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Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan 1651 "The only way to erect... without his permission") From the passage one may infer that Hobbes was proposing a system if government...

Basin in an unbreakable covenant between the governing and the governed.

Which of the following was a critical military development occurring after the 1750s?

Britain achieved naval superiority.

To which monarch was 'The Grand Remonstration' directed?

Charles I

(The Declaration of the rights of man and citizens 1989. 1. Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be founded only upon general good....) which of the following conclusions about the National Assembly is BEST supported by the passage?

The National Assembly wished to create a French nation where citizens were treated equally and were free from the government abuses

(Women's march in Versailles. Digital image. 5 oct 1789. Wikimedia commons. 10 feb. 2014. Web. 1 sept 2016) which of the following revolutions experienced a similar event as the one duplicated in his image leading to a successful overthrow of the monarchy?

The Russian revolution

(Council of Trent. " Rules on Prohibited Books) Which of the following most accurately describes the Catholic Church's reaction to the Protestant Reformation as stated in the passage above?

the decision to ban all works that were deemed supportive of any of the Protestant beliefs of reformers

(Council of Trent."Rules on Prohibited Books") The Rules of Prohibited Books most DIRECTLY reflect which of the following goals of the Catholic Church?

the goal to restore the former glory of the Catholic Church

(Malleus Maleficarum, 1484. "Other again have propounded other reasons why there are more superstitions women found that men..." What common misconception about gender does this excerpt demonstrate?

women were more apt to believe what they were told

What proportion of the population do list historians believe that Black Death killed?

A third

(Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan 1651 "The only way to erect... without his permission") From this passage, one may infer that Hobbes was an advocate of...


Of the enlightenment thinkers listed below, whose ideas are not represented by the articles? (Declaration of rights of man)


The American War of Independence was...

Born of a common Atlantic culture of Enlightenment ideas and a belief in traditional British liberties.

How did the Black Death enter Europe?

By flea-bearing rats on ships

(De Thou, The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day, August 24,1572) The massacre on Saint Bartholomew's day best exemplifies the feud between what two groups?

Catholics and Huguenots

(dominions of the House of Hapsburg map): Which of the following reasons for the eventual decline of the Hapsburg Empire could be supported by the map above?:

Communication problems within the empire

(Hernan Cortes, Letters to Charles V, King of Spain, 1521) from the passage, one may infer:

Cortes intended to impose laws of Christianity and Spain on the people of Tenochtitlan

The word philology describes

Critical (textual) reading of official documents

(Jean Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract, 1762. "Man is born free... forced to be free) The authors concept of the "general will" should be manipulated and used as a justification for...


What was the critical European consequence of the American Revolution?

France incurred overwhelming debt.

(Jean Domat [1625-1696]: on social order and absolute monarchy. "since the government is necessary for the public good.." which of the following leaders would most align with the ideology in this passage?

Francis I

Who was named the "father of humanism"

Francis Pretrach

Why did the food supply become the focus of political and social conflict in the last half of the eighteenth century?

Grain prices rose with market demand, and peasants resented the sale of grain to the higher bidder.

Smith's main argument for increased use of the potato is that

It is cheap and more nutritious source of food for the poor

The potato was a significant part of the 18th century agricultural revolution because

It was a new crop in Europe, haven't been introduced from the Americas.

In what way did the American Declaration of Independence reflect Enlightenment values?

It was couched in the language of universal human rights.

Which of the following thinkers would be most agreeable to Hobbes's view of government?

Jean Bodin

Which of the following actions was a contributing factor to the Parliament's passing of the Triennial Act of 1640?

King Charles I's decision to rule without Parliament

The National Assembly, considering that it has been called to establish the constitution of the realm..." (The Oath of the Tennis Court, June 20, 1789) Which of the following is the central demand of the third estate in the excerpt above?

The creation of the constitutional monarchy with fairer representation

(dominions of the House of Hapsburg map): Which of the following events is MOST reflected in the map above?:

The expansion of the Thirty Years War

Which of the following conclusions about the slave trade is most directly supported by the above passage.

The slave trade had devastating effects on African populations on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean

What correctly characterizes wars during the 18th century?

Wars were fought by professional armies according to more cautious and calculating strategies.

enlightenment concept of citizenship

all four men pledge themselves to activity defend common interests

What was the "cannon system"?

