Exam 1- Psych of Women

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Queer Feminism

claims that inequality is related to the ways in which the categories of woman and man have been constructed, studied, and used to organize society. the focus is to question what is considered male and female in the first place.

Ambivolent Sexism

encompasses both hostile and benevolent sexism

Lesbian Feminism

focuses on sexuality and reproduction as a central place of oppression

benevolent sexism

girls and women should be treated differently because they are special and worthy of being cherished and in need of protection

gender essentialism

idea that women and men are fundamentally different due to deep and unchanging properties such as biology or genetics.

gender nonconforming

may not identify as a transgender but also don't conform to traditional gender norms

Fourth Wave Feminism

more sophisticated use of social media to promote activism.


mostly straight but having some interest in same-sex contacts or relationships

name shifting

strategically using one's birth surname or married name, depending on the situation

First Wave Feminism

the earliest period of feminist activism, from the mid-nineteenth century until American women won the right to vote in 1920. included shared guardianship of kids and the ability to file for divorce.

gender socialization

the learning of gender roles through social factors such as schooling, the media, and family

overt sexism

unequal treatment of women that's easily identifiable

strategic essentialism

using the differences perspective as a strategic choice to help support social causes that uniquely affect large numbers of women


warm, friendly, concerned with others, and emotionally expressive


advertising that generates a strong emotional response

Intuitive eating/mindful eating

Eating based on physiological cues of hunger and satiation


assertive, dominant, competitive, and acting to get things done

Which of the following hormones delays the onset of changes associated with puberty? a. congenital adrenal glands b. GnRH c. androgens d. 5-alpha


Which of the following terms refers to the process by which a person's internal qualities are ignored in favor of focus on a person's external appearance and presentation? a. the male gaze b. objectification c. cultivation d. normative discontent


Within the LGBTQ population, who is the most vulnerable to murder, hate crimes, police violence, discrimination, threats, and intimidation? a. lesbians of color b. transgender women of color c. gay men of color d. bisexual women of color


cognitive developmental theory

children actively construct knowledge as they manipulate and explore their world

behavioral theory

environment influence behavior

Liberal Feminism

focuses on the similarities between women and men and on using government policies to eliminate barriers that keep women from achieving their potential.

Attachment Fertility Theory

suggests that early human survival was enhanced when women and men worked together to ensure the survival of their offspring


term comes from the traditions of some Native North American cultures to describe Native people who display characteristics of both male and female genders; this is often associated with having a third gender


the first menstrual period

unearned entitlements

things of value that ideally should be provided to everyone but aren't

ethic of care

thinking about how their actions will affect interpersonal relationships and the well-being of others (women)

backlash effects

when individuals violate gender stereotypes, they often experience some degree of social and economic penalties

gender bundle

aspects of sex and gender aren't necessarily ordered or connected in a meaningful way

The psychiatric community previously classified transgender individuals as having gender identity disorder. The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5) now uses the diagnosis of gender _____, which is characterized by a strong desire to be treated as the "other" gender or to want to change "one's sex characteristics." a. androgyny b. dysphoria c. identity confusion d. transitioning


Meta-analyses on gender difference research have generally found that reported effect sizes tend to be a. variable. b. significant. c. large. d. negligible.


goal congruity perspective

people want to engage in activities that meet their goals

matrix of domination

the idea that each system of bias interconnects with and stems from the same system of social stratification

ethic of justice

Men tend to be more concerned about people interfering with each other's rights in moral dilemmas


Reclaiming a word or phrase that has come to mean something insulting and using it as if it is normal or even complimentary

gender bender, pangender, polygender

Terms used to refer to individuals who are non-binary; they may identify with all genders.

Second Wave Feminism

The feminist movement starting in the 1960s, particularly in America, where women campaigned civil rights including prohibiting employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, or sex, more equality in the home, and fighting the unrealistic beauty standards.

stigma awareness

a heightened fear of encountering future discrimination

Privilege is a term that describes ___________, and an example of privilege is ___________. a. unearned entitlements; conferred dominance b. conferred dominance; non-prototypicality c. the matrix of domination; invisibility d. invisibility; the matrix of domination


Gender Microaggressions

brief, everyday acts of sexism, whether intentional or unintentional, that demean and insult a person based on that individual's gender. done by people with "good intentions"

Which theory BEST explains the following events: after Wendy watches her mother feed and rock her new baby brother, she holds and rocks her doll and pretends to feed the doll with a bottle. a. behavioral theory b. Chodorow's psychoanalytic theory c. social constructivist theory d. social learning theory


Third Wave Feminism

evolved around the late 1980s and into the 1990s; rejecting the idea that everyone's experience of being a women is the same. intersectionality came into play here. focus on the diversity of women. there was a revival of "rauch culture" (sexualization) and feminine aesthetics. another important feature was the internet and social networks used to spread political movements.

