Exam 3

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which one of the following statements best represent the relationship between cellular respiration and photosynthesis -Photosynthesis stores energy in organic molecules, while respiration releases it. -Photosynthesis reverses the biochemical pathways of respiration. -Photosynthesis occurs only during the day and respiration occurs only at night. -Respiration occurs only in animals and photosynthesis occurs only in plants. -Respiration stores energy in organic molecules, while photosynthesis releases it.

-Photosynthesis stores energy in organic molecules, while respiration releases it.

which of the following statements must be true in order for ATP synthase present in chloroplasts to function properly -The pH of the stroma must be higher than the pH of the thylakoid lumen. -There must be no difference in pH between the stroma of the chloroplast and the thylakoid lumen. -The pH of the stroma must be lower than the pH of the thylakoid lumen.

-The pH of the stroma must be higher than the pH of the thylakoid lumen.

Suppose a plant is exposed to a toxin that causes the thylakoid membranes to become much more permeable to protons than normal. Which of the following would be TRUE? -The reduction step of the Calvin cycle would slow down and eventually stop. -The regeneration step of the Calvin cycle would slow down and eventually stop. -The carboxylation and reduction steps of the Calvin cycle would slow down and eventually stop. -The reduction and regeneration steps of the Calvin cycle would slow down and eventually stop. -The carboxylation step of the Calvin cycle would be unaffected.

-The reduction and regeneration steps of the Calvin cycle would slow down and eventually stop.

which of the following sequences CORRECTLY represents the flow of energy through molecules/processes in living systems -CO2 → photosynthesis → carbohydrate → cellular respiration → ATP → heat -water → photosynthesis → carbohydrate → cellular respiration → ATP → water -water → photosynthesis → carbohydrate → cellular respiration → ATP → CO2 -light → photosynthesis → carbohydrate → cellular respiration → ATP → heat -light → photosynthesis → carbohydrate → cellular respiration → ATP → water

-light → photosynthesis → carbohydrate → cellular respiration → ATP → heat

cell division is regulated by:

-signals that indicate that DNA has been replicated -growth factor signals -signals about the nutritional status of the cell -signals that indicate that the cell has reached a sufficient size

sister chromatids are BEST describe as two DNA molecules that have: -different alleles of the same genes arranged in a different order. -the same genes in the same order but having different alleles. -virtually identical sequences of nucleotides. -the same alleles of the same genes in a different order. -different genes in the same order and possibly having different alleles of some genes.

-virtually identical sequences of nucleotides.

how many CO2 molecules must enter the Calvin cycle for each molecule of triose phosphate that can be exported form the chloroplast


how many CO2 molecules must enter the Calvin cycle for each molecule of triose phosphate that can be exported from the chloroplast


suppose a mutation caused photosystem I to function at only 10 percent of its normal capacity. which of the following would you predict would happen

NADP+ reductase activity would decrease

which of the following are produced directly as a result of the movement of electrons through the photosynthetic electron transport chain?


which of the following are products of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis that are required by reactions in the Calvin cycle


if plants are expose to a toxin that makes the thylakoid membrane leaky to proteins, predict the effect ATP production by the plants

ATP production will decrease

Which component pictured above does not participate in the flow of electrons? http://www.macmillanhighered.com/externalcontent/digitalfirst.bfwpub.com/hlw_2D_animation/asset/asset/n0802_02_06.JPG

ATP synthase

Suppose you discovered a mutant strain of spinach in which the thylakoid membranes were slightly permeable to protons, thus allowing a slow leakage. (Remember that normal membranes are not permeable to protons at all.) How might this defect affect the yield of ATP and/or NADPH from the light reactions?

ATP yield would decrease

Under experimental conditions, we can delete the gene for the motor protein involved in contraction of the contractile ring during animal cell cytokinesis. Which of the following results might you predict?

