Evangelical Theology Burch

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All things are connected to God APART from creation

Nuanced Teachings that take the core teachings and change it


Nuanced teachings that reflect a tradition particular theological understanding of the core teachings


Essential teachings that are part of the Core Christian Identity.


Essential teachings that are part of the core of christians identity


Augustine on Evil

Evil serves a greater good

Origen on Evil

Evil-Yes-Did God create it?-No Necessary Purpose, didn't create it but uses it for the right purposes

Theistic Evolution

Evolution is the process used by God to create - Rejects Darwin, Genesis account in terms of ages - Lyman Abbott, everything is subject to process

According to Irenaeaus, the apostles taught some secret mysteries that were changed down to their ancestors


According to Lewis, when one turns from personal experience to Christian doctrine, they are turning from what seems less real to what is more real.


According to Olson, Folk Religion can be characterized as being open, expansive subject to critique and having significant public impact


According to Vincent of Lernis, the Church's true catholic tradition is that which has been believed always, everywhere and by everyone


Deism believes in a God that is both transcendent and immanent


Islamic understanding of the Quran's divine nature is the same as a Christian understanding of the Bible


Joann Mohler believed that Tradition must assist theChurch with interpretation because the Bible has errors


Olson believes polemical approaches to theology are best


The Early Church's pattern of authority was Scripture as interpreted by the Apostle Paul and the Rule of Faith


The wesleyan Quadrilateral included tradition and personal opinion


There has been general agreement among all the Christians regarding the authority of the tradition and Scripture


Those that hold a dynamic inspiration model tend to also affirm strict inerrancy


Those who hold to a plenary verbal inspiration view believe that the authors of the Bible were inspired and the therm infallible is often used.


The early church chose the word hypostasis to refer to the one substance or being of God

False, ousia

Johnathan Edwards believed that the book of nature interpreted the book of Scripture

False, the other way around

Immanent Trinity

"In Himself" God is fuller, complete nature but not fully known

Pattern of Authority

Scripture as interpreted through Jesus Christ and the Rule of Faith

Dynamic Inspiration

The authors were inspired, receiving divine thoughts but communication these thoughts in the cultural idioms and styles of their day Infallible-Telling from different perspectives

Plenary verbal inspiration

The very words are inspired via compliant authors Inerrancy-Inspired exactly as it os given can't use another words

According to Vincent of Lernis, a person who wished to avoid heresy and maintain a sound faith would adhere to the authority of the divine law and the tradition of the catholic church.


Among the necessary theological tools, analogy asks, what does this look like?


Apostolic authority was one criterion used for determining the New Testament canon


Bounded Set categories either/or sere as boundaries to determine who is in and who is out


Centered Set categories refer to both/and, core beliefs allowing for flexibility and diversity


Olsen would support the idea of continuing revelation so long as primacy and normatively is given to the original revelation in Jesus Christ and Scripture


One of the consensus points among Christians is that the Bible is both personal and propositional in nature


Process Theology believes in a God that evolves with the world in an interdependent and mutual way


Regarding the Christian canon, the major issue has not been the Bible but how one interprets the Bible


The Church's theology that explained the New Testament scriptures was developing at the same time the Church was deciding which documents would comprise the NT


The Great Tradition refers to a minimal set of core Christian teachings established for the Church by the apostles and the Early Church fathers


The creation of Marcion's canon was one reason that the Early Church decided to develop a authoritative New Testament canon.


Theologians use the phrase "economic Trinity" when referring to the way God has revealed himself as Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit in salvation history and divine revelation



Wanted to base the story on their own experience, creating a different church to have the same experience

Moderate Realist- Aquinas

We know God through what? The world we have senses "Do we know God in the same way we know the world"

Economic Trinity

"how something is revealed or apparent in how God shows himself to us" Bible and Jesus

Augustine's Aesthetic on Utilitarian and Ontological Arguments

(deprivation of good) -Darkness is just the absence of light, darkness is not the primary -Turning away from good -Evil is only possible in the presence of good

3 Points to Limited and Detailed

1 God is good/just Creator and Sustainer of all creation 2 Nothing happens that God does not allow to happen-Irenaeus and Tertullian 3 God's sovereignty over history and nature is "general and special"- Aquinas