Socialist Feminism

links gender oppression with capitalism, an economic system in which power is constructed through work and production

Madonna/Wh*re Complex

the ability to think of and treat women in different categories (women they care for and respect with benevolent sexism and women they desire with hostile)


the capacity of attain power

men come first

in language, men come first

four questions about differences

1. does everyone show this difference 2. does the difference change in different contexts 3. is the difference categorical or dimensional 4. what is the source of the difference

sexual strategies theory

A theory that maintains that women and men have evolved distinct mating strategies because they faced different adaptive problems over the course of human history. The strategies used by each sex maximize the probability of passing along their genes to future generations. aka men tending to favor shorter term partners


Interpreting the findings from neuroscience research in ways that reinforce gender stereotypes without valid supporting evidence.


The belief that we have transcended gender inequalities and change/feminism is no longer needed

social role theory/social structural theory

The idea that differences between women and men arise from the different roles they have traditionally held (e.g., caretaker, provider) rather than from biologically based differences passed down through evolutionary forces

Cultivation Theory

The more that we are exposed to media, the more the images we see, seem realistic and believable


Turning the objectifying gaze on themselves, in order to evaluate the extent to which they conform to societal standards of beauty

interoceptive awareness

a heightened awareness of bodily cues

Trisha has been working at the same company for five years and has never gotten a raise in pay. She receives conflicting advice for how she should ask for an increase in her pay; some of her mentors say she should be direct and ask exactly for how much she wants, while others suggest she should ask nicely if there is room in the budget for a raise. She's worried that the first strategy may be perceived as entitled and aggressive, whereas the second strategy may be easily dismissed. This is an example of a. a double bind. b. the gender pay gap. c. a feminist linguistic trick. d. tentative speech pattern.


Legitamizing myths

attitudes, values, or beliefs that exist to justify social hierarchies

On tests of general intelligence, women and men tend to score significantly a. differently. b. similarly. c. slightly differently. d. equally.


Which of the following accurately defines gonads? a. a pair of sex glands that develop into both ovaries and testes in cases of non-normative genetic development b. hormones that stimulate increased testosterone production for males during puberty c. a pair of sex glands that have the potential to become ovaries or testes d. hormones that stimulate increased estrogen production for females during puberty


explict bias

conscious and deliberate

Which of the following is an example of denial of personal discrimination? a. Anne denies that her boss discriminates against women of color at her company. b. Angie believes that if a woman experiences discrimination, it is her own fault. c. Kathi states that she personally disagrees with discrimination. d. Beth acknowledges sexism exists, but that she's never experienced it.


Which of the following is the most accurate explanation as to why many girls are not adequately informed about menstruation? a. Many fathers want to talk with daughters about menstruation but lack personal knowledge to share. b. Many mothers focus on the meaning of menstruation rather than how to manage it by using hygiene products. c. Many girls get their questions answered through comprehensive sexual education courses that include all genders. d. Negative attitudes about menstruation promote secrecy over open discussion.


Xin does not identify as either a man or woman and prefers the pronouns they, their, and them. Xin could best be described as a a. transman. b. transwoman. c. polygender individual. d. genderqueer individual.


You are holding a newborn baby dressed in all white asleep against your shoulder. Someone asks if the baby is a boy or a girl. If you say, "_____," research suggests that the person who asked is MOST likely to mention the word, "_______" a. boy; sweet b. girl; bold c. boy; precious d. girl; sweet


people=male bias

even when gender-neutral terms are presented, people still assume a male is the subject

conferred dominance

one group is socially assumed to have more authority or power over another group

implicit bias

outside of conscious awareness and can be unintentionally directed towards a specific group


science is progressive and cumulative and that it relies on objectivity, neutrality, and rationality.

gender queer

An umbrella term for gender identities that are not exclusively masculine or feminine—identities which are thus outside of the gender binary and cisnormativity.

Terror management theory

Because humans, fear, death, anything that reminds us that were mortal and will die needs to be managed in a way that reduces our anxiety

gender schema theory

The theory that gender-role development is influenced by the formation of schemas, or mental representations, of masculinity and femininity.

gender dysphoria

a condition listed in the DSM-5 in which people whose gender at birth is contrary to the one they identify with. This condition replaces "gender identity disorder". the strong desire to be treated like the opposite sex


a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression


a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone


a person who experiences little or no romantic attraction to others

social identity

a person's sense of self, which is based on their individuals affiliations with different social groups


a social system in which men hold positions of authority and power

A criticism of the LGBTQ community is that members of the community favor initiatives that mostly benefit which of the following groups of people? a. White, able-bodied, lesbian and gay people b. upper-class, high income, bisexual individuals c. native English speakers who consistently use gender-conforming language d. middle-class transgender people


According to classic research, three years after TV was introduced to the Fiji Islands, Fijian girls had an increased desire for thinness and higher rates of disordered eating. These study results are MOST consistent with which of the following? a. cultivation theory b. objectification theory c. body esteem d. fat talk


According to the sexual configurations theory (SCT), a. sexuality and sexual behaviors can be fluid and may change over time. b. sexuality tends to be fixed and one's identity adopted in adolescence remains through adulthood. c. early life experiences may influence sexual identity in adolescence and adulthood. d. prenatal development may influence sexual identity in adolescence and adulthood.


