweep along surfaces. ANIMAL CELL

What is a Centrioles? And what cell is it in ( plant or animal)?

-Cylindrical structures found in animal cells -They are made of microtubules -They are involved in cell division. ANIMAL CELL

Compare and contrast the energy processing organelles

Mitochondrion: -Contains an inner membrane and an outer membrane. -The folds in the inner mitochondrial membrane are called cristae. -The space within the inner mitochondrial membrane is known as the mitochondrial matrix. -Mitochondria are greater in number in cells with a high level of metabolic activity (ex: muscle cells). Mitochondria: -often referred to as "the powerhouse of the cell", are found in both plant and animal cells. -Mitochondria are the site of cellular respiration, the process by which the cell converts glucose (or the energy stored in food) into useful ATP (the energy currency of the cell). -Both mitochondria and chloroplasts are membrane-bound organelles that contain their own ribosomes and DNA that is different from the rest of the cell. -They are both involved in important metabolic activities that allow the cell to survive

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