Exam #3

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Many wealthy American industralists of the late 19th century used the theory of Social Darwinism to support the labor union movement justify monopolistic actions promote legislation establishing a minimum wage encourage charitable orga-nizations to help the poor


Which development led to the other three? growth of tenements and slums shift from a rural to an urban lifestyle rapid industrial growth widespread use of child labor


Which group would most likely have favored government action to address the issue shown in the cartoon? bankers unions industrialists railroad owners


"Prices and wages should be determined by the marketplace." The author of this statement would most probably support government ownership of utilities minimum-wage laws wage and price controls laissez-faire capitalism


Which United States foreign policy was most directly related to the rise of big business in the late 1800s? détente neutrality containment imperialism


Which 19th-century business practice does this cartoon illustrate? forming cooperatives establishing trade zones creating monopolies expanding global markets


The American Federation of Labor responded to the situation shown in the cartoon by organizing skilled workers into unions encouraging open immigration forming worker-owned businesses creating a single union of workers and farmers


The term robber baron was used to criticize the tactics of big-business leaders corruption of government officials dishonesty of carpetbaggers unskilled labor of illegal immigrants


In the 19th century, the major national labor unions wanted to improve the position of workers mainly by obtaining the legal right to organize and bargain collectively using government troops to settle labor disputes with management supporting government ownership of major industries endorsing a third political party for workers only


In the United States, organized labor made its greatest membership gains when the right to unionize and bargain collectively was guaranteed by legislation international competition began to threaten jobs in the United States the major business groups encouraged unionization the economy began to shift from manufacturing to service employment


". . . This, then, is held to be the duty of the man of Wealth: First, to set an example of modest, unostentatious living, shunning display or extravagance; to provide moderately for the legitimate wants of those dependent upon him; and after doing so to consider all surplus revenues which come to him simply as trust funds, which he is called upon to administer, and strictly bound as a matter of duty to administer in the manner which, in his judgment, is best calculated to produce the most beneficial results for the community— . . ." — Andrew Carnegie, "Wealth," North American Review, June 1889 According to this passage, the responsibility of the wealthy is to invest in future industry to increase wealth share their excess wealth with the community maintain a lifestyle consistent with their wealth influence government to assist all people


Speaker A: "When demand ran high, and markets were scarce, he showed little mercy, broke his contracts for delivery and raised prices." Speaker B: "The man of wealth must hold his fortune 'in trust' for the community and use it for philanthropic and charitable purposes." Speaker C: "It is cruel to slander the rich because they have been successful. They have gone into great enterprises that have enriched the nation and the nation has enriched them." Speaker D: "The fruits of the toil of millions are boldly stolen to build up colossal fortunes for the few, unprecedented in the history of mankind." Which two speakers would most likely label late 19th-century industrialists as robber barons? A and B A and D B and C C and D


A negative effect of holding companies, mergers, and pools on the United States during the late 19th century was that these combinations encouraged the Federal Government to spend more than its income reduced the need for labor unions decreased competition between businesses ended United States participation in inter-national trade


According to the graph, which was the first year in which more Americans lived in urban areas than in rural areas? 1860 1890 1920 1930


During the late 1800s, the defenders of Social Darwinism would most likely have supported labor unions progressive income taxes laissez-faire capitalism environmental conservation


The growth of a large business is merely survival of the fittest. The American beauty rose can be produced in the splendor and fragrance which bring cheer to its beholder only by sacrificing the early buds which grow up around it. This is not an evil tendency in business. It is merely the working out of a law of nature and a law of God. . . ." -John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Which concept is described by this passage? communism Populism utopian socialism Social Darwinism


The term business monopoly can best be described as the most common form of business in the United States government control of the means of production an agreement between partners to manage a corporation a company that controls or dominates an industry


What is the main idea of the cartoon? Government policies have created a recession Americans support the activities of trusts Good government has saved the country from trusts Trusts are a threat to the nation


Which group's numbers increased the most as a result of the Industrial Revolution? skilled craftsmen landed aristocracy owners of small farms urban middle class


Which statement describes a result of the Industrial Revolution in the United States? Farm production decreased. Slavery in the South increased. The population of the cities decreased. Immigration to the United States increased.


