EXAM 2 - BIO 222

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The following are structural components of the conducting system of the heart. 1. Purkinje fibers 2. AV bundle 3. AV node 4. SA node 5. bundle branches The sequence in which excitation would move through this system is 4,2,3,5,1 3,5,4,2,1 1,4,3,2,5 4,3,2,5,1 3,2,4,5,1


The following is a list of vessels and structures that are associated with the heart. What is the correct order for the flow of blood entering from the systemic circulation? 1. right atrium 2. left atrium 3. right ventricle 4. left ventricle 5. venae cavae 6. aorta 7. pulmonary trunk 8. pulmonary veins

5, 1, 3, 7, 8, 2, 4, 6

During ventricular systole, the blood is entering the ventricles pressure in the ventricles remains constant pressure in the aorta remains constant AV valves are closed atria are contracting

AV valves are closed

You have type b positive blood. What are all the types of packed RBCs you can receive? B positive, B negative, O positive, O negative O positive and O negative A positive and A negative A positive and B positive B positive and B negative

B positive, B negative, O positive, O negative

The principle that increasing the end-diastolic volume results in a corresponding increase in the stroke volume is known as expandibility Frank-Starling prinicple cardiac capacity afterload cardiac reserve

Frank-Starling principle

In an emergency situation when you have no time to wait for cross-matched blood you could give a patient type _______ until the cross-match is available AB positive AB negative A positive O negative B negative

O negative

The function of platelets is to assist in the immune response during an infection process called hemostasis removal of worn out red blood cells destruction of bacteria transport of blood gases such as oxygen

Process called hemostasis

Anti-D antibodies are present in the blood of all individuals with type AB blood all Rh negative individuals all Rh positive individuals Rh positive individuals who have been exposed to the D surface antigen Rh negative individuals who have been exposed to the D surface antigen

Rh negative individuals who have been exposed to the D surface antigen

In cardiac muscle, calcium ions play no role in the process of contraction calcium ions are not released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum about 20% of the calcium ion required for contraction comes from outside the cell calcium ions play an important role in repolarizing the membrane after the depolarization phase calcium ions do not bind to troponin molecules

about 20% of calcium ion required for contraction comes from outside the cell

The common pathway of coagulation begins with the activation of Factor X and production of prothrombin activator conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin activation of a proenzyme exposed to collagen release of tissue factor by damaged endothelium sticking of platelets to damaged tissue

activation of Factor X and production of prothrombin activator

Antigens on the surface of red blood cells are also called _________ and antibodies in the plasma are also called __________. agglutinogens; agglutinins serum; plasma agglutinins; agglutinogens erythrogens; antibiotics t-cells; b-cells

agglutinogens; agglutinins

The protein(s) that are the major contributors to plasma osmolarity is/are albumins fibrinogen lipoprotein globulins transferrin


When heart rate increases, the time spent in diastole increases all phases decreases but most of the decrease is during diastole isovolumetric contraction increases systole increases all phases decreases but most of the decrease is during systole

all phases decreases but most of the decrease is during diastole

_________ is a condition in which the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood is reduced anemia leukopenia thrombocytopenia polycythemia leukemia


Type A blood has ________ antibodies in the blood plasma anti-Rh anti-D anti-B anti-A anti-O


Which of the following is not one of the formed elements of blood? antibodies RBCs basophils lymphocytes platelets


The inferior point of the heart is called the septum mediastinum apex base hilum


The ear like extension of the atrium is the ventricle interatrial septum auricle coronary sinus coronary sulcus


The property of heart muscle to contract in the absence of neural or hormonal stimulation is called extrinsic intrinsic self-starting automaticity self-replicating


The superior portion of the heart where major blood vessels enter and exit is the apex mediastinum hilum septum base


White blood cells that release histamine at the site of an injury are basophils neutrophils lymphocytes monocytes eosinophils


The ________ valve prevents backward flow into the left atrium tricuspid semicaval semilunar pulmonic bicuspid


