Exam 2 Poli Sci 2051

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Donations to __________ do not have to be disclosed unless a donor gives money specifically for a political ad. Select one: a. 527 groups b. 501(c) groups c. political action committees (PACs) d. candidates' campaigns

b. 501(c) groups

Which presidential power is checked by required approval of the Senate with a two-thirds vote? Select one: a. extending diplomatic recognition to foreign governments b. terminating relations with other nations c. negotiating treaties with other nations d. negotiating executive agreements with foreign heads of state

c. negotiating treaties with other nations

A core function of political parties is __________. Select one: a. dividing the electorate b. narrowing voter choice c. nominating candidates d. reducing accountability mechanisms

c. nominating candidates

Which of the following is a judicial power given to the president? Select one: a. determining the Supreme Court's docket b. establishing the jurisdiction of the federal courts including the Supreme Court c. nominating federal judges d. determining the constitutionality of judicial acts

c. nominating federal judges

Congress missed the fact that various agencies with responsibility for supervising the banking industry were negligent in identifying looming financial problems that led to the recession of 2008-2009. This suggests a failure of ________________.

c. oversight

Congress missed the fact that various agencies with responsibility for supervising the banking industry were negligent in identifying looming financial problems that led to the recession of 2008-2009. This suggests a failure of ________________. Select one: a. the seniority system b. jurisdiction fragmentation c. oversight d. the informal organization of Congress

c. oversight

A key component of Anthony Downs's rational-choice model is that __________. Select one: a. voters want to maximize party-line victories b. parties want to have meaningful policy debates c. parties want to win office d. voters want to maximize the country's well-being

c. parties want to win office

Policy entrepreneurs are people who invest __________ in an issue. Select one: a. their life savings b. financial expertise c. political capital d. scant attention

c. political capital

Conservatives generally favor the __________ sector. Select one: a. service b. government c. private d. public

c. private

One thing that helps incumbents win reelection is __________, which might include federal spending projects benefitting state and local governments, businesses, colleges, and other institutions in a congressional district.

c. the pork barrel

One thing that helps incumbents win reelection is __________, which might include federal spending projects benefitting state and local governments, businesses, colleges, and other institutions in a congressional district. Select one: a. apportionment b. casework c. the pork barrel d. logrolling

c. the pork barrel

Why did Congress enact the War Powers Resolution? Select one: a. to expand the powers of the president in the conduct of war b. to make Congress the sole actor in the conduct of war c. to limit the powers of the president in the conduct of war d. to empower the president to act unilaterally when American troops are in harm's way

c. to limit the powers of the president in the conduct of war

Whose job is it to convey the party's position to rank-and-file congresspersons, keep vote counts, pressure waverers, and report the views and complaints of the House to the leadership?

c. whip

Whose job is it to convey the party's position to rank-and-file congresspersons, keep vote counts, pressure waverers, and report the views and complaints of the House to the leadership? Select one: a. committee chairperson b. majority leader c. whip d. Speaker of the House

c. whip

How does lower voter turnout among young citizens affect the composition of those who show up at the polls? Select one: a. Conservatives are overrepresented at the polls. b. Young citizens are overrepresented at the polls. c. Democrats are overrepresented at the polls. d. Liberals are overrepresented at the polls.

a. Conservatives are overrepresented at the polls.

How did the expectations for the vice presidency change starting with Walter Mondale? Select one: a. Presidents are more likely to use their vice presidents as close policy advisers. b. Vice presidents started to preside over the Senate. c. Presidents are more likely to select ideologically moderate vice presidents to expand their electoral appeal. d. Vice presidents started taking the lead in the budgeting process.

a. Presidents are more likely to use their vice presidents as close policy advisers.

Richard Nixon's __________ attempted to bring conservatives over to the Republican Party in what was a Democratic stronghold at the time. Select one: a. Southern strategy b. Western strategy c. suburban strategy d. urban strategy

a. Southern strategy

What distinguishes the contemporary presidency from the institution originally envisioned by the Framers of the Constitution? Select one: a. The contemporary presidency is much more powerful. b. The contemporary presidency is less involved in the development of foreign policy. c. The contemporary presidency exhibits a greater level of deference to Congress in budgetary matters. d. Contemporary presidents are more cautious in advocating for their legislative agendas.

a. The contemporary presidency is much more powerful.