Because of the ways in which objectification is linked to anxiety about death, women who are reminded of their own eventual death tend to a. objectify themselves as well as other women. b. avoid objectification altogether. c. objectify themselves but not other women. d. objectify other women but not themselves.


Brendan, a high school student, wishes that he had been assigned female at birth and named Brenda. Brendan has not told this to anyone because he feels shame and wishes he could just "feel" more like a boy. Brendan's feelings are likely the result of which of the following? a. internalized transphobia b. microaggressions c. stigma awareness d. cultural stereotyping


General findings on self-esteem indicate which of the following? a. Data do not support the common stereotype that girls lose self-esteem as they reach adolescence. b. Effect sizes are large for differences in self-esteem between girls and boys. c. Adolescent girls show a significant difference in self-esteem compared to adolescent boys. d. The book Reviving Ophelia captures the true story on the crisis in girls' self-esteem.


How does objectification harm women as individuals and also as a social group? a. All of the answer options are correct. b. Many individual women spend time, money, and energy on their appearance that could be spent on pursuits such as the political empowerment of women. c. Many individual women undergo cosmetic surgeries that involve physical risks, in part because beauty offers women a source of power in a society in which women are often disempowered. d. Many individual women struggle to accept their bodies, which distracts their focus on economic and political systems that create struggles for large numbers of women.


If sexism no longer exists, then women who violate gender norms should not experience which of the following? a. backlash effects b. gender norms c. privilege d. discrimination


In classic research on the consequences of self-objectification, women and men wore either a swimsuit (a one piece for women; swim trunks for men) or a V-neck sweater before taking a math test. Results showed ___________ performed worse than _______________. a. women in swimsuits; women in sweaters b. women; men, regardless of what they were wearing c. both women and men in swimsuits; women and men in sweaters d. both women and men in sweaters; women and men in swimsuits


Psychology of women is most accurately described as a subfield of psychology that focuses... a. on the lives of girls and women, with the inclusion of political and social movements. b. on biological determinism and the differences between women and men. c. on the downturn faced by female adolescents as they become more susceptible to eating disorders and social stereotypes. d. explicitly on the tenets of feminism.


Research on gender differences in expression of emotion indicates that, although there are some differences among girls and boys for emotional expression, the effect sizes are small, at less than 0.1. This means that there is greater _______________ than ________________. a. similarity; difference b. genetic influence; socialization c. socialization; genetic influence d. difference; similarity


Social identity refers to a. a person's sense of self as it relates to that individual's multiple affiliated social groups. b. how people are ranked in a social hierarchy. c. name shifting depending on social or professional situation. d. privilege that gives people unearned entitlements.


The process that often begins in adolescence during which girls and boys start to more rigidly enact their gender roles is known as a. gender intensification. b. genderism. c. gender rigidity. d. gender stereotyping.


Which hormone is correctly paired with its function in the menstrual cycle? a. All of the answer options are correct. b. LH promotes ovulation. c. Progesterone promotes the thickening of the uterine lining. d. FSH promotes the production of estrogen.


Which of the following accurately describes the process of nondisjunction? a. Chromosomes fail to disconnect when a cell divides. b. A newborn's sex is left undetermined by medical doctors. c. A zygote fails to split, leading to a single fetus rather than identical twins. d. A transgender patient's request for hormone treatment and/or gender-confirming/affirming surgery is denied.


Which of the following is NOT an example of the problematic nature of the term "empowerment" as applied to the lives of girls and women? a. Empowerment can be used to focus on large-scale change and examine accomplishments within and among diverse groups of women. b. Empowerment tends to focus on the individual accomplishments of women in male dominated spheres without examining substantial and larger socio-cultural change. c. Female empowerment often focuses on ways of selling products and brands (e.g., the Spice Girls proclaiming "girl power" by achieving fame, wearing fashionable clothing, doing their nails, and maintaining stereotypical ideals of women's body shape, size, and appearance). d. Empowertising generates a strong response that feels empowering, but doesn't offer any actual solutions for achieving empowerment.


Which of the following is an example of how implicit bias can affect perceptions and/or behaviors? a. Raquel unconsciously clutches her purse every time a Black man walks by. b. Amy judges women who are not stay-at-home mothers. c. Dalia states to her colleagues that Asian people make the best scientists. d. Celina says she is only attracted to White women.


Which perspective suggests that the very idea that there is only two genders is only true in certain social contexts? a. postmodernism b. gender schema theories c. social learning theory d. gender constancy


Why do feminist researchers recommend asking four questions about differences? a. to account for intersecting identities, which may change a person's experience b. to ensure women and men are included in all gender research c. to debunk prior research on gender differences d. to thoroughly utilize the scientific method in all gender research


structural inequalities

advantages and disadvantages built into social institutions, organizations, and governments

Radical Feminism

advocate for separatism. changing laws and policies isn't enough. women must develop new ways of thinking separate from androcentric (male-centered) ways of thinking.


attracted to genderqueer and transsexual people and expressions (people who aren't identified as cisgender)


attracted to people irrespective of gender or sex

According to the text, compared to less attractive women, attractive women may a. have a hard time getting a job, because beautiful women are assumed not to be smart. b. be assumed to have many positive internal qualities, because "what is beautiful is good." c. be more interested in love and family relationships than career success. d. be more interested in career success than love and family relationships.