Additional rounds of the cell cycle continue producing a multinucleate cell.

carbon enters the Calvin cycle in the form of:


what is the initial carbon input in the Calvin cycle


which major checkpoint delays the cell cycle when DNA replication is incomplete

G2 checkpoint

the primary reducing agent in the Calvin cycle is


in plants and algae, ______ is the source of the electrons needed for photosynthesis


Refer to the figure above. The electron donor that replenishes the PS II reaction center is ______and for the PS I reaction center is _______. http://www.macmillanhighered.com/externalcontent/digitalfirst.bfwpub.com/hlw_2D_animation/asset/asset/n0802_02_06.JPG

H2O; Pc

which of the following is NOT true about the eukaryotic cell cycle? -There are two stages to the cell cycle: M phase and interphase. -There are three phases of interphase: the S phase and two gap phases. -Interphase is typically the shortest of the two stages of the cell cycle. -The M phase consists of two events: mitosis and cytokinesis. -Some cells pause between M phase and S phase for more than a year.

Interphase is typically the shortest of the two stages of the cell cycle.

in the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis, light energy is captured and stored as potential energy. In which of the following is this energy stored in the light-dependent reactions

NADPH, ATP, and an electrochemical gradient

in plants and algae ,which of the following is a by-product of photosynthesis


in plants and algae, which of the following is a by-product of photosynthesis


what step of the Calvin cycle would affected first by a lack of NADPH


what is the most abundant protein on earth


which of the following correctly describes the role of rubisco in the Calvin cycle -Rubisco uses ATP to regenerate RUBP. -None of the other answer options is correct. -Rubisco incorporates CO2 from the atmosphere into an organic molecule. -Rubisco uses NADPH to reduce 3-phosphoglycerate to a three-carbon sugar.

Rubisco incorporates CO2 from the atmosphere into an organic molecule

when in the cell cycle would you find sister chromatids

S and G2

Which of the following outcomes would you expect if the pH of the thylakoid lumen increases from 4 to 6? -More NADP+ will be reduced to NADPH. -The change in pH will not have a significant effect on the rate of photosynthesis. -The rate of ATP synthesis by ATP synthase will decrease. -Proton transport through ATP synthase from the thylakoid lumen to the stroma will increase. -Less oxygen will be produced.

The rate of ATP synthesis by ATP synthase will decrease.

In the figure above, the boxed red letter ___ is in the thylakoid lumen, and the boxed red letter ___ is in the stroma of the chloroplast http://www.macmillanhighered.com/externalcontent/digitalfirst.bfwpub.com/hlw_2D_animation/asset/asset/n0803_02_01.JPG

c, a

which of the following is TRUE concerning the Calvin cycle and light-harvesting reaction of photosynthesis -They take place in different types of cells in the plant. -They take place in different organelles. -They take place in different compartments of the same organelle. -None of the other answer options is correct

They take place in different compartments of the same organelle.

In the figure above, which lettered item is a centrosome? http://www.macmillanhighered.com/externalcontent/digitalfirst.bfwpub.com/hlw_2D_animation/asset/asset/n1102_01.JPG


all cells able to carry out photosynthesis have: -a plasma membrane. -chloroplasts, mitochondria, and -a plasma membrane. -chloroplasts. -chloroplasts and mitochondria. -mitochondria

a plasma membrane

which of the following best defines a cyclin

a protein that activates kinases and protein whose levels change with the cell cycle

where are the chlorophyll molecules located in plant cells that carry out photosynthesis

in the thylakoid membranes

Cdk stands for Cyclin-dependent kinase. A kinase is an enzyme that

add a phosphate group to a substrate molecule, such as a protein

CDKs are important in the regulation of the cell cycle. They carry out their function by:

adding phosphate groups to target proteins

studies of rapidly dividing embryonic animal cells revealed -a cyclic production of certain proteins in sync with the cell cycle. -that inhibition of protein production blocks mitosis. -All of these choices are correct. -that the production of cyclin proteins is followed by activation of CDK enzymes. -a cyclic activation of protein kinases in sync with the cell cycle.

all of these choices are correct

what would happen if a chromosome only connected to the mitotic spindle at one of its . kinetochores -The chromosome would not line up properly at metaphase. -The sister chromatids would not separate. -One of the daughter cells would have an extra copy of that chromosome. -All of these choices are correct.