A system of Prussian military enrollment instituted by Frederick William I.

Why were the Jesuits disbanded in 1773?

Secular rulers resented their power and pressured the pope to disband them.

Which of the following was NOT a new approach to the British Agricultural revolution?

Textile production

Which of the following clearly identifies this work (oath of the horatii. Digital image. Jacques- Louis David, 1784) of art as reflecting enlightenment ideals?

The admiration of republican Roman values

As a member of the English Parliament during the reign for Charles I, John Pym's accusation in the excerpt was most likely a response to which of the following developments?

The fear of Protestant England bravo king a Catholic once again under Charles I

(The third estates of dourdon {complaints of the third estates}) which of the following aspects of the 18th century France is most reflected in the cahiers?

The feudal social structure of France

(Jean Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract, 1762. "Man is born free... forced to be free) Which of the following LEAST supports the author's view of the social contract?

The idea that the most important function of the law is to protect the private property of individuals

(Gustavus Adolphus , 1630) Which of the following was a short-term effect of the Thirty Years War?

The recognition of Calvinism in the Holy Roman Empire

(Henry IV, The Edict of Nantes, 1598) Henry IV's primary purpose for passing the Edict of Nantes was ...:

To be able to strengthen the political power of France.

(Dorinda Outram, The Enlightenment "The tendering accessible of information... as a force to be reckoned with") How did traditional sources of authority react to the role of the print media and the visual performing arts?

With attempts at censorship

Which of the following aspects of the work best aligns with the enlightenment concept of citizenship?

All four men pledge themselves to activity defend their common interests

Which of the following articles BEST illustrates the influences of Voltaire on the authors of the Declaration of the rights of man?

Article 10 (no one shall be disquieted in the account of his opinions, including his religious views, provided their manifestation does not disturb the public order established by law)

The Triennial Act is a reflection of the...

Power struggle between the monarchy and the aristocracy



Jean-Paul Marat was murdered during which historical event?

The reign of terror

(Louis XIV, Memoires for the instruction of the Dauphin) What advice did Louis XIV give his son?

A king is master; all are reliant upon his good graces

Hobbes' book is on the earliest, clearest statements on the concept of government as social contract. In his own work, he was attempting to establish a theory of legitimate central government based on...

A sector and rational reason for the state

"My famous painting is the "Mona Lisa" but I was a pioneer in science and architecture. My drawings of the human body were the first modern scientific illustrations ever made" I am:

Da Vinci

(De Thou, The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day, August 24,1572) Why would it prove to be so significant that the king of Navarre was not killed during the massacre?:

He would become the future king of France, Henry IV, who issued the Edict of Nantes

(Justification by Faith, Martin Luther) Which of the following BEST summarize Martin Luther's premise in the passage above?

In order to attain salvation an individual must put their faith and trust in God only,and does need to worry about being righteous

With which period does this work (oath of the horatii. Digital image. Jacques- Louis David, 1784) share the most in common?


Which phrase BEST fits the starter sentence below? New farming techniques spread slowly across Western Europe, and Subsistent farming...

Subsistence agriculture remain dominant

of the following statements, which best accounts for the decline of witch hunting, persecutions, and trails by the 18ths century?

more tolerant attitudes in politics and society, coupled with the emphasis on empirical explanations, made people hungrier for proof that witches actually existed

("We know him only by his most wise and excellent contrivances of things, and final causes, we admire him for his perfections.." Newton, Isaac. The mathematical Principles o Natural Philosophy. London: Motte, 1792. Print) which of the following best explains the motivation behind Newton's publication of the above statement.

the Christian faith of many influential scientists and philosophers during this time period

During the Reign of Terror, approximately 40,000 French people lost their lives an additional 3,000,000 fled the country. which of the social classes of France experiences the greatest toll on its members as a result?

the clergy

(Jean Domat [1625-1696]: on social order and absolute monarchy. "since the government is necessary for the public good.." which of the following actions by Louis XIV most reflects the descriptions in the passage?

the revocation of the Edict of Nantes

(Gustavus Adolphus , 1630) Adolphus gave which of the following reasons for bringing the Swedes into the Thirty Years War:

Adolphus wanted to support the Protestants in their war against the Catholics.

What was John Wilkes guilty of?

