EVR1001 Exam 4

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Which country leads the world in coal production and consumption by extracting and consuming approximately half of the world's annual coal yield?


Which of the following pollutants has the longest residence time?

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

How is climate change most significantly affecting coral reefs and sea life?

Climate change causes the oceans to absorb more carbon dioxide resulting in ocean acidification.

One key to the puzzle of Los Angeles's smog is the fact that ________.

Los Angeles and its suburbs are all ringed by mountains

Which of the following layers of the atmosphere is responsible for the weather that we experience on the surface of Earth?


____________ is the rising of deep, cold, dense water toward the surface.


What would do the most to reduce indoor air pollution in the developing world?

Using solar energy to heat homes

How is the energy produced by nuclear fission used to produce electricity?

Water in the containment vessel is kept under high pressure and heat from the fission reactions that heat it to well over boiling. This is then used to boil another loop of water, which turns a turbine that drives a generator and makes electricity.

What is the name of an area of land that is drained by a river and all of its tributaries?


Which of the following is an example of mitigation rather than adaptation for global climate change?

building more solar panels to generate electricity instead of more coal-fired power plants

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is an international panel that ________.

reports on how climate change influences wildlife, ecosystems, and society

Point sources of air pollution are __________.

specific spots--such as a factory's smokestacks--where large quantities of pollution are discharged

What are the effects of carbon monoxide?

suffocation in mammals

The primary causes of acid deposition are ________.

sulfur and nitrogen oxides

Success Story: Using Wetlands to Aid Wastewater Treatment Based on the bar graph, during which season did bird abundances decline post-construction of the artificial wetland?


Interpreting Graphs and Data: Wetland Restoration Rates Most of the productivity of a wetland can be restored within 50 years, but it takes much longer to restore soil fertility.


Zooxanthellae are ________.

symbiotic algae that provide energy to many species of corals

What was the primary cause of the decline in oil prices in 2016 to only one quarter of the prices in 2008?

the oil supply glut caused by fracking

Which of the following wetland environments only occurs for a short period of time each year?

vernal pools

First developed in the ________, nuclear power showed the most growth during the ________.

1950s; 1970s and 1980s

Evidence from polar ice core analysis shows that, until now, carbon dioxide levels have never exceeded ________ ppm in the last several hundred thousand years.


Interpreting Graphs and Data: Air Pollution and the Atmosphere If the U.S. population in 1970 was approximately 200 million people, what was the approximate population by 2006?

300 million people

Interpreting Graphs and Data: Global Climate Change What was the percent change in CO2 emissions for transportation from 1980 to 2005?


Interpreting Graphs and Data: Air Pollution and the Atmosphere Energy consumption and aggregate emissions have also changed over time. Whereas the ratio of energy consumption to emissions was 1:1 in 1970, by 2006 the ratio was _________.

3: 1

Interpreting Graphs and Data: Carbon Dioxide Fluxes For every metric ton of carbon dioxide emitted as a result of changes in land use (e.g. deforestation), approximately how much is emitted from industry?

4 metric tons

All of the following are anthropogenic factors contributing to climate change EXCEPT:


Efficiency of coal-fired power plants can be nearly doubled by ________.

using cogeneration

Concept Review: Factors Influencing Climate factors that contribute to cooling

- parts of earth's surface with high reflectivity (high albedo) - condensed water vapor (cloud albedo)

Causes and Consequences: Indoor Air Pollution Consequences:

- people ill from sick-building syndrome - respiratory disease in developing countries - lung cancer; 20,000 deaths per year in the United States

Cause and Consequences: Fresh Water Depletion Solutions:

- development of water conservation policies - improvement of wastewater treatment technology - deployment of more efficient irrigation approaches

Interpreting Graphs and Data: Air Pollution and the Atmosphere What was the percent change from 1970 to 2006 for vehicle miles traveled?


Process of Science: Carbon Dioxide and the Growth of Forest Stands Suppose you are able to manipulate a plant's access to components in the photosynthesis equation. Drag each label to the appropriate bin to predict how that action will affect plant growth. For each increase or decrease, assume that every other component of the photosynthesis equation is unlimited. Increase plant growth

- increase H2O - increase CO2 - increase sunlight

Success Story: Clearing the Air for Better Health Across America Based on information in the graph in Part A and what you know about the sources of various pollutants, which of the following recommendations might you offer to the congresswoman?

