Exam 2

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David Covenant

"Will make for you a great name... I will give you rest from all your enemies.. I will raise up your offspring... and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever... when he commits inquiry, I will punish him... but I will not take my steadfast love from him, as I took it from Saul... your house and your kingdom shall be made sure forever before me; your throne shall be established forever." (2 Sam 7:9-16)


"justification of God" - an attempt to explain why evil exists in a world, book of job


"my god is salvation" Elijah's successor

The Satan

("accuser/adversary"), The prologue presents Job as a righteous man whose suffering is undeserved - it happens because of an agreement between God and Satan

"Yet the LORD warned Israel ... by every prophet ... they would not listen byut were stubborn, as their ancestors has been ... they followed

2 Kings

"Therefore the LORD was very angry with ISrael and removed them out of his sightl; none was left but the tribe of Judah alone... so israel was exiled from their own land to assyria until this day"

2 Kings 17:18, 23

Cyrus II (the Great)

559, becomes king of Persia and initiates an era of Persian expansion

Wisdom Worship Wealth Wives

"4 W's" of 1 King's portrayal of Solomon

The Branch from Jesse (Isaiah 11)

"A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots. The spirit of the LORD shall rest on him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD" (Isaiah 11:1-2) Jews of Isaiah's day understood the "branch from Jesse" to be soon-coming king of Judah who would be faithful to YHWH, and they probably viewed Hezekiah or Josiah as the one who Following the Babylonian exile, Jews read this prophecy as referring to a future king who would reclaim the throne of David Christians later applied this prophecy to the coming of Jesus - who was a descendent of David - as God's anointed "king"

Joshua 21:44

"And the LORD gave them rest on every side ... not one of all their enemies had withstood them, for the LORD had given all their enemies into their hands"

David and Saul

After God rejects him, Saul is tormented by an evil spirit. David becomes his court musician (1 Sam 16) David becomes very popular because of his military successes. Saul becomes jealous and repeatedly tries to kill David David has two chances to kill Saul, but refuses to harm him because Saul is the one whom the LORD anointed as king


Among the first wave of exiles taken to Babylonia in 605 are a young man named ___ and three of his friends


An angel tells Samson's parents their son is to be a Nazirite. He is not allowed to cut his hair or drink alcohol God gives samson superhuman strength, which he uses to battle the Philistines Samson falls in love with a woman named Deliliah, whom the Philistines bribe to discover the secret of Samson's strength Samson finally tells Delilah that his hair is the secret, so she cuts it and turns him over to the Philistines, who enslave him When Samson's hair grows back, he uses his strength to cause the roof of the Philistine temple to collapse, killing himself along with thousands of Philistines


Babylonian king who holds a feast in which he defiles vessels from the Jerusalem temple A divine hand appears and writes a message on the wall that Daniel interprets: God will bring the kingdom of the Babylonians to an end and give it to the persians That night, the Persians invade, kill _____, capture Babylon (539 BCE)


Tamar's brother murders Ammon

538 BCE

When does Cyrus issues a decree allowing the exiles from Judah to return home


Who does Samuel anoint as the first king of Israel?


Wife of Uriah, a Hittite soldier working for King David, her adultery with David caused David to murder her husband and evoked the denunciation of the prophet Nathan. She becomes the mother of Solomon.


_____ is exiled to babylon after the "Phase 2" siege in 597, prophesies to the exiles from 590s-570s


_____ prophetic ministry occurred in Judah c. 740-700, during the period of Assyrian expansion He advised King Hezekiah, as well as Hezekiah's father and grandfather


_______ prophesied in Judah c. 627-587, from the reign of Josiah until fall of Jerusalem Only author or a prophetic book who actually experienced final siege of Jerusalem _____ is a "Prophet of Doom" As a result, _____ clashes with wicked kings of Judah and false prophets, and is repeatedly beaten / imprisoned

