Exam 1 Bio 109

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For each statement, select the best answer from the choices provided 1) Poisoned by O2 2)Uses CO2 to oxidize H2, releasing CH4 as a waste product 3)Uses light energy to drive the synthesis of organic compounds from CO2 4) Thrive in very hot environments

1) Obligate anaerobe 2) Methanogens 3) Photoautotroph 4) Extreme Thermophile

Protists differ from prokaryotes in having a ________________.

A Nuclear Membrane

Which of the following phyla do not have blind-sac body plans (a gastrovascular cavity with a single opening)? a) Annelida (polychaete worms, earth worms, leeches) b) Platyhelminthes (flatworms) c) Ctenophora (comb jellies) d) Cnidaria (anemones, hydroids, corals, jellyfish, etc...) e) All of the above have blind-sac body plans

A) Annelida (polychaete, earthworms, leeches)

The mutualistic relationship between plant roots and fungi of the phylum glomeromycota... a) Arbuscular mycorrhizae b) Yeast c) Mycosis d) Ectomycorrhizae e) Lichen

A) Arbuscular mycorrhizae

Which of the following combinations of phylum and description is INCORRECT? a) echinodermata - protostome development, post anal tail b) Nematoda - roundworms, pseudocoelomate c) Cnidaira - radial symmetry, polyp and medusa body forms d) Platyhelminthes - flatworms, gastrovascular cavity, acoelomate e) Porifera - no true tissues

A) Echinodermata - protostome development, post anal tail

The mechanism whereby genes are transferred by viruses (phages) from one bacterium to another... a) Transduction b) Conjugation c) Intuition d) Binary Fission e) Transformation

A) Transduction

An adult animal that possesses bilateral symmetry is most certainly also... a) Triploblastic b) a deuterostome c) a coelomate d) the product of metamorphosis e) highly cephalized

A) Triploblastic

If a bacterium regenerates from an endospore that did not possess any of the plasmids that were contained in its original parent cell, the regenerated bacterium will probably a) lack of antibiotic-resistant genes b) lack of cell wall c) lack a chromosome d) be unable to survive in its normal environment e) be unable to synthesis proteins

A) lack of antibiotic-resistant genes

The intermediate host in the life cycle of a blood fluke is... a) an anopheles mosquito b) a gastropod mollusk c) a kissing bug d) a sand fly e) none of the above

B) Gastropod Mollusk

The stage in the sexual life cycle of fungi that involves the fusion of haploid nuclei... a) Plasmogamy b) Karyogamy c) Haustoria d) Meiosis

B) Karyogamy

Which of the following compounds is most common in the cell walls of Gram positive bacteria? a) Cellulose b) Lipopolysaccharide c) Peptidoglycan d) Protein e) Chitin

C) Peptidoglycan

Members of this phylum form resistant structures during sexual reproduction and have an asexual phase characterized by bulbous black sporangia. a) Basidomycota b) Ascomycota c) Deuteromycota d) Zygomycota e) Chytridomycota

D) Zygomycota

What is a distinctive feature of the chondrichthyans? a) an amniotic egg b) unpaired fins c) an acute sense of vision that includes the ability to distinguish color d) a cartilaginous skeleton e) lack of jaws

D) a cartilaginous skeleton

All of the following can be observed in the phylum Cnidaria except... a) a gastrovascular cavity b) a polyp stage c) a medusa stage d) cnidocytes e) a pseudocoelom

E) A pseudocoelom

Cephalization is generally not associated with.... a) a brain b) bilateral symmetry c) a longitudinal nerve cord d) concentration of sensory structures at the anterior end of an organism e) a sessile existence

E) A sessile existence

Members of this taxon include the hagfishes. a) Actinopterygii b) Placodermi c) Chondrichthyes d) Petromyzontida e) Myxini

E) Myxini

In addition to peptidoglycan, ___________________ are an important component of the cell walls of Gram-negative bacteria


A mantle is to a mollusc as a(n) __________ is to a brachiopod.


