Exam 2 Advertising

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An advertising ____ function is a mathematical relationship that associates the money spent on advertising with the sales generated.


The widely used recognition tests for print ads, with the Starch firm as the main supplier, have another name. What is it?

readership test

Which of the following statements would be made by someone experiencing cognitive dissonance?

"I've bought a Toro lawn mower, but I now realize the new John Deere might have been a better choice."

Scenario 8-3) You're currently deciding exactly where and when ads will be placed, and determining the strategy behind each placement. This takes a while—with the explosion of Internet sites, outdoor advertising, and innovative promotions, the options are almost unlimited. In this way, you are

.creating a media plan

(Scenario 5-2) While searching for a phone with bluetooth and Wi-Fi features, Kate finds seven different advertisements stating that their phones have the best bluetooth and Wi-Fi features when compared to others. Kate is now confused about which brand to choose. This is an example of _____.

Advertising clutter

Manuel wants to buy a Sony PlayStation because his friends have several versions of this technology and he has enjoyed playing games with them. However, he is distracted by the ads for other games and is not sure which product to purchase. In this scenario, Manuel is encountering:

Advertising clutter

The set of brands that comes to mind when a category is mentioned is referred to as __

An evoked set

Scenario 7-6) Wood Carver recruited a group of consumers who were thinking about remodeling their kitchens and asked them a series of questions about selecting brands for their new cabinets. Later, Wood Carver showed the consumers several of its magazine ads, after which they were asked several questions to measure their opinions towards the Wood Carver Cabinet products. What type of study did Wood Carver conduct?

Attitude age

An advantage offered by secondary data from government sources is that the information is:

Available even to small businesses with no research budget

In theory, of the major options for advertising objectives, ____ asks the least of consumers and ____ demands the most.

Brand awareness/ brand switiching

_____ are groups of consumers who feel a commonality and a shared purpose attached to a consumer good or service.

Brand communities

An agency staffer conducts a test to see how the message for her client's product, dishwasher detergent, compares to the way other ads in her product area have tested. In this way, she will gather qualitative test scores.


Combining sales objectives with communications objectives: .

Can be an excellent way to develop an advertising campaign

A major criterion to consider during segment selection is the _____, or the companies that are vying for that segment's business.

Competitive field

Which of the following is a tactic that might be used in an implicit memory measure?

Completing a brand name after being given only half of its letters

(Scenario 7-1) To determine which features to include in the 3DS, Nintendo did a large amount of research probing consumer opinions towards video games. To do so, Nintendo used a(n) _____ that allowed consumers to be the "judge and jury" in evaluating the quality of their new idea.

Concept test

Characteristics and traits such as age, gender, race, marital status, income, education, and occupation are widely used in ____ segmentation.


What is the first step in implementing the objective-and-task approach?

Determining costs based on a build-up analysis

_____ involves observation in real-life situations, to obtain information about the consumption practices of real consumers in real settings.

Embedded field work

(Scenario 7-5) Solutions Group managers suggest that clients consider doing a resonance test when designing advertising, because this will help understand target consumers regarding their:

Emotional connection to the brand

A consumer-brand relationship is the same as that between friends or siblings.


Advertising has never been able to point out or activate a need state, but it has been able to provide information on how to alleviate the discomfort of an existing unfulfilled need.


Bayt Café is launching a new advertising campaign portraying its restaurant as having very fast service and a cheerful staff to target a younger crowd. The campaign alone will be enough to gain the loyalty of the younger segment.


Internal company data such as customer service reports and customer complaints are considered sources of primary data.


LivTo Inc. is a company that manufactures cosmetic products for women. It claims to have the best customer care services and is prompt to address the grievances of its customers. To be internally consistent, the company should invest in a better Research and Development department and also create a new image for its products.


Long interviews are not a very popular research method since they last for more than an hour.


Overall, recall is easier, because people are shown a stimulus and answer yes or no about having seen it, whereas recognition is harder, because people have to deliberately search their memories for concept without any prompting or stimulus.


The method of budget setting that focuses on the relationship between spending and advertising objectives is the margin-analysis approach.


The positioning model from Anne Bahr constitutes the overlapping of the proposition for the brand and persuasion tools.


Viewing advertising strictly from a communications perspective restricts marketers to a narrower range of advertising strategies.


Viewing consumers as social beings allows advertisers to focus on the attitudes they have toward brands, which are much more important than the meanings they associate with brands.


The tension between those who advocate sales objectives and those who push communications objectives precludes a marketer from using both types when developing an overall plan for a brand.


What is the basic premise behind a recall test?

For an ad to work, it has to be remembered

Projective techniques test ads for consumer response with:

Fragments of pictures or words that need to be completed

Which of the following is a difference between brand loyalty and a habit?

Habit involves low involvement, whereas brand loyalty involves high involvement.

What is a downside to adopting a heavy-user-focused segmentation plan?