The Day of the LORD (Amos 5)

a day when they believed YHWH would deliver them and destroy their enemies Amos redefines it as a soon-coming day when YHWH will punish Israel for its sins Same as kneeling for the national anthem, to criticize the nation

Messiah "anointed one"

a king from the line of David who would restore Jewish independence


an Israelite that violates the policy of herem by looting at Jericho. Because of his disobedience, Israel is defeated in battle at Ai. When _____ sin is discovered, he is stoned to death with his family members and livestock After _____ death, the Israelites conquer Ai and eventually all of Canaan


delivered YHWH's messages to people of Israel & Judah concerning their present and future The prophetic books of the Old testament contain records of these messages in poetic form The prophecies recorded in these books were delivered in a variety of historical contexts: before the fall of israel, before the fall of Judah, during the exile, after the return from exile The prophets' messages include condemnations of sin, calls for repentance, warnings of impending punishment, and promises of future restoration


descendant of David who led the returnees rebuild the altar and lay the foundation of a new temple

King Hezekiah

destroyed idols and shrines of reign gods described as Judah's best king: "There was no one like him among all the kings of Judah after him, or among those who were before him"

Book of The Law

during a renovation of the temple during King Josiah's Reign, the high priest Hilikiah discovers ________ that had been forgotten Josiah, he responds, "great is the wrath of the LORD that is kindled against us, because our ancestors did not obey the words of this book" (2 Kings 22:13)

lament psalms

express Sorrow to God and Ask for Help Imprecatory Pslams Complaint concerning suffering "How long, O LORD? Psalm 13 Petition for God's Help "Consider and answer me, O LORD my god! Give Light to my eyes, or I will sleep the sleep of death, and my enemy will say, I have prevailed; my foes will rejoice because i am shaken Expression of Trust that god will help But i trusted in your steadfast love; my heart shall rejoice in your salvation Praise of god while waiting for help I will sing to to the LORD, because he has dealt beautifully with me


god instructs Samuel to anoint him, the youngest son of a man names Jesse, as Israel's next king, but Saul retain power

Prophet of Doom

he repeatedly predicts that God intends to punish Judah for its disobedience and that the destruction of Judah by the Babylonioans is imminent and unavoidable

Deuteronomistic History

historial narrative events from Israel's entry into Canaan to the Babylonian Exile- same theology of reward/punishment as the book of Deuteronomy Joshua, Judges, 1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings

Nebuchadnezzar II

in 605, became king of Babylonia, besieging Jerusalem. King Jehoikim of Judah agrees to become a Babylonian vassal, babylonians take some of the upper class of Judah into exile


in the 450s, the priest_____ comes from Babylonia to Jerusalem He learns that some of the Jews have intermarries with non-jews, prays for forgiveness


is a barren woman who prays to god and conceived.a child


is a short, memorable saying that describes the nature of life or gives advice for living well


is an unlikely and reluctant hero God instructs him to battle the Midianites, but repeatedly reduces the size of his army so God will receive the credit for the victory he defeats the Midianites with just 300 men armed only with trumpets, jars, and torches


judge/priest Samuel grown up under

Judah and Benjamin

only tribes that remain loyal to rehoboam and the house of David

Royal Psalms

prayers focused on the human king

List the Kings Of Judah (of the south) and what they're known for

rehoboam - first Hezekiah - cobest Manasseh - worst Josiah - co best Zedekiah - last


son of Hannah ______ is the last judge of Israel before the monarchy is established He is also a prophet to whom God communicates special revelation As long as ____ judges Israel, they enjoy victory over the Philistines

King Manasseh

son of Hezekiah Judah's most wicked king - rebuilds shrines to foreign gods, promotes worship of Ba'al, sets up idols in the temple, kills innocent people ""Manasseh misled them to do more evil than the nations had done that the LORD destroyed before the people of Israel" (2 Kings 21:9)

