Euthanasia mock (army)

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FALSE Unconsciousness must be induced before cardiac fibrillation or simultaneously with cardiac fibrillation. Cardiac fibrillation must never occur before the animal is rendered unconscious Electrocution induces death by cardiac fibrillation, which causes cerebral hypoxia

True or False: Electrocution is acceptable with conditions for euthanasia of conscious animals. MOA?

d. First 75-80% As neuronal pathways between the cerebral cortex and thalamus become better established, in uterus = unconscious due 8+ neuroinhibitors precocious young unconscious until 75% to 80% of pregnancy chemical inhibitors and hypoxic inhibition of cerebrocortical activity.

With regards to euthanasia of dams and fetuses, behavioral and EEG evidence indicates that mammalian fetuses are insentient and unconscious throughout which portions of gestation? a. First 15-20% b. First 30-35% c. First 50-60% d. First 75-80% e. First 90-95%

Blunt force trauma (sucklings only) Nonpenetrating captive bolt alone (suckling only)

suckling pigs only = 2

FALSE Must result in luxation of cervical vertebrae without primary crushing of the vertebrae and spinal cord.

True or False: In the 2013 Euthanasia Guidelines, when performed on conscious poultry, crushing of cervical vertebrae and spinal cord is acceptable

c. Hemorrhage in the lungs

Use of guillotine method of euthanasia can result in: a. Prolonged time to loss of consciousness b. No change in GABA concentrations in the brain c. Hemorrhage in the lungs d. No change in serum corticosterone

C ether Diethyl ether is irritating to the eyes, nose, and respiratory airways; poses serious risks due to flammability and explosiveness; and has been used to create a model for stress.

Which inhalant anesthetic has been used to create a model for stress? A. halothane B. methoxyflurane C. ether D. isoflurane E. none of the above

a. Air sacs are located caudal to the diaphragm no diaphragm!

Which is NOT true of the avian respiratory system? a. Air sacs are located caudal to the diaphragm b. Air flow is unidirectional thru bird lungs c. birds are more sensitive to inspired toxicants than mammals d. Gas exchange is more efficient in avian lungs than in mammalian lungs

Order of preference: isoflurane>halothane>sevoflurane>enflurane>methoxyflurane>desflurane; all with or without N2O Solubility "He is Mostly Dead" He is MD

Which is considered the most preferred inhalant anesthetic for euthanasia? A. isoflurane B. sevoflurane C. halothane D. ether E. methoxyflurane

d. Decapitation and exsanguination

Which of the following IS NOT an acceptable method of euthanasia for pigs? a. CO2, Ar, and N gas mixtures for asphyxiation b. Gunshot c. Captive bolt d. Decapitation and exsanguination e. Blunt force trauma

D. Activation of nociceptors by vagal stimulation

According to the 2013 AVMA Euthanasia Guidelines, for CO2 euthanasia, which of the following is NOT a mechanism whereby CO2 causes distress? A. Pain due to formation of carbonic acid on respiratory and ocular membranes B. "Air hunger"; breathlessness C. Direct stimulation of acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) within the amygdala associated with fear response D. Activation of nociceptors by vagal stimulation

A. Rigor mortis

According to the 2013 AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals, death must be confirmed prior to disposal of an animal. Which sign, when present alone, confirms death? A. Rigor mortis B. Lack of corneal reflex C. Gray mucous membranes D. Inability to hear respiratory and heart sounds while using a stethoscope E. None of the above. A combination of signs is the only way to confirm death.

Cerebral cortex Subcortical structures

For pain to be experienced, the ___ _____ and _____ _____ must be functional.

A.The person euthanizing animal must be trained to have good aim so that they could hit the appropriate site on brain when standing from a distance

For the euthanasia of swine, according to the 2013 AVMA Euthanasia Guidelines, what IS NOT stated as a condition for the method of euthanasia associated with this instrument? A.The person euthanizing animal must be trained to have good aim so that they could hit the appropriate site on brain when standing from a distance B.A secondary method is applied as necessary C.Ammunition should be appropriately selected for the size of the animal D.The method is appropriate with conditions for both growing and adult swine E.The animal must be restrained appropriately when these instruments are used to perform euthanasia

Xylazine or any other α2 adrenergic receptor agonists are unacceptable methods for euthanasia large doses of alpha 2 adrenergic receptor agonists can produce a state resembling general anesthesia, they are recognized as being unreliable for that purpose. (p. 56)

Which injectable general anesthetic (or class of anesthetic) should never be used as part of a euthanasia protocol for ruminants due to its unreliability in these species?