Alexandra is Chicana, and is often asked, "Where are you from?" When she replies "Los Angeles," the rebuttal is often, "No, I mean where you really are from," implying she couldn't possibly have been born in America. This is an example of a a. racialized sexist question. b. microaggression. c. sexist assumption. d. racist question.


Although many myths persist about brain differences in women and men, differences in brains may be the result of _____________________, which is the brain's ability to change in response to aspects of the environment and learning experiences. a. evolution b. plasticity c. social learning d. mating strategies


Benevolent sexism is ________ viewed as sexist, even though research demonstrates that there are ______________ outcomes for women who experience it. a. rarely; positive b. rarely; negative c. always; positive d. sometimes; mixed


If effect sizes are ___________, this means women and men would be more _____________. a. negligible; divergent in personality traits b. negligible; similar than different c. significant; divergent in only one personality trait d. significant; similar than different


If manspreading, a sitting style characterized by spreading the legs wide into a V-shaped slouch, did not indicate higher male status, then a. women would continue to sit with their legs crossed. b. women and men would manspread in equal numbers. c. women would understand the discomfort men experience when sitting with closed legs. d. men would begin crossing their legs in class.


Imagine you are a university administrator who is trying to improve participation rates for women in STEM. You have heard that Harvey Mudd College has made significant strides in participation rates, so you review their policy changes. Based on Harvey Mudd's success, what are some programs you would want to implement? a. training programs to teach women to be more assertive in the workplace b. promoting women to leadership positions c. inviting women to sign up for STEM courses d. providing focus groups for women to figure out why they aren't more ambitious


In movies for children that feature a female protagonist of color (e.g., Disney's Mulan), a. neither male nor female characters are sexualized. b. male characters speak more often than female characters, and female characters are sexualized and scantily clad. c. male and female characters speak an equal amount of time. d. female characters speak more often than male characters, and male characters are sexualized and scantily clad.


Liberal feminism primarily focuses on a. the separate spheres occupied by women and men, and the importance of maintaining these. b. the similarities between women and men and the role of governmental intervention in rectifying gender inequalities. c. the inherent differences between women and men, while also focusing on the strengths of women in society. d. eliminating the "second shift" faced by women and recognizing the inequality found in the unequal division of labor between the sexes.


Meta-______________ is the process that statistically combines results from large numbers of studies, whereas _________________ statistically combines the results of many meta-analyses. a. analysis; effect size b. analysis; meta-synthesis c. synthesis; meta-analysis d. synthesis; effect size


Paternalistic chivalry refers to the idea that women should be _________________, but only if they _________________. a. traditionally feminine; want to be protected by men b. protected and cherished; conform to traditional gender roles c. submissive; believe in traditional values d. treated equally to men; earn their equality


Regina and Ronald both earned a perfect score on their World History exam. Based on research from the text on how teachers make sense of student success, how will their teacher understand each student's perfect score? a. Regina and Ronald both worked hard; Ronald is also smart. b. Regina worked hard; Ronald is smart. c. Regina and Ronald are both smart; Ronald also worked hard. d. Regina is smart; Ronald worked hard.


Self-objectification may be considered the LEAST harmful when it occurs during a. performance-based activities, such as jogging, hiking, or lifting weights. b. specific, time-limited activities, such as trying on clothes or being photographed. c. general public interactions, by focusing on how potential strangers might view the self. d. sexual interactions, by focusing more on how one's body looks rather than how it feels.


Sexism is a bias based on the belief that men are superior to women, and it is a. neither more or less difficult to see in today's society because it no longer exists. b. more difficult to see in today's society. c. less difficult to see in today's society. d. just as difficult to see in today's society as it was in the past.


The biopsychosocial model is useful for understanding the lives of girls and women because it a. demonstrates how benevolent sexism operates in the lives of girls and women. b. considers how biological, psychological, and social aspects interact with one another. c. is the basis for researching gender differences. d. privileges biological aspects first, followed by psychological and social aspects of girls and women's lives.


The main limitation of the sex/gender binary related to biology is that it a. means biological and physiological sex differences perpetuate perceptions of women as the physically weaker sex. b. acknowledges only two genetic variations of XX and XY. c. means women's roles are restricted to domestic activities and child rearing due to their being capable of pregnancy. d. acknowledges multiple genetic variations of XX and XY.


The term _____ refers to the idea that no woman is just a woman. She also has a variety of other social identities and locations including, but not limited to, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability status, class, etc. These identities are connected to different types of oppressive systems (e.g., racism, classism, homophobia, etc.). a. structural inequality b. Intersectionality c. Multiculturalism d. Stratification


The three parts of the tripartite model of social influence on body image are a. girlhood, adolescence, and adulthood. b. parents, peers, and the media. c. the face, chest, and thighs. d. the home, the school, and the neighborhood.