Which of the following statements about the 1936 Literary Digest poll that predicted Roosevelt's reelection defeat is true? Select one: a. The poll oversampled those with higher income. b. The poll oversampled groups heavily Democratic in orientation. c. The poll excluded owners of automobiles. d. The poll undersampled middle-class voters who owned telephones.

a. The poll oversampled those with higher income.

Which best describes a president's constitutional duty to Congress? Select one: a. The president must give Congress an occasional update on the state of the union. b. The president must have at least one cabinet member of the opposing party. c. The president must maintain party support in Congress. d. The president must inform Congress of the reasoning behind a veto.

a. The president must give Congress an occasional update on the state of the union.

Which of the following is true about states with caucuses? Select one: a. Voters attend open meetings where they express their presidential preferences. b. Party officials select delegates according to their own preferences. c. Candidates appoint supporters to serve as delegates who are then chosen by the voters to serve as electors during the general election. d. The state legislature selects the state's delegates to the national conventions.

a. Voters attend open meetings where they express their presidential preferences.

Which of these is an electoral "earthquake" where new issues emerge, new coalitions replace old ones, and the majority party may be displaced by the minority party? Select one: a. a critical election b. a midterm election c. a coalition election d. a seismological election

a. a critical election

Many assume that presidents with high __________ are more effective leaders. Select one: a. approval ratings b. levels of executive privilege c. debts and deficits d. campaign spending

a. approval ratings

Which of the following groups is overrepresented among voters? Select one: a. government workers b. people who are single c. younger citizens d. men

a. government workers

Television, radio, newspapers, magazines, the Internet, and other forms of communication are collectively referred to as the __________. Select one: a. mass media b. media conglomeration c. partisan press d. fifth estate

a. mass media

When do blacks participate more in politics than whites? Select one: a. when their levels of education are equal to those of whites b. when their levels of income are less than those of whites c. when they are heads of households d. when they live in the South

a. when their levels of education are equal to those of whites

Why are people with higher-than-average education more likely to vote? Select one: a. Education depresses political efficacy, which then encourages turnout. b. Education helps voters recognize differences between the candidates. c. Education decreases tolerance, which then encourages turnout. d. Education enables voters to calculate the probability that their vote will decide the election.

b. Education helps voters recognize differences between the candidates.

Why might incumbents want to deemphasize their policy positions during a reelection campaign?

b. Stressing policy positions can make enemies as well as friends.

Why might incumbents want to deemphasize their policy positions during a reelection campaign? Select one: a. Voters do not like feeling patronized by discussing policies they are already fully aware of. b. Stressing policy positions can make enemies as well as friends. c. Stressing policy positions makes voters more uncertain about where the candidate stands on important issues. d. Having clear policy positions makes it harder to attract campaign contributions from interest groups.

b. Stressing policy positions can make enemies as well as friends.

Which of the following statements provides the best characterization of the members of the White House staff? Select one: a. The White House staff is a loose collection of bureaucrats who are loyal to executive agencies. b. The White House staff is composed of advisers who do whatever is in the best interest of the president. c. The White House staff is composed of policy specialists who have little personal loyalty to the president. d. The White House staff is the link between executive agencies in the bureaucracy and Congress.

b. The White House staff is composed of advisers who do whatever is in the best interest of the president.

