exam 2 geo spring 2023

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As a result of the impact of a 10-km-wide meteorite at the present of Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico,where a 100-km-wide by 16-km-deep scar called the ______ crater was created, then the CretaceousPeriod came to a close and ________ disappeared.

Chicxulub, dinosaurs

___________ is the process by which sediment settles out of the transporting material


Gneiss is a kind of sandstone that formed by the lithification of fossils


Metamorphic rock is one that forms when a preexisting rock, or protolith, undergoes a fluid-statechange in response to the modification of its environment


Quartzite is one kind of sandstone.


Radical climate shifts occurred on Earth at the end of the Proterozoic Eon. Specially, accumulations ofglacial sediments occur worldwide indicating the whole Earth's surface was covered by ice twice in thehistory of Earth


Rhyolitic lavas can flow great distance.


Sediments generally accumulate in continuous sheets, which is called the principle of horizontality.


The class of foliated metamorphic rocks includes shale, slate, phyllite, metaconglomerate, schist, andgneiss


a' flows have smooth, ropy surfaces, whereas Pahoehoe flows have rough, rubbly surfaces


there are ___ major classes of sedimentary rocks


The water that resides under the surface of the Earth is called


_________ provides the age of a geologic feature in years

Numerical age

________ is a measure of the ease with which fluids can flow through a porous material


_____ refers to the total volume of empty space in a material, usually expressed as apercentage


_________ specifies whether one geologic feature is older or younger than another.

Relative age

Successive collision ultimately brought together most continental crust on Earth into a single and thefirst supercontinent, name __________, by around 1 Ga


__________ of clasts indicates the degree to which the clasts in a rock are all the same size orinclude a variety of sizes.


____ are natural outlets from which groundwater flows


An igneous intrusion "bakes" surrounding rocks. The rock that has been baked must be older than theintrusion, which is called the principle of baked contacts


Artesian well can flow water automatically out of the subsurface to the ground


Changing temperature and pressure are the two important factors causing the metamorphism


Effusive eruptions (i.e., basaltic eruption) produce only flows of lava, whereas explosive eruptions(i.e., rhyolitic eruption) produce cloud and flow of pyroclastic debris.


Groundwater flows wherever the water table has a hydraulic gradient, and moves slowly from recharge areas to discharge areas


Rocks below an angular unconformity are usually tilted or folded before the unconformity developed.


Slate is a kind of metamorphic rock derived from the metamorphism of shale.


Trilobites used to be living and grazing the sea floor during the Paleozoic Era


The river stream channel cross-sectional shape resemble the letter ____; this landform is called a

V V-shaped valley

_________ are vents at which molten rock (lava), pyroclastic debris, gas and aerosols erupt at theEarth's surface


Much of the transformation of the Earth's atmosphere from the oxygen-poor volcanic gas mix of theArchean Eon to an oxygen-rich mix had occurred by about 1.8 Ga. This transition led to the globaldeposition of

banded iron formation

Fluvial deposits may accumulate along the stream bed in elongate mounds called


___consists of shells

bio chem sedimentary rock

coral reef is one kind of

bio chem sedimentary rock

If a stream divides into numerous strands weaving back and forth between elongate mounds or barsof gravel and sand, the result is a _________ stream


The summit of an erupting volcano may collapse to form a bowl-shaped depression called a


Beginning with the Cambrian Period, life on Earth left a clear record of evolution. The fossil recordindicates that soon after the Cambrian began, life underwent remarkable diversification. This event,which paleontologists refer to as the

cambrian explosion

clastic rocks form from ___ grains

cemented together

____is made up of minerals that precipitate directly from water solutions

chemical sedimentary rock

Piles of tephra form a cone-shaped

cinder cone

Technically speaking, we define ________ as the volume of water passing through an imaginarycross section of the stream in a unit of time


Geologists refer to volcanoes that have not erupted for hundreds to thousands of years but do have the potential to erupt again in the future as

dormant volcanoes

A drainage network collects water from a broad region, variously called a _______, catchment or watershed.

drainage basin

The highland, or ridge, that separate one watershed from another is a

drainage divide

Permanent streams flow all year long, whereas _________ streams flow only part of the year.


When the volume of water flowing in a stream exceeds the volume of the channel, a ______ occurs


A stream may overtop the banks of its channel and spread out over its


Preferred mineral orientation in a piece of metamorphic rock is


A fountain of steam and hot water that erupts episodically from a vent in the ground is called


Physicists can measure how long it takes for half of a group of parent isotopes to decay. This time iscalled

half life

. The potential energy available to drive the flow of a volume of groundwater at a given location iscalled the __

hydraulic head

Some life species existed only for a short interval of the geologic column, and thus are diagnostic of a particular period or epoch. The fossil of such species are called

index fossil

Very wet mixtures of volcanic ash, coarser debris, and water during a volcano eruption form a slurryknown as a


Pea- to plum-sized fragments of glassy lava and scoria from basaltic eruption are called cinders, or


The metamorphism of _________ yields marble.


the transformation of loose sediment into solid rock is


For part of the early 600 million years of Earth history, the Hadean Eon, the planet was so hot that itssurface was a _________ ocean


Reiver cannot sail in a straight line, for the river channel winds back and forth in a series of snake-like curves called


Changes in a rock that result in the formation of a metamorphic mineral assemblage, and/ormetamorphic foliation, in response to change in temperature, and/or pressure, to the application ofdifferential stress, and to interaction with hydrothermal fluids are called _


___consists of carbon rich relicts of plants

organic sedimentary rocks

Radioactive isotopes in the rocks are unstable; after a given time, they undergo a change called

radioactive decay

During the metamorphism, changes in shape and size of grains without changing the identity of themineral constituting the grains are called


___ broadly defined, consists of loose fragments of rocks or mineral broken off bedrock, mineral crystals that precipitate directly out of water, and shells or shell fragments.


geologists refer to the total volume of sediment carried by a stream as its

sediment load

Some water flows downslope as a thin film called


Unconsolidated deposits of volcano pyroclastic grains, regardless of size, constitute


As the main channel lengthens, new side channels form nearby. These side channels or ______always merge with the main channel trunk


A surface representing a period of nondeposition and possibly erosion is called


Physical processes we observe today also operated in the past at roughly the same rates and wereresponsible for the formation of the geologic features we see in outcrops. This principle is called


The characteristics of a lava flow depend on its _______, which in turn depends on its temperatureand composition


Above ________, the pore spaces in the sediments or rocks contain mostly aire and below which theycontain only water

water table

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