Toys that feature bold colors, action, and construction tend to be viewed as a. feminine. b. masculine. c. gender neutral. d. gender fluid.


What have researchers concluded about how "fat talk" influences girls and women? a. Fat talk helps girls and women bond together against the shared challenges of living in a culture that fat shames them for not attaining unrealistic standards for thinness. b. Hearing others participate in fat talk can have a negative impact on a bystander's own feelings about her body. c. It is commonly used to elicit compliments, which helps girls and women feel better about their bodies. d. Talking about being fat is merely a consequence of already feeling dissatisfied with one's body.


When a person holds a negative attitude toward someone because of their actual or perceived membership in a social group, this is known as a. sexism. b. prejudice. c. discrimination. d. bias.


Which child is most likely to have shown a shift to be more flexible and less rigid in gender typing? a. Alexander, who is 6 years old b. Arlene, who is 8 years old c. Allison, who is 5 years old d. Ahmed, who is 4 years old


Which of the following children is showing the LEAST gender rigidity? a. Joaquim, who says hotdogs are for girls, hamburgers are for boys b. José, who plays pretend using his sister's doll house c. Jolene, who says she can't be a doctor when she grows up because women are nurses d. Janet who says that cooking is for moms, driving is for dads


Which of the following focuses on how children integrate their own sense of self with the network of assumptions they've learned about how people with different genders are supposed to think, feel, and act? a. social construction theory b. gender schema theory c. postmodern theory d. gender constancy


Which of the following individuals shows the most normative discontent? a. Sudha, who won't leave the house without wearing her most comfortable shoes. b. Aiko, who won't leave the house without applying make-up. c. Randi, who is determined to learn to do a headstand in yoga class because everyone else can d. Nikki, who refuses to wear makeup because the makeup company tests their products on animals


Which of the following is a criticism of medical interventions conducted with intersex newborns? a. The procedures can be a financial burden on the parents if they do not have comprehensive health insurance coverage. b. The procedures can be described as having possible health risks that tend to outweigh the health benefits. c. The procedures can be more emotionally detrimental for parents than for the newborn. d. The procedures can be more psychologically detrimental for parents than for the newborn.


Which of the following is true regarding the Redstockings protest of the 1968 and 1969 Miss America pageants? a. It correctly identified the characteristics associated with separatist, lesbian feminism. b. It was a symbolic protest of items of oppression including bras, cosmetics, and high heels. c. It eliminated oppressive aspects of the pageant through a sit-in. d. It involved feminists setting their bras and other artifacts of oppression on fire.


Which of the following most accurately defines stereotype threat? a. Whether a person responds positively or negatively to another person is based on stereotypes about the other person's group. b. When a person thinks their group is stereotyped as doing poorly on a certain task, their anxiety about confirming that stereotype can compromise their performance on that task. c. When a person feels threatened, they rely on stereotypes to make judgements about other people. d. Self-conscious people are more likely to believe stereotypes and feel threatened.


Which statement BEST expresses cognitive developmental theories of gender socialization? a. "Gender can only be understood based on the given sociocultural context of development" b. "As cognitive skills develop, children's understanding of gender also develops." c. "Gender is part of the body that eventually becomes part of the mind." d. "Environments shape how children understand gender."


While in a study group, Memeko is staying on task, but other group members are discussing whether they'll fit into their prom dresses next week. What is the most likely effect of this conversation on Memeko? a. It will be harmful but only if Memeko is already also worried about fitting into her own prom dress. b. It will be harmful for Memeko. c. It will have no effect because Memeko is not part of this conversation and she's distracted by her studying. d. It will be harmful but only if Memeko is close friends with one or more of these group members.


A person's sexual orientation is ____ his/her/their gender identity. a. directly influenced by b. dependent on c. independent of d. interdependent with


According to the self-fulfilling prophecy, if parents have _____ expectations for how their daughters would perform in math courses, their daughters are likely to have _____ academic achievement in math. a. low; high b. low; average c. low; low d. high; low


According to the text, what is a major limitation of research on beauty norms? a. Research on beauty norms centers the role of the family over the role of the media. b. Researchers find beauty concerns to be less important to study than other concerns, like equal pay. c. Researchers primarily focus on the thin ideal, a norm that is central to White women's concerns. d. Research on beauty norms centers the role of the media over the role of the family.


Addison is a gender non-conforming eighth grader. Based on research from the text, Addison is likely to a. express an interest in STEM fields. b. show high academic achievement. c. be perceived by peers to be LGBTQ+. d. express an interest in the creative arts.


Air France, Six Flags, and FedEx created policies banning people of color from wearing their hair natural or in dreadlocks to work. This policy mostly affected African American women, who filed lawsuits against the companies for privileging hairstyles worn by White women. The assumption that White women are examples of normative standards of professional dress is an example of a. unearned entitlements. b. bias. c. a power hierarchy. d. invisibility.