methods that consistently produce a humane death when used as the sole means of euthanasia


those methods deemed inhumane under any conditions or that the panel found posed a substantial risk to the human applying the technique

acceptable with conditions

those techniques that may require certain conditions to be met to consistently produce humane death, may have greater potential for operator error or safety hazard, are not well documented in the literature, or may require a secondary method to ensure death

Adjunctive Method

A method of assuring death after an animal has been made unconscious

pain (AVMA)

A sensation (perception) that results from nociceptive nerve impulses reaching areas of the brain capable of conscious perception via ascending neural pathways.

a. Solid point designed for greater penetration of targets. - Under ideal conditions also undergo moderate expansion to a mushroom shape that increases its destructive characteristics

According to the current AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals, what types of bullets are preferred for euthanasia by gunshot? a. Solid point b. Hollow point c. Full metal jacketed d. Rubber

cerebral cortex LOC --> anesthesia apnea respiratory center cardiac arrest

Barbiturates depress the CNS in descending order, beginning with the ___ ___, with loss of _____ progressing to ______. With an overdose, deep anesthesia progresses to ___, owing to depression of the _____ _____, which is followed by ____ ____.

no (unlike decapitation)

Does rapid exsanguination contribute to LOC with cervical dislocation?

1. hypoxia 2. direct depression of neurons necessary for life function 3. physical disruption of brain activity and destruction of neurons necessary for life

Euthanizing agents cause death by what 3 basic mechanisms?

e. 26.5

In a recent study it was shown that mice will emit vocalizations at frequencies higher than ____KHz when euthanized unanesthetized with CO2? a. 5 b. 10.6 c. 12 d. 18.5 e. 26.5

e. None of the above - all AWC

In accordance with the 2013 AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia, captive bolt devices are ACCEPTABLE for humane euthanasia of what species? a. Alligator mississippiensis b. Oryctolagus cuniculus c. Canis familiaris d. Ovis aries e. None of the above

c. Cooling (<4o C for 4 hours) quail hatch time = 16 d

In your Japanese quail breeding facility, you need to euthanize pre-hatched embryos, all at day 10 of incubation. Which of the methods listed below is NOT an acceptable method of euthanasia in this instance? a. Anesthetic overdose b. Decapitation c. Cooling (<4o C for 4 hours) d. Prolonged (>20 minutes) exposure to CO2

C. 7 kg or for animals in which venipuncture may be difficult Inhaled agents have greater application for pigs weighing 70 lb or less, rather than grower-finisher pigs or mature sows and boars.

Inhaled anesthetics are acceptable for the euthanasia of animals weighing less than: A. 500g B. 3 kg C. 7 kg D. 15 kg

d. Juvenile Alpaca 1. Captive Bolt - large poultry (turkeys, broiler breeders, ratites, waterfowl, etc) - must ensure death or use 2nd shot/adjunctive method

The euthanasia method pictured HAS NOT been used on which species and should not be a sole method of euthanasia? a. Turkeys b. Suckling pigs c. Neonatal cattle d. Juvenile Alpaca

1 minute

Whenever gradual displacement methods are used, CO2 flow should be maintained for at least ____ time after respiratory arrest

Metomidate hydrochloride NOT approved euth zebrafish

aquacalm = what?

a. Hypothermia

According to the AVMA Guidelines, which of the following euthanasia methods is considered unacceptable in anesthetized rabbits? a. Hypothermia b. Air embolism c. Potassium chloride d. Exsanguination e. Bilateral thoracotomy

c. Unless a powerful captive bolt gun designated for euthanasia is used, animals must be immediately exsanguinated or pithed.

According to the 2013 AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals, penetrating captive bolt (PCB) is an acceptable with conditions method of euthanasia for small ruminants. What is the condition that must be met? a. Individuals must be properly trained on the use of the PCB. b. A powerful captive bolt gun designated for euthanasia must be used. c. Unless a powerful captive bolt gun designated for euthanasia is used, animals must be immediately exsanguinated or pithed. d. For heavily horned sheep and goats, the PCB must be directed in front of the poll aiming toward the angle of the jaw.