- Although SO22 concentration dropped significantly relative to national standards following the CAA, maintaining or furthering this reduction requires continued enforcement of regulations on fossil fuel combustion by industries and power plants. - Efforts to achieve reductions in the concentrations of air pollutants such as CO, PM2.5, and PM10, should include strategies to prevent and control wildfires. - Future regulations should target reductions of ground level ozone with strategies that might include subsidizing public transportation and limiting the use of vehicles in dense urban areas during summer months.

Success Story: Using Wetlands to Aid Wastewater Treatment Which of the following statements accurately describe(s) changes in bird species diversity following the construction of a wetland in the study area? Select all that apply.

- An increase in bird species diversity was observed across most months of the study period following wetland construction. - A decrease in bird species diversity was observed only in August.

Success Story: Using Wetlands to Aid Wastewater Treatment Which of the following statements reflects how you might use the data from the graphs in the previous parts to make your case? Select all that apply.

- Based on evidence of changes in diversity and abundance of birds, construction of an artificial wetland creates new foraging and nesting habitat. - Construction of an artificial wetland in California resulted in an overall increase in the number of bird species inhabiting that location. - Construction of an artificial wetland in California resulted in an overall increase in the abundance of birds inhabiting that location

Causes and Consequences: Indoor Air Pollution Causes:

- VOCs from paints, carpeting, and furniture - inefficient indoor cookstoves - radon seepage into homes

Concept Review: Classifying Water Pollutants toxic chemicals

- acid drainage from an abandoned coal mine - herbicide from a soccer field

Concept Review: Factors Influencing Climate Factors that contribute to warming

- black carbon aerosols and soot particles - tropospheric ozone (O3) - parts of earth's surface with low reflectivity (low albedo) - nitrogen oxides (N2O) from denitrification and fossil fuel combustion - carbon dioxide (CO2) from fossil fuel combustion -methane (CH4) from decomposition and feedlots

Concept Review: Classifying Water Pollutants sediment

- clay soil from land cleared for home construction - eroded topsoil from agricultural land

Process of Science: Carbon Dioxide and the Growth of Forest Stands Suppose you are able to manipulate a plant's access to components in the photosynthesis equation. Drag each label to the appropriate bin to predict how that action will affect plant growth. For each increase or decrease, assume that every other component of the photosynthesis equation is unlimited. No effect plant growth

- decrease C6H12O6 - increase C6H12O6

Process of Science: Carbon Dioxide and the Growth of Forest Stands Suppose you are able to manipulate a plant's access to components in the photosynthesis equation. Drag each label to the appropriate bin to predict how that action will affect plant growth. For each increase or decrease, assume that every other component of the photosynthesis equation is unlimited. Decrease plant growth

- decrease sunlight - decrease H2O - decrease CO2

Concept Review: Solutions to Fresh Water Needs supply-side solutions

- desalinating seawater - damming a river to create a reservoir - a nation invading a neighboring country to access their rivers

The oil spill resulting from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster ________.

is the largest accidental oil spill in world history

Concept Review: Classifying Water Pollutants nutrient pollution

- phosphorous-rich fertilizer from agricultural land - nitrogen-rich grass clippings from a mowed lawn

Cause and Consequences: Fresh Water Depletion Causes:

- population growth - groundwater pumping for agriculture - domestic water use for homes and landscaping

Causes and Consequences: Indoor Air Pollution Solutions:

- purchase of low- or no-VOC paints, carpeting, and furniture - conversion to more efficient clean-burning cook stoves - measurement of radon with a test kit; increase in ventilation

Concept Review: Classifying Water Pollutants demand-side solutions

- raising water prices for consumers and businesses - providing tax breaks for companies that use less water - requiring low-flow showerheads in all new homes - replacing inefficient irrigation to grow crops

Cause and Consequences: Fresh Water Depletion Consequences:

- water shortages - salinization - altered plant communities

Process of Science: How Might Global Climate Change Affect Hay Fever Sufferers? Use the data table to answer these questions about the experimental results and conclusions. Not all terms will be used.