Body ____________________ is a behavioral manifestation of self-objectification in which one views one's body from an observer's perspective, focusing on how it looks over what it can do. a. shame b. work c. surveillance d. esteem


Dr. Rodarte, a new engineering professor at Research University, is preparing for her first lab meeting that will include several doctoral students. How many male doctoral students can Dr. Rodarte expect in her lab compared to female doctoral students? a. an equal number of men as women b. five times as many men as women c. three times as many men as women d. ten times as many men as women


Elisa wants to buy her nephew a toy that encourages nurturing. Based on research in the text, Elisa is most likely to interest him in playing with a doll if it a. is angular. b. is expensive. c. is blue. d. is fuzzy.


Gender essentialism is the belief that a. feminists should promote businesses related to "inherent" feminine characteristics. b. women and men are fundamentally the same despite differences in biology and genetics. c. women and men are fundamentally different because of unchanging factors related to biology and genetics. d. gender is the most important factor in the oppression of girls and women.


Institutions that only offer male and female bathrooms instead of gender-neutral bathrooms reinforce the concept of the a. gender bundle. b. multi-faceted model of sex/gender. c. sex/gender binary. d. heteronormative model of sex/gender.


Margaret, who is 12-years-old, is very excited for menarche. Based on research reviewed in the textbook, this is MOST likely because a. Margaret doesn't have a lot of information about it, and ignorance is bliss. b. most of Margaret's friends started their periods at age 8. c. Margaret has a good deal of education and feels adequately prepared for menarche. d. Margaret has been misinformed about the possibility of menstrual joy.


Monica, a Chicana woman, expects to graduate with her doctorate in one year, after which she will pursue her dream of becoming a college math professor in the Southwest, where she hopes to teach a diverse student body. Monica's adviser warns her that very few women of color hold STEM faculty positions in the United States, and makes sure Monica is adequately prepared for job interviews. If Monica secures a faculty position, she will contribute to what percentage of women of color in STEM faculty positions? a. 5% b. 10% c. 2% d. 1%


Rebekah, who is very worried about her body size and shape, has a hard time determining when she is hungry. Based on the text, what is the MOST likely reason for Rebekah's lack of body awareness? a. She always cleans her plate because she doesn't want to hurt her mother's feelings. b. She wants to have enough energy to exercise but not extra energy that won't be used at the gym. c. She is focused on what she looks like from the outside more than how she feels on the inside. d. She worries about wasting food because there are starving children in the world.


Sarah recently gave birth to fraternal twins. When asked about their personalities, she described her daughter as friendly and emotionally expressive, and her son as assertive and competitive. These descriptions are a. traits found cross-culturally in women and men. b. traits all women and men exhibit. c. gender stereotypes about femininity and masculinity. d. inconsistent with early developmental personality expression.


Some consequences of being a token include ___________ and ___________. a. social isolation; greater recognition b. increased visibility; greater recognition c. increased visibility; social isolation d. greater recognition; greater likelihood of promotion


The stereotype of the strong Black woman (SBW) is best described by which of the following traits? a. angry and controlling b. loud and assertive c. tough, self-sacrificing, and communal d. being a single mother


The tendency for children to affiliate with others of the same gender and to avoid those of the other gender is known as a. gender intensification. b. borderwork. c. gender segregation. d. gender snobbery.


The term ____ was used in the past to describe "ambiguous" genitalia, where terms such as "intersex" and "disorders of sex development" are more widely used nowadays. a. transsexual b. dyadic identity c. hermaphrodite d. polysexual


Unfair treatment of someone from a less powerful social group is referred to as a. prejudice. b. bias. c. discrimination. d. sexism.


When Naila says that differences between women and men can be understood by the roles they are traditionally expected to hold, she is describing which of the following? a. attachment fertility theory b. biological bases of differences c. social role theory d. the evolutionary perspective


When reading any psychological study and considering a researcher's decisions, it is important to do which of the following? a. critique every aspect of the research and reject the findings if the researcher shows any shred of bias b. consider quantitative studies as the only legitimate forms of research because of statistical significance and the appropriate revision of research design c. read the study with a degree of caution by recognizing that no method is completely neutral or objective d. regard the researcher as an expert in her field and refrain from questioning her unintended biases and motivations


Which of the following is the best explanation of colorism? a. Colorism is a preference for lighter skin within communities of color only. b. Colorism is a preference for White people over people of color. c. Colorism is a preference for lighter skin within communities of color as well as in society generally. d. Colorism is a bias against people who appear to be multi-racial and whose race/ethnicity seems ambiguous.


Which of the following scenarios exemplifies cisgender privilege? a. Jamie, who is genderqueer, is chosen as captain of the debate team over John, who is cisgender, because Jamie was deemed more articulate, experienced, and qualified by the debate coach. b. Alejandra, a transwoman, and Xiomara, a cisgender woman, are both rejected when applying for a promotion at the company they work at because their manager believes women are less competent than men. c. Sarah, a cisgender woman, is able to use the women's bathroom without any issues while Sam, a transwoman, often receives disapproving looks when entering a women's bathroom. d. Tyrone, a transman, uses the pronouns he/him/his, while Tasha, a genderqueer individual, uses the pronouns they/them/their.