The cartoonist would most likely support federal government attempts to pass antitrust legislation limit regulation of business establish high tariffs stop industrial pollution


One factor that furthered industrialization in the United States between 1865 and 1900 was the development of the airplane expansion of the railroads mass production of automobiles widespread use of steamboats


During the period from 1865 to 1900, disputes between labor and management were often marked by the use of violence by both sides cooperative efforts to resolve differences government support of striking workers arbitration by the Federal Government


During the late 1800's, labor unions in the United States had their greatest success in persuading the government to limit most immigration organizing skilled workers into craft unions winning the great majority of strikes achieving a legally guaranteed minimum wage


In the United States, the main purpose of antitrust legislation is to protect the environment increase competition in business encourage the growth of monopolies strengthen the rights of workers


What was the main benefit that labor unions of the late 19th century gained for their members? job security improved wages and hours paid vacations health insurance


After the Civil War, one way business leaders tried to eliminate competition was by forming monopolies or trusts developing overseas markets increasing the prices of their products paying high wages to their workers


A common characteristic of third political parties in the United States is that they tend to focus on one person or one issue come into existence only during periods of corruption have dealt mainly with foreign policy issues have frequently forced Congress to decide Presidential elections


A major way in which the United States has practiced "economic nationalism" has been to implement protective tariffs to help American industry establish social welfare programs to aid the poor pass legislation outlawing most monopolies require industry to provide safe working conditions for employees


"Labor Leaders Executed for Causing Haymarket Riot" "State Militia Called In To End Homestead Strike" "1,000 Jailed as Silver Miners Protest Wage Cuts" Which statement about labor unions in the late 1800s is illustrated by these headlines? Strikes by labor unions usually gained public support. The government frequently opposed labor union activities. Labor union demands were usually met. Arbitration was commonly used to end labor unrest.


Business leaders John D. Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan, and Cornelius Vanderbilt were referred to as robber barons primarily because they bought titles of nobility from foreign governments were ruthless in dealing with competitors stole money from state and local governments gained all of their wealth by illegal means


During the late 1800s, business leaders formed trusts mainly to reduce prices eliminate competition improve worker productivity establish overseas factories


During the late 1800s, what was the main reason labor unions had difficulty achieving gains for workers? Communists had taken control of the major unions The government supported business efforts to limit the powers of unions Most unions had been organized by big business. Most workers were satisfied with working conditions.


In a United States history textbook, the terms bread and butter unionism, Gospel of Wealth, and mechanization would most likely be found in a chapter entitled Reconstruction (1865-1877) Industrialization (1870-1900) Imperialism (1898-1905) The Roaring Twenties (1920-1929)


In response to the demands of farmers and small business owners, Congress enacted laws in the late 19th century that supported the organization of farm cooperatives regulated the activities of railroads and trusts provided direct payments to farmers to help them buy modem machinery dropped tariff rates to the lowest point in the century


Industrialists of the late 1800s contributed most to economic growth by supporting the efforts of labor unions establishing large corporations encouraging government ownership of banks opposing protective tariffs


Nativism in the late 19th century was motivated primarily by hostility toward immigrant workers the need to reduce overcrowding in western states cultural conflicts with Native American Indians the migration of African Americans to northern cities


In the period from 1865 to 1900, the United States Government aided the development of the West by maintaining free and unlimited coinage of silver offering low-interest loans to businesses granting land to railroad companies providing price supports for farm products


From 1865 to 1900, how did the growth of industry affect American society? The United States experienced the disappearance of the traditional Population centers shifted from the Northeast to the South Restrictions on immigration created a more homogeneous culture. The percentage of Americans living in urban areas increased.