1. increases 2. increases 3. cannot tell from data 4. yes 5. yes 6. no

Interpreting Graphs and Data: Global Climate Change What was the overall change in CO2 emissions for electricity generation from 1980 to 2005?

0.9 billion metric tons

According to the graph, how much warmer on average were global temperatures in the year 2000 than in the year 1900?


Concept Review: A Coal-fired Power Plant Moving clockwise, label the steps of energy production in this diagram of a coal-fired power plant.

1. Coal is burned in the furnace. 2. Heat from combustion boils water. 3. Steam turns the turbine. 4. Magnets are moved past copper coils to generate current. 5. Steam is cooled and condensed. 6. Air pollutants are filtered out. 7. Toxic ash is taken to a hazardous waste disposal site.

Process of Science: Sex, Turtles, and Climate Change Suppose you found the following sources for Janzen to use as references for the predicted rise in global temperature. Indicate if each source is an example of primary literature, and then decide if each source is reliable. If you are uncertain about a source, look it up online.

1. check, check 2. X, check 3. check, check 4. X, check 5. X, X

Process of Science: Sex, Turtles, and Climate Change Using the graph, drag the terms on the left to complete the sentences on the right. Terms may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

1. nest temperature; percentage of hatchlings that are male 2. males 3. females 4. nest temperature; percentage of hatchlings that are male 5. 50% 6. 0%

Process of Science: Sex, Turtles, and Climate Change For each of the studies described below, indicate if it is hypothesis driven and whether the scientist is employing observational or manipulative methods.

1. no; manipulative 2. yes; observational 3. yes; manipulative 4. yes; observational 5. no; observational 6. no; observational

According to tide gauge data, what was the approximate increase in global average sea level between 1950 and 2000?

10 cm

What is the amount of time that it takes for the radiation in a sample of uranium-235 waste to be reduced by half?

700 million years

Roughly ________% of U.S. citizens live in coastal counties and are thus vulnerable to rises in sea level.


The oceans hold ________ carbon than the atmosphere.

50 times more

Over ________% of the fuel you pump into your automobile does something other than move your vehicle down the road.


Interpreting Graphs and Data: Global Climate Change Which of the following emission reduction strategies would result in the greatest overall decrease in CO2?

A 10% decrease in both electricity generation and transportation emissions

Interpreting Graphs and Data: Air Pollution and the Atmosphere In an effort to further reduce emissions, a government panel is considering several policy options. For the trends on the graph, which of the following policies could have the biggest long-term impact on lowering emissions?

A mandated switch to electric cars with a solar and wind-powered electrical grid to "fuel" the cars

Interpreting Graphs and Data: Global Climate Change If U.S. population increased 32% from 1980 to 2005, how would you describe the change in per capita CO2 emissions for electricity generation?

As population increased, per capita CO2 emissions increased twice as fast.

Success Story: Taxing Carbon in British Columbia What might explain an increase in total emissions but a decline in per-capita emissions as reflected by the percent change, post-tax vs. pre-tax?

As the total emissions increased, the total population in that region increased more significantly, resulting in a reduction in emissions per capita.

Which of the following is an example of mitigation?

making legislation to reduce our use of fossil fuels

Interpreting Graphs and Data: Air Pollution and the Atmosphere Over the time period shown on the graph, both population and vehicle miles traveled have changed. Describe the relationship between the two factors.

By 2006, people were driving about twice as many miles per person as in 1970.

Which is the correct term to describe fish and other ocean organisms that are caught accidentally along with the targeted fish?


From which of the nations below did the United States import the most crude oil in 2012?


Which of the following countries exports the most oil to the United States?


Which of these countries increased its carbon emissions since the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol?


What process depends on the cyclical, vertical movement of air currents: sinking cold, dense and rising warm, less dense air masses?

Convective circulation

The exceptionally strong warming of the eastern Pacific is referred to as ________.

El Niño

Which of the following is a systematic shift in atmospheric pressure, sea surface temperature, and ocean circulation patterns in the tropical Pacific Ocean that alters weather patterns on a worldwide scale?