The media's emphasis on the slowly improving American economic situation in 2012 rather than the record number of long-term unemployed Americans is an example of _____________. Select one: a. investigative journalism b. agenda setting c. policy entrepreneurship d. narrowcasting

b. agenda setting

How does the textbook define political participation? Select one: a. all the activities used by citizens to socialize their children to the political process b. all the activities used by citizens to influence the selection of political leaders or the policies they pursue c. a measure of the minimum requirements needed to vote d. the capacity of individuals (or groups) to exert their own political will

b. all the activities used by citizens to influence the selection of political leaders or the policies they pursue

Trial balloons are used for which of the following? Select one: a. avoiding a political reaction b. assessing a political reaction c. exposing media bias d. limiting media bias

b. assessing a political reaction

Most of the work of Congress goes on in __________.

b. committees

Most of the work of Congress goes on in __________. Select one: a. recess b. committees c. conferences d. hearings

b. committees

The pork barrel may aid the district of a member of Congress by __________.

b. increasing jobs and revenue with federally funded projects

The pork barrel may aid the district of a member of Congress by __________. Select one: a. diverting unallocated funds to the service sector b. increasing jobs and revenue with federally funded projects c. increasing revenue through private market investment d. taxing corporations less so they provide health insurance for employees

b. increasing jobs and revenue with federally funded projects

As technology has enabled the media to pass along information with greater speed, news coverage has become __________. Select one: a. more homogenous b. less thorough c. more objective d. less biased

b. less thorough

What best explains the demise of party machines? Select one: a. Keynesian economic reforms that increased individual wealth b. progressive reforms that instituted a merit-based hiring system c. congressional reforms that prevented private party meetings in "smoke-filled rooms" d. judicial reforms that ended the "pay-to-play" system of assigning public defenders

b. progressive reforms that instituted a merit-based hiring system

Which of the following would be the most likely to increase voter turnout in the United States? Select one: a. holding more elections b. putting the government in charge of registering voters c. electing more officeholders d. minimizing the differences between the parti

b. putting the government in charge of registering voters

In democracies, the primary interest of publicly owned media is __________. Select one: a. reducing recidivism b. serving the public interest c. promoting the government d. entertaining viewers

b. serving the public interest

Prior to being banned in 2002 by the McCain-Feingold Act, unlimited monetary contributions that were earmarked for party-building expenses at the grassroots level or for generic party advertising were known as __________. Select one: a. hard money b. soft money c. matching funds d. support funds

b. soft money

The English politician and philosopher Edmund Burke advocated the concept of legislators as __________ who use their best judgment to make policy in the interests of the people.

b. trustees

The English politician and philosopher Edmund Burke advocated the concept of legislators as __________ who use their best judgment to make policy in the interests of the people. Select one: a. delegates b. trustees c. partisans d. politicos

b. trustees

In 2016, the amount an individual could legally contribute to a candidate's campaign was ___________________. Select one: a. $100 b. $1,000 c. $2,700 d. $25,000

c. $2,700

What is the effect of aging on political participation? Select one: a. Aging decreases political participation until the need for government services among the very old causes an uptick in participation. b. Aging decreases political participation among women, but not men. c. Aging increases political participation until the infirmities of old age make it harder to participate. d. Aging has no discernible effect on political participation.

c. Aging increases political participation until the infirmities of old age make it harder to participate.

Women are more likely than men to cast their ballots for which type of candidate? Select one: a. Democratic candidates who support higher levels of spending on the military as opposed to spending on social services b. Republican candidates who support higher levels of spending on the military as opposed to spending on social services c. Democratic candidates who support higher levels of spending on social services as opposed to spending on the military d. Republican candidates who support higher levels of spending on social services as opposed to spending on the military

c. Democratic candidates who support higher levels of spending on social services as opposed to spending on the military

Todays youngest voters are most likely to identify as __________. Select one: a. partisans b. Democrats c. Independents d. Republicans

c. Independents

What is a disadvantage of divided government? Select one: a. It acts as a check and balance across institutions. b. It often expands the scope of government. c. It does not allow for clear accountability on policy. d. It often stunts economic growth.

c. It does not allow for clear accountability on policy.

In a random sample of 1,000 high school students, 29 percent indicated that they had read the Declaration of Independence at least once, with a sampling error of 4 percent. Which of the following statements is true? Select one: a. It is likely that more than 33 percent of the population have read the Declaration of Independence. b. It is likely that fewer than 25 percent of the population have read the Declaration of Independence. c. It is likely that between 25 and 33 percent of the population have read the Declaration of Independence. d. It is likely that 29 percent of the population have read the Declaration of Independence between zero and five times.

c. It is likely that between 25 and 33 percent of the population have read the Declaration of Independence.

