-Exam 3, ch. 8-11

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As president, Andrew Jackson

asserted his power most dramatically through use of the veto.

In Dartmouth College v. Woodward, the Supreme Court held that a(n) __________ granted by a state could not be modified unless both parties agreed.

state charter

In the decades before the Civil War, Cincinnati workers

struck for fair wages

The most recent historical interpretations of slavery have viewed the institution

through life in the slave quarters.

A short-lived strike by Lowell's women workers in February 1834 occurred in protest of

wage cuts

The yeoman farmers of the South

were fiercely proud of their independence.

Most of the emigrants who headed for the Far West were

white and American born

Susan Warner responded to financial adversity by

writing a novel for publication

Paralleling the growth of the southern economy and its dependence on the slave labor system, the number of slaves in the United States rapidly increased from 1.5 million in 1820 to __________ million in 1860.


For __________ , the gold rush in California was a disaster of epic proportions.

Native American tribes

Americans encountered a Spanish-speaking culture in which of the following places?

New Mexico, Texas, California

Americans were attracted to Texas in the 1820s by the

lure of cheap land for cotton cultivation

From the very beginning of the 1840s, thousands of American emigrants on the overland trails lost their lives to hostile Indian raids.


In 1829 a northern free black man named Nat Turner published a pamphlet that called for slave rebellion.


Most European visitors to the United States in the 1830s considered Americans to be dull-witted and listless.


Most miners to California wanted to remain and settle permanently.


Throughout the 1830s and 1840s, politics was primarily the business of the social and economic elite.


Upon passage of a compromise tariff in 1833, South Carolina agreed that states do not have the powers of nullification or secession.


Northern farmers started using manure as fertilizer after 1800.


As many as __________ Indians gathered at the Ft. Laramie Council of 1851.


The largest slave population in the world in 1800 -- one million -- was in __________ .


Farmers in the __________ valley were leaders in adopting scientific farming techniques in the early 1800s.

Delaware River

Brazil's slaves population reached over 15 million by 1860


By the 1830s, all American states had adopted a plan of state-funded public education for children between 5 and 19 years of age.


After the congressional ban on the importation of slaves, the slave population in the United States steadily declined from 1808 to 1860.


As late as 1880, most large western cities counted more women than men.


All of the following are true statements regarding Sylvester Graham EXCEPT:

He was a Catholic preacher

Black women from the Catholic order of the Sisters of the __________ started schools and ministered to the old and infirm among the free black community.

Holy Family

Which of the following statements accurately describes the gold miners in California?

Most were unmarried men. Most were young, in their twenties. About 80 percent of them came from the United States.

Hoping the issue would boost his reelection chances in 1844, President __________ reopened the question of annexing Texas.

John Tyler

Preachers of the Second Great Awakening such as Charles Finney emphasized

Logic and emotion

As a result of Jackson's Specie Circular of 1836,

Martin Van Buren was elected president of the United States.

All of the following describe the life and work of Abbey Kelly EXCEPT:

She led a rebellion in the South

As sugar production increased in Latin America, the average working life for slaves in the fields dropped from 15 to 7 years.


Between 1820 and 1860, the number of free blacks doubled in the United States.


Between 1828 and 1832, dozens of workingmen's parties arose in the United States.


Between 1834 and 1836, American workers struck some 168 times.


Despite his antagonistic stance, President Polk avoided war with Britain over Oregon Territory by offering to settle its boundary at the 49th parallel.


In 1860, nearly 3,000 Chinese lived in Chinatown, a large district in San Francisco.


Mob actions sometimes lasted for days because there was no effective police to stop them.


Most black women in urban America held jobs before and after marriage in the mid-1800s.


Most free blacks lived in the Upper South.


Which of the following groups of blacks did NOT compose the Catholic population of Baltimore and New Orleans?

abolitionists from Boston

Free African Americans were likely to

be older and more literate.

Perhaps most emigrants to the Far West were motivated by dreams of

bettering their lives by cultivating the land

All of the following are true regarding the political rights of free blacks in the United States in the 1800s EXCEPT

black women could vote

Women workers at the Lowell mills

lived in closely supervised company boardinghouses.

In which of the following industries did slaves work in Central and South America?

cacao coca cotton

For members of his "perfectionist" community at Oneida, John Humphrey Noyes advocated

communal child rearing

The free black population of the United States increased from 1820 to 1860 because of all of the following reasons EXCEPT the

continuing immigration of blacks from Africa.

Between 1819 and 1824, a series of Supreme Court decisions established the basic principle that

contracts were binding legal instruments.

Which one of the following was NOT one of Finney's beliefs?

conversion as the end of religious experience

Antebellum advocates of public education hoped that the schools would

counter unsettling effects of economic change

The role of the ideal woman in antebellum America was to

create a clean and wholesome home for family life

Wealthy southern planters justified slavery in terms of white superiority because such a defense

deflected potential class antagonisms among whites.

The Tredegar Iron Company of Richmond decided in 1847 to shift from white to slave labor to

destroy the potential power of organized white workers to strike.

For most emigrants on the overland trails,

difficulties multiplied as the trip lengthened

Which of the following values did self-help books emphasize in the early 1800s?

diligence punctuality thrift

Manufacturers primarily valued education for their workers because it

encouraged habits of discipline and productivity

By 1860, the number of Americans living in the trans-Mississippi West

exceeded 4 million

Utopian leader William Miller lost credibility by his

failure to predict accurately the Second Coming of Christ.

All of the following describe the historical development of the free black church EXCEPT the

free black church did not reach out to slaves.

With the victory at San Jacinto in 1836, Texas

gained its independence from Mexico

In what physical areas did urban whites attempt to restrict free black mobility?

grogshops gambling halls brothels

By 1860, almost __________ of the American people lived west of the Appalachian Mountains.


A dramatic rise in the concentration of wealth in the United States from 1820 to 1860

hardened class lines

One of Andrew Jackson's key principles included the

importance of majority rule

In contrast to the agricultural frontier, migrants to the mining frontier were more

intent on making a quick profit

Mining camps were characterized by all of the following EXCEPT

large numbers of women

Of the following economic indicators describing conditions in Philadelphia, which one DECREASED from 1820 to 1860?

proportion of craftsmen in the laboring class

Sociologist George Fitzhugh argued that southern black slaves

received better treatment than northern factory workers.

Eastern Indian tribes from the South and Old Northwest, whom the American government forcibly relocated in the West,

served ironically as agents of white civilization.

What did trade unions advocate?

shorter hours higher wages better living conditions

Robert Francis Allston's chief concern as a slaveholder was to guard against his slaves'

sickness and death

The Plains tribes posed an obstacle to white settlement due to their

skills in warfare possession of guns. possession of horses.

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