Of the following diseases, which are caused by a kinetoplastid? 1. Chagas Disease 2. Malaria 3. African Sleeping Sickness 4. Leishmaniasis 5. Trichinosis a) 1, 3 and 4 b)1, 2 and 3 c) 1 and 2 d) 2, 4 and 5 e) 3 and 4

a) 1, 3 and 4

How are the vascular plants that are involved in mycorrhizae and the photosynthetic cells that are involved in lichens alike? a) They provide organic nutrients to fungal partners b) They secrete acids that keep the fungal partner from growing too quickly c) They are in intimate association with chytrids d)They are digested by fungal enzymes while still alive e) They produce zygosporangia

a) They provide organic nutrients to their fungal partners

An evolutionary innovation that first appears with the annelids a) segmentation b) flight c) radial symmetry d) hard shell of calcium carbonate e) water vascular system

a) segmentation

While snorkeling, a student observes an active marine animal that has a series of muscular tentacles bearing suckers associated with its head. Segmentation is not observed, but a pair of large, well-developed eyes is evident. The student is observing an animal belonging to which class? a) Apoda b) Polyplacophora c) Cephalopoda d) Polychaeta e) Bivalvia

c) Cephalopoda

Protists that can switch from an autotrophic nutritional mode to a heterotrophic one when sunlight is unavailable are termed? a) Autoheterotrophs b) Heteroautotrophs c) Mixotrophs d) Chemoautotrophs e) Changeotrophs

c) Mixotrophs

You are looking at a drop of lake water under a microscope. You observe a large number of unicellular protists with unique perforated glass-like walls. The cells are moving about utilizing flagella that have fine hair-like extensions. You are most likely observing... a) Dinoflagellates b) Euglenids c) Diatoms d) Diplomonads e) Kinetoplastids

C) Diatoms

Which of the following statements about the bacterial cell wall is true? a) They are identical in molecular composition to the cell walls of fungi b) They have a lipopolysaccharide layer c) They prevent cells from bursting in a hypotonic environment d) They prevent cells from undergoing plasmolysis in a hypertonic environment e) All of the above are true statements

C) They prevent cells from bursting in a hypotonic environment

Which of the following is not an advantage of the arthropod exoskeleton? a) provides protection b) provides rigid places for muscles to insert and against which they can do work c) enhances sensory perception d) prevents water loss e) all of the above are an advantage of an exoskeleton

C) enhances sensory perception

Which of the following represents the correct sequence of events in the sexual life cycle of fungi? a) Karyogamy-Plasmogamy-Meiosis b) Karyogamy-Meiosis-Plasmogamy c) Plasmogamy-Meiosis-Karyogamy d) Plasmogamy-Karyogamy-Meiosis e) Meiosis-Karyogamy-Plasmogamy

D) Plasmogamy-Karyogamy-Meiosis

Termites eat wood, but many do not produce enzymes themselves that will digest the cellulose in the wood. Instead, some termites house a complex community of protozoa, bacteria, and archaea that could help digest the cellulose. Imagine an experiment that fed termites either wood only or wood and antibiotics, and then measured the amount of energy extracted from the wood. If both groups gained equal amounts of energy, which of the conclusions is the most logical? a) We would conclude that the bacteria did not contribute to digestion of cellulose and lignin. b) We would conclude that the protozoa contributed to digestion of cellulose and lignin. c) We would conclude that the archaea contributed to digestion of cellulose and lignin. d) We would conclude that none of the three groups were needed to digest cellulose and lignin. e) We would conclude that all three groups were needed to digest cellulose and lignin.

D) We would conclude that the bacteria did not contribute to digestion of cellulose and lignin

Which of the following is not a distinguishing characteristic of all chordates? a) a post anal tail b) pharyngeal slits c) a dorsal hollow nerve chord d) a cranium e) a notochord

D) a cranium

Which of the following combinations of phylum and description are incorrect? a) Platyhelminthes - flatworms, acoelomates b) Porifera - coelomates, mouth from blastopore c) Cnidaria - radial symmetry, diploblastic d) Echinodermata - water vascular system, deuterostome e) Nematoda -roundworms, pseudocoelomate

b) Porifera - coelomates, mouth from blastopore

The absorptive nutrition of fungi is aided by: a) Formation of a dikaryon in all species b) The large surface area provided by the mycelium c) their parasitic life-style d) spore formation e) chloroplasts

b) The large surface area provided by the mycelium

Which of these statements concerning dinoflagellates is false? a) Toxins produced by certain dinoflagellates have caused massive kills of invertebrates and fishes b) Their dead cells accumulate on the seafloor and are mined to serve as a filtering material c) Some cause red tides d) Many are mixotrophs e) They posses two flagella

b) Their dead cells accumulate on the seafloor and are mined to serve as a filtering material

