Exam 1

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As a result of this law enacted by Congress, employers must now show that employment practices that create disparate impact are a business necessity. This law also made it legal for U.S. citizens working abroad for U.S. companies to file suit.

The Civil Rights Act of 1991

This was enacted in order to allow employees who are terminated, laid off, or have a change in their employment status to temporarily remain on the employer-sponsored medical insurance plan.

The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA)

What U.S. federal law established a national minimum wage for employees involved in commerce (rather than just those employed by companies working for the U.S. government), as well as prohibit most employment of minors in oppressive child labor?

The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938

This act strengthened the Equal Pay Act of 1963 by now requiring employers to show that pay disparities are job related rather than sex-based. This act also prohibits employers from retaliating against employees who share their salary information.

The Paycheck Fairness Act

Which of the following is NOT one of the three broad categories that discretionary benefits fall into?

Worker's compensation

Which of the following example is NOT considered as a compensable work activity?

an employee travels from home before the regular workday and returns to his/her home at the end of the workday

Among the various performance appraisal techniques, this appraisal system is the most defensible in court because it is based on actual observable job performance behaviors.

behavioral anchored rating scales

To have better safety records, XYZ Company gives monetary incentive awards to its workers for lower accident rates due to improper use of heavy equipment.

behavioral encouragement plans

Who determines the particular objectives in a management by objectives (MBO) appraisal system?

both the employees and supervisors

These describe the terms of employment that are set between management and union bargaining representatives.

collective bargaining agent

Which two factors should compensation professionals consider before endorsing the use of merit pay systems?

commitment from top management & job design

Profit sharing plans and employee stock option plans are incentives on what level?

company wide

XYZ Company ranks its employees from the best performer to the poorest performer and the employee with the best performance receives the highest ranking. What type of performance appraisal method is used by this company?

comparison system

A company's ability to sustain market share and profitability for several years running is referred to by what term?

competitve advantage

This type of bargaining occurs when unions shift from bargaining for large pay increases to simply bargaining for greater job security.


These profit sharing plans award cash to employees on a quarterly or annual basis as part of their regular compensation.

current profit sharing plan

A company using this competitive strategy seeks to offer a product or service that is completely unique from other competitors in their market segment.

differentiation strategy

A policy that applies to all company employees, but unintentionally hurts a protected group disproportionately would be what form of discrimination?

disparate impact

This is a way in which companies often trim their payroll responsibilities by encouraging higher paid workers with more seniority to voluntarily leave the company earlier than previously planned.

early retirement plans

Which one of these issues is NOT addressed by the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938?

executive compensation

An appraisal system that requires all employees be placed in groups that span the spectrum from well above average to well below average performance is called a ________ performance appraisal.

forced distribution

This group incentive system was designed to provide employees with financial incentives for increasing customer satisfaction, increasing productivity, lowering costs, or improving safety.

gain sharing

XYZ Manufacturing Co. uses a gain sharing plan that gives incentives to employees to finish products rather than to incentivize dollar savings. Therefore, this company measures productivity as the ratio of standard labor hours and actual labor hours. What kind of gain sharing program does XYZ Manufacturing Co. use?


What type of pay system rewards employees for partially or completely attaining a predetermined work objective?

incentive pay

Which branch of the federal government is responsible for interpreting laws?

judicial branch

This term refers to the minimum pay increase that employees view as a significant change in their compensation amount

just-meaningful pay increase

This group is directly involved in producing goods and delivering services for a company.

line employees

This term is defined as added pay for employees who have reached the maximum of a pay grade and who are unlikely to move into higher grades.

longevity pay

Which evaluation system requires that supervisors compare each employee to every other employee, identifying the better performer in each pair?

paired comparison

These build upon pay grades, and include maximum, minimum, and mid-point pay rates for jobs in particular pay grades.

pay ranges

What represents the pay rate differences for jobs and employee contributions of unequal worth to a company?

pay structures

Jason works at a call center for an insurance company and he has been answering calls regarding auto insurance. Recently, he started to attend a training program about home insurance. Upon successful completion of this training program, Jason will be able to handle home insurance questions and queries as well. If this insurance company has a compensation policy that rewards Jason's completion of this training, then what type of pay system does it employ?


This type of individual incentive plan rewards employees who recruit new customers or new employees.


Which of the following is based on the human capital theory?

seniority pay system

Which of the following is NOT a protected characteristic by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

sexual orientation

The concept that a hard working employee is likely to stay at an incentive pay position is better known as this.

sorting effect

This allows business professionals to determine where they currently stand in the market based on both the external market context and internal factors.

strategic analysis

What is it called when the compensation practices in non-unionized companies mirror those found in unionized settings?

the spillover effect

Which of the following is an advantage of seniority pay systems?

they reward employees on an objective bases

Samuel is a recently hired HR professional working at XYZ Motor Co. His current project involves recording the time it takes assembly workers to complete their tasks. With the help of industrial engineers in the manufacturing plant, the aim of this project is to identify the most effective ways of assembly operations. Which of the following is NOT related to Samuel's project?

welfare practices

On which teams is membership relatively permanent, with the members working full-time on the team?

work (process)

An employee has a regular hourly rate equal to $12. According to FLSA, how much should her/his employer pay this employee for each additional hour worked beyond the regular 40 hours within a period of 7 consecutive days?


What is the typical annual Cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) in recent years

2 to 3 percent

Which of the following would be an example of a non-monetary reward?

A) medical insurance B) vacations C) day care assistance D) all of the above

The ________ of 1963 makes it illegal to pay one sex more than the other for equal work performed.

Equal Pay Act

This law made it illegal to pay women less for performing equal work as men.

Equal Pay Act of 1963

What are the revised guidelines introduced in 2004 for determining whether jobs are exempt from FLSA overtime pay provisions called?

Fair Pay Rules

Protection programs are what type of compensation benefits?


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