A fibrin network that contains trapped blood cells and platelets is called a(n) rouleaux lysin agglutinin blood clot

blood clot

When carbon dioxide is bound to hemoglobin it is termed oxyhemoglobin deoxygemoglobin sickle hemoglobin hemolyzed carbaminohemoglobin


Most of the middle layer in the heart wall is composed of epithelial cells fibrocytes smooth muscle cells chondrocytes cardiac muscle cells

cardiac muscle cells

Cardiac muscle cells and skeletal muscle cells differ in a few ways. Which of the following is not one of them? skeletal muscle cells lack intercalated discs cardiac muscle cells lack transverse tubules cardiac muscle cells are smaller in size cardiac muscle cells branch cardiac muscle cells have a single, centered nucleus

cardiac muscle cells lack transverse tubules

The function of hemoglobin is to produce antibodies carry dissolved blood gases carry bicarbonate ion stimulate erythropoiesis aid in the process of blood clotting

carry dissolved blood gases

The function of red blood cells is to carry oxygen from the cells to the lungs carry oxygen to the cells and then carry away carbon dioxide defend the body against infectious organisms carry carbon dioxide from the lungs to the body's cells carry nutrients from the digestive system to the body's cells

carry oxygen to the cells and then carry away carbon dioxide

The cusps (leaflets) of atrioventricular valves attach directly to chordae tendineae interatrial septa coronary sulci papillary muscles trabeculae carneae

chordae tendineae

The first heart sound ("lubb") is associated with closing of the atrioventricular valves opening of the semilunar valves atrial systole opening of the atrioventricular valves closing of the semilunar valves

closing of the atrioventricular valves

_________ involves a cascade of reactions leading to the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin retraction fibrinolysis the platelet phase coagulation vascular spasm


The function of an atrium is to pump blood into the systemic circuit pump blood to the lungs collect blood then pump it to the ventricle store blood for use by the myocardial cells pump blood to the ventricle

collect blood then pump it to the ventricle

Hormones called ________ are involved in regulation of white blood cell populations erythropoietin bilirubin thrombopoietin colony-stimulating factors

colony-stimulating factors

The first blood vessels to branch from the aorta are the _______ arteries. pulmonary carotid coronary subclavian circumflex


The term _______ refers to blockage in the coronary circulation atherosclerosis embolism congestive heart failure coronary artery disease phlebitis

coronary artery disease

If the force of ventricular contraction increases, what will happen to the end-systolic volume? fluctuate rapidly increase remain the same reduced to zero decrease


A tumor on the adrenal gland increasing catecholamine release will cause all of the following cardiovascular responses except decreased heart rate decreased ESV increased contractility increased venous return increased preload

decreased heart rate

John encounters a bear while hiking. His heart will respond in all of the following ways except: increasing preload decreasing heart rate and contractility increasing heart rate increasing venous return increasing contractility

decreasing heart rate and contractility

When hemoglobin does not have oxygen bound to hemoglobin it is termed hemolyzed carbaminohemoglobin deoxyhemoglobin sickle hemoglobin oxygemoglobin


Which of these descriptions best matches the term B lymphocytes? kill bacteria using hydrogen peroxide adhere to collagen beneath endothelium develop into plasma cells and produce antibodies in response to antigens often elevated in allergic individuals helper cells are one type

develop into plasma cells and produce antibodies in response to antigens

The process of fibrinolysis forms thrombi dissolves clots activates fibrinogen forms emboli draws torn edges of damaged tissue closer together

dissolves clots

The ______ is the volume of blood in a ventricle at the beginning of systole asystolic volume stroke volume end-diastole volume ejection fraction end-systolic volume

end-diastole volume

The amount of blood remaining in the ventricle when the semilunar valve closes is the end-systolic volume end-diastole volume stroke volume start-diastolic volume ejection volume

end-systolic volume

The _________ lines the chambers of the heart, covers the heart valves, and is continuous with the endothelium endocardium mediastinum epicardium visceral pericardium myocardium