Prophet Nathan

tells David it is not God's will that David should build god a temple

Prophetess Huldah

tells Josiah that God will destroy Judah for its idolatry, but that's because of Josiah's repentance, the destruction will not occur during his lifetime


the city Cyrus becomes king of in 559 and initiates an era of Persian expansion

Yom Kippur

the day of national repentance

922 BCE

the division of the kingdom occurs

Jeroboam and his successors

the northern kingdom rules by _____ is known as Israel with its capital at Samaria


the prophet that tells Hezekiah not to fear the Assyrians


the protitute ______ protests the spies, so they promise to spare her and her family becomes an ancestor of the kings of Judah

Synthetic Parallelism

the second line of a verse expands on or specifies what is meant by the first line

Antithetical Parallelism

the second line of a verse provides opposition or contrast with the first line - often signaled by "but"

Synonymous Parallelism

the second line of a verse uses synonymous or analogous language to echo the basic thought of the first line


toward the end of the period of judges, this poses the greatest threat to Israel


which creates conceptual linkages between successive lines of the poem


Benjamite is looking for his father's lost donkeys and seeks advice

Imprecatory Psalms

Curse Israel's enemies and call for God to punish them

Th Lion's Den (Daniel 6)

Darius' officials become jealous of Daniel and try to use his faith against him by convincing darius to pass a decree that anyone who prays to anyone other than Darius will be thrown into a den of lions When Daniel continues to pray to YHWH, his enemies pressure Darious into throwing daniel to the lions, but an angel protects Daniel Darius acknowledges YHWH's power andahs Daniel's enemies thrown to the lions

587 BCE

Fall of Judah, city falls ____ - the babylonians burn the temple and palace and take most of the remaining population into exile


Following Joshua's death, some Israelites began worshipping other gifs, the Canaanite god of storms and fertility

The Succession Struggle

Following death of Saul, saul's son isbaal rules in the north, while David rules Judah After ishabeel's death, David is anointed king over all Israel David conquers Jerusalem, which becomes the new capital of Israel David is king for a total of 40 years


Following the Persian conquest, ______ is appointed as persian ruler of Babylonia. Daniel quickly wins favor with him


God raises up a heroic leader ______ to defeat Israelites' enemies

Valley of Dry Bones (Ezekiel 37)

God shows Ezekiel a vision of a valley of dry bones God commands Ezekiel to prophesy to the bones. As he does so "These bones are the whole house (Ezekiel 37:11-12)

722 BCE

Hoshea stops paying tribute and attempts to make an alliance with Egypt against Assryia, so Shalmaneser invades and conquers Israel in ______


Israel is at war with the Philistines, he is a Giant warrior

Cyclical Pattern of Books of Judges

Isrealites disobey YHWH and worship other gods God punishes Israelites by allowing other nations to oppress them Israelites ask God for help God raises up a heroic leader ("judge") to defeat Israelites' enemies Israelites remain faithful until the judge dies, at which point the cycle begins again In the book of Judges, this cycle spans the careers of 12 judges

Covenant Renewal

Joshua gather the people together and retell the entire history of God's relationship with Israel, from the call of Abraham to the fall of Jericho (Josh 24:1-13)


Joshua sends two spies over the Jordan River to scout out the city of ____

Ahab and Jezebel

King Ahab and his wide Jezebel promote Ba.al worship in israel Ahab "did more to provoke the anger of the LORD, the God of Israel, than had all the kings of Israel who were before him" (1 Kings 16:33)

Jeroboam -first Ahab - worst Jehu - best Hoshea - last

Kings of Israel (The North)

The Idol and the Furnace (Daniel 3)

Nebuchadnezzar builds a 90-foot idol, orders all his subjects to bow to it or be thrown into a surface Daniel's three friends refuse and are thrown into the furnace, but an angel appears and protects them In 559, Cyrus II (the great) becomes king of Persia and initiates an era of Persian expansion

Nebuchadnezzar's Dream (Daniel 2)

Nebuchadnezzar dreams of a statue composed of a variety of materials, which is smashed by a stone that becomes a mountain Daniel interprets the dream as predicting a succession of empires that will eventually be replaced by god's kingdom


Nebuchadnezzar installs _____ as puppet king of Judah. ____ revolts and the Babylonians besiege Jerusalem for a third time

What are the three phases of the Fall of Judah?