El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)

Why do environmentalists and scientists advocate stricter laws to limit power plant carbon dioxide emissions and subsidies for renewable energy?

Fossil fuel industries produce the most greenhouse gases.

Which of the following statements accurately describes nuclear fusion reactors?

Fusion reactions require very high temperatures.

Process of Science: Carbon Dioxide and the Growth of Forest Stands Suppose you are helping McCarthy choose her sample sites. You have the resources to conduct the study at only 4 sites. Pick the 4 sites that allow all 4 possible treatment combinations, while controlling for sunlight. Drag a check mark to each site you would use, and drag Xs to the sites you would not use. You should end up placing 4 check marks and 8 Xs. Labels can be used more than once.

High CO2 X, check, X X, check, X Ambient CO2 X, check, check X, X, X

Interpreting Graphs and Data: Carbon Dioxide Fluxes The figure indicates a net accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere of approximately 15 billion metric tons per year. Based on the figure, what is causing this?

Human activities are sending more CO2 into the atmosphere than is moving from the atmosphere to the surface.

What does the term anthropogenic mean in relation to climate change?

Human-generated intensification of the greenhouse effect

Which of the following is a nonconsumptive use of water as a resource?

Hydroelectric power

How are warming temperatures causing a vicious cycle (positive feedback) that is leading to enhanced warming?

Ice and snow reflect light, and as they melt, Earth absorbs more of the Sun's rays.

What initiative or group is responsible for the most reviewed and widely accepted reports that we have on climate change?

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Interpreting Graphs and Data: Savings from Energy Conservation Investments If the cost of energy rose to $.18 per kilowatt-hour, which of the following would be true?

Investing in a solar hot water heating and a ground source heat pump would become cost-effective.

What does the moderator do in a nuclear fission reactor?

It slows down the neutrons so that they can react with the nucleus of a uranium atom.

Of the five countries shown, ________ have essentially no domestic oil production.

Japan and Germany

Interpreting Graphs and Data: Global Climate Change Now compare the change in GDP to the change in CO2 emissions from electricity generation. If GDP more than doubled from 1980 to 2005, what is the ratio of changes in CO2 emissions to changes in GDP for that period of time?

Less than 1:1, showing a slight CO2 decrease per unit of economic activity

Upwelling ________.

brings benthic nutrients to the ocean surface promoting high primary productivity

What are the periodic variations in Earth's rotation and orbit around the sun that alter the way solar radiation is distributed over Earth's surface?

Milankovitch cycles

Which of the following statements is true?

Most of Earth's fresh water is frozen.

Which gas makes up 78% of the molecules in the atmosphere?

N2, nitrogen

Which of the following is a nonrenewable energy source?

Natural gas

Success Story: Clearing the Air for Better Health Across America Based on the graph, which of the criteria air pollutants declined the most significantly relative to the most recent national standard between 1980 and 2015?


What happens when acids from acid deposition hit topsoil?

Plants and soil organisms are harmed.

What is the spatial relationship between the distributions of water and people?

Populations and water resources too often have an inverse relationship (lots of people where there is little water).

The country with the largest amount of domestic oil available for sale on the international market is ________.

Saudi Arabia

In which layer of the atmosphere is the ozone layer found?


Which of the following is one of the two methods for mining oil shale?

Strip mining

What is the current status of carbon capture and storage (CCS) in the United States?

Technologies are not sufficiently reliable, and it is currently too energetically expensive for coal power plants to capture and store their carbon emissions.

Which of the following statements properly describes the cause of a temperature inversion or its effects?

Temperature inversions can trap air pollution in one place for many days.

Which term describes a regular periodic change to the ocean's height due to the gravitational influence of the moon and the sun?


Which of the following U.S. states experiences the lowest levels of acid rain?


