Exam 1: Genetics

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A condition in which one gene pair masks the expression of a non allelic gene pair is called ___________ .


A couple each with blood type AB and normal pigmentation have a child with AB blood type and albinism. What is the probability that their next child will have the same phenotype as the first child?

a heterozygous dominant crossed tor homozygous recessive

A cross between two individuals with different phenotypes that resulted in approximately 50% of each type of offspring would indicate the cross was _________ .

d.) null

A mutation in a gene that results in a loss of a functional product of that gene best defines what type of mutation? a.) codominance b.) gain of function c.) multiple allelism d.) null


A recessive allele in dogs causes white spots. If two solid colored dogs are mated and produce a spotted offspring, what is the percentage chance their next puppy would be solid color?


Assuming a typical monohybrid cross in which one allele is completely dominant to the other, what phenotypic ratio is expected if the F1s are crossed?

DNA content essentially doubles

During interphase of the cell cycle, _______ .


For an individual with the XXY chromosomal composition, the expected number of Barr bodies in interphase cells is _________ .


Gain-of-function mutations are associated with being ____________

heredity and variation

Genetics is defined as the branch of biology associated with _________ .

c.) There would be a reduced number of males.

If a population of humans carries an X-linked lethal recessive allele that causes spontaneous abortions in the first trimester, how would you expect this to affect the sex ratio of that population? a.) it would be 1:1 male to female ratio. b.) there would be a reduced number of females c.) there would be a reduced number of males d.) there would be more intersex individuals

Males even in female producing temperature temperatures

If a reptile had a null mutation in the aromatase gene what would be the predicted outcome?

AA x aa

If an F2 generation from F1 self-cross always yields offspring in a 3:1 phenotypic ratio, which of the following P crosses could have occurred?

wild-type wings

If the wrinkled-wing mutation in Drosophila is dominant and designated Wr, a fruit fly with the genotype Wr + Wr+ would exhibit what phenotype?

c.) class I temperature dependence

Imagine you discover an unknown species of reptile that has a male to female ratio that is very low in cool climates. As seasonal temperatures warm you notice that the male to female ratio increases What mode of sex determination appears to be involved? a.) Lygaeus mode b.) protenor mode c.) class I temperature dependence d.) class II temperature dependence

X chromosomes

In Drosophila, sex is determined by a balance between the number of haploid sets of autosomes and the number of _________. a.) Y chromosomes b.) X chromosomes c.) chromomeres d.) Centromeres

a portion of the Y chromosome

In humans, the genetic basis for determining the sex "male" is accomplished by the presence of _________ .

diploid; 2n

In many species, there are two representatives of each chromosome. In such species, the characteristic number of chromosomes is called the ______ number. It is usually symbolized as ________ .


In the 1600s, William Harvey studied reproduction and development. What is the term given to his theory which states that an organism develops from the fertilized eggs by a succession of developmental events that lead to an adult?

47, XXY

Klinefelter syndrome in humans, which leads to underdeveloped testes and sterility, is caused by which chromosomal condition?

Eukaryotic organism

Living organisms are categorized into two major groups based on the presence or absence of a nucleus. What group is defined by the presence of a nucleus?

b.) wrinkled is dominant

Mendel crossed two pea plants with round seeds. All seeds of the offspring were round. He then crossed a plant with round seeds to a plant with wrinkled seeds and all offspring had wrinkled seeds. Which of the following is true? a.) round is dominant b.) wrinkled is dominant c.) the plants he used were not true breeding d.) a mutation occurred

has visible features with a wide spectrum of intermediates

Mendel utilized the garden pea, Pisum sativumfor his studies based on features that include all but ________ .

spindle fibers

Organized by the centrioles, what structures are important in the movement of chromosomes during cell division?


Polydactyly is expressed when an individual has extra fingers and/or toes, and is transmitted via an autosomal dominant allele. Assume that a man with six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot marries a woman with a normal number of digits. The couple has a son with normal hands and feet, but the couple's second child has extra digits. What is the probability that their next child will have polydactyly?

presence of both M and N cell surface glycoproteins on the same blood cell

The MN blood group is a codominant trait as a result of which of the following?


The event referred to as disjunction occurs during _____.

transmission genetics

The investigative approach of genetics attributed to Gregor Mendel is _____ .


The observable feature of an organism is referred to as a ________ .


The process that leads to the development of haploid gametes is best described as __________ .


Tightly curled or wooly hair is caused by a dominant gene in humans. If a heterozygous curly-haired person marries a person with straight hair, what percentage of their offspring would be expected to have straight hair?


What is the probability of having a child with the N blood type, if both parents are MN?

Spontaneous generation

What is the term given to the theory which put forth the idea that living organisms could arise by incubating nonliving components.

DNA synthesis

What significant genetic function occurs in the S phase of the cell cycle?


Which is not a component of DNA?


Which of the following elements is responsible for determining male sex in humans?

c.) Dalmatian dogs all have spots

Which of the following is an example of heredity? a.) a ma has low blood pressure due to medications b.) both moths and birds have wings and can fly. c.) Dalmatian dogs all have spots d.) flies and mollusks both have eyes.

a bird's beak is able to effectively crack the seeds it encounters.

Which of the following is an example of natural selection?

d.) epistasis

Which of the following is not a characteristic of the ABO gene locus? a.) four possible phenotypes b.) multiple alleles c.) codominance d.) epistasis

a.) the mitochondrial genome is contained in the nucleus

Which of the following is not a true statement about mitochondria? a.) the mitochondrial genome is contained in the nucleus b.) the mitochondrial duplicate themselves. c.) the mitochondria transcribe and translate their own genetic information d.) mitochondria are found in plants and animals

Both Xic and Xist

Which of the following is not part of the Y chromosome in humans?


Which of the following represents the correct sequence of events in mitosis?

d.) Acrocentric

Which of the following terms defines a chromosome in which the centromere is near one end, but not at the end of a chromosome? a.) telocentric b.) acentric c.) submetacentric d.) acrocentric


Which protein directly holds the chromatid arms together prior to anaphase of mitosis?

d.) Aromatase

Which protein is responsible for converting androgens into estrogens? a.) testis determining factor b.) sex lethal c.) transformer d.) aromatase

Gregor Mendel

Who was the Augustinian monk that conducted a decade of experiments on the garden pea, eventually showing that traits are passed from parents to offspring in predictable ways?

Charles Darwin

Who, along with Alfred Wallace, formulated the theory of natural selection?


With incomplete dominance, a likely ration resulting from a monohybrid cross would be ___________ .


the diploid chromosome number of an organism is usually represented as 2n. Humans have a diploid chromosome number of 46. What would be the expected haploid chromosome number in human?

multiple alleles

the presence of more than two alternative forms of a given gene would be called _____________ .

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