Exam 1

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Which temperature is hotter? 43°C or 65°F? Show your work and clearly specify your answer.

(°F) = T(°C) × 9/5 + 32 9 (x) 43C= 387 387/5= 77.4 77.4 + 32= 109.4 degrees F SO..... 43 degress C is hotter.

Which of the following does global warming effect? A. Rain patterns B. Agriculture C. Sea levels D. All of the above

All of the above

The test of a hypothesis is called a(n)?

An experiment?

Which of the following are decomposers?

Bacteria and fungi

The increasing concentration of a chemical as it moves through the links in a food chain is called ________

Biological magnification

A ___________ is a type of major land ecosystem determined mostly by the features of the climate in the area. Many are actually named for the dominant plants or lack of.


Which of the following is not one of the four unifying theories of biology? A. The cell theory B. The theory of evolution C. The metabolic theory D. The theory of heredity E. The gene theory


Plants obtain the carbon used in the manufacture of organic compounds from?

Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

When the growth rate of a population tapers off at a certain point and remains at the same point indefinitely, the population is said to have reached?

Carrying capacity

The smallest living unit on Earth that can reproduce is called the:


The different populations of all the species in a given area make up a(n)?


All organisms possess a genetic system that is based on the replication and duplication of:


To determine how well a population is doing in a given area, ecologists will determine population ________________, which is a measure of the scatter of individuals within the habitat.


Ecosystems that have undergone fragmentation may have their isolated habitats reconnected by _____________ extending between fragments that allow for migration, dispersal, and population expansion.

Ecological corridors

The human population shows _________________ growth


_____________ is a method of habitat destruction that involves dividing a habitat into small isolated areas.


Who is responsible for discovering the structure of DNA?

Francis Crick, James Watson Rosalind Franklin, Linus Pauling and Maurice Wilkins

A scientist wants to study the effect of vitamin C on colds. He recruits 100 people with colds and gives the experimental group 1000 mg of vitamin C per day. What would be an appropriate control?

Give the control group a pill similiar to the vitamin C but containing sugar (a placebo)

The trapping of heat in the Earth's atmosphere by certain gases is called the ____________ effect.


What is the most important cause of extinction?

Habitat loss

All living things are able to maintain stable internal conditions, whether they are unicellular, or complex, multicellular organisms. This property is called?


Humans intrude into the nitrogen cycle by?

Manufacturing nitrogen compounds to apply to agricultural fields

The process of using and transforming energy is?


When a pistol shrimp defends the coral in which it lives, the relationship between the two is called?


The particular biological role an organism plays in its environment is called its?


A snake that has evolved to look similar to a branch will probably be able to avoid?


A field ecologist discovers a pioneering plant community where no life existed before because of a lava flow. This type of community change is called?

Primary succession

Who is credited for discovering cells?

Robert Hooke

The type of ecosystem that can be found bordering the tropics worldwide that is characterized by huge herds of grazing animals is?


When you eat a hamburger, you are the?

Secondary consumer

Succession that occurs on abandoned agricultural fields is best described as?

Secondary succession

Which element is related to the formation of acid rain?


What is the definition of the term "ecology"?

The branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings.

What is the definition of evolution?

The process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.

At the end of an experiment, a conclusion is formed based on?

The statistical analysis of the experiment

Life exists on Earth because of the constant flow of light energy from the sun that is transformed into chemical energy? True or False?


The proper order for the hierarchy of increasing complexity is... *put these in order: organelles, cells, atoms, molecules, tissues, organisms, organ system, organ

atom - molecules - organelles - cells - tissues - organs - organ system - organism

The loss of _____ that occurs at each trophic level places a limit on how many top-level carnivores a community can support.


What is a nonreplaceable resource? Know some examples.

Fossil fuels, coal, oil, natural gas

How does DDT endanger bird species?