Which of the following is an adaptation response to climate change?

a Pacific island nation building higher seawalls

Oceans have absorbed approximately one-third of the excess carbon dioxide that humans have added to Earth's atmosphere so far. This has slowed the progression of global climate change, but it has led to ________.

a decrease in the pH (ocean acidification)

All of the following are examples of point sources of pollution except ________.

a large farm

What is the direct cause of death for aquatic animals during eutrophication?

a loss of dissolved oxygen in the water

What is a marine protected area?

any portion of the ocean that is protected from some human activities but may be open to others, such as the laying of cables and some fishing

Success Story: Clearing the Air for Better Health Across America By how much did the reduction of PM10 concentration exceed the reduction of PM2.5 concentration by 2015?

approximately 30%

What is Hubbert's peak?

a prediction, based on rates of extraction and new discovery, of when a country's or global oil production will be at a maximum and then start to fall

Which of the following best describes a floodplain?

a region of land that is periodically flooded when a river overflows

A septic system is ________.

a rural method of processing wastewater

What is bitumen?

a thick type of petroleum formed in clay and sand

Process of Science: How Might Global Climate Change Affect Hay Fever Sufferers? Complete the flow chart by selecting the hypothesis and predictions that follow from the question you're trying to answer. Not all labels will be used.

a) plants grown at higher CO2 levels will produce more pollen b) CO2 levels affect the concentration of protein allergens in ragweed pollen c) plants grown at higher CO2 levels will produce higher concentrations of allergens

Interpreting Graphs and Data: Savings from Energy Conservation Investments What is the cost of conserved energy for compact fluorescent lighting?

about $.08 per kilowatt-hour

Interpreting Graphs and Data: Savings from Energy Conservation Investments How much energy would be saved by adding insulation to ceilings?

about 2,000 kilowatt-hours/year

Interpreting Graphs and Data: Wetland Restoration Rates After 55 years, how does the capacity of a restored wetland to absorb nutrients compare to that of a natural wetland?

about 40% of natural wetland capacity

Interpreting Graphs and Data: Wetland Restoration Rates After 20 years, how much plant biomass does a restored wetland contain?

about 80% of the biomass of a natural wetland

Interpreting Graphs and Data: Savings from Energy Conservation Investments How much energy would the family save by investing in all of the features that are cost-effective at the current price of energy?

about 9,000 kilowatt-hours per year

Interpreting Graphs and Data: Savings from Energy Conservation Investments Which of these energy investments is the least expensive to install?

adding insulation to ceilings

What is the most cost-effective solution for groundwater depletion and land-level subsidence?

allowing no more water to be withdrawn from an aquifer than is naturally recharged

Carbon monoxide ________.

blocks oxygen transport in human blood

Recent research that analyzed the content of commercial bottled water indicates that ________.

bottled water is no safer or purer than most samples of tap water

The most obvious cause of industrial smog is ________.

burning fossil fuels

Interpreting Graphs and Data: Wetland Restoration Rates The restoration of a wetland takes about 100 years.

cannot be determined from the graph

All of the following are standard steps at a coal-fired power plant in the United States EXCEPT:

carbon capture.

The predominant greenhouse gas produced by human use of fossil fuels is __________.

carbon dioxide

Which of the following chemicals is NOT a VOC (volatile organic compound)?

carbon monoxide

What is largely responsible for the ozone hole?

chlorofluorocarbon refrigerants

Scientist often use ______________ which are programs that combine what is known about atmospheric circulation, ocean circulation, atmosphere-ocean interactions, and feedback cycles to simulate climate dynamics

climate models

All of the following, are forms of renewable energy EXCEPT:


The area that underlies the shallow water bordering continents is called the ________.

continental shelf

What drives long-term climate patterns, such as the Hadley Cells at the Equator, over large geographic scales?

convective air currents

What technology is used to extract freshwater from ocean water?


Process of Science: Carbon Dioxide and the Growth of Forest Stands Rank the biomes in terms of how much you expect plant growth to increase as a function of increased CO2 in the atmosphere. Smallest increase in growth ---> Largest increase in growth

desert, grassland, temperate forest, tropical rain forest

If the captain of a fishing fleet wanted to catch fish over a vast expanse of ocean, which of the following would be an effective method to do so?


Success Story: Taxing Carbon in British Columbia Using the information in the graph, in which category will you point out that British Columbia made the most dramatic reductions after introducing its carbon tax in 2008?

emissions per dollar of GDP

Scientists evaluate concentrations of gases and other atmospheric constituents from the distant past by examining which of the following?

gas bubbles trapped in ice

The practice of reducing wasteful or unnecessary energy use is called ________.

energy conservation

What term describes the ability to obtain a given result while using less energy?

energy efficiency

What type of coastal feature experiences fluctuations in salinity with daily and seasonal variations?


