Exam 2 - MIS 566

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Describe an Actor in regards to Communication Diagrams?

(Communication Diagram) - A person or system that derives benefit from and is external to the system. - Participates in a collaboration by sending/receiving messages. - Depicted as either a stick figure (Person) or rectangle (System).

Describe the Analysts View of the Behavioral Model?

- A set of use cases supported by a set of collaborating objects. - Aids in organizing and defining the software. - Behavioral models depict the business processes. ---How the objects interact and collaborate. ---An internal view described by a use case. -An iterative process that may induce changes in other (previous) models.

What are types of Operations besides Common Operations --- In regards to Class Diagrams?

- Constructor: Creates an object. - Query: Makes information about the state of an object available. - Update: Changes values of some or all of an object's attributes. - Destructor: Deletes or removes an object.

Describe Communication Diagrams?

- Depicts the dependencies among the objects. - An object diagram that shows message passing relationships. - Emphasize the flow through a set of objects.

Describe the Behavioral Model?

- Describes the internal behavior of a system. - Represents the details of a business process. - Represents changes of states. - Depicts object collaborations (to support use-cases). - Types: ---Interaction Diagrams (Sequence & Communication) ---Behavioral State Machines. -Focus (for now) is on the dynamic view of the system, not on how it is implemented.

What are the Rules for Validation of the Structural Model?

- Each CRC card is associated with a class. - Responsibilities on the front of the card are included as operations on the class diagram. - Collaborators on the front of the card imply a relationship on the back of the card. - Attributes on the back of the card are listed as attributes on the class diagram. - Attributes on the back of the CRC card each have a data type. - Relationships on the back of the card must be properly depicted on the class diagram. - Association classes are used only to include attributes that describe a relationship.

Describe Sequence Diagrams?

- Illustrates the objects that participate in a single use-case. - It is a dynamic model. --- Shows the sequence of messages that pass between objects. --- Aid in understanding real-time specifications and complex use-cases. - A generic diagram shows all scenarios for a use-case. - An Instance diagram shows a single scenario.

Describe a Message in regards to a Sequence Diagram?

- It Conveys information from one object to another one. - An operation call is labeled with the message being sent and a Solid Arrow, whereas a return is labeled with the value being returned and shown as a dashed arrow. Example: LookUpPatient() ------------------->

Describe an Object in regards to Communication Diagrams?

- It participates in a collaboration by sending/receiving messages.

Describe an Association Relationship within a Structural Model?

- Miscellaneous relationships between classes. - Usually a weaker form of aggregation.

Describe Textual Analysis of Use-Case Information in regards to Object Identification?

- Nouns suggest classes. - Verbs suggest operations. - Creates a rough first cut to provide an object list.

Describe Collaboration in regards to CRC Cards?

- Objects working together to service a request. ---Requestor (client). ---Responder (server).

What are the Components of the Interaction Diagram?

- Objects: An instantiation of a class. --- Patient is a class. --- Mary Wilson is an instantiation of the patient class (object). - Attributes: Characteristics of a class. --- Patient Class: name, address, phone, etc. - Operations: The behaviors of a class, or an action that an object can perform. - Messages: Information sent to objects to tell them to execute one of their behaviors. --- A function call from one object to another. -Types. --- Sequence Diagrams: Emphasize message sequence. --- Communication Diagrams: Emphasize message flow.

What are Guidelines for Creating Sequence Diagrams?

- Order messages from left to right, top to bottom. - Name actors and objects the same if they represent the same idea. ---Ex: Patient as Actor and as an Object. - Place the initiator of the scenario on the left of the diagram. - Multiple Objects of the same class: name each. - Only show return values when they are not obvious. - Justify messages near the arrowhead for improved readability.

Describe Common Object Lists in regards to Object Identification?

- Physical things. - Incidents. - Roles. - Interactions.

Describe an Aggregation Relationship within a Structural Model?

- Relates parts to wholes. - Represents relationships that are "a-part-of".

What are some Common Ways to Simplify Class Diagrams?

- Show only concrete classes. - The view mechanism shows a subset of classes. - Packages show aggregations of classes (or any elements in UML).

Describe Brainstorming - People offering ideas, in regards to Object Identification?

- The initial list of classes (objects) is developed. - Attributes, operations, and relationships to other classes can be assigned in a second round.

Describe Patterns in regards to Object Identification?

- Useful groupings of collaborating classes that provide solutions to common problems (are reusable). - Developed patterns provide a starting point for work in similar domains.

Describe an Object Diagram?