Phase One In 605, Nebuchadnezzar II became king of Babylonia, besieging Jerusalem. King Jehoikim of Judah agrees to become a Babylonian vassal, babylonians take some of the upper class of Judah into exile Phase Two Jehoiakim rebels against Babylonians, they return and besiege Jerusalem again. They capture the city in 597 and loot the temple A second wave of exiles is deported to babylon, including King Jehoiachin and most of the officials and soldiers Phase Three Nebuchadnezzar installs Zedekiah as puppet king of Judah. Zedekiah revolts and the Babylonians besiege Jerusalem for a third time The city falls in 587 BCE - the babylonians burn the temple and palace and take most of the remaining population into exile

1 Samuel

Samuels's ministry Saul's reign David vs. goliath Saul's death in battle

Wisdom literature

Seeks to describe the nature of the world and human existence in a way that makes sense of our experiences and provides guidelines for living well


Solomon builds the Temple to YHWH in Jerusalem in fulfillments of God's promise to David. The project takes 7 years If you obey my ordinances then I will keep my promise to David and dwell here, will be my permanent home. (1Kings 6:12-13) Only the high priest could enter the Most Holy Place where the ark of the covenant was kept, and only on one day each year - Yom Kippur The dedication of the Temple in 1Kings 8 represents the high point of Israel's national history


Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines Many of these women were from other nations, despite God's prohibition against the israelites marrying those who worshipped other gods Solomon began to worship the gods of his foreign wives - "his heart was not true to the LORD his God, as was the heart of his father David" (1 Kings 11:4)

1 Kings

Solomon's reign/Temple Division of the Kingdom (Jeroboam in Israel/North, Rehoboam in Judah/South) Reign of Ahab in Israel Elijah's Ministry in Israel Ahab's Death in Battle


Solomon's son and successor, refuses to relieve the burden of lbpr and taxation that Solomon has imposes, so Jeroboam leads a revolt of ten tribes and sets up an independent kingdom

The Reign of Solomon

Solomona reigned in the mid -900s BCE Third and final king of united Israel

Didactic / Wisdom Psalms

Songs designed to teach God's will and to encourage them to keep the Law

Battle of Ai

Isarel is defeated in this battle because of Achan's disobedience

Deuteronomy 20:16-18

"As for the towns of these peoples that the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, you must not let anything that breathes remain alive. You shall annihilate them... just as the LORD your God has commanded.."


"Devoting destruction" refers to the divinely-mandated Israleite practice of completely destroying enemy populations, along with their cities, possessions, and livestock

Joshua 11:20

"For it was the LORD's doing to harden [the nations'] hearts so that they would come against Israel in battle, in order that they might be utterly destroyed, and might receive no mercy..."

1 Sam 9:16-17

"I will send to you a man from the land of Benjamin and you shall anoint him to be ruler over my people Israel...."

1Kings 8:46-50

"If they sin against you... and you are angry with them and give them to an enemy so that they are carried away captive.. If they come to their sense in the land to which they have been taken captive, and repent... with all their heart and soul"

2 Samuel 11:1

"In the spring of the year, the time when kings go out to battle, dvid sent Joab with his officers and all ammonites... but david remained at Jerusalem" 11:1

The Final Words of Judges

"In those days there was no king in Israel; all the people did what was right in their own eyes." (Judges 21:25) There was no stable leadership that would have prevented this chaos. No god, no happiness

1 Kings 2:3-4

"Keep the charge of the LORD your God, walking in his ways and keeping his statues, his commandments, his ordinances, and his testimonies, as it is written in the law of Moses..."


