Exam 3

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Under the Affordable Care Act, insurance plans can set lifetime limits on coverage.


When causes of waterborne disease outbreaks are determined, the number one source is most often viruses.


Properties where reuse is complicated by the presence of hazardous substance from prior use are called brown fields.


The EPA regulates the registration and labeling of pesticides.


The United States spends more per capita annually on healthcare than any other nation


The major determinants of access to health care in the United States are insurance coverage and the generosity of that coverage.


The number of waterborne disease outbreaks associated with drinking water has declined in recent years.


The spectrum of health care delivery refers to the various types of care.


Virtually all surface water is polluted and needs to be treated before it can be safely consumed.


The substance that remains after humans have used water for domestic or commercial purposes is


The number one source of most foodborne disease outbreaks is bacteria.


Only about one-third of those diagnosed with a mental disorder receive treatment.


Solid waste with properties that make it dangerous or potentially harmful to human health or the environment is classified as municipal waste.


The Affordable Care Act was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2012.


The current number one method of disposal of municipal solid waste is combustion.


The fight or flight reaction can be maintained for a significant length of time by the body.


The number one cause of lung cancer among nonsmokers is secondhand smoke.


Protecting the public from foodborne disease outbreaks lies solely with local government health agencies.


Deinstitutionalization from state mental hospitals began in the


The average U.S. resident uses an average of how much water each day?

80-100 gallons

The individual mandate to have health insurance is a key component of _____.

Affordable Care Act

Symptoms of mental illness can arise from many causes.

Antipsychotic Drugs

The federal law aimed at ensuring that all rivers are swimmable and fishable and that limits the discharge of pollutants in U.S. waters to zero is the

Clean Water Act

Which group treats the largest number of people with mental disorders?

General medical pracitioners

The type of managed care that buys fixed-rate health services from providers and sells them to consumers is


Public hospitals are often found in small, rural communities.


The type of health care practice that incorporates interventions aimed at disease prevention and health promotion is

The type of health care practice that incorporates interventions aimed at disease prevention and health promotion is

Chiropractors are nonallopathic providers.


Symptoms of mental illness can arise from many causes.


The only developed country in the world that does not offer national health insurance is ___________.

United States

People with good mental health are able to

all of the above (correct answer) a. function under adversity b. adapt to changes around them c. curb hate and guilt d. all of the above Correct

Leading factors contributing to foodborne disease outbreaks are

all of the above (correct answer) a. inadequate cooking temperatures b. unsanitary conditions at the point of service c. drinking raw milk d. all of the above Correct

The widespread use of lobotomies became unnecessary because of

antipsychotic and antidepressive drugs

Porous, water-saturated layers of underground bedrock, sand, and gravel that can yield economically significant amounts of water are referred to as


An affective disorder characterized by distinct periods of elevated mood alternating with periods of depression is

bipolar disorder

A negotiated set amount that a patient pays for certain services is a


The greatest reason for lack of insurance coverage is _____.


A __________ refers to the amount of expenses the beneficiary must pay or incur before the insurance company begins to pay for covered services.


The amount of expenses that the beneficiary must incur before the insurance company begins to pay for covered services is the


Diseases that result from chronic exposure to excess levels of stressors, which produce a General Adaptation Syndrome response are

diseases of adaptation

A condition that occurs when warm air traps cooler air at the surface of the earth is greenhouse gases.


A drug that subdues a mental patient's behavior is referred to as tardive dyskinesia.


Agents, usually chemicals, that cause cancer are referred to as ozone.


Brown smog is formed primarily by sulfur dioxide and suspended solid particles


Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has been banned from use in the United States.


Health care delivery in the United States is very similar to other developed countries.


Mental illness is the second leading cause of disability in the United States.


Military service in a combat zone decreases one's risk of experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD)


Nurses are an example of limited care providers.


Of employed registered nurses, the largest majority work in offices of physicians.


Liquid created when water mixes with wastes and removes soluble constituents from them by percolation is


Restorative care is a component of

long-term practice

Tobacco smoke inhaled and exhaled by the smoker is referred to as

mainstream smoke

An affective disorder characterized by a dysphoric mood, usually depression, or loss of interest or pleasure in almost all usual activities or pastimes is

major depression

Those lacking the financial ability to pay for their own medical care are referred to as

medically indigent

Water pollution that occurs through the runoff, seepage, or falling of pollutants into the water is

nonpoint source pollution

The main group of patients transinstitutionalized have been

older adults

Most municipal solid waste comes from


The concept of equality in health care coverage for people with mental illness and those with other medical illnesses or injuries is


The part of Medicare that is prescription drug coverage is

part D

A written agreement between a private insurance company and an individual or group of individuals to pay for certain health care costs during a certain time period in return for regular, periodic payments is a health insurance


Early education to economically disadvantaged preschool children is an example of

primary prevention

The level of wastewater treatment where sludge is seperated and removed is

primary wastewater treatment

Treatment that involves intensive, individualized services over an indefinite period of time is

psychiatric rehabilitation

Treatment of mental disorders through verbal communication is


Kissock's triangle represents the three major issues in healthcare in the United States. They inclulde cost containment, access and __________.


A process in which energy is emitted in particles or waves is


The payments made by the third party payers to providers are referred to as _____.


An example of an allied health care professional is a

respiratory therapist

The practice of establishing and maintaining healthy or hygienic conditions in the environment is


Employee Assistance Programs and crisis intervention are examples of

secondary prevention

The most desirable form of integrated waste management is

source reduction

The level of wastewater treatment that involves filtration through sand and carbon filters is

tertiary wastewater treatment

The most influential book in mental health is

the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, 4th edition

In the third-party payment system, insurance companies are

third party payers

A clinic is a facility in which two or more physicians practice as a group.


About half of all adults who are homeless have substance use disorders.


About half of all prison and jail inmates have a serious mental illness.


According to Figure 9.7, the number of resident patients in state and county mental hospitals has declined significantly since the 1950s


Chronic nutritional deficiency is a possible cause of mental disorders in some.


Factors or conditions in the environment that increase the risk of human injury, disease, or death are environmental hazards.


Gases and particulates generated by burning are referred to as combustion by-products.


Health care workers who have the specialized education and legal authority to treat any health problem or disease are independent providers.


In recent decades the federal government's role in mental health funding and policy has been substantial.


In the United States, over two million adults experience homelessness over the course of a year.


Laboratory technicians are considered to be allied health care professionals.


Mental disorders are health conditions that are characterized by alteration in thinking, mood, or behavior associated with distress and/or impaired functioning


National health insurance is primarily funded by tax dollars.


Nearly half of people with mental illness have more than one disorder.


Those at greatest risk of lead poisoning are

young children

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