Which white blood cell is most effective against parasitic infections? basophils eosinophils lymphocytes neutrophils monocytes


The ________ covers the outer surface of the heart. myocardium mediastinum epicardium parietal pericardium endocardium


Which mature cell has no nucleus, no mitochondria and no ribosomes platelet leukocyte thrombocyte erythrocyte neutrophil


The process of red blood cell production is called hematopenia hemocytosis erythrocytosis erythropenia erythopoiesis


Red blood cell production is regulated by the hormone erythropoietin renin thymosin thymopoietin angiotensin


A plasma protein essential for blood clotting is metalloprotein D lipoprotein C immunoglobulin A fibrinogen albumin alpha


All of the following are functions of blood except regulating pH transporting gases and hormones regulating ion concentration generating action potentials defending against pathogens

generating action potentials

The percent fraction of formed elements relative to whole blood is the specific gravity differential cell count viscosity packed volume hematocrit


Which of these is used clinically to impede or prevent blood clotting? fibrin prothrombin thrombin heparin tissue factor


Which of the following descriptions best matches the term colony stimulating factor? hormone that regulates white blood cell formation kills bacteria using hydrogen peroxide often elevated in allergic individuals adheres to collagen beneath endothelium helper cells are one type

hormone that regulates white blood cell formation

Thyroid-binding globulin as an example of which kind of plasma protein metalloprotein transport albumin steroid-binding apolipoprotein hormone-binding


Antibodies are what type of plasma protein? metalloprotein apolipoprotein steroid-binding protein fibrinogen immunoglobulin


All of the following are true of neutrophils except that they are phagocytic granular leukocytes important in coagulation active in fighting bacterial infections also known as polymorphonuclear leukocytes

important in coagulation

The atrioventricular valves permit blood flow in opposite directions on the right and left in many directions from a ventricle to an atrium in one direction only in both directions

in one direction only

Positive inotropic drugs such as glucagon and thyroid hormone cause decreased contractility increased contractility decreased heart rate asystole increased heart rate

increased contractility

An obstruction in blood flow to the kidneys would result in pernicious anemia increased sensitivity to vitamin K increased erythropoiesis decreased erythropoiesis renal anemia

increased erythropoiesis

In cardiac muscle, the fast depolarization phase of the action potential is the result of decreased membrane permeability to sodium ions increased membrane permeability to potassium ions decreased membrane permeability to calcium ions increased membrane permeability to sodium ions increased membrane permeability to chloride ions

increased membrane permeability to sodium ions

Each of the following factors will increase cardiac output except increased heart rate force of contraction venous return sympathetic stimulation parasympathetic stimulation

increased parasympathetic stimulation

Plasma is closest in composition to sterile water isotonic saline solution insterstitial fluid urine CSF

interstitial fluid

Which of the following is not a way that red blood cell shape is significant? it allows red blood cells to bend and flex it enables red blood cells to phagocytose bacteria it allows fast exchange of gases between the inside of the cell and the plasma it gives red blood cells a large surface area to volume ratio it enables red blood cells to form stacks

it enables red blood cells to phagocytose bactera

Blood returning to the heart from the pulmonary circuit first enters the right atrium conus arteriorsus left atrium left ventricle right ventricle

left atrium

Which chamber has the thickest wall? right ventricle left ventricle left auricle left atrium right atrium

left ventricle

An MI that affects the _______ side of the heart is more severe because it has to pump blood with _______ force. left; less right; more right; equal right; less left; more

left; more

During routine bloodwork, Mary's doctor noticed significant leukocytosis. He is concerned she might have thalassemia leukopenia sickle cell anemia pernicious anemia leukemia


The pulmonary arteries carry blood to the heart liver brain intestines lungs


Natural killer cells are one of the functional classes of eosinophils monocytes neutrophils thrombocytes lymphocytes


The coronary sulcus is a groove that separates the coronary arteries from the coronary veins marks the boundary line between the right and left atria marks the boundary line between the right and left ventricles separates the atrioventricular valves from the atria marks the border between the atria and ventricles

marks the border between the atria and ventricles

In the middle of the thoracic cavity is a region occupied by the heart, great vessels, thymus, esophagus, and trachea called the cardiac notch pleural space pericardial space ventral cavity mediastinum