In the United States during the late 19th century, much of the prejudice expressed toward immigrants was based on the belief that they would cause overcrowding in farm areas refuse to become citizens support the enemies of the United States in wartime fail to assimilate into American society


In the decades after the Civil War, the major result of the shift from single proprietorship to corporate organization was that business was able to make more efficient use of natural resources concentrate on improving the quality of manufactured goods provide workers with higher wages raise large sums of money


In the late 1800s, supporters of laissez-faire capitalism claimed that government regulation of business would be essential to protect the rights of consumers necessary to provide jobs for the unemployed useful in competing with foreign nations harmful to economic growth


One way in which the Chinese Exclusion Act, the Gentlemen's Agreement, and the National Origins Act were similar is that all were expressions of imperialism nativism militarism Manifest Destiny


A significant contribution to the industrialization of the United States was Henry Ford's development of the assembly line electric-powered vehicles the first holding company a new process for making steel


Businesses formed trusts, pools, and holding companies mainly to increase profits by eliminating competition offer a wide range of goods and services to consumers provide employment opportunities for minorities protect the interests of workers


During the 19th century, New York was one of the most powerful states in the nation because it became the financial and industrial center of the nation led the nation in achieving political reforms produced more presidents than any other state offered more civil liberties than any other state


During the 19th century, what was the major reason that an increasing number of states established public schools and passed compulsory education laws? Reformers argued that an educated, literate population was necessary for a successful democracy. The Supreme Court required the states to do so. Most jobs required a high school diploma. The United States had begun a massive program of technical training to enhance its international economic position.


During the late 1800s, a major reason labor unions had difficulty achieving their goals was that government supported business over labor industrialization created better working conditions there was a shortage of new workers businesses promoted labor officials to management positions


During the late 1800s, industrialization in the United States led to the growth of the middle class an overall decline in labor union membership the creation of affirmative action programs a decrease in the use of natural resources


In the 19th century, protective tariffs, subsidies for railroads, and open immigration showed that the federal government followed a policy of support for economic development noninterference in the free-market system regulation of unfair business practices support for organized labor


In the late 19th century, owners of big businesses generally embraced Social Darwinism because it reinforced their belief that economic success demonstrates fitness to lead business monopolies are contrary to the social order all wealth should be returned to society economic competition should be regulated


In the late 19th century, the major argument used by labor union leaders against immigrants was that immigrants took jobs from United States citizens contributed little to enrich American life placed financial drains on social services refused to assimilate into American culture


Laws requiring individuals to pass civil service examinations to obtain government jobs were enacted to eliminate patronage and corruption in government hiring allow the government to compete with private industry for employees support the development of public employee labor unions encourage the growth of local political parties


Prior to 1880, the number of immigrants to the United States was not restricted mainly because industry owners wanted cheap labor the nations of Europe dis-couraged emigration the United States birthrate was increasing Congress lacked the power to limit immigration


Speaker A: "When demand ran high, and markets were scarce, he showed little mercy, broke his contracts for delivery and raised prices." Speaker B: "The man of wealth must hold his fortune 'in trust' for the community and use it for philanthropic and charitable purposes." Speaker C: "It is cruel to slander the rich because they have been successful. They have gone into great enterprises that have enriched the nation and the nation has enriched them." Speaker D: "The fruits of the toil of millions are boldly stolen to build up colossal fortunes for the few, unprecedented in the history of mankind." The most valid conclusion that can be drawn from the different viewpoints of these speakers is that industrialists of the late 19th century benefited and harmed society treated their workers fairly used illegal means to gain wealth generally opposed the free-enterprise economic system


The actions of Jane Addams, Ida Tarbell, and Booker T. Washington illustrate that reform in the United States has utilized a variety of methods to achieve many goals depended on support from religious groups relied on programs initiated by the Federal Government promoted women's suffrage as its main goal


The purpose of the Interstate Commerce Act (1887), the Sherman Antitrust Act (1890), and the Clayton Antitrust Act (1914) was to eliminate unfair business practices reduce imports from foreign nations reduce the power of the unions increase the power of local governments


What is the main idea of this cartoon? The Standard Oil Company was a harmful monopoly. The best way to develop major industries was to form proprietorships. Government regulations were strangling the Standard Oil Company. Foreign competition in the oil industry was hurting American companies.


Which factor most limited the growth of labor unions during the late 1800's? Most employers were very hostile toward workers' efforts to organize. Most factory workers were satisfied with their wages and working conditions. The Federal Government declared that unions were illegal. Workers preferred to negotiate with factory owners as individuals rather than as members of a group.