Concept Review: Classifying Water Pollutants thermal pollution

frigid water from the bottom of a reservoir

Which of the following is a method to gain additional power from coal?


In 1970, ________ was/were the source of most of the airborne lead emissions in the United States.


We build dams to ________.

generate electricity, prevent flooding, and provide irrigation and drinking water

Which of the following have the ability to absorb energy from Earth's surface and then emit infrared radiation in all directions?

greenhouse gases

Carbon-based fuels in the lithosphere ________.

have been slowly sequestered over many millions of years

Which of the following is a renewable energy source?


The fish in the lake at the local park are dying, and a professor from the local college comes to investigate. First, she measures the levels of dissolved oxygen in order to check for ________.


Organizations like OPEC have formed ________.

in order to take maximum advantage of developed nations dependence on imported oil

One reasonable way to prevent sinkholes might be to ________.

increase groundwater recharge by constructing artificial wetlands that use treated municipal wastewater

Success Story: Taxing Carbon in British Columbia How did emissions change in the rest of Canada after British Columbia introduced its carbon tax in 2008, as reflected by the percent change post-tax vs. pre-tax?

increase; reduction

One of the problems that occur as a consequence of CFC pollution is ________.

increased rates of skin cancer in humans

In the United States, per capita energy use ________, and energy intensity ________.

increased sharply from 1950 to the 1970s but has since declined; has been declining since 1970

According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the number of human-induced sinkholes has doubled since 1930. Insurance claims increased 1200% from 1987 to 1991, costing nearly $100 million. A major reason for this is ________.

increased water consumption through development and urbanization

In the stratosphere, ________.

increases of temperature and ozone levels are strongly correlated

Ocean water is 96.5% water by mass. Most of the remainder consists of __________.

ions from dissolved salts

Humans use more fresh water for ________ than for any other purpose.

irrigating crops

Hydroelectric power generation ________.

is an alternative to fossil fuels that produces fewer greenhouse gases

The Coriolis effect ________.

is caused by Earth's rotation

Recent research indicates that the variation in solar output ________.

is less than any of the anthropogenic factors affecting climate change

Tropospheric ozone ________.

is produced through the interaction of heat and UV light, with nitrogen oxides and carbon-containing compounds

Scientists currently assessing the environmental impacts of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico report that ________.

it may take years or decades before the full impacts are known

The region of a lake where plants are able to attach to the bottom and still reach above the surface is known as the __________.

littoral zone

Process of Science: Carbon Dioxide and the Growth of Forest Stands Using what you learned about the equation for photosynthesis and McCarthy's hypothesis, make predictions for the tree growth at each site. One has already been filled in for you.

low growth medium growth high growth

Concept Review: Classifying Water Pollutants pathogens and waterborne diseases

medical waste from a hospital dumped in an illegal location

Of the following greenhouse gases, ________ concentrations have increased by the greatest percentage since 1750.


What compound that results from hydraulic fracturing can contaminate groundwater?


Which greenhouse gas is produced by rice farming and the raising of cattle?


The atmosphere around Earth can cause global warming because ________.

molecules in the atmosphere are warmed by radiation from Earth and retain that heat

If all of the stratospheric ozone suddenly disappeared, ________.

most life on Earth would cease to exist because of the amount of UV radiation penetrating the atmosphere

How does radon originate?

natural decay of uranium

The Acid Rain Program established under the Clean Air Act of 1990 has been successful in reducing emissions of sulfur dioxide and ________.

nitrogen oxides

The fact that there is a high sulfur content of the coal burned in South African power plants means that the ________.

power plants contribute to acidic deposition

What caused the Aral Sea, the fourth largest lake on Earth, to lose four-fifths of its volume in 40 years?

overconsumption by cotton farmers

Sinkholes can result from ________.

overconsumption of water from aquifers

Currently, the greatest ecological crisis facing marine food webs is ________.