A researcher is trying to construct a molecular-based phylogeny of the entire animal kingdom. Assuming that none of the following genes is absolutely conserved, which of the following would be the best choice on which to base the phylogeny? a) genes involved in chitin synthesis b) collagen genes c) genes involved in peptidylglycan synthesis d) genes involved in eye-lens symmetry e) genes that cause radial body symmetry

b) collagen genes

Which of the following is true about flatworms? a) They have fluid-filled body cavity called a coelom b) They are the simplest animals to have three embryonic germ layers c) They are pseudocoelomates d) They are radially symmetric e) none of the above

b) they are the simplest animals to have three embryonic germ layers

While snorkeling, Dr B observes a sessile marine animal that has a ring of tentacles encircling its mouth. Being cautious, he examines the tentacles closely and observes that they are armed with batteries of cnidocytes. The animal he is examining must belong to the phylum? a) Gastropoda b) Cephalopoda c) Cnidaria d) Bivalvia e) Polychaeta

c) Cnidaria

An individual mixotroph loses its plastids (i.e. chloroplasts), yet continues to survive. Which of the following most likely accounts for its continued survival? a) It relies on photosystems that float freely in its cytosol b) It must have gained extra mitochondria when it lost its plastids c) It engulfs organic material by phagocytosis or by absorption d) It has an endspore e) It is protected by a cell wall

c) It engulfs organic material by phagocytosis or by absorption

The heartworms that can accumulate within the heart of dogs and other mammals have a pseudocoelom, an alimentary canal, and an outer covering that is occasionally shed. To which phylum does the heartworm belong? a) Platyhelminthes b) Arthropoda c) Nematoda d) Phloronida e) Annelida

c) Nematoda

As a group psuedocoelomates are characterized by a) a solid body without a cavity surrounding b) deuterostome development c) a coelom that is not completely lined with mesoderm d) adaption to a terrestrial environment e) the absence of endoderm

c) a coelom that is not completely lined with a mesoderm

Some antibiotics can block protein synthesis in bacteria without affecting the eukaryotic host. This is possible because... a) bacteria can use a much greater variety of food sources than can eukaryotes b) translation occurs in the nucleus while transcription takes place in the cytoplasm c) bacterial ribosomes are smaller then eukaryotic ribosomes and differ in protein and RNA content d) ribosomes are not found in prokaryotes e) both C and B

c) bacterial ribosomes are smaller then eukaryotic ribosomes and differ in protein and RNA content

When a mosquito infected with Plasmodium first bites a human, the Plasmodium ________. a) cells cause lysing of the human red blood cells b) gametes fuse, forming an oocyst c) cells infect the human liver cells d) oocyst undergoes meiosis e) none of the above

c) cells infect the human liver cells

While working in your garden, you discover a worm-like, segmented animal with jaw-like mandibles and a single pair of jointed legs per segment. The animal is probably a... a) millipede b) caterpillar c) centipede d) earth worm e) pill bug

c) centipede

Jaws first occurred in which extant group of fishes? a) chondrichthyans b) lampreys c) placoderms d) ray-finned fishes e) lobe-finned fishes

c) placoderms

Which of the following phyla is thought to have evolved first? a) Arthropoda (insects, spiders, crustaceans, etc.) b) Mollusca (clams, snails, squids, etc.) c) Echinodermata (starfish, urchins, sea cucumbers, etc.) d) Cnidaria (jellyfish, anemones, etc.) e) Platyhelminthes (flukes, tape worms, etc.

d) Cnidaria (jellyfish, anemones, etc.)

Which of the following is not considered a contributor to the explosive diversification of animal body plans that occurred during the Cambrian period? a) emergence of predator-prey relationships b) changes in atmospheric O2 levels c) variation in expression of Hox genes d) formation of the supercontinent, Pangea e) All of the above were possible contributors to the Cambrian explosion

d) formation of the supercontinent, Pangea

Which of these are characteristics of all chordates during at least a portion of their development? a) a dorsal, hollow nerve cord b) pharyngeal clefts c) post-anal tail d) A and B only e) A, B, and C

e) A, B, and C

You have before you a living organism, which you examine carefully. Which of the following should convince you that the organism is acoelomate? a) It responds to food by moving towards it. b) It is triploblastic c) It has bilateral symmetry d) It possess sensory structures at its anterior end e) Muscular activity of its digestive system distorts its body wall.

e) Muscular activity of its digestive system distorts its body wall.

Members of this worm phylum have a tough outer cuticle and undergo ecdysis? a) Annelida b) Platyhelminthes c) Nemertea d) Phlornodia e) Nematoda

e) Nematoda

Lampreys and hagfishes are similar in that they both... a) lack jaws b) have a notochord c) have cranium d) lack paired appendages e) all of the above

e) all of the above

Which of the following does not constitute a key evolutionary branch point in the phylogenetic tree of animals? a) No true tissues vs. true tissues b) radial symmetry vs. bilateral symmetry c) no body cavity vs. the presence of a body cavity d) protostome vs. deuterostome e) blastopore vs. no blastopore

e) blastopore vs. no blastopore

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