exam 2

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muscle contraction events

1. calcium is released by sarcoplasmic 2. Calcium binds to troponin 3. Tropomyosin to roll away from the active sites on actin and expose them for binding 4. Myosin binds to the active sites on the actin molecules 5. The myosin head pivots, pushing the thin filaments (actin, tropomyosin, troponin) closer together 6. ATP is needed to release the myosin head from the actin molecule 7. The myosin head returns to its resting state 8. Calcium is taken up by sarcoplasmic reticulum 9. Tropomyosin covers up the active sites

how many tarsal bones are there?



Adduct thigh


Extrends**, abducts, & laterally rotates thigh

Piriformis, obturator internus, superior and inferior gemellus: inferior gemellus

Laterally rotate thigh

anterior portion of the forearm (pass fail pass fail)

P - pronator terres F - Flexer carpi radiales P - Palmmares longus F - flexor carpi ulnaris

what does the head of the femur articulate with?


where does the scapula articulate with the clavicle

acromial end

superior and inferior oblique

angular approach to the eyeball

plane joint

back-and-forth and side-to-side movements biaxial and triaxial

plane joint

bi and tri-axial

saddle and condyloid joints


what muscle region would be and example of parallel muscles

biceps brachii


bone to bone

posterior portion of the forearm

brachioradialis extender carpi radialis longus extender carpi radialis brevis extender digitorum extender digiti-minimi extender carpi ulnaris

what bones form the wrist


pectoralis minor

causes protraction and depression of the scapula

obicularis oris

close the mouth

orbicularis oculi

closes the eye

synovial joints

connected by both fibrous joint and cartilage joint

interosseous membrane

connection between the tibia and fibula and also the ulna and radius

condoloid or ellipsoidal joint

cover oval-shaped projection biaxial

what muscle region would be and example multipennate muscles


supra hyoid muscles

digastric styled hyoid mylohyoid

which muscle is not placed directly on the hyoid

digastric muscle

levator scapulae

elevate the scapula

what muscle region would be and example unipennate muscles

extensor digitorum (fingers)

three classifications of the structure of joints

fibrous joints cartilaginous joints synovial joints


flexes arm and adducts the arm

Rectus femoris

flexes thigh


freely movable joint

where does the head of the humerus article with the scapula

glenoid cavity

Zygomatic major and minor

help with smiling or raising upper lip

fibularis longus and brevis

helps with eversion and inversion

anterior scalene middle scalene posterior scalene

helps with flexion of the neck


helps with flexion of the neck origin: sternum insert: mastoid process

what bones does the pelvic girdle consist of?

illium ischium pubis


immovable joint


insert on clavicle and scapula


inserts on the mandible used to depress the jaw

Is the radius lateral or medial?


is the fibula lateral or medial?


which ocular muscles are not supported by ocular motor nerves

lateral rectus and superior oblique

gluteus Maximus

lateral rotation of leg

vastus ...

means big all part of the quadriceps

Is the tibia lateral or medial?


is the ulna lateral or medial


gluteus medius

medial rotation of the leg

pivot and hinge joint

mono and uni-axial


motions used to suck or whistle


muscle to bone

infrahyoid muscles

omohyoid sternohyoid

hinge joint

opening-and-closing motion uniaxial

what muscle region would be and example circular muscles

orbicularis oris (eyes)/ (mouth)

teres major

origin: scapula insert: humorous rotates of arm

latissimus dorsi

originates: vertebrae's inserts: extends arms adduction of the arms

whats another word for the pelvic girdle

os coxa or coxal bone

what muscle region would be and example of convergent muscles


what role does the lateral malleolus play

prevents ankle from moving sideways

serratus anterior

protract the scapula

symphysis (slightly movable) example

pubic symphysis and intervertebral joints


pulls mandible up

what muscle region would be and example parallel with tendinous bands

rectus abdominis

what muscle region would be and example bipennate muscles

rectus femoris

rhomboid minor and major

retracts scapula

pivot joint

rotation at its one axis uniaxial

saddle joint

saddle shaped biaxial

what bones of the carpals does the radius articulate with

scaphoid and lunate


scientific study of human movement


scientific study of joints

what kind of bone Is the patella



slightly movable joint

where does the sternum articulate with the clavicle

sternonclavicular joint

what muscle region would be and example wrapping muscles


the interlocking of the different skull bones is an example of what type of fibrous joint


three types of fibrous joints

sutures syndesmoses interosseous membranes

three classifications of function (movements) of joints

synarthroses amphiarthroses diarthroses

Cartlaginous joints

synchondrosis symphysis epiphyseal cartilage

the anterior fibular ligament is an example of type what fibrous joint?


epiphyseal cartilage becomes a

synostosis - boney joint (complete fusion of two separate bones into one)

Synchondrosis example

the ribcage cartilage

what bone does the medial malleolus articulate with?

the talus

what bones does the distal portion of the femur articulate with?

tibia and fibula

abductor pollicis longus

to do a thumbs up

ball and socket


ball and socket joint


what bones of the carpals does the ulna articulate with


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