Exam 2 blood vessels

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Which of the following obeys the rule that arteries carry blood away from the heart A) right coronary artery B) left circumflex artery C) common carotid artery D) marginal artery E) left descending artery

common carotid artery

The hormone that produces cardiovascular effects similar to activation of the sympathetic nervous


The external iliac artery branches to form the ________ arteries.

femoral and deep femoral

Homeostatic mechanisms in response to blood loss include all of the following, except A) uptake of interstitial fluid due to reduced capillary pressure. B) inhibition of EPO secretion. C) activation of ADH secretion. D) activation of aldosterone secretion. E) increased thirst and water intake.

inhibition of EPO secretion

An important artery that supplies blood to the brain is the ________ artery.

internal carotid

Blood from the brain returns to the heart through the ________ vein.

internal jugular

Pulmonary veins carry blood to the

left atrium

Total peripheral resistance is related to all of the following, except the A) length of a blood vessel. B) osmolarity of interstitial fluids. C) flow characteristics. D) blood viscosity. E) blood vessel diameter.

osmolarity of interstitial fluid

As blood travels from arteries to veins,

pressure drops

The difference between the systolic and diastolic pressures is called the ________ pressure.


Each of the following will lead to a decrease in blood pressure, except A) release of renin. B) decrease in blood volume. C) decreased peripheral resistance. D) increased levels of ANP (atrial natriuretic peptide). E) increased levels of aldosterone.

release of renin

Elderly individuals usually have

stiff inelastic arteries

Which of the following is most likely to result from an aneurysm in a brain artery A) hypotension B) quadriplegia C) stroke D) myocardial infarction E) pulmonary embolism


The vessel that receives blood from the head, neck, chest, shoulders, and arms is the

superior vena cava

Branches off the aortic arch include the A) brachiocephalic trunk. B) left subclavian artery. C) left common carotid artery. D) all of the above E) B and C only


During exercise A) vasodilation occurs at the active skeletal muscles. B) venous return increases. C) both cardiac output and stroke volume increase. D) all of the above E) A and C only


In which of the following would the blood flow be highest A) a vessel 0.5 cm in diameter and 2 meters long B) a vessel 1.0 cm in diameter and 10 meters long C) a vessel 0.5 cm in diameter and 4 meters long D) a vessel 1.0 cm in diameter and 2 meters long


Arteriosclerosis can lead to A) hypertension. B) stroke. C) coronary artery disease. D) both A and C E) A, B, and C


To defend blood volume against dehydration, the body A) accelerates reabsorption of water at the kidneys. B) experiences a recall of interstitial fluids. C) experiences an increase in the blood colloidal osmotic pressure. D) increases water intake. E) all of the above


The two vertebral arteries fuse to form a large artery, the

basilar artery

If a person has a blood pressure of 120/90, his mean arterial pressure would be ________ mm Hg.


When renin is released from the kidney

angiotensinogen is converted into angiotensin I.

Clinically, the term blood pressure usually refers to

arterial pressure

Blood flow to a tissue will increase if the

arterioles dilate

The vein that is formed from the fusion of the subclavian with the internal and external jugulars is the ________ vein.


Each of the following factors would increase cardiac output, except A) increased venous return. B) decreased parasympathetic stimulation of the heart. C) increased sympathetic stimulation of the heart. D) increased blood concentration of glucose. E) stimulation of the heart by epinephrine.

increased blood concentration of glucose

Each of the following changes will result in increased blood flow to a tissue, except A) increased hematocrit. B) increased vessel diameter. C) increased blood pressure. D) decreased peripheral resistance. E) relaxation of precapillary sphincters.

increased hematocrit

Each of the following will cause an increase in blood pressure, except A) increased levels of aldosterone. B) increased levels of angiotensin II. C) increased blood volume. D) increased levels of ANP (atrial natriuretic peptide). E) increased levels of ADH (antidiuretic hormone).

increased levels of ANP(atrial natriuretic peptide)

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