a. Thoracic compression

According to the 2013 AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia which one of the following methods of euthanasia is acceptable as a secondary method during field studies of humming birds? a. Thoracic compression b. Drowning c. Direct immersion into formalin d. Chloroform inhalation

d. Topical benzocaine hydrochloride gel

According to the 2013 AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia, which of the following is considered an "acceptable" method to euthanize Xenopus laevis? a. Carbon dioxide b. Decapitation and double pithing c. Isoflurane overdose d. Topical benzocaine hydrochloride gel

a. Air sacs, humerus, and femur

According to the 2013 Edition of the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals, euthanasia agents should NOT be injected into which location(s) in birds because of the potential for drowning or irritation of the respiratory system? a. Air sacs, humerus, and femur b. Air sacs, ulna, and tibiotarsus c. Any peripheral vessel d. Intracoelomic

b. Inhaled anesthetics and carbon dioxide asphyxiation are acceptable correct = AWC intracoelomic (avoid air sacs) if unconscious or anesthetized Thoracic compression - insentient only

According to the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2013 Edition, all of the following statements describe euthanasia methods in zebra finches and other avian species EXCEPT? a. Intracoelomic barbiturates and their congeners are acceptable b. Inhaled anesthetics and carbon dioxide asphyxiation are acceptable c. Unwanted embryos that have undergone over 50% of incubation can be euthanized by decapitation d. Thoracic compression used solely is an unacceptable method

pigs and poultry poultry - N2 or Ar mixed or used alone with approx. 30% CO2 + residual O2 ≤ 2-3%

According to the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2013 Edition, hypoxia resulting from exposure to Ar or N2 gas mixtures is acceptable with conditions for euthanasia for which one of the species shown?

a. Acceptable with conditions

According to the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2013 Edition, intraperitoneal injection of ethanol in mice as a primary method of euthanasia is considered which of the following? a. Acceptable with conditions b. Acceptable c. Unacceptable d. None of the above

d 50 (vs day of birth rats = 35 mins) by 10 days old = 5 mins

According to the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2013 Edition, it may take neonatal mice up to how many minutes to die from CO2 exposure as a means of euthanasia? a. 20 b. 30 c. 40 d 50

c. Decapitation after sedation 1. CO2- gradual or pre-filled 80-90% for ≥5 mins 2. CO at least 6% concentration 3. Anesthetic overdose

According to the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2013 Edition, which of the following IS NOT an accepted method for the euthanasia of a suckling pig? a. Carbon dioxide b. Carbon monoxide c. Decapitation after sedation d. Isoflurane

b. Injectable agents

According to the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2013 Edition, which of the following euthanasia methods is considered acceptable for terrestrial invertebrates? a. Blunt trauma b. Injectable agents c. Rapid freezing d. Submersion in ethanol

d. Immersion in CO2-saturated water others are acceptable along with quinaldine, 2-phenoxyethanol

According to the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2013 Edition, which of the following methods is conditionally acceptable for euthanizing zebrafish? a. Immersion in a buffered tricaine methane sulfonate b. Rapid chilling in ice-water slurry c. Immersion in buffered benzocaine d. Immersion in CO2-saturated water

a. Carbon dioxide barbiturates = acceptable GA noninhaled OD = acceptable Penetrating captive bolt or firearm also AWC???

According to the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2013 Edition, which of the following methods of euthanasia is considered acceptable with conditions for nonhuman primates? a. Carbon dioxide b. Injected barbiturates c. Nonbarbiturate anesthetic overdose d. Penetrating captive bolt or firearm

e. All of the above are acceptable or acceptable with conditions

According to the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2013 Edition, which of the following methods of euthanasia is considered to be unacceptable for a suckling pig? a. Carbon dioxide b. Purpose-built pneumatic nonpenetrating captive bolt guns c. Manually applied blunt force trauma to the head d. Injected barbiturates e. All of the above are acceptable or acceptable with conditions

b. CO2, with or with¬out premedication with inhaled anesthetics, is acceptable with conditions Nitrogen and argon x acceptable IP ethanol 70% AWC small sp Focused beam microwave irradiation AWC

According to the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2013 Edition, which of the following statements best describes euthanasia methods for small laboratory rodents? a. Nitrogen and argon gas are acceptable with conditions b. CO2, with or with¬out premedication with inhaled anesthetics, is acceptable with conditions c. Decapitation is an acceptable method for mice and rats d. IP (intraperitoneal) injection of 70% ethanol is an unacceptable method e. Focused beam microwave irradiation, using a machine profes¬sionally designed for animal euthanasia, is acceptable for euthanizing mice and rats

D. Unconsciousness is defined as a loss of individual awareness; onset of anesthetic-induced unconsciousness has been functionally defined by the loss of the righting reflex

According to the AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia, which of the following is true regarding unconsciousness in animals? A. The AVMA Guidelines are silent in defining or assessing unconsciousness in animals B. Consciousness is quantified by brain electrical function, therefore EEG data provides the definitive answer regarding the onset of unconsiousness C. In animals and in humans, onset of anesthetic-induced unconsciousness has been functionally defined by loss of appropriate response to auditory cues D. Unconsciousness is defined as a loss of individual awareness; onset of anesthetic-induced unconsciousness has been functionally defined by the loss of the righting reflex

2.3 kg (5.1 lb).