all of these choices are correct

A new experimental pesticide is being tested by a large agricultural chemical company. An unfortunate side effect in plants treated with this new product is a decrease in NADPH production in the chloroplasts. (Interestingly, reduction of NAD+ to NADH in the mitochondria is unaffected.) Given this observation, which of the following would you expect to observe in the chloroplasts of these plants?

an increase in 3-phosphoglycerate levels and a decrease in RuBP production

in which phase of mitosis do sister chromatids separate


at which checkpoint would a cell become arrested if a chromosome was not properly aligned in the spindle

at a checkpoint early in the mitotic phase

Which arrow in the figure above best depicts the proton pumping that is driven by the electron transport chain of photosynthesis http://www.macmillanhighered.com/externalcontent/digitalfirst.bfwpub.com/hlw_2D_animation/asset/asset/n0803_02_04.JPG


Why is the absorption and capture of light energy by chlorophyll molecules in plants much more efficient than its absorption and capture by isolated chlorophyll molecules in the lab?

because in the plant, the energy is transferred to another chlorophyll

the process of cell division in a prokaryotic cell is called

binary fission

In the figure above, during photosynthesis, where will protons accumulate? http://www.macmillanhighered.com/externalcontent/digitalfirst.bfwpub.com/hlw_2D_animation/asset/asset/n0803_02_01.JPG


In the figure above, which area would you predict to have the lowest pH during daylight? http://www.macmillanhighered.com/externalcontent/digitalfirst.bfwpub.com/hlw_2D_animation/asset/asset/n0803_02_01.JPG


In the figure above, which lettered item is a chromosome? http://www.macmillanhighered.com/externalcontent/digitalfirst.bfwpub.com/hlw_2D_animation/asset/asset/n1102_01.JPG


where is the photosynthetic electron chain located in plant cells

in the thylakoid membranes of the chloroplast

which one of the following is NOT a product when photosystems II oxidized a molecule of water -electrons -carbon dioxide -oxygen -protons

carbon dioxide

during photosynthesis, ________ is reduced to ________

carbon dioxide, trisose phosphate

beginning with the step catalyzed by rubisco, arrange the steps in the Calvin cycle in the proper sequence in which they occur

carboxylation, reduction, regeneration

energy captured during the "photo" part of photosynthesis is stored in _____ during the "synthesis" part of the process

covalent bonds

the amount of ___ is fairly constant throughout the cell cycle, but the amount of ____ varies

cyclin-dependent kinase, DNA

the division of the cell's cytoplasm in a eukaryotic cell is know as;


In the figure above, which lettered item is a centromere? http://www.macmillanhighered.com/externalcontent/digitalfirst.bfwpub.com/hlw_2D_animation/asset/asset/n1102_01.JPG


Which arrow in the figure above best depicts the flow of protons in powering the formation of ATP? http://www.macmillanhighered.com/externalcontent/digitalfirst.bfwpub.com/hlw_2D_animation/asset/asset/n0803_02_04.JPG


in the Calvin cycle, ATP is required to

donate a phosphate group to 3-PGA

In the figure above, which lettered item is a chromatid? http://www.macmillanhighered.com/externalcontent/digitalfirst.bfwpub.com/hlw_2D_animation/asset/asset/n1102_01.JPG


cyclic electric transport enhances ATP production because:

electrons are transferred from photosystem I back to a proton pump

Fist gap phase

expression of regulatory proteins enzymes required for replication

Animal cells have mitochondria but no chloroplasts, while plant cells have chloroplasts but no mitochondria


as in the mitochondria, the inner membrane of a chloroplast is highly convoluted, greatly increasing surface area


true or false in animals cells, most ATP synthesis takes place in mitochondria, but in plant cells, most of the ATP used by plants cells is made in the chloroplasts


where does the oxygen come from that is produced as a by-product photosynthesis

from breakdown of water

During their experiments with chorella, Calvin and Benson found no free glucose. why do you think this

glucose is stored as starch

which of the following describes catabolic reactions that could . occur using the triose phosphate product of photosynthesis -synthesis of glucose -synthesis of starch -Calvin cycle reduction reactions to produce ATP and NADPH -glycolysis oxidation reactions to produce ATP, NADH, and pyruvate

glycolysis oxidation reactions to produce ATP, NADH, and pyruvate

the primary reason surplus carbohydrates in plants are stored as starch is because:

if they were left as individual monosaccharides, water would enter the cell by osmosis.