Attacking the British government in his newspaper.

Which powers divided up Poland-Lithuania in 1772?

Austria, Prussia, and Russia.

What did the physiocrats in France argue in favor of?

Deregulating the grain trade and reforming the tax system.

In what ways did the social contract in Hobbes' Leviathan differ from John Locke's vision of the social contract in his Second Treatise on Government ?

Hobbes justified a strong monarch while Locke defended a right to revolt against an unjust king.

( Council of Trent "Rules on Prohibited Books") Which of the following groups would have been the most supportive of the "Rules of Prohibited Books"?


Which of the following theorists would be the most supportive of the Triennial Act?

John Locke

Who pushed the principle of religious toleration further than anyone else?

Joseph II of Austria.

Which enlightenment absolutist had the most success in promoting religious toleration?

Joseph II.

(Justification by Faith, Martin Luther) How did Martin Luther's argument of salvation by faith alone contribute to the fragmentation of Christianity

Luther deemed the purchase of indulgences and committing of good acts as pointless, which led other reformers to question Church doctrine and siphoned followers from the Catholic Church

Which of the following British historical documents gave the Court the strongest precedent for accusing King Charles of treason against his own people?

Magna Carta

(Jean Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract, 1762. "Man is born free... forced to be free) Which of the following represents the author's primary view of society?

Man is born in a pure state of nature, but is corrupted by society.

(Greco, El. The Burial of the Court of Orgaz. Digital imagine. Wikimedia. N.P.. n.d. Wed 1586) This painting is an example of which of the following artists styles of this period?


(Justification by Faith, Martin Luther) Which of the following would must be MOST likely to disagree with Martin Luther's argument regarding salvation

Pope Leo X

How was the Marat remembered by the radicals who led the "reign of terror"?

Marat was the revered as a secular "saint" during the period when the "cult of reason" and the "cult of the supreme being" required the de-christianization of France.

Which of the following documents served the same essential purpose as the cahiers (list of grievances drawn up by each of the estates before the revolution) served for the French Revolution?

Martin Luther's 95 theses for the reformation

(Montesquieu, Charles Louis De Secondat De, and Thomas Nugent. The Spirit of Laws: Vol 1. (1748) New York; Hafner, 1949. Print. Pp,221-237) Which of the following statements BEST describes Montesquieu's scientific approach to political theory?

Montesquieu used empirical reasoning to support the idea of the separation of powers as a necessary way to guard against tyranny and degradation

under whose rule did france see a retraction of the polies that were set forth in the "The Law of suspects"?


("We know him only by his most wise and excellent contrivances of things, and final causes, we admire him for his perfections.." Newton, Isaac. The mathematical Principles o Natural Philosophy. London: Motte, 1792. Print) the tone of the above statement best reflects which of the following developments in Europe during Newton's lifetime?

Natural Philosophers who persited in holding traditional views of religion

("We know him only by his most wise and excellent contrivances of things, and final causes, we admire him for his perfections.." Newton, Isaac. The mathematical Principles o Natural Philosophy. London: Motte, 1792. Print) Newton's argument in the above passage most clearly supports which of the following ideologies?

Natural Philosophy

The Great Schism was finally resolved by

None of the above (the Fourth Crusade against Constantinople, the death of the last Avignon pope, the excommunication of Pope's Urban and Clemente)

Which contemporary of Louis XIV, because of similar threats to his accession to the throne as a boy, became an absolute ruler and built this nation into a major military power that threatened Europe's balance of power.

Peter I

The study of literary texts and written records, the establishment of their authenticity and their original form, and the determination of their meaning:


Who wrote the original version of The Marriage of Figaro?

Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

(From Desiderius Erasmus, The Praise of Folly 1509): From the passage, one may infer that Erasmus believed:

Popes are not the true leaders of Christianity

Lorenzo Valli gained fame for

Proving that the Donation of Constantine was a fraud

What began the Seven Years' War?

Prussia's attack on Austria's ally, Saxony.

(The Declaration of the rights of man and citizens 1989. 6. Law is the expression of the General will. Every citizen has a right to participate personally...") the ideas of which of the philosophers are most likely reflected in #6 of the excerpt above?