Cervical dislocation has generally been used for small birds (< 200 g) when no other method is available, but the procedure has been performed on birds as large as ?

physical examination, ensured by adjunctive physical method, or obviated by validation of euthanasia chambers and process

Death may be confirmed by 3

g.B and D Sensory-discriminative: where the origin and stimulus causing pain are determined Motivational-affective: where the severity of the stimulus is perceived and a response to it determined

Pain is divided into what two broad categories? a.sensory-definitive b.sensory-discriminative c.motivational-discriminative d.motivational-affective e.sensory-affective f.A and B g.B and D

d. Mebenzonium (part of T-61 with embutramide, tetracaine) F= nondepolarizing mm paralysis Denatonium = blue color for tributame Embutramide =narcosis and respiratory depression

Tributame euthanasia solution is an injectable, non-barbiturate euthanasia agent comprised of several ingredients. Which one of the listed ingredients IS NOT part of the solution? (acceptable Ds; Cs if barbiturates x avail) a. Embutramide b. Chloroquine c. Lidocaine d. Mebenzonium e. Denatonium benzoate

b. This method is an acceptable method of euthanasia

The life stage of an animal must be considered to properly conduct euthanasia. How does AVMA categorize euthanasia of zebrafish embryos and larvae using rapid chilling followed by an adjunctive method such as immersion in a dilute sodium hypochlorite or calcium hypochlorite solution? a. This is an unacceptable method of euthanasia b. This method is an acceptable method of euthanasia c. This method is acceptable with conditions based on the concentration of sodium or calcium hypochlorite d. Rapid chilling of zebrafish embryos and larvae is not addressed

6 inches. Exsanguination is only to be used in unconscious animals as an adjunctive method to assure death. It should be performed with a pointed, very sharp knife with a rigid blade at least 6 inches long and conducted as soon as the loss of consciousness is confirmed (p. 54)

The minimum recommended blade length for a knife used to exsanguinate cattle as a secondary physical method is: a. 3 inches b. 4 inches c. 6 inches d. 8 inches e. 12 inches

Eustress: when harmless stimuli initiate adaptive responses that are beneficial to the animal Neutral stress: when animal's response creates neither harmful nor beneficial effects to the animal Distress: when the animal's response to stimuli interferes with its well being and comfort

What are the three phases stress has been divided into in the AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia?

1963 = first year Guide too!

What date was the first Panel on Euthanasia convened? A.1963 B.1972 C.1960 D.1978

C. Anesthesia followed by a physical method MS 222 for amphibian euthanasia (0.25 to 0.5 g/L) are not sufficient to induce reliable euthanasia. Immersion in 5 g/L of MS 222 resulted in deep anesthesia within 4 minutes, but at least 1 hour of immersion to reliably euthanize if < 5 g/L or < 1 hour, a secondary method Intracoelomic at the highest possible dosage (2,590 mg/kg [1,177 mg/lb]) did not result in euthanasia, with 6 of 20 re-gaining mobility within 3 hours intracoelomic injection of MS 222 is not considered to be an acceptable method of euthanasia for X laevis and possibly other amphibians.

What is the preferred method to euthanize Xenopus spp? A. Pithing B. Cervical dislocation followed by exsanguination C. Anesthesia followed by a physical method D. Intracoelomic injection of Tricaine methanesulfonate

b. Acceptable with the condition that the animal must first be unconscious or anaesthetized if the operator has not demonstrated technical competency guillotine = decap d is for rabbits

Which of the following best describes euthanasia of an adult mouse by manual cervical dislocation? a. Performed using a guillotine b. Acceptable with the condition that the animal must first be unconscious or anaesthetized if the operator has not demonstrated technical competency c. Acceptable with the condition that the animal is first pithed d. Head is held in one hand and the hind limbs in the other, and the animal is stretched to separate the skull from the spine. e. Causes the immediate cessation of heartbeat

E. Decapitation (sole means of euthanasia)

Which of the following euthanasia methods is considered UNACCEPTABLE in zebrafish? A. Maceration (single step) B. Immersion in buffered benzocaine C. Immersion in 2° to 4°C (36° to 39°F) water for a minimum of 10 minutes D. Immersion in clove oil E. Decapitation (sole means of euthanasia)

b. Cervical dislocation not sure about "most commonly used"....