Which term best describes United States economic policy during the era of the rise of big business (1865-1900)? laissez-faire capitalism mercantilism Marxism welfare-state capitalism


Industrialists of the late 1800s used pools and trusts to promote fair business practices in the marketplace increase profits by minimizing competition work cooperatively with labor unions exclude immigrant workers from factory jobs


The Federal Civil Service System was begun in the late 19th century primarily to reward political party supporters reduce the practice of political patronage secure political campaign contributions provide government contracts for big business


The Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Hall, and the Morgan Library illustrate various ways that entrepreneurs and their descendants have suppressed the growth of labor unions supported philanthropic activities to benefit society applied scientific discoveries to industry attempted to undermine the United States eco-nomic system


The Sherman Antitrust Act, the Social Security Act, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) are examples of Federal laws designed to protect consumers from unsafe products the Federal Government's response to changes in the economy Federal laws designed to control spending the Federal Government's attempts to regulate big business


What was a major cause of the trend shown in the chart? availability of cheap farmland increased industrialization end of restrictions on immigration completion of the interstate highway system


Which generalization about population growth is supported by information in this chart? For every census listed, rural population exceeded urban population. By 1920, more people lived in cities than in rural areas. The Civil War significantly slowed the rate of population growth. Most urban population growth was due to people migrating from rural areas.


Which situation brought about the rapid growth of industry between 1865 and 1900? high worker morale resulting from good wages and working conditions availability of investment capital establishment of western reservations for Native American Indians decline in the number of people attending schools


Why did the United States follow a policy of unrestricted immigration for Europeans during most of the 1800's? Business and industry depended on the foreign capital brought by immigrants. The American economy needed many unskilled workers. Most Americans desired a more diversified culture. The United States wanted to help European nations by taking in their surplus pop-ulation.


During the late 1800's, a major reaction to the activities of labor unions in the United States was that the press in most communities supported unions United States Presidents opposed the use of Federal troops to end strikes called by organized labor courts frequently issued injunctions to stop strikes most factory workers quickly joined the unions


During the late 19th century, which practices were used by employers against workers? boycotts and lockouts picketing and walkouts blacklists and yellow-dog contracts mass rallies and sit-down strikes


During the latter half of the 19th century, many business organizations in the United States combined into large corporations because income levels for workers would be improved government intervention in economic affairs would decline efficiency in production methods could be increased economic possibilities outside the United States could be explored


Henry Ford produced a more affordable car primarily because his company paid workers lower wages than its competitors paid used foreign-made parts developed a less expensive method of production offered a variety of options to buyers


In the United States, industrial unions of the 1880's and of the 1980's had similar goals in that both campaigned for national health insurance better unemployment insurance greater job security and higher wages wage and price freezes


In the late 1800s, the theory of laissez-faire capitalism was used by many industrialists to petition the government for assistance during times of financial crisis oppose colonial expansion in Africa and Asia argue against government regulation of business practices defend limits on the number of immigrants allowed to work in factories


Mark Twain labeled the late 1800s in the United States the "Gilded Age" to describe the end of the practice of slavery absence of international conflicts extremes of wealth and poverty achievements of the labor movement


One reason John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and J. Pierpont Morgan were sometimes called robber barons was because they robbed from the rich to give to the poor made unnecessarily risky investments used ruthless business tactics against their competitors stole money from the federal government


Statement A: "The best way to economic recovery is to subsidize industry so that it will hire more workers and expand production." Statement B: "If jobs are not available, the government must create jobs for those who are unemployed." Statement C: "According to human nature, the most talented people will always come out on top." Statement D: "Our government is responsible for the nation's economic well-being." Which statement is closest to the philosophy of Social Darwinism? Speaker A Speaker B Speaker C Speaker D


The 19th-century philosophy of Social Darwinism maintained that the government should have control over the means of production and the marketplace all social class distinctions in American society should be eliminated economic success comes to those who are the hardest working and most competent wealth and income should be more equally distributed


The Federal Trade Commission, the Interstate Commerce Commission, and the Federal Communications Commission are similar in that each represents the interests of big business is specifically provided for in the United States Constitution has the power to formulate and enforce regulations must get approval from the states to carry out national laws


The main purpose of this 1886 poster was to oppose immigrants who took jobs from American workers support nativist calls for limitations on labor unions organize a protest against acts of police brutality against workers show support for police actions against foreign revolutionaries


The major reason the United States placed few restrictions on immigration during the 1800's was that few Europeans wished to give up their economic security little opposition to immigration existed the growing economy needed a steady supply of cheap labor most immigrants spoke English and thus needed little or no education


What is the main idea of this cartoon from the 1800s? Labor is gaining power over big business. Most Americans support the labor movement. Business has advantages over labor. Government should support the expansion of railroads.