Heavy users may differ significantly from average or infrequent users in terms of their motivations to consume, their approach to the brand, or their image of the brand.

What does the objectives section of an advertising plan do

Identifies concrete goals

Which of the following is stratification based on?


(Scenario 7-2) All the Rhode Island Runners' advertisements feature a phone number to get more information and to order tickets. This allows you to use _____ to assess advertising effectiveness

Inquiry/direct responses

Which firm did the text highlight as one with a long-term, successful campaign that epitomizes "simplicity" in defining its distinctiveness, a critical ingredient in a good positioning strategy?

Jack Daniels

As highlighted in the text, "Careful Cooks," "Down-Home Stokers," and "Functional Feeders" are all segments identified by Pillsbury based on ____ segmentation.


Apple used a wide array of options to create interest and communicate the value proposition for its brands like the iPad and iPhone. Which of the following would NOT be included in Apple's advertising plan?

Manufacturing schedule

Which of the following is true of segment selection?

Marketers are inclined to devote resources to segments projected for dramatic growth

A detailed version of Internet research called _____ involves both gathering Web data as well as seeking unique information in online formats similar to that found in traditional face-to-face interviews.


Both advertising and promotion are used to build brands. For which of the two is it easier to measure effects that estimate contribution to sales, and why?

Promotion, because responses can be specifically identified and tracked

(Scenario 6-1) _____ is a tool more likely employed by Gillette to supplement the use of demographic data by providing information about consumers 'activities, interests, and opinions. a. PRIZM


What does T stand for in the term STP marketing?


What does the acronym STP mean?

Segmenting, targeting, postioning

An insurance company's researchers spend a lot of time and money trying to understand various age-related markets, from WWII veterans and baby boomers to the younger generations. Based on their findings, the target markets that are ultimately chosen based on such demographics should be defined in the ____ section of the ad plan.

Situational Analysis

he second important apex in Thorson and Moore's strategic planning triangle entails:

Specification of the brands value propostion

(Scenario 5-1) Gap's loyal customers generally believed the company's products are high-end and sophisticated. Judging by the initial responses, consumers felt Gap's new logo represented lower-end products, and would, therefore, appeal to a lower social class. This concept of differing social levels is called:


(Scenario 7-2) Tracking studies will be good tools for this campaign, since they follow the apparent effect of the advertising over time, and this type of follow-up is required throughout the first year of this baseball team's campaign. Tracking studies are usually done in which format?


The _____ model shows that a brand's best opportunity for success involves the overlapping of four important factors: current relevance to the consumer, credibility or consumer belief in the brand, differentiation or a recognition of uniqueness, and "stretch" or the potential for consumer relevance over time

Symantec brand opportunity

When considering what is truly wanted from advertising research, the answer depends on whom you ask. If so, which of the following can be generally accepted as true?

The account team wants to know if the ad works

Which of the following is a similarity between habit and variety seeking?

They occur in settings where a decision isn't involving

A fragrance manufacturer wants its target customers to demonstrate top-of-the-mind awareness regarding its long-standing perfume, Bouquet. This means that when they are asked to think of perfumes, they would

Think of bouquet first

(Scenario 7-2) You have determined that the major competitors in the family leisure market are movies, theme parks, and outdoor festivals. You use a theater test to measure attitude change resulting from a TV commercial being tested for the Runners. The spot does not do very well in the test. Still, your gut instincts say that the commercial is a good one. When reporting the results to the team owners, you should point out that:

This kind of research is all to rarely useful to measure actual behavior

A communication test simply explores whether the people "get" the ad—whether they understand the main point, get the joke, or see the connection.


A percentage-of-sales approach to budgeting is easy to understand and implement.


It has been found that, overall, advertising has the greatest impact on sales early in the product life cycle, or soon after a new model or version of the product is released.


Jerome always buys Coke, and only Coke—not Pepsi or any other cola brand. Consumers like Jerome, who repeatedly purchase a single brand to fulfill a specific need, are demonstrating brand loyalty.


Most marketers rely heavily on the expertise of an advertising agency.


Psychologists now believe that memory is more fluid than was once thought, and is more strongly influenced by motivation to remember, or not to remember.


Share of voice is most often used when launching new products


Some argue that sales should not be set as an objective for advertising, since advertising is only one variable in an entire marketing mix and cannot be solely responsible for selling the product.


The Starch readership test measures readers of print materials who either noted the ad, associated the ad, or read most of the ad, then calculates these results into scores


There are two elements to the execution of an advertising plan: determining the copy strategy and devising a media plan.


When an ad agency is asked to recommend a budget to the client, it is usually the account executive who handles this.


When devising the evaluation stage of ad planning, it is determined how much time the agency has, how it will be graded, and what criteria will be applied when judging its efforts.


When the prices and profit margins of brands become low, they become commodities, sold on price.


While grocery shopping, Kate picks up the "Krispys" cereal instead of the usual cereal that she buys every day. This is an example of variety seeking.