Which of the following types of pollution is most responsible for large numbers of deaths worldwide because of unsafe drinking water?

pathogen pollution

Alaskans benefit from the trans-Alaska pipeline because Alaska's state constitution requires approximately 25% of state revenues associated with the oil industry to be placed into a monetary fund called the Permanent Fund, which ________.

pays yearly dividends to all Alaska residents

Interpreting Graphs and Data: Wetland Restoration Rates What does the y-axis show?

percent of recovery compared to natural wetlands

Interpreting Graphs and Data: Wetland Restoration Rates What does the red graph line represent?

plant biomass

Pathogens and waterborne diseases enter drinking water supplies from ________.

poorly treated wastewater and animal wastes from feed lots

Process of Science: How Might Global Climate Change Affect Hay Fever Sufferers? What relationship between these two variables would support the researchers' hypothesis? Choose the appropriate graph line at left and drag it onto the graph's axes at right.

positive slope (/)

Interpreting Graphs and Data: Wetland Restoration Rates Natural wetlands provide many ecosystem services. When a wetland is restored, which of the following ecosystem services returns most rapidly?

providing food for fish and wildlife

In developed countries, the two most deadly sources of indoor pollution are ________.

radon and cigarette smoke

Crude oil is ________.

refined to separate the chemicals used for gasoline, lubricants, plastics, and other products

A(n) ________ is a device designed to remove airborne pollutants from smokestack emissions.


Process of Science: Sex, Turtles, and Climate Change The graphs are repeated below. Rank the species according to how much a global temperature increase of 1°C could bias their population sex ratio. A bias can be toward a greater number of males or a greater number of females. The direction of the bias does not matter but rather the magnitude of the bias. Note that two species exhibit the same amount of bias and should be ranked as equivalent (overlapped). least bias in sex ratio ---> most bias in sex ratio

snake graph alligator graph painted turtle graph tuatara graph

In the troposphere ________.

temperature decreases nearly linearly with altitude

Occasionally, a layer of cool air forms under a layer of warmer air in the troposphere. This change from the normal temperature profile in the troposphere is called a ________.

temperature or thermal inversion

Which piece of legislation set strict standards for air quality and pollution control in the United States?

the Clean Air Act

The United States should enact laws slowing global climate change because ________.

the United States is a major source of the problem

Interpreting Graphs and Data: Savings from Energy Conservation Investments The bars on the graph are not of equal width. What does the width of each bar represent?

the amount of energy saved by an investment, in kilowatt-hours per year

A watershed is ________.

the area of land from which rainfall drains into rivers or lakes

Interpreting Graphs and Data: Savings from Energy Conservation Investments What does the y-axis show?

the cost of conserved energy, in dollars per kilowatt-hour

What is energy intensity?

the energy use per dollar of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

When did the use of coal for cooking, heating, and other purposes begin?

thousands of years ago, by Native Americans (and other ancient cultures)

Secondary extraction of petroleum ________.

uses solvents, water, or steam

The United States and other industrialized nations devote about one-third of their oil use to __________.


Interpreting Graphs and Data: Savings from Energy Conservation Investments Which of the following energy investments would be cost-effective to install?

triple paned windows

Most of Earth's liquid fresh water is found ________.


"Biosolids" produced at a wastewater treatment plant are often ________.

used as crop fertilizer

Air near Earth's surface tends to be ________.

warmer and wetter; then it rises, expanding and cooling

The Kyoto Protocol ________.

was intended to reduce emissions of six greenhouse gases to levels lower than those of 1990

What sorts of constituents do atmospheric pollutants (such as sulfates and nitrates) react with to initiate the process that results in acid deposition?

water, oxygen, and oxidants

Which of the following will contribute to water conservation?

watering lawns at night and landscaping with native plants

The huge dust storms that took place in the United States in the 1930s ________.

were the result of poor farming techniques

Many present-day fisheries managers ________.

wish to set aside areas of ocean where systems can function without human interference

Along with many other governmental reforms that began in 1994, the electrical plant just outside Soweto was closed in 2000, and other plants were brought into use. Some parts of Soweto were then wired for electricity. It is estimated, however, that only about 30% of the more than 1.2 million black inhabitants have electricity in their homes; the remainder either cannot afford the costs involved or live in areas that have no electrical access. These inhabitants probably use ________ for fuel.

wood and coal

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