Preferences in the church, how things look



Aristotle's empirical method applied to knowing the world and truth (senses) Our minds categorize the immanent world and give it meaning

Special Revelation

Bible, Law, Commands Scriptures

Young Earth Creationism

Bishop James Usher - The earth was created in 4004 BC - God created the world to seem older than it really is - Scopes Trial

Eccentric vs. Egocentric

Center outside of self vs center in yourself

Revelation as Completed or Continuing

Completed- 66 Books Continuing- Experiences The canon and out experiences

General Revelation

Creation, Heaven, Sun, Sky, World Words and Voices


God has limited himself and He evolves with the world

Realists- Anselm of Canterbury's

God is at least an idea, we didn't just invent the word God, it has always been present "God is an idea for which non greater can be conceived"

Progressive Creationism

God uses evolution as the creation process but intervenes at a critical moment to direct the process


God's not connected to the world, God can't change it because He is disconnected - Nature is responsible


Good and Evil power of good= power of evil

Unitive Vision

Good but fallen


How am I supposed to live this truth?


Implies immanence and interdependence necessary for a true relationship


Implies independence and transcendence

Process Theology/Panentheism

Intentional limitation means God and creation are evolving together -God is not in control

The Natural Theology debate is about which question?

Is God's revelation of Himself in nature enough for a person to be saved?


Is this true?

Open Theism

NOT omniscient (doesn't know all) but is still able to work through circumstances to achieve ultimate purposes


Ousia: Substance

Irenic vs Polemical

Peaceful and arguing/fighting

Dynamic Monotheism

Perichoresis: God is one in a dance with himself

Revelation as Personal or Propositional

Personal- Jesus Propositional- Words Jesus and the Text


Platonic approach to knowing the world and truth (cave) Our minds become the connection point between the transcendent and the immanent


Pure God, separate and holy, but we don't get to know Him

Irenaeus- "Vale of soul making"

Redeemed/ Honor God

Natural Theology

Regarding the possibility of whether God reveals Himself through nature, history or experiences in a way that is sufficient for salvation

Olson's Unitive View

Some limited providence

Limited Providence

Sovereign by right but not by action. Limiting His will allows for real freedom of choice. -God knows but allows freedom to choose


Thats life, no reason for it, we are subject to the fates and what happens happens No redeeming purpose


They created new stories with them as the center of it all

Jesus encountering evil and suffering

Tomb of Lazarus Cross God is human and endures both God lives as one of us and dies in space and time God enters into suffering

According to Anselm, God is an idea that cannot be thought of as not existing, one for which none greater can be conceived


According to Aquinas, we do not know God in the same way that we know the world


According to Boff, the church needs to move beyond understanding the Trinity as a logical mystery to seeing it as a saving mystery


According to David Wallace, our default settings leads us to believe that we are the center of the universe


According to David Wallace, real freedom involves attention and awareness and discipline and effort, being able to truly care about other people and to sacrifice for them over and over in myriad, petty little unsexy ways.


According to David Wallace, the only thing this is capital-T true, is that you get to decide how you will see/interpret the reality going on around you


According to Dr. Burch, everyone is a theologian even atheists


According to Irenaeaus, the bishops were entrusted to pass along the church's apostolic tradition.


According to Irenaeaus, tradition is a "living voice", not just writings handed down


According to Lewis, doctrines are not God, they are a map that asset in better understanding God and growing closer to God


According to Lewis, it is not enough to be made in God's image, but we must also be spiritually begotten


According to Lewis, it is not enough to made in God's image, we must also be spiritually begotten


According to Olsen, the Christian consensus regarding God is that He is transcendently great and immanently good


Nominalist- William of Ockham

When reason and senses seek to interpret the world they do not provide us with the knowledge of God, they only give us facts "The simplest explanation for an observed fact of nature is the preferred one"

What is Folk Religion?

When you are around the same theology all of the time, you no longer are challenging yourself

Meticulous Providence

Willed by God, not by permitted. If permitted, then active mot passive. God wills it without directly causing it (Islam)

"The simplest explantation for an observed fact is the preferred one" is a quote form what theologian?

William of Ockham

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