-A Class Diagram with Instantiated Classes. -They are used to discover additional attributes, relationships and/or operations. Or discover those that are misplaced. -Example: Instead of Doctor as a Class, create an actual doctor, such as Dr. Smith. You instantiate a class or classes. You also would places values into attributes.

Describe a Class Diagram?

-A Static Model that shows classes and their relationships to one another.

Describe an Actor in regards to a Sequence Diagram?

-A person or system that derives benefit from and is external to the system. -Participates in a sequence by sending/receiving messages. -It is placed across the top of the diagram. -Depicted as either a stick figure (Person) or rectangle (System).

Describe an Object in regards to a Sequence Diagram?

-Also regarded as a class. -Participates in a sequence by sending/receiving messages. -Is placed across the top of the diagram.

Describe Object Destruction in regards to a Sequence Diagram?

-An X is placed at the end of an object's lifeline to show that it is going out of existence.

What is the process of Validating the Model?

-Analyst presents to developers & users: --- Analyst walks through the model. ---Provides explanations & reasoning behind each class. -Check if Rules Have Been Met for Validation.

What are the Elements of a Class Diagram?

-Classes ---Objects within the system (a person, a place or thing). ---Stores and manages information in the system and contains the following: -----Attributes: Characteristics of the class. -----Operations: Activities the class can perform. -Relationships: the Associations between classes. ---Depicted as lines between classes ---Multiplicity indicates how many of one object is/are associated with other. 0, 1, or More.

Describe Operations in regards to Class Diagrams?

-Common Operations are not shown. ---Common Operations: -----Create or Delete an Instance. -----Return or Set a Value.

Describe Relationships in regards to Class Diagrams?

-Denotes associations between classes. -Depicted with a line labeled with the name of the relationship. - They may be directional (depicted with a triangle; e.g., a patient schedules an appointment). - Classes may be related to themselves (e.g., employees and managers who may be members of the same class). - Multiplicity indicates how many of one class related to another class.

What are Examples of Multiplicities?

-Exactly One: A department has one and only one boss. -Zero or More: An employee has zero to many children. -One or More: A boss is responsible for one or more employees.

What are the Basic Types of Relationships in Unified Modeling Language (UML) for Structural Models?

-Generalization. -Aggregation. -Association.

What does a Generalization represent or imply?

-Inheritance. -Represents a specialized Use-Case to a more generalized one. -When a Use-Case is a child of a Generalization relationship, it inherits the functionality/information from its parent Use-Case.

Describe a Lifeline in regards to a Sequence Diagram?

-It denotes the life of an object during a sequence. -It contains an X at the point at which the class no longer interacts.

What is a Use-Case?

-It describes how the user interacts with the system to perform some activity and models one business process. -Use-Cases have scenarios that consist of either the normal flow or a set of sub-flows. Alternate and exceptional flows can also comprise a scenario. -Use-Cases describe a function performed by the system that benefits one or more actors in some way.

Describe a Generalization Relationship within a Structural Model?

-It enables inheritance of attributes and operations. -It Represents relationships that are "a-kind-of".

Describe a Frame in regards to a Sequence Diagram?

-It indicates the context of the Sequence Diagram.

Describe an Execution Occurence in regards to a Sequence Diagram?

-It is a long narrow rectangle placed atop a lifeline. -It denotes when an Object is sending/receiving messages.

Describe an Activity Diagram?

-It models business processes. -They are similar to flowcharts and can model both serial and parallel activities and can include complex decision processes and loops that depict repetitive activities. -They are most helpful in understanding a business process and developing the Use-Case descriptions.

What does an Activity represent in an Activity Diagram?

-It represents a Set of Actions. -Can be further sub-divided. -Not used too often.

What does a Swimlane represent in an Activity Diagram?

-It represents a breaking up of an Activity Diagram into rows and columns to assign the individual activities/actions to the individual objects that are responsible for executing the activity/action. -Can be drawn horizontally or vertically.

What does an Include Relationship represent or imply?

-It represents a necessitating flow of action between Use-Case. -If the initial parent Use-Case is initiated, the child or children use-cases will follow as a requirement.

What does an Extend Relationship represent or imply?

-It represents a possible flow of action between Use-Cases, but doesn't necessitate or require it.

What does a Control Flow represent in an Activity Diagram?

-It represents a sequence of execution. One action/activity to the next in sequential order.

What does a Decision Node represent in an Activity Diagram?

-It represents a test condition. -Used to ensure that the control flow or object flow only goes down one path.

What does an Object Node represent in an Activity Diagram?

-It represents an Object that is connected to a set of Object Flows.