Which of the following euthanasia methods is most commonly used and was shown in a recent study to improve fertilization rate in mouse embryos and reduced the number of egg-donor mice required? a. Carbon dioxide inhalation b. Cervical dislocation c. Isoflurane inhalation overdose d. Pentobarbital intraperitoneal

Answer=A, B & C FWS is responsible for the enforcement of these protection laws

Which of the following federal laws protect scavenger species from secondary poisoning from animal remains containing pentobarbital including fines and incarceration? (more than 1 may be correct) A. Migratory Bird Treaty Act B. Endangered Species Act C. Bald, Golden Eagle Protection Act D. Animal Welfare Act E. PHS Policy

D. Desflurane

Which of the following inhalant agents is acceptable with conditions for use as sole agent of euthanasia in non-anesthetized laboratory mice? A. Argon gas B. Nitrogen gas C. Nitrous oxide D. Desflurane

b. Finfish must be kept in the 2-Phenoxyethanol solution for at least 10 minutes after cessation of opercular movement. a also true?

Which of the following is CORRECT with regard to euthanizing zebrafish with 2-Phenoxyethanol? a. 2-Phenoxyethanol is an acceptable method of euthanasia for finfish b. Finfish must be kept in the 2-Phenoxyethanol solution for at least 10 minutes after cessation of opercular movement. c. 2-Phenoxyethanol is FDA approved for use as an agent of euthanasia for finfish. d. 2-Phenoxyethanol is an unacceptable method of euthanasia of finfish

B. Terminology change from "conditionally acceptable" to "acceptable with IACUC justification". Terminology change from "conditionally acceptable" to "acceptable with conditions"

Which of the following is NOT a major change in the 2013 Euthanasia Guidelines compared to previous versions? A. Depopulation and slaughter separated out into separate documents. B. Terminology change from "conditionally acceptable" to "acceptable with IACUC justification". C. "Acceptable with conditions" methods are based on conditions that must be met to consistently produce humane death. D. A section on euthanasia of spiders and insects has been included.

c. Altricial neonates < 5 days of age that do not have sufficient nervous system

Which of the following is true regarding hypothermia as a method of euthanasia? a. Cold can cause tissue damage and presumably pain, therefore the use of hypothermia for euthanasia of rodents of any age is unacceptable. b. Hypothermia is an unacceptable euthanasia method in rodents older than 3 days of age. c. Altricial neonates < 5 days of age that do not have sufficient nervous system development to perceive pain may be quickly killed by rapidly freezing in liquid nitrogen. d. Freezing can result in the formation of ice crystals in tissues and this may cause pain, however, rapid freezing is an acceptable method of euthanasia for nearly all species.

a. Injectable ethanol

Which of the following methods of euthanasia is considered "acceptable with conditions" in mice? a. Injectable ethanol b. Injectable ketamine/xylazine combination c. Inhaled nitrogen d. Injectable opioids

C Minimal hazards with properly designed equipment. Effective except in young and neonates; an effective agent, but other methods are preferable in species where aversion is noted

Which statement if FALSE about nitrogen or argon gas used for euthanasia? A. N and Ar are readily available as compressed gases and present minimal hazards to personnel. B. Death may be delayed when sedated or anesthetized animals are euthanized with either gas. C. N and Ar are preferred agents for the euthanasia of neonates. D. N and Ar are acceptable with conditions for euthanasia of chickens and turkeys.

B Death is due to hypoxemia = readily combines with hemoglobin and blocks uptake of O2 by erythrocytes by forming carboxyhemoglobin

Which statement regarding carbon monoxide is FALSE? A. CO induces loss of consciousness without pain and with minimal discomfort. B. CO causes death by stopping cardiac conductivity. C. Death occurs rapidly if concentrations of 4% to 6% CO are used. D. Any electrical equipment exposed to CO must be explosion proof.

13 - 30 seconds For immature rabbits, the head is held in 1 hand and the hind limbs in the other. - The animal is stretched and the neck is hyperextended and dorsally twisted to separate the first cervical vertebra from the skull For mice and rats, thumb and index finger are placed on either side of the neck at the base of the skull or, alternatively, a rod is pressed at the base of the skull. - With other hand, the base of the tail or the hind limbs are quickly pulled, causing separation of cervical vertebrae from skull.

cervical dislocation brain electrical activity, which can persist for up to _____ time following

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