Within a book, movie, or TV show, the Smurfette principle refers to whether a. women are depicted solely as beautiful with no other substantive qualities. b. there is one token female character who initially appears masculine but later surrenders to feminine expectations (e.g., for heterosexual marriage). c. there is one token female character who exists only in reference to male characters. d. women are depicted as doing anything other than talking about a topic other than a man.


post-colonial/transnational feminism

connects women's inequality to the legacy of colonialism and critiques the belief that women in western countries are the most liberated in the world. a problematic dynamic is when women in western countries view women in non-western countries as oppressed and in need of saving.

social construction theory

cultural beliefs about gender exist to uphold particular social and economic systems and inequalities

According to ________, cultural beliefs about gender are not based on objective facts about inherent essential characteristics of gender; rather, these beliefs uphold particular social and economic systems and inequalities. a. gender fluidity b. gender schema theory c. gender constancy d. social construction theories


According to the principles of ___________________, gender-typed behavior develops when certain behaviors are rewarded and others are punished. a. social constructivist theory b. classical conditioning c. psychoanalytic theory d. operant conditioning


According to the text, the matrix of domination involves an overarching system of stratification in which each system of bias interconnects. In other words, a. each minority group must set their own agenda based on the needs of their communities. b. each system of bias (e.g., sexism or racism) must be addressed separately before addressing the next form of oppression. c. racism is the root of all other oppressions, which gave rise to sexism and other forms of oppression. d. sexism, racism, heterosexism (and other forms of oppression) are all connected, making it impossible to eradicate sexism without ending other interconnecting oppressions.


Based on past research on fathers' responses to their children, which of the following would you predict about Morty's behavior toward his son and daughter? a. Morty will encourage his son's academic achievement more so than his daughter's. b. Morty will spend more time with his daughter than his son in order to teach her athletic skills. c. Morty will spend more time with his son than his daughter in order to enhance his athletic skills. d. Morty will pay more attention to his son's anger and his daughter's sadness.


Darnell, who was assigned female at birth, recently told his family that he wants to live as a man, only be referred to as "Darnell," and use the pronouns he/him/his in reference to him. Darnell's parents and siblings now consistently call him Darnell, use his preferred pronouns, and refer to him as their son or brother. His family's behavior is an example of a. gender transitioning. b. misgendering. c. gender awareness. d. recognition.


Erika and Kate are reviewing results from their study on Big Five personality traits from East Asia, Africa, Japan, Mexico, the United States, Germany, and France. They find inconsistencies in how women scored on aggressiveness, with women in countries that are more sex/gender segregated scoring higher in aggression compared to those in more egalitarian countries. The researchers concluded that women in less egalitarian countries were more likely to compare themselves to other women, whereas women in more egalitarian countries were likely comparing themselves to both women and men. This finding provides evidence that a. gender socialization is a powerful influence on personality. b. less egalitarian countries may be more permissive of women's aggression. c. women in the United States tend to be more agreeable than women in Mexico. d. self-reported gender differences in personality traits may be culture-specific.


For LGBTQ individuals, the coming-out process tends to be a a. onetime event that usually lasts for one developmental milestone. b. onetime event that usually lasts one to seven days. c. reoccurring process that usually lasts for one developmental milestone. d. reoccurring, lifelong process.


If a transgender person is of a younger age, racial minority status, and lower socioeconomic status, this person has a greater risk of having internalized transphobia. a. being denied access to hormone therapy and gender b. confirming/affirming surgery. c. having stigma awareness. d. experiencing a violent attack.


Language that aims to use more inclusive gender terms and seeks to reduce stereotypes is known as a. unmarked words. b. generic person language. c. gender-neutral pronouns. d. gender-fair language.


Marisol reads several women's magazines that feature advertisements with models promoting various beauty products. a. Marisol is at risk for body dissatisfaction and depression to the degree that she feels regret about puberty and her maturing body. b. buys beauty products featured in ads that are designed to promote the appearance of larger breasts. c. buys beauty products featured in ads that are designed to promote weight loss. d. makes social comparisons between herself and the models.


Mei is a Chinese American woman who people assume is shy and submissive, but also intelligent and working in a STEM field. In reality, Mei is an outgoing, assertive woman who is a public relations executive. She finds that people are often surprised by her personality and her line of work. These assumptions about Mei are examples of a. privilege. b. intersectionality. c. the backlash effect. d. racialized sexist stereotypes.


Michael has recently come out as transgender to his family and has begun the gender transitioning process. His sister Amy has been supportive of him throughout the process, but Amy sometimes misses having a sister to share a female bond with. Amy is likely experiencing which of the following? a. confusion and misgendering of Michael's new identity b. rejection of Michael's transgender identity c. stigma of being associated with a transgender family member d. ambiguous loss


Parents tend to treat their daughters and sons differently in all of the following ways EXCEPT a. who is assigned which type of chores. b. which emotional states receive attention. c. in permitting risk-taking behavior. d. in expressing warmth and affection.