Which statement best describes the functioning of party machines in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries? Select one: a. Parties provided policy support to rural electorates in exchange for votes. b. Parties provided jobs to rural electorates in exchange for votes. c. Parties provided patronage jobs to loyal supporters in urban areas. d. Parties provided cash handouts to rural electorates in exchange for jobs.

c. Parties provided patronage jobs to loyal supporters in urban areas.

__________ committees exist in both the House and Senate, may be temporary or permanent, and usually have a specific focus.

c. Select

__________ committees exist in both the House and Senate, may be temporary or permanent, and usually have a specific focus. Select one: a. Ways and means b. Caucus c. Select d. Standing

c. Select

__________ is the tendency for viewers to seek news that aligns with their existing ideas. Select one: a. Narrowcasting b. Investigative journalism c. Selective exposure d. Logrolling

c. Selective exposure

What has to happen in Congress in order for the president to be impeached and removed from office? Select one: a. The House must impeach the president by a simple majority; the Supreme Court must convict with a two-thirds vote. b. The Senate must impeach the president by a simple majority; the House must convict with a two-thirds vote. c. The House must impeach the president by a simple majority; the Senate must convict with a two-thirds majority. d. The Supreme Court must impeach the president with a simple majority; the chief justice presides over a Senate trial that must convict with a two-thirds majority.

c. The House must impeach the president by a simple majority; the Senate must convict with a two-thirds majority.

What are the specific locations from which news frequently emanates called? Select one: a. trial balloons b. news houses c. beats d. reporters' clubs

c. beats

A filibuster can be ended through __________; it requires the approval of __________ senators.

c. cloture; sixty

A filibuster can be ended through __________; it requires the approval of __________ senators. Select one: a. abrogation; fifty-one b. censure; fifty-five c. cloture; sixty d. discharge; sixty-seven

c. cloture; sixty

The use of in-depth reporting to unearth scandals, scams, and schemes, at times putting reporters in adversarial relationships with political leaders, is referred to as __________ journalism. Select one: a. beat b. gatekeeping c. investigative d. law-and-order

c. investigative

The Electoral College introduces a bias into the campaign and electoral process because __________. Select one: a. all states get the same number of electoral votes b. each state has as many electoral votes as it has representatives c. less populated states are overrepresented d. more populous states are overrepresented

c. less populated states are overrepresented

The increased number of news and infotainment options has resulted in __________ in which media outlets focus on a particular interest and aim at a particular audience. Select one: a. infotainment b. watchdog journalism c. narrowcasting d. selective exposure

c. narrowcasting

What is lobbying?

seek to influence (a politician or public official) on an issue.

The 2012 election was the first time that __________ voted at a higher rather than non-Hispanic whites. Select one: a. young citizens b. single citizens c. Hispanics d. African Americans

d. African Americans

What best represents the trend of party polarization over the last three decades?

d. Each congressional party has become more homogeneous, and the distance between parties has increased.

What best represents the trend of party polarization over the last three decades? Select one: a. The parties have become less polarized because more and more voters are opting to become independents. b. Both Republicans and Democrats have become more liberal. c. While members of Congress have not become more extreme, ordinary citizens have. d. Each congressional party has become more homogeneous, and the distance between parties has increased.

d. Each congressional party has become more homogeneous, and the distance between parties has increased.

The New Deal coalition fell apart after nearly four decades of political control with the movement of __________ from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. Select one: a. urbanites b. Catholics and Jews c. Asians and Hispanics d. Southern conservatives

d. Southern conservatives

Why do presidential candidates tend to focus their efforts on battleground states? Select one: a. Battleground states have the most Electoral College votes. b. Battleground states have more electors than they would deserve if electors were allocated by population. c. Candidates focus on battleground states in order to increase their media exposure. d. The winner-take-all system makes battleground states more relevant to a campaign.

d. The winner-take-all system makes battleground states more relevant to a campaign.

