euro sem 1 final

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The Concordat between Napoleon and Pope Pius the 7th was

stated that Catholicism was the religion of the majority of French citizens

Based on the imagery and intended audience of Vasari's painting, the artist's most likely purpose was to portray the events in the painting as

an example of divine retribution

The immediate cause of the Parisian women's march on Versailles was

an increase in bread prices in Paris

The Civil Constitution of the Clergy did all of the following EXCEPT

reject Catholicism completely and instead made rationality and empiricism new dieties

The Russians, to defeat Napoleon's Grand Army, used a military strategy known as

scorched earth

During the era of the French Revolution, the Thermidorian Reaction

terminated the Reign of Terror and led to the execution of Robespierre

In the time during and after the French Revolution, the French Catholic clergy were alienated most by

the Civil Constitution of the Clergy

"Men are born, and always continue free and equal in respect of their rights. Civil distinctions, therefore, can be founded only on public utility." In 1789 these statements were part of

the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

Which of the following phases of the French Revolution is most directly reflected in the painting above?

a constitutional monarchy was established to increase popular participation in the government

Which of the following social classes was most directly challenged by the actions shown in the painting?

a nobility based on hierarchy and status

The rebel leaders' insistence on the importance of the Cortes best exemplifies which of the following processes in early modern Europe?

Attempts by corporate groups to use existing institutions of shared governance to resist royal encroachment

All of the following statements are factually accurate. Which would best explain the rebels' demands in the passage concerning money?

Charles' election as Holy Roman Emperor in 1519 involved him in many expensive commitments outside Spain

The most likely author of this excerpt is

Edmund Burke

Based on the passage and the historical context in which Wedgwood's book was originally published, which of the following most heavily influenced the author's view of the 30 Years' War?

Growing international tensions in Europe as a result of aggressive nationalism

During the Reign of Terror, the dominant person on the Committee of Public Safety was

Maximilien Robespierre

Which of the following was a significant long-term effect of the developments depicted in the map on people living in the dependent states?

Napoleon's expanding empire created nationalist responses

The author's conclusion regarding the significance of the 30 Years' War most directly challenged which of the following historical interpretations?

The 30 Years' War marked a decisive turning point in European history

The system portrayed in the image best represents which of the following processes?

The continuation of small-scale systems of production

A historian might use data such as those in the table to attempt to determine actual literacy rates in Spain in the period 1500-1700. All of the following statements are factually accurate. Which would LEAST limit the value of the data in the tables as a means of determining literacy rates?

The data in the tables cover a period of about 120 years, from 1540 to 1661

Which of the following best accounts for the consistent difference between the male and the female literacy rates recorded in the tables?

The expectation that women would engage in different social and economic activities than men

The Committee of Public Safety was

an emergency executive committee appointed by the Convention

Based upon the image and its historical context, which of the following groups would have been most likely to commission paintings similar to Dürer's Self Portrait?

commercial elites who sponsored art that emphasized everyday life and naturalist style

During the early years of the French Revolution

common Parisian women played key roles in a number of the Revolution's events

The system meant to exclude British goods from mainland Europe was


The term "Great Fear" refers to the

fear of vagabonds and outlaws in the countryside that fanned the flames of rebellion among the peasants in the summer of 1789.

In response to the revolutionary activities in France, many European governments

instituted repressive domestic policies to prevent the spread of the revolutionary fervor.

The accomplishments of the National Assembly included all of the following except the

introduction of universal compulsory education

The Declaration of Pillnitz was issued in 1791 to

invite European monarchs to restore the French king to the throne.

The Reign of Terror ended when

members of the Convention, afraid Robespierre would turn the Terror on them, had him arrested and executed

The dominance of Napoleon helped inspire in subjugated lands feelings of


In this excerpt, Olympe de Gouges is responding to

new arguments proposed by Enlightenment philosophes like Rousseau promoting the continued exclusion of women from political life

Vasari's interpretation of the events depicted in the painting would most likely have been shared by which of the following groups in the sixteenth century?

the delegates at the Council of Trent

Incidents such as the one depicted in Vasari's painting contributed most directly to which of the following?

the exacerbation of conflicts between the Valois monarchy and various noble factions

The image is best understood in the context of which of the following developments during the Renaissance?

the growth of individual humanism in artistic expression

Which of the following would most directly transform the production method depicted in the image?

the mechanization of manufacturing

A historian could best use Lord Kenyon's attitude toward witchcraft in Source 1 as evidence of which of the following?

the spread of enlightenment thought

Which of the following best describes the French Third Estate?

The non-noble, non-clerical section of the Estates-General

In which of the following European powers in the early modern period was a consultative body similar to the Castilian Cortes most firmly entrenched?


The ideas expressed in the passages above formed part of a debate about the merits of which of the following?

Laissez-faire liberalism

Which of the following was a major cause of the developments illustrated on this map?

Napoleon's military tactics allowed him to exert direct or indirect control over much of the European continent

Which of the following best accounts for the changes indicated in the tables between the literacy rates of the sixteenth century and those of the seventeenth century?

The development and spread of cheap printed educational materials, such as books for learning to read

Which of the following most directly undermines the author's argument that the 30 Years' War "settled nothing worth settling?

The ideal of a universal Christendom was effectively abandoned as religion largely ceased to be the major cause for warfare between European states

On the eve of the Revolution in France, the large debt could be partially, if not mostly, attributed to

The large war loans made to the American colonies.

Young's account provides potential information about the origins of the French Revolution. A historian wishing to evaluate the usefulness of his account would likely be interested in all the following questions EXCEPT

What was the typical amount of labor required to run a printing press?

The most likely work that this excerpt came from was

Reflections on the Revolution in France

Which of the following best explains why, in the 1956 edition of the book, the author stated, "I no longer think that all wars are unnecessary"?

The 2nd World War had to be fought to stop the expansion of Nazi Germany in Europe

The painting reflects which of the following conflicts?

Traditional morality versus new consumerism

Since 1699, all printed materials in France had been subject to the approval of royal censors. Young's account most likely implies that

by 1789 the system of royal censorship in France had largely ceased to function as originally intended

The declaration of Notre Dame Cathedral as the Temple of Reason and the renaming of the days and month were measures taken by the Republic of Virtue to

de-christianize the republic.

The French Reign of Terror is most closely associated with the

establishment of the Committee of Public Safety

Abbé Sieyès' answer to the question "What is the Third Estate?" was that it was

the true strength of the French nation

Which of the following was the likely purpose of the publication the image appeared in?

to spread enlightenment principles

In addition to the political pamphlets described in the passage, which of the following did the most to turn public opinion against the Old Regime?

Discussions in French salons and coffeehouses

The features of seventeenth-century Dutch life reflected in the painting were largely a result of which of the following?

Dutch financial innovation and overseas trade

Which of the following eighteenth-century trends would support the argument Olympe de Gouges makes in this excerpt?

Women participated enthusiastically in the early phases of the French Revolution

The Tennis Court Oath symbolized

the resolve of the National Assembly to create a new constitution

Based on the rebels' demands, it can be concluded that Charles the 5th sought to implement in Castile policies characteristic of

New monarchs

Which of the following was most directly intended to resolve the conflict illustrated in Vasari's painting?

The Edict of Nantes

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