Heart rate is controlled by neurons of the cardiovascular center located in the pons medulla oblongata thalamus hypothalamus higher centers

medulla oblongata

Platelets are pinched off from giant multinucleated cells in the bone barrow called lymphoblasts erythroblasts normoblasts myeloblasts megakaryocytes


The _________ is an important ridge of muscle extending horizontally around the right ventricle from the interventricular septum to the base of the anterior papillary muscle containing part of the conducting system pectinate muscle auricle moderator band conus arteriosus trabeculae carnae

moderator band

__________ are large phagocytic white cells that spend most of their time outside the blood as fixed and free phagocytic cells eosinophils monocytes neutrophils lymphocytes basphils


Abnormal heart sounds caused by turbulent flow through faulty valves are called flutters asystole fibrillations ectopic foci murmurs


A patient has an infected puncture wound to her foot. Which type of white blood cell would you expect to be elevated in a differential white cell count? monocytes neutrophils lymphocytes basphils eosinophils


The most numerous white blood cells in peripheral circulation are the basophils neutrophils monocytes eosinophils lymphocytes


Non-specific immunity, such as phagocytosis, as a function of which blood cells? neutrophils, eosinophils, and monocytes basophils and eosinophils platelets lymphocytes lymphocytes and monocytes

neutrophils, eosinophils, and monocytes

Each hemoglobin molecule contains one heme group four alpha chains four iron atoms one alpha and one beta chain a molecule of oxygen and a molecule of carbon dioxide

one heme group

The right pulmonary veins carry _______ blood to the _______. deoxygenated; right atrium deoxygenated; superior vena cava oxygenated; left atrium deoxygenated; left atrium oxygenated; right lung

oxygenated; left atrium

Prominent muscular ridges in the anterior atrial wall and auricles are called conus arteriosus pectinate muscles fossa ovalis trabeculae carneae papillary muscles

pectinate muscles

The heart lies within the ______ cavity pleural pericardial dorsal peritoneal orbital


The enzyme that can digest fibrin and dissolve a clot is phosphokinase heparin fibrinase thrombin plasmin


A person's blood type is determined by the presence of specific glycoproteins on the cell membrane volume of the RBCs chemical composition of the hemoglobin Shape of the RBCs size of the RBCs

presence of specific glycoproteins on the cell membrane

The _________ circuit carries blood to and from the lungs. oxygen pulmonary primary systemic portal


The right atrium receives blood from all of the following structures except the inferior vena cava superior vena cava systemic circuit coronary sinus pulmonary veins

pulmonary veins

Compared to the right ventricle, the left ventricle has all the following characteristics except pumps a greater volume is round in cross section produces about four to six times more pressure when it contracts works harder has a thicker wall

pumps a greater volume

All the circulating red blood cells in an adult originate in the spleen heart thymus lymph tissue red bone marrow

red bone marrow

In adults, erythropoiesis exclusively takes place in red bone marrow the spleen lymphoid tissue yellow bone marrow the liver

red bone marrow

The process of lymphopoiesis occurs mainly in the spleen red bone marrow thymus lymph nodes kidneys

red bone marrow

Which of the following statements concerning red blood cells is false? red cells can form stacks called rouleaux red cells shed membranes to create platelets red cells are specialized for carrying oxygen red cells are biconcave discs red cells lack mitochondria

red cells shed membranes to create platelets

Stroke volume depends on all of the following factors except respiratory rate the contractility of the ventricle end diastolic volume the pressure required to pump blood into the aorta venous return of blood to the heart

respiratory rate

The right ventricle pumps blood to the right atrium left atrium right and left lungs left ventricle aorta

right and left lungs

Coronary veins empty into the right atrium right ventricle left atrium conus arteriosus left ventricle