"Kingsolomon excelled all the kings of the earth in riches" (1 Kings 10:23) "The king made silver as common in Jerusalem as stones" (1 Kings 10:27) Solomon builds an opulent palace that takes 13 years to complete The dark side of wealth Solomon enslaved people from other nations and forced them to labor on his building projects and merchant ships Solomon heavily taxed his own people in order to fund his expensive lifestyle

Josh 24:15

"Now if you are unwilling to serve the LORD, choose this day whom you will serve.. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD"


"Prophet whose name means "My God is YHWH" God declares through ____ that He is sending a drought on iSrael as punishment for Ahab's wickedness God performs miracles through ____ (1 Kings 17)

1 Sam 12: 13-15

"See, here is the king whom you have shocen, for whom you have asked; see, the lord has set a king over you. If you will fear the LORD and serve him and heed his voice and not rebel against the commandment of the LORD"12: 13-15


"So Joshua defeated the whole land, the hill country and the desert and the lowland.."

Death of Saul

1 Samuel ends with the story of Saul's death. He is wounded in battle against the Philistines and falls on his own sword to avoid being tortured (1 Sam 31

Creations Psalms Entrhonement Psalms Historical Psalms

1. praise God as creator 2. praise god as king 3. thank god for past actions on Israel's behalf praise/thanksgiving


Bathsheba's husband


Beginning in mid-700s, Israel is threatened by the expansion of ______

The new Temple

Book of ezekiel ends with god given ezekiel a vision of a new temple Ezekiel sees the glory of god returning into the new temple, symbolizing His commitment to be present with Israel

Oracles Against the Nations

Book of Amos begins with a series, divine condemnations of Israel's enemies and predictions of Gods future punishment of them

Absalom's Rebellion

David allows absalom ot return to Jerusalem, but Absalom launches a rebellion against David Absalom's hair catches in a tree as he flees from battle. David's general Joab killed Abslalom in defiance of David's orders, leading David to grieve his son


David conquers it, and becomes the new capital of Israel


David's oldest son, assaults his half-sister Tamar

2 Samuel

David's reign uriah/bathsheba David's children

Praise / Thanksgiving Psalms

Express admiration for God and/or gratitude for particular blessings Creations Psalms Enthronement Psalms Historical Psalms


During Josiah's reign, the_____ gradually replaced the Assyrians as the dominant power in the Ancient Near East

2 Kings

Elisha's ministry in israel Jehu's reign in israel Fall of israel (North) to Assyria Reigns of Hezekiah, Manasseh, Josiah in judah Fall of Judah (South) to Babylonia


From Judah, but sent by God to prophesy mainly to the people of Israel Prophesied c. 750 BCE, shortly before period of Assyrian expansion


God appeared to Solomon in a dream and invited him to ask for whatever he wants God to give him. Solomon asks "I now do according to your word. Indeed I give you a wise and discerning mind; no one like you has been before you and no one like you shall arise after you." (1 Kings 3:12-14) "God gave Solomon very great wisdom, discernment, and breadth of understanding as vast as the sand on the seashore. So that Solomon's wisdom supasses the wisdom of all the people of the east, adn all the wisdom of Egypt."

King Jehu (2 Kings 9-10)

God instructs Elisha to anoint a man named ___ ___ orchestrates the deaths of Jezebel and the remainder of Ahab's family ___ kills Ba'al worshippers and destroys temple of Ba'al, but does not destroy Jeroboam's golden calves

Temple Sermon (Jeremiah 7)

God instructs Jeremiah to prophesy at the entrance to the temple courts "Do not trust in tehse deceptive words: 'This is the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD' ... will you steal, murder, commit adultry, swear falsely, make offeings to Baal, and go after other gods.. And then come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, 'We are safe!' - oblt to go one doing all these abominations?" (Jeremiah 7:5-9) Jeremiah proclaims that YHWH will destroy the temple because of Judah's wickedness

Immanuel Prophecy (Isaiah 7)