What does an Initial Node represent in an Activity Diagram?

-It represents the Beginning of a set of actions or activities. -Usually, the first Element to be placed at the start of designing an Activity Diagram.

What does a Final-Activity Node represent in an Activity Diagram?

-It represents the end or stop of all flows in an Activity or Action.

What does an Object Flow represent in an Activity Diagram?

-It represents the flow of an Object from one Activity/Action to another Activity/Action.

What does a Final-Flow Node represent in an Activity Diagram?

-It represents the stop of a specific control flow or object flow.

How many Use-Case Descriptions should be made?

-One per Use-Case. -All though they get most of their specific info from the Activity Diagrams.

How are Actors Portrayed in a Use-Case Diagram?

-People/Users are portrayed as Stick Figures. -Systems are portrayed as Rectangles.

Describe a Guard Condition in regards to a Sequence Diagram?

-Represents a test that must be met for the message to be sent. Example: (aPatientExists) LookUpBills() ---------------------------------->

What are the 4 Ways of Object Identification?

-Textual Analysis of Use-Case Information. -Brainstorming - People offering ideas. -Common Object Lists. -Patterns.

What are Examples of a Superclass?

-The Person class is a Superclass of the classes Doctor and Patient. -The Doctor class is a Superclass of the classes General Practitioner and Specialist.

Describe a Use-case Description?

-These descriptions provide all the detail needed to understand all the steps in a Use-Case. -The Use-Case can contain conditionals so that one of a set of sub-flows can be executed. -They may also contain alternate or exceptional flows in the event that unusual circumstances alter the flow in a Use-Case scenario.

Describe CRC Cards?

-They are Index Cards used to document the responsibilities and collaborations of a class.

What is a thing to remember about Attributes?

-They can be derived. ---For example, Age is derived from Date of Birth.

Describe Attributes in regards to Class Diagrams?

-They describe Properties/Characteristics of a class. -Visibility of attribute levels are: ---Public (+). Visible to all classes. ---Private (-). Visible only to an instance of the class in which they are defined. ---Protected (#). Visible only to an instance of the class in which they are defined, and its descendants.

How are Structural Models drawn?

-Through an Iterative Process. ---First drawn in a conceptual, business-centric way. ---Then refined in a technology-centric way describing the actual databases and files. ---More and more detail is added in each iteration.

What is the Main Goal of Structural Models?

-To discover key data contained in the problem domain and to build a structural model of the objects.

What are the 7 Steps of Creating Structural Models?

1) Create CRC Cards. 2) Review CRC Cards & identify missing objects, attributes, operations and/or relationships. 3) Role-play the CRC cards; look for breakdowns & correct; create new cards as necessary. 4) Create the class diagram. 5) Review the class diagram; remove unnecessary classes, attributes, operations and/or relationships. 6) Incorporate patterns. 7) Review and validate the model.

What are Steps for Building a Sequence Diagram?

1) Set the context. 2) Identify actors and objects that interact in the use-case scenario. 3) Set the lifeline for each object. 4) Add messages by drawing arrows. --- Shows how they are passed from one object to another. --- Include any parameters in parenthesis. --- Obvious return values are excluded. 5) Add execution occurrence to each object's lifeline. 6) Validate the sequence diagram. 7) Ensures that it depicts all of the steps in the process.

What are the Steps for Creating an Activity Diagram?

1) Set the scope of the activity being modeled. 2) Identify the activities; connect them with flows. 3) Identify any decisions that must be made. 4) Identify potential parallelism in the process. 5) Draw the activity diagram.

What are the Steps in Order of Creating a Use-Case Diagram?

1)Place & Draw the Use-Cases 2)Place & Draw the Actors 3)Draw the Subject Boundary 4)Add the Associations

What are the Rules for Verification and Validation of the Functional Model?

1. Ensure there is one recorded event in the flows of the use-case description for each action/activity on the activity diagram. 2. All objects in an activity diagram must be mentioned in an event of the use-case description. 3. The sequence of the use-case description should match the sequence in the activity diagram. 4. One and only one use-case description for each use-case. 5. All actors listed in a use-case description must be shown on the use-case diagram. 6. Stakeholders listed in the use-case description may be shown on the use-case diagram. (check local policy). 7. All relationships in the use-case description must be depicted on the use-case diagram. 8. All diagram-specific rules must be enforced.

What are the Steps for Creating a Use-Case Description?