Research on Carol Gilligan's original theory on morality and helping has not supported her argument that women and men are fundamentally different in their sense of morality. Gilligan argued that women base their judgements of morality on an ethic of care, whereas men base theirs on an ethic of justice. What does this mean for women and men when making moral judgements? a. Women and men have fundamentally different approaches to helping. b. Women and men both prefer not to help when possible. c. Women and men base their morality on cultural socialization. d. Women and men use reasoning based on both justice and care.


Sex differentiation, the process of developing sex-specific characteristics, typically begins during the _____ week of pregnancy. a. twelfth b. ninth c. third d. sixth


The HAES approach promotes all of the following EXCEPT a. avoidance of dietary restrictions. b. body acceptance. c. focusing on internal cues for being hungry and being full. d. lack of personal responsibility for health behaviors.


The belief that because women and men have biological differences, they must also have differences in behavior, attitudes, goals, talents, and skills is known as a. biological bases of difference. b. sexism. c. the "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" concept. d. gender essentialism.


The gender bundle metaphor proposes that aspects of sex/gender are a. separated, while accounting for influences of evolutionary psychology and physiology that determine sex differences. b. separated, while accounting for influences of neuropsychology and anatomy that determine differences in gender across spatial reasoning and task performance. c. connected interdependently, highlighting cognitive development in acquiring gender schemas. d. part of the social context and understanding of gender.


The popular media often use research findings about gender differences to reinforce which of the following? a. biological differences b. feminist psychological science c. how women and men are similar d. gender stereotypes


Toys that advance children's cognitive skills, such as microscopes, tend to be viewed as a. gender fluid. b. feminine. c. both masculine and feminine. d. masculine.


Which of the following accurately describes patriarchy? a. Patriarchy refers to female power and authority, and the passing of lineage and cultural traditions from one female to another. b. Patriarchy refers to women's equality and possession of power and authority. c. Patriarchy is the idea that women hold dominance and authority over men, despite male power in all areas of structural institutions. d. Patriarchy is the idea that men automatically hold positions of power and authority, and it is socialized to be viewed as natural and inevitable.


Which of the following describes structural inequalities? a. The innate biological differences that promote inequality between women and men. b. The lack of differences between the social experiences of men and women. c. The micro differences between the sexes. d. The stratification within organizations, institutions, and governments that maintain unequal access to education, employment, family, and other opportunities.



does not identify with any specific sexual orientation

Third World Feminism

feminism should not focus on commonalities among women, it should instead address issues from multiple perspectives and not assume one unified position.

modern sexism

gender bias that is communicated in subtle or indirect ways

pychoanalytic theory

gender development is controlled by unconscious forces

hostile sexism

negative and derogatory beliefs about girls and women

Feminist Epistemologies

new ways to critique and produce methods of creating knowledge that attempt to address biases against certain groups of people, including girls and women

social stratification

people are ranked in a hierarchy

Gender fair language

refers to all people with symmetrical linguistic forms


reinforcing the invisible border between girls and boys spaces

theory of communicator status

tendency for men to control most of the conversation

differences perspective

tends to emphasize that males and females are different from each other and people should appreciate and value women's unique experiences and attributes

Tripartite model of social influence

the combination of parents, peers, and the media constitutes the key influence on body image

paternity uncertainty

the fact that a man cannot be sure that the children born to his female partner are his, indicating why men would be less invested

myth of meritocracy

the idea that everyone can achieve whatever goals he or she desires by virtue of hard work and perseverance.

gender stratification hypothesis

the idea that gender differences are related to gender equality in the country they are in

compulsory heterosexuality

the idea that sexual preferences are formed through the social ideal of heterosexuality

Sexual Configurations Theory

the idea that sexuality is multi-faceted, socially situated, and dynamic and can best be understood along a variety of dimensions

stereotype threat

the idea that when people think their social group does poorly on a certain task, their anxiety about confirming that stereotype can actually undermine their performance.

similarities perspective

the idea that women and men are more similar than different

Paternalistic chivalry

the idea that women should be protected and cherished as long as they conform to traditional gender roles


the practice of blaming an individual or group for a real or perceived failure of others

tentative speech forms

the tendency for women to use "um, mostly, right?, very" to lessen their stance on something


the tendency to judge other groups according to the values of one's own group


the ways in which certain people experience degradation because of political, economic, or social realities

Myth of transformation

the widespread belief that weight loss will result in increased economic and interpersonal gains

body surveillance

viewing one's body from an observer's perspective and evaluating one's physical appearance

expectancy role value theory

women and men have internalized stereotypes about how they are supposed to act

women of color feminism

women's inequalities are deeply linked to white supremacy.

Cultural Feminism

women's inequality is related to the lack of value placed on unique experiences, perspectives, and qualities of women.

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