right atrium

The pulmonary valve prevents backward flow into the right ventricle left atrium pulmonary trunk aorta pulmonary veins

right ventricle

The basic heart rate established by the SA node is called the sinus rhythm action potential vagal tone pacemaker potential SA potential

sinus rhythm

The volume of blood ejected from each ventricle during a contraction is called cardiac reserve cardiac output stroke volume end-diastolic volume end-systolic volume

stroke volume

Cardiac output is increased by increased end systolic volume decreased end diastolic volume inhibiting the atrial reflex sympathetic stimulation decreased venous return

sympathetic stimulation

The _______ circuit carries blood from the aorta to the right ventricle oxygen pulmonary portal primary systemic


The contraction phase of the cardiac cycle is called diastole systole hyperpolarization depolarization asystole


The phase in the cardiac cycle when the mitral valve is closed and the aortic valve is open is the dicrotic phase atrial systole systolic ejection phase early diastolic filling phase late diastolic filling phase

systolic ejection phase

As a result of the long refractory period in the cardiac action potential, cardiac muscle cannot exhibit tonus treppe recruitment fatigue tetany


Which of the following statements about blood is false? Blood is about 55 percent plasma blood contains buffers that control pH cells in blood comprise the formed elements blood is more viscous than water the normal pH of blood is 6.8 to 7.0

the normal pH of blood is 6.8 to 7.0

The normal pacemaker of the heart is located in the Purkinje fibers the sinoatrial node the wall of the left ventricle both the left and right ventricles the atrioventricular node

the sinoatrial node

In case of hemorrhage, platelets are stored as a reserve in the heart the kidneys the thymus gland bone marrow the spleen

the spleen

Which of the following is not true regarding the right atrioventricular valve? it has 3 cusps the cusps provide one-way flow of blood the valve closes when the right atrium contracts it prevents backflow of blood from the right ventricle into the right atrium it is also called the tricuspid valve

the valve closes when the right atrium contracts

If the connection between the SA node and AV node becomes blocked, cardiac output will increase the atria will contract more forcefully the ventricles will beat more slowly the ventricular beat will remain unchanged the ventricles will beat faster

the ventricles will beat more slowly

People with type AB blood are considered the "universal recipient" for transfusions because they usually have very strong immune systems their blood is plentiful in A and B agglutinins they are usually Rh negative their blood cells lack A and B antigens their blood lacks A or B agglutinins

their blood cells lack A and B antigens

A cross-match test is performed between donor blood and recipient blood, even through the ABO and Rh blood types match between the two because There are many more surface antigens on red blood cells other than A, B, and Rh one has to make sure that the same agglutinogens have to be on both donor and recipient blood cells all antibodies of the donor blood and the recipient blood must be identified errors are commonly made by the clinical staff regarding donor-recipient matches coagulation can occur even in a small percentage of cases

there are many more surface antigens on red blood cells other than A, B and Rh

Which of the following statements is true regarding cardiac muscle? cardiac muscle goes into sustained contractions faster than skeletal muscle cardiac muscle preferentially metabolizes anaerobically there are specialized gap junctions in cardiac muscle not found in skeletal or smooth muscles its main source of ATP production is glycogen the actin and myosin myofilaments are not arranged in sarcomeres

there are specialized gap junctions in cardiac muscle not found in skeletal or smooth muscles

The connective tissues of the heart are important for all of the following reasons except they provide support for blood vessels and nerves they provide elasticity to help the heart return to its original shape after contraction they prevent overexpansion of the heart they help distribute the forces of contraction they produce the pericardial fluid

they produce pericardial fluid

The amount of blood returning to the heart is the end-diastolic volume afterload venous return stroke volume cardiac reserve

venous return

The heart spends most of the cardiac cycle in which phase? ventricular diastole ventricular systole atrial systole isovolumetric contraction atrial diastole

ventricular diastole

Which of the following vitamins is needed for the formation of clotting factors vitamin D vitamin B vitamin K vitamin A vitamin E

vitamin K

The most abundant component of plasma is gases water nutrients proteins ions


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