chlorophyll molecules in chloroplasts normally only fluoresce a very small amount compared to chlorophyll that has been extracted into a solvent solution. which of the following is the best explanation for this difference?

in chloroplasts, the molecules are held close together and originated to allow transfer of excitation energy between molecules

the fluid-filled interior compartment of the thylakoid network is referred network is referred to as the


the division of genetic material in a eukaryotic cell is called


The process of cytokinesis involves components of the cytoskeleton. It is most similar to what other cytoskeletal function?

muscle contraction

The contractile ring that leads to cytokinesis in animal cells has been shown to be made primarily of actin filaments (microfilaments). Which motor protein would you predict is involved in contraction of the ring?


which of the following is circled in this electron micrograph http://www.macmillanhighered.com/brainhoney/Resource/8622870,8,0,4C/Assets/resources/chapter_11/11_1.jpg

one double-stranded DNA molecule

the photosynthetic reaction center becomes _______ when it passes its _______ to the __________, which is thus ________

oxidized; excited electron; electrons acceptor; reduced

In a thylakoid membrane, absorbed light energy is passed from one chlorophyll molecule to another unit is:

passed to a reaction center

when light is absorbed by chlorophyll in solution, it ____ releases the energy in the form of _______

rapidly; heat and light

the ATP generated by a photosynthetic electron transport chain can be used in the ______ steps(s) of the Calvin cycle

reduction and regeneration

S phase

replication of DNA

replication of DNA in a eukaryote occurs during which phase of the cell cycle

s phase


separation of genetically identical daughter cells

M phase

separation of replicated chromosomes so that each daughter cell gets the same complement of chromosomes

the two molecules of double-stranded DNA in a replicated chromosomes are called:

sister chromatids

photosynthesis is the pathway used to synthesize carbohydrates from:

sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water

second gap phase

synthesis of cell components required fro mitosis

in which phase of mitosis does the nuclear envelope reform


if a mutation occurs such that photosystem II no longer functions as efficiently as it should, what might be MOST directly affected?

the amount of oxygen produced

paramecium is single-cell eukaryotic organism that can reproduce by mitotic cell division. Prior to the M phase of the cell cycle, which of the following must occur

the cell must replicate its chromosomes

what would happen to the daughter cells if the G1 phase of the parent cell is shortened

the cells would be smaller than normal

the z scheme refers to:

the change in the energy level of electron donors during the photosynthetic electron transport chain

if a mutation occurs such that photosystem I no longer functions as efficiently as it should, what might be MOST directly affected

the rate at which NADPH is produced

When chlorophyll in solution returns to its ground state via energy release, it is ready to absorb another photon. How is this different in the reaction center chlorophyll in the chloroplast?

the reaction center chlorophyll must obtain a replacement electron

A new experimental pesticide is being tested by a large agricultural chemical company. An unfortunate side effect in plants treated with this new product is a decrease in ATP production in the chloroplasts. (Interestingly, production of ATP in the mitochondria is unaffected.) Given this observation, which of the following would you expect to be DIRECTLY affected by the new pesticide?

the synthesis of triose phosphates from 3-phosphoglycerate

what happens to CDKs in the absence of cyclins

they are inactive

Chloroplast ATP syntheses are powered by the flow of protons from the:

thylakoid lumen to the stroma

light energy is converted to chemical energy in the

thylakoid membrane

a skin cell in G2 of interphase has _____ as much DNA as it had in G1


the experiment in Fig. 8.3 demonstrates that the percentage of 18O2 increases when the: http://www.macmillanhighered.com/brainhoney/Resource/8622870,8,0,49/Assets/resources/chapter_8/8_4.jpg

water in the experiment contains 18O2

Which of the following CORRECTLY lists the path taken by electrons through the light dependent reactions of photosynthesis?

water → photosystem II → cytochrome b6f → photosystem I → NADPH

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