1. Pick a high priority use-case and create an overview: a. List the primary actor. b. Determine its type (overview or detail; essential or real). c. List all stakeholders and their interests. d. Determine the level of importance of the use-case. e. Briefly describe the use-case. f. List what triggers the use-case. g. List its relationship to other use-cases. 2. Fill in the steps of the normal flow of events required to complete the use-case. 3. Ensure that the steps listed are not too complicated or long and are consistent in size with other steps. 4. Identify and write the alternate or exceptional flows. 5. Carefully review the use-case description and confirm that it is correct. 6. Iterate over the entire set of steps again.

What is an Actor is a Use-Case Diagram?

A User or System that plays a part or interacts with the overall system.

Describe a Real, Detailed type Use-Case Description?

A detailed description of a specific set of steps performed on the real system once implemented.

Describe a Essential, Detail type Use-Case Description?

A detailed description of issues essential to understanding required functionality.

Describe a Real, Overview type Use-Case Description?

A high-level overview of a specific set of steps performed on the real system once implemented.

Describe a Essential, Overview type Use-Case Description?

A high-level overview of issues essential to understanding required functionality.

What does an Action represent in an Activity Diagram?

A single piece of behavior that in general cannot be simplified any further.

What are the Elements of an Activity Diagram?

Actions, Activities, Object Nodes, Control Flows, Object Flows, Initial Node, Final-Activity Node, Final-Flow Nodes, Decision Nodes, Merge Nodes, Fork Nodes, Join Nodes, Swimlanes.

What are the Elements of a Communication Diagram?

Actors, Objects, Associations, Messages, Guard Conditions, Frames.

What are the Elements of a Sequence Diagram?

Actors, Objects, Lifelines, Execution Occurences, Messages, Guard Conditions, Object Destruction, Frames.

What are the parts of a Use-Case Diagram

Actors, Use-Cases, Subject Boundaries, Relationships (Associations, Generalizations, Includes, Extends).

What is the Problem Domains?

Anything and everything that is needed to define the area under analysis, fully understand the inputs and outputs of its processes, and achieve the goals of the area under analysis, but nothing more than these things.

Describe a Subflow in regards to Use-Case Descriptions?

Decomposed (simplified) normal flows to simplify the Use-Case. EX: 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b.

Describe a Use-Case Diagram?

It illustrates in a very simple way the main functions of the system and the different kinds of users that will interact with it.

What is the Unified Machine Language (UML)?

It is a general-purpose, developmental, modeling language in the field of software engineering, that is intended to provide a standard way to visualize the design of a system.

What does it mean for a process to be Use-Case driven? (p. 28)

It means that use cases are used to describe a business process.

What does an Association represent in a Use-Case Diagram?

It represents Use-Cases or Actors which have a relationship that requires data/interaction between the two Elements.

What does a Merge Node represent in an Activity Diagram?

It represents a (re)merging of previously dissecting decision paths (control flows).

What does a Fork Node represent in an Activity Diagram?

It represents a Control Flow being split into two separate Parallel/Concurrent flows of Activities or Actions.

What does a Join Node represent in an Activity Diagram?

It represents two Parallel/Concurrent flows of activities or actions rejoining or coming back together.

What does CRC stand for?

It stands for, Class, Responsibility, and Collaboration.

What does the KISS principle stand for?

Keep it Simple, Stupid.

What must Responsibilities on CRC cards include?

Must include the following: - Knowing: What a class must know manifested as attributes. - Doing: What a class must do manifested later as operations.

How many Activity Diagrams should a Use-Case Diagram have?

One per Use-Case.

What are some Examples of Attributes?

People: -First Name -Last Name -Age

How are Generalizations Depicted in Class Diagrams?

They are Depicted as a Solid Line with a Hollow Arrow Pointing at the Superclass.

What are Objects?

They are Instantiated Classes.

What are Operations within the Structural Model?

They are actions or functions that a class (object) can perform.

How are Use-Cases portrayed in Use-Case Diagrams?

They are portrayed as ovals.

What are Attributes within the Structural Model?

They are properties that describe the state of an instance of a class (an Objects).

What are Classes within Structural Models?

They are templates for instances of people, places, or things.

What are Relationships within the Structural Model?

They describe how classes relate to one another.

What type of Behavior do Functional Models Represent?

They represent System Behavior.

What do Structural Models Represent?

They represent System Objects and their relationships. Objects: ---People. ---Places. ---Things.

What does UML stand for?

Unified Machine Language.

Describe a Subject Boundary within a Use-Case Diagram?

Use-Cases are enclosed within a subject boundary, which is a box that defines the scope of the system and clearly delineates what parts of the diagram are external or internal to it.

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