In the 730s, Israel and Syria plotted to unite against Assyria and tried to convince King Ahaz of Jdah (Hezekiah's father) to join them. When Ahaz refused, Israel and Syria invaded Judah. Isaiah tell Ahaz that Judah will not be conquered, and invited Ahaz to request a sign from YHWH as reassurance Ahaz refuses, preferring to make an alliance with the Assyrians rather than trusting YHWH "The LORD himself will give you a sign. Look, the young woman is with child and shall bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel "God is with us" ... before the child knows how to refuse the evil and choose the good, the land before whose two kings you are in dread will deserted" (Isaiah 7: 14-16) The Septuagint translators translated the Hebrew word meaning "young woman" with the Greek word for "virgin" and Christians came to understand this as a prophecy referring to Jesus


Is Israel's only female judge, also a prophetess She recruits the warrior Barak to help fight the Canaanites, but tells him God will give the glory for the victory to a woman

King Josiah

Manasseh's grandson


Samson falls in love with her, and she betrays him

Three books of wisdom literature in Tanakh

Proverbs Job Ecclesiastes

The Angel's Message

The angel of God rebukes the Israelites for failing to dive out the Canaanites and destroy their altars to other gods Because of Israel's disobedience, God will not drive out Israel's enemies - they will remain a constant threat

Joshua 24:16-18

The people answered, "Far be it from us that we should forsake the LORD to serve other gods; for it is the LORD our God who brought us and our ancestors up from the land of Egypt..."

ahijah, jeroboam

The prophet ____ tells ____ one of Solomon's officials that god will give him control of 100 of the tribes of Israel

Nathan and David (2 Sam 12)

The prophet nathan condemns David by telling him a parable about rich man who stole a poor man's lamb Nathan announces that God will "raise up trouble" against David from within his own household, and that Bathsheba's son will die David confesses his isn and prays for God to spare his son, but his son dies as Nathan had prophesied Bathsheba later conceives again and gives birth to Solomon

Rehoboam and David's descendants

The southern kingdom rules by _______ is known as Judah, with its capital at Jerusalem

City of Shiloh

The tabernacle is centrally located at the city of ____, in the territory of Ephraim

Phase 1: Rebuilding the Temple (Ezra 1-6) Initial waves of exiles return gradually throughout 530s-520s Led by Zerubbabel, a descendant of David, the returnees rebuild the altar and lay the foundation of a new temple "But many of the priests and levites and heads of families, old people who has seen the first house on its foundations, wept with a loud voice when they saw this house, though many shouted aloud for joy" (Ezra 3:12) Work on the temple stops for several years The book of Ezra says this was due to external opposition. The book of Haggai says it was because the Jews focused on rebuilding their own houses instead The prophets Haggai and Zechariah urge the people to finish rebuilding the temple; the complete it c. 515 Phase 2: Purifying the Community (ezra 7-10) In the 450's, the priest Ezra comes from Babylonia to Jerusalem He learns that some of the Jews have intermarried with Non-Jews Ezra prays for God's forgiveness and instructs those who have married foreign spouses to divorce them Phase 3: Rebuilding the Walls (Nehemiah 1-6) In the 440s, Nehemiah comes from Babylon to Jerusalem to serve as governor of Judah His primary mission is to rebuild the walls and gates of Jerusalem and restore Phase 4: rededication (Nehemiah 8-13) Ezra and Nehemiah gather the people, and Ezra reads the law to them In Nehemiah 9, Ezra offers a prayer recounting the entire history of Israel from Abraham to his own day, emphasizing YHWH's faithfulness in spite of Israel's repeated disobedience

What are the four phases of Ezra (1-6) (3:12) and Nehemiah (1-6) (8-13)

Hoshea, Shalmaneser

When Assryia threatens to invade Israel, ________, the 19th and final king of Israel, agrees to become a vassal of the Assyrian king, ________


When Barak defeated the Canaanites, the Canaanite general Sisera seeks refuge with a woman names _______, who kills him by driving a tent through his head

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