Without customer attention, there is no chance that an advertiser's message will have its desired impact.


ZMET is designed to draw out people's buried thoughts and feelings about products and brands, based on their use of metaphors.


(Scenario 5-6) The Voice-It products are more expensive than others in the market. They are mostly used by big businessmen and higher-level managers. It is most likely that Voice-It products would have _____.

a high cultural capital

Advertisers track the youngest child living at home because when the child leaves home, the consumption patterns of the family changes. This planning criterion is known as _____.

a life-stage variable

(Scenario 8-5) Helene Curtis has once again decided to use objective-and-task budgeting to set the advertising expenditures.This is the only budgeting method that focuses specifically on advertising spending:

as related to advertising objectivess

The owners of this business have decided to carry a great deal of plants that flower throughout the year because most consumers have said they like them for the cheerful feeling they give. This suggests that The Plantatarium is focusing on what different consumers want from its offerings, that is, _____ segmentation.


The account planner at an Indianapolis ad agency has done a survey and found that a significant percentage of people already recognize the name of the cold remedy his client is about to advertise. When consumers know that a brand exists and recall its name to some degree, they are demonstrating

brand awareness

American Express has decided to do a specific type of analysis that focuses on reach, frequency, time frame, production costs, media expenditures, and other specific elements. These factors are always included in a(n) _____ analysis.


(Scenario 5-6) The management of Voice-It Technologies believes in retaining their customer base and provide customers at their stores attractive offers which will help create brand loyalty and repeat purchases. This is an example of _____.


___ is a type of thought process that emphasizes getting rid of any preconceived notions of what a good or service is currently and replaces it with a process in which designers partner with users/potential users to actually create from scratch what the good or service should actually look like.


The type of advertising research undertaken before ads are made is known as _____.

development research

(Scenario 7-4) One assistant comes in to show you the results of some recognition tests that have been run on a magazine advertisement. She is really excited by the high levels of recognition. You caution her not to get too excited, because high levels of recognition:

don't always correlate to higher product sales

The one key characteristic that all types of _____ share is that their brand preferences are still under development.

emergent consumers

A fast-food restaurant is attempting to position itself as the best choice when you're in a hurry because it serves all customers within 90 seconds. To maintain internal consistency, the firm might take all of the following steps below, EXCEPT for which one?

expanding on it's menu

STP marketing includes three factors—identifying, positioning, and informing.


Shortly after Juan bought a Ford truck, he began to doubt his purchasing decision and nervously questioned himself on whether the Toyota or Chevy trucks were better deals. He started wondering if he made the right purchase. The process Juan is experiencing is called an internal search.


(Scenario 6-4) The Plantatarium sends out direct mail offers to consumers in a nearby zip code area who have household incomes of greater than $40,000 a year. This is an illustration of a _____ strategy.

geodemographic segmentation

In recent years skillful marketers have merged information on where people live with the U.S. Census Bureau's demographic data to produce a form of market segmentation known as _____ segmentation.


Scenario 6-4) To attract the ____ in the market, the Plantatarium offers a punch card that rewards buyers with a $10 discount each time they purchase $150 worth of plants and other goods from the store.

heavy users

Advertisements—like books, movies, posters, and paintings—can act as sociocultural "texts" that are read and interpreted by consumers. In this case, advertising:

helps to transmits meaning within a culture

(Scenario 8-3) Due to the lack of records, you have no way of knowing what Springfield Hardware has gone through over the years. You can only guess about the hardware needs of the local population, and the store's target market and customer base. This will be a major hindrance in writing the ____ sections of your situation analysis.

historical context and market analysis

A global jewelry retailer serving diverse markets is concerned that its agency is unaware of some cultural issues that may come up in its campaign, since none were addressed in the initial advertising plan. The client is worried that the agency staffers may be unconsciously relying only on their own personal values, experiences, and backgrounds to make promotional decisions, referring to a concept called

self-reference criterion

The industry analysis and market analysis work together to form part of the overall situation analysis. The industry analysis focuses on ____ and the market analysis focuses on ____.


What recent trend in advertising indicates that a new set of tests to measure ad acceptance is needed?

the move to a more visual advertising

(Scenario 7-4) An assistant comes in and says she needs some advice. One of the smaller clients of the agency needs some market information done very quickly—and very inexpensively. You tell her:

to look through social media data

Haley Inc. is a company that manufactures products for babies and toddlers. It's advertising campaigns have carried various slogans over the years, but they have all revolved around the same thematic core. This is an example of consistent positioning approach.


Professional publications or periodicals in which marketing and advertising professionals report significant information related to industry trends are sources of secondary data.


Social class, race, and ethnicity are ways in which members of a culture are classified by systematic inequalities that affect their social standing and is known as stratification.


When consumers are inexperienced in a particular consumption setting, yet find the setting highly involving, they are likely to engage in extended problem solving.


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