(Montesquieu, Charles Louis De Secondat De, and Thomas Nugent. The Spirit of Laws: Vol 1. (1748) New York; Hafner, 1949. Print. Pp,221-237) Which of the following individuals would be MOST likely to support Montesquieu's view of government?

Sir Robert Walpole

(From Desiderius Erasmus, the Praise if the Folly 1509): from the passage one may infer that Erasmus believed:

Successors of the apostles were not following the examples left by the disciples of Jesus.

What was the major consequence of Pugachev's rebellion in Russia?

The Charter of Nobility strengthened the nobles' power.

(Greco, El. The Burial of the Court of Orgaz. Digital imagine. Wikimedia. N.P.. n.d. Wed 1586) A historian could insert this painting as an illustration in a book he/she is writing on...

The Counter-Revolution

(The third estates of dourdon {complaints of the third estates}) which of the following represents the revolutionary response to the issues in the document?

The Declaration of the rights of man and citizen

The quote, "He has hereby caused and procured many thousands of the free people of this nation to be slain", refers to

The English Civil War

(Duc de Saint-Simon, Louis de Rouvroy, Memoirs [1675-1755]) What event led to King Louis XIV's "disinclination" for Paris and the decision to eventually build a palace at Versailles about 10 miles away?

The Fronde

What political party was Charlotte Corday (the reported murderer of Marat) affiliated with during the French Revolution?

The Girondins

(Henry IV, The Edict of Nantes, 1598) Which of the following is a reflection of the same principles behind Henry's decision to pass the Edict of Nantes?:

The Peace of Augsburg

American colonial resistance to British rule was largely driven by...

The imposition of new taxes.

"The National Assembly, considering that it has been called to establish the constitution of the realm..." (The Oath of the Tennis Court, June 20, 1789) which of the following most directly led to the issuing of the above oath?

The meeting of the estates general

The interactions described in the statement above are best understood in the context of the following?

The middle passage

Which feature of government established by The Constitution of 1791, created during the first phase of the revolution, best fulfilled the ideas in the Declaration?

The mostly symbolic role given to the monarchy

(Gustavus Adolphus , 1630) The point of view presented in Adolphus' speech is indicative of a continuation of which of the following?:

The ongoing strife between Catholics and Protestants after the Reformation

(Women's march in Versailles. Digital image. 5 oct 1789. Wikimedia commons. 10 feb. 2014. Web. 1 sept 2016) which of the following events most directly led to the event depicted in the image above?

The rapid inflation in France caused by a drought and the economic troubles of the country

Which of the following BEST explains the motivation behind the Equiano's publication of the above narrative?

The rise of enlightenment ideas that caused people such as Equiano, to fight for natural rights such as liberty and freedom

(Dorinda Outram, The Enlightenment "The tendering accessible of information... as a force to be reckoned with") All of the following demonstrates the primary difference between the role of the salon and that of the new print media EXCEPT...

The salon avoided use of the arts as a means to convey Enlightenment ideals

(Montesquieu, Charles Louis De Secondat De, and Thomas Nugent. The Spirit of Laws: Vol 1. (1748) New York; Hafner, 1949. Print. Pp,221-237) The Enlightenment idea Montesquieu most of obviously espouses here is that

The separation of powers provides political freedom because it allows people to live without fear of oppression and tyranny

(De Thou, The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day, August 24,1572) Why were religious minorities, such as Calvinists, perceived as such a threat to the French Monarchy?:

They represented a threat to absolutism due to their support of political liberty to the nobility.

Relative to their fellow subjects back in England, American colonists were...


Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan 1651 "The only way to erect... without his permission") From the passage, one may infer that Hobbes...

Was opposed to the deposing of Charles I and the establishment of the Commonwealth government in England.

Enlightenment ideas and absolutism...

Were often combined by "enlightenment despots" who introduced Enlightenment reforms while retaining their absolutist powers.

The reforms introduced by enlightenment absolutists...

Were often successfully resisted by groups such as the nobility that felt threatened by innovation.

(Hernan Cortes, Letters to Charles V, King of Spain, 1521): From the passage, one may infer that Cortes saw the people of Tenochtitlan

as disadvantaged by the absense of Christianity in their culture

(Hernan Cortes, Letters to Charles V, King of Spain, 1521): from the passage, one may infer that Cortes:

believed that the spanish had complete authority over the people of Tenochtitlan

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