The chemicals contaminates the ecosystem

Match the following description of a snake to the appropriate type of measure (qualitative or quantitative). USE LETTER "A" for Quantitative and letter "B" for Qualitative ___ 1. Shiny ___ 2. Head is 2.1 cm wide and 1.3 cm long. ___ 3. Covered with 36 scales per square centimeter. ___ 4. Two fangs ___ 5. Slimy

1. B 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.B

The type of growth that a population may show when food and habitat are limitless is called?

Exponential growth

We have all heard that dietary fats are linked to higher incidences of heart disease and cancer in humans. Choose the proper hypothesis that a scientist could test. *Remember a hypothesis must be testable

Fat levels above _______ % of calories in the diet are correlated with an increase in heart disease.

A _______ species exert a particularly strong influence on an ecosystem; its decline or extinction can cause a cascade of future extinctions within an ecosystem (e.g., the flying fox).


Herbivores are at what trophic level within an ecosystem?

Level 2

If a population of rabbits is introduced to an island, has rapid growth for a few years, and then the population becomes stable, it is because:

The carrying capacity has been reached

What is the the first step in the scientific method?

The first step in the Scientific Method is to make objective observations. These observations are based on specific events that have already happened and can be verified by others as true or false.

Define the control group in an experiment. Why is it important?

A control group in a scientific experiment is a group separated from the rest of the experiment where the independent variable being tested cannot influence the results. This isolates the independent variable's effects on the experiment and can help rule out alternate explanations of the experimental results. A control group is an essential part of an experiment because it allows you to eliminate and isolate these variables.

Define Independent variable & dependent variable of an experiment

An independent variable is the variable that is changed or controlled in a scientific experiment to test the effects on the dependent variable. Ex- Application of fertilizer "X" in the experiement A dependent variable is the variable being tested and measured in a scientific experiment. Ex- Plant growth, number of leaves, number of fruit in the expeiment

Charles Darwin used _______________ to illustrate the mechanisms of natural selection.

Artificial selection

What are the steps for the scientific method in order?

Make an Observation Scientists are naturally curious about the world. While many people may pass by a curious phenomenon without sparing much thought for it, a scientific mind will take note of it as something worth further thought and investigation. Form a Question After making an interesting observation, a scientific mind itches to find out more about it. This is in fact a natural phenomenon. If you have ever wondered why or how something occurs, you have been listening to the scientist in you. In the scientific method, a question converts general wonder and interest to a channelled line of thinking and inquiry. Form a Hypothesis A hypothesis is an informed guess as to the possible answer of the question. The hypothesis may be formed as soon as the question is posed, or it may require a great deal of background research and inquiry. The purpose of the hypothesis is not to arrive at the perfect answer to the question but to provide a direction to further scientific investigation. Conduct an Experiment Once a hypothesis has been formed, it must be tested. This is done by conducting a carefully designed and controlled experiment. The experiment is one of the most important steps in the scientific method, as it is used to prove a hypothesis right or wrong, and to formulate scientific theories. In order to be accepted as scientific proof for a theory, an experiment must meet certain conditions - it must be controlled, i.e. it must test a single variable by keeping all other variables under control. The experiment must also be reproducible so that it can be tested for errors. Analyse the Data and Draw a Conclusion As the experiment is conducted, it is important to note down the results. In any experiment, it is necessary to conduct several trials to ensure that the results are constant. The experimenter then analyses all the data and uses it to draw a conclusion regarding the strength of the hypothesis. If the data proves the hypothesis correct, the original question is answered. On the other hand, if the data disproves the hypothesis, the scientific inquiry continues by doing research to form a new hypothesis and then conducting an experiment to test it. This process goes on until a hypothesis can be proven correct by a scientific experiment.

Certain bacteria are capable of transforming atmospheric nitrogen into a form other organisms can use through a process known as?

Nitrogen fixation

Similar tissues working together make up a(n)?


Lice and their relationship with mammals is an example of what type of relationship?


Suppose you are 80 inches tall. What is your height in centimeters? (1 inch = 2.54 cm) What is your height in meters? (1 meter = 100 cm)

x inches/80 inches = 2.54 cm/1 inch 80 inches (x) 2.54 cm= 203.2 203.2/1 inch= 203 cm 203 cm tall

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