What major trend related to population occurred during the industrialization boom of the late 1800s? Immigration decreased Suburbanization decreased Urbanization increased Migration to rural areas increased


Which economic concept is best illustrated by the cartoon? supply and demand mercantilism monopoly trade


Which factor most influenced the growth of the United States economy between 1865 and 1900? development of the sharecropping system success of organized labor governmental policy of laissez faire restrictions on immigration


Which statement best describes the status of the labor union movement in the United States in 1900? Most of the labor force was organized into unions. Government and business opposition had destroyed the labor union movement. Unions were still struggling to gain public acceptance. Unions had won the right to strike and bargain collectively.


According to the cartoon, how was the United States in the 1990s similar to the United States in the 1890s? Little need existed for government regulation. Investment in the stock market decreased. The price of petroleum products decreased. Business consolidation was accepted practice.


According to the theory of laissez faire, the economy functions best when the government subsidizes business so that it can compete worldwide regulates businesses for the good of the majority owns major industries does not interfere in business


Both the Interstate Commerce Act and the Sherman Antitrust Act were inspired by the effectiveness of earlier state laws designed to protect business from foreign competition declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in the late 1800s passed by the federal government to regulate big business


Both the Sherman Antitrust Act and the Clayton Antitrust Act were passed in response to the problem of companies refusing to hire minority workers businesses choosing to hire illegal immigrants unsafe working conditions in factories business combinations limiting competition


During the late 19th century, Samuel Gompers, Terence Powderly, and Eugene Debs were leaders in the movement to stop racial segregation of Native American Indians limit illegal immigration gain fair treatment of Native American Indians improve working conditions


During the second half of the 19th century, government commitment to the principles of laissez-faire capitalism contributed to healthy and positive competition between businesses the growth of small business firms friendly working relationships between labor and management economic domination by business trusts


In the late 19th century, Congress tried to limit the power of monopolies by creating the Federal Trade Commission strengthening the Supreme Court adopting Granger laws passing the Sherman Antitrust Act


In the late 19th century, Congress tried to limit the power of monopolies by creating the Federal Trade Commission strengthening the Supreme Court adopting Granger laws passing the Sherman Antitrust Act


Jacob Riis, Jane Addams, and Margaret Sanger are most closely associated with efforts to educate and train formerly enslaved persons preserve the natural environment advance the interests of organized labor improve conditions for the poor


Many reformers who opposed the laissez-faire attitude of the late 19th century argued that the National Government should not interfere in the activities of big business ...big business national wealth could best be assured by the accumulation of gold the idea of rugged individualism is vital to the nation's economic growth government should protect society through the regulation of business


Prior to 1890, United States businesses made few foreign investments mainly because state governments discouraged foreign investments foreign investments were prohibited by Congress foreign nations did not accept investments from United States businesses investment opportunities were better in the United States


Speaker A:"To preserve our American culture, people whose national origins do not match the origins of our nation's founders must be refused admission." Speaker B:". . . let us admit only the best educated from every racial and ethnic group . . ." Speaker C:". . . there is an appalling danger to the American wage earner from the flood of low, unskilled, ignorant, foreign workers who have poured into the country . . ." Speaker D:"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free . . ." People who support unrestricted immigration would agree most with Speaker A Speaker B Speaker C Speaker D


The American Federation of Labor became the first long-lasting, successful labor union in the United States mainly because it refused to participate in strikes against employers concentrated on organizing workers in industries in the South formed its own political party and elected many prolabor public officials fought for the rights of skilled workers


The slogan "Eight hours for work, eight hours for sleep, eight hours for what we will" was used in the late 1800s to promote a major goal of farmers politicians industrialists organized labor


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