Exam 1 - HIST 1302

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The _________ were a special regiment made up of good shots and good riders that Theodore Roosevelt joined during the War of 1898.

Rough Riders

What did one journalist call "the social and intellectual center of the neighborhood" during the Gilded Age in large cities?


What was not a cause of the changes in recreation and leisure in the Gilded Age?

Sanitation imporvements

In the 1870s, what invention allowed the construction of large apartment buildings to become significantly cheaper?

Steam radiators

The treaty that ended the War of 1898 and made Cuba independent was the

Treaty of Paris

Alfred Thayer Mahan wrote The Influence of Sea Power upon History


Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species put forward the theory of evolution.


Social Darwinist ideas justified policies of imperial expansion.


The Farmers' Alliance accepted black members


The spread of mass transit was a major factor in the growth of the suburbs


_______ was President Taft's use of the State Department to help American companies and banks invest in foreign countries.

"Dollar diplomacy"

Once Theodore Roosevelt became president, his motto became

"Speak softly, and carry a big stick."

Which of the following would favor the policy of sound money?


In 1866, Secretary of State William H. Seward attempt to gain _______ for the United States.

British Columbia

In 1882, Congress banned further immigration to the United States from what country?


Which of the following tribes did not agree to relocate after a conference at Medicine Lodge, Kansas in 1876?


In an act of terrorism, Spaniards in Cuba blew up the battleship Maine.


Pioneer women enjoyed full equality with men in the West.


The Foran Act made it illegal for federal or state government workers to join labor unions


The Haymarket affair was a peaceful protest against the use of child labor.


The United States purchased Alaska from Great Britain.


Throughout the Gilded Age, The Democrats controlled both houses of Congress.


In the _______, Plains tribal chiefs agreed in 1851 to accept definite tribal borders and allow whites to travel west.

Fort Laramie Treaty

_______ led the American troops at the Infamous Battle of Little Bighorn in 1876.

George A. Custer

What did no play a role in the terrible economic conditions in the South during the late 19th century?

Lack of Labor

The power meant that those newly elected could appoint people to jobs in their sphere of authority.


This replaced the spoils system for federal jobs with job placement on the basis of competitive testing.

Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act

President Cleveland made the Panic of 1893 worse by

convincing Congress to switch back to only minted gold

As the 19th century came to a close, land ownership in the South

declined sharply

During the period immediately following the Civil War, major cities in the United States

experienced growth, sometimes up to four time their original population.

All of the following were common problems for homesteaders on the Great Plains except

forest fires

Miners were drawn to Nevada's Comstock Lode by the discovery of ________ there in the 1850s.


The process Rockefeller used to gain control of his company's industry is known as

horizontal integration

Because of the excesses of the Gilded Age, a major period of ______ occurred to _______ it.

reform, counter

As the South industrialized after the Civil War, it saw its greatest industrial gains in


A major concern toward those labeled "new immigrants" was

that they resisted assimilation

The Knights of Labor's decline began because of its perceived involvement in

the Haymarket Riot

The Homestead Strike ended with

the workers' union destroyed and their leaders imprisoned

When one company buys everything needed to produce, market, and deliver their product, they have participated in

vertical integration

John D. Rockefeller is best associated with which industry?


Many Americans in the late 19th century assumed some races, like ________, were superior and other races, like _______, were inferior.

Anglo-Saxons, Indians

Charles Darwin coined the phrase "survival of the fittest."


What organization was formed to prevent the Anglo-Saxon "race" from being "contaminated"?

Immigration Restriction League

What invention did not ease the ability of people to live outside of major urban areas yet still work there?

The automobile

What was an example of the new types of entertainment that became popular during the Gilded Age?

Wild West traveling shows

In the last quarter of the 19th century, most southern communities lacked ________, so they relied on _________.

banks, barter

Native-born Americans who saw the influx of new immigrants to the United States with concern were called


Before the Civil War, if you were a young child and you had a job, most likely you worked

on a farm

By 1900, ________ of college students were women.


Thanks to the electrical light.

owners made their workers work longer.

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