What is the party in the electorate? Select one: a. party officers who seek to educate the public on key party stances b. public officials who are registered with a political party c. voters active in the business of the party d. all citizens who claim to be a member of a political party

d. all citizens who claim to be a member of a political party

Of the following, which is a form of political participation? Select one: a. donating money to a charity for homeless veterans b. working as a caseworker in a social services agency c. compiling a statistical analysis on the demographic factors of students enrolled at a local community college d. calling your representative to express your opinion about upcoming legislation

d. calling your representative to express your opinion about upcoming legislation

If the poor participated at higher levels in the political process, what might happen? Select one: a. government workers would likely unionize b. government-run services would likely be privatized c. government programs to help individuals invest their Social Security income would likely be higher on the political agenda d. government programs to alleviate economic inequality would likely be higher on the political agenda

d. government programs to alleviate economic inequality would likely be higher on the political agenda

Critics of the responsible party model claim that __________. Select one: a. it has contributed to the vilification of the word compromise b. it causes unneeded tension between Democrats and Republicans c. it is unwise because it is not subject to constitutional constraints d. it is too simple for the complexity and diversity of American society

d. it is too simple for the complexity and diversity of American society

What does the Twenty-Second Amendment do? Select one: a. requires that presidents be natural-born citizens b. requires the president to be a resident of the United States c. requires the president to be at least 35 years old d. limits the president's terms of office

d. limits the president's terms of office

Partisan __________ is the difference between the parties.

d. polarization

Partisan __________ is the difference between the parties. Select one: a. conservatism b. gridlock c. ideology d. polarization

d. polarization

Which of the following citizens would be ineligible to become president? Select one: a. a natural-born citizen b. someone who is 37 years old c. someone who has lived in the United States for 20 years d. someone who has already been elected president twice

d. someone who has already been elected president twice

Which of the following is unconventional political participation? Select one: a. running for an unopposed office b. signing a petition in a school parking lot c. gathering signatures for a proposed ballot measure d. staging a sit-in

d. staging a sit-in

Because states are the key battlegrounds of presidential campaigns, candidates often find themselves __________. Select one: a. avoiding battleground states in order to avoid the appearance of impropriety b. unable to connect with voters on a national basis c. visiting every state in the union multiple times d. tailoring their appeals to the particular interests of a state

d. tailoring their appeals to the particular interests of a state

Which of the following is a group of 15 presidential advisers that is too large, diverse, and concerned with individual fiefdoms to effectively serve as a collective board of directors, leaving ultimate decision-making authority with the president? Select one: a. the White House staff b. the Executive Office of the President c. the chiefs of staff d. the cabinet

d. the cabinet

Thomas Patterson's careful analysis of campaign reporting has shown that since 1960, its emphasis has changed dramatically from ____________. Select one: a. negative information about the candidates to negative assessments about the parties b. covering events to covering ideas c. sensational information about the candidates to substantive information about the issues d. the candidates' policy statements to the campaign as a horse race

d. the candidates' policy statements to the campaign as a horse race

One of the consequences of two-party government is __________. Select one: a. greater fluidity of representation b. the increased likelihood of coalition government c. the increased likelihood of proportional representation d. the moderation of political conflict

d. the moderation of political conflict

What do network executives blame for the superficiality in media reporting? Select one: a. cable news b. social media c. the Internet d. the public

d. the public

According to Russell Neuman, the "paradox of mass politics" is that the American political system works as well as it does despite ____________. Select one: a. the growing polarization of public opinion b. politicians' overreliance on public opinion polls c. the public's lack of consensus on matters of public policy d. the public's lack of knowledge about politics

d. the public's lack of knowledge about politics

Research suggests that political campaigns are most likely to successfully convert voters when they __________. Select one: a. make appeals based on party affiliation b. make unrealistic promises c. buy radio and Internet advertisements d. use "wedge" issues on which the other party is divided

d. use "wedge" issues on which the other party is divided

Congress is __________ than the general population.

d. wealthier

Congress is __________ than the general population. Select one: a. less partisan b. less well paid c. happier d. wealthier

d. wealthier

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