Exam 3 Kinesiology

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Which of the following is not a phase of "sit-up" exercise? A. Starting phase B. Curling phase C. Rotating phase D. Return phase

A. Starting phase

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the "kinetic chain concept?" A. Open-chain exercises generally isolate only one segment. B. Closed-chain exercises work all body segments in the chain. C. Both of the above choices are correct. D. None of the above choices is correct.

C. Both of the above choices are correct.

The abdominal curl-up strengthens the hip flexors.


Exact names of the movement phases may vary from skill to skill to fit the various sports terminology.


For the purpose of movement analysis, most sport skills involve 3-5 separate phases.


Generally, a high rate of acceleration during the movement phase of a sports skill will result in a greater length and importance of the follow-though phase.


Movements involving "closed kinetic chain" are considered to be very functional, particularly for the lower extremities.


Muscles generally function in paired opposition to an antagonistic group.


The "kinetic chain concept" indicates that our extremities consist of several bony segments linked by a series of joints.


The names of individual phases of sports skills may vary depending upon body part involved.


The upper extremity is often one of the body's weakest areas.


When determining appropriate conditioning exercises one should consider the open versus closed kinetic chain demands of the activity through analysis of skilled movements.


While performing the pulling up phase of a chin-up the shoulder girdle is adducting.


An individual will develop adequate muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility through participation in sport activities.


Because the glenohumeral joint moves from abduction to adduction and back again, the lat pull is a great exercise for deltoid development.


During the arm pull/leg push phase of the rowing exercise the knee joint performs flexion.


During the return phase of a lat pull-down the elbow is performing flexion.


During the return phase of rowing exercise the wrist and hand joints perform extension.


It is not necessary to analyze each individual's exercise and skill technique in order to specifically design an exercise program to meet his/her needs.


Muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility are general body characteristics that are not specific to each body area and muscle group.


The "Valsalva Maneuver" is when one holds his/her breath while attempting to lift heavy weights or trying to exhale against an open epiglottis.


The abdominal curl-up does not strengthen the internal and external oblique abdominals unless trunk rotation is included.


The chin-up exercise is an excellent exercise for triceps brachii development.


The dead lift is a closed kinetic chain exercise.


The push-up exercise is an excellent exercise for upper extremity development but does little for the rest of the body.


The quadriceps muscle group functions as a decelerator to knee joint flexion in weight-bearing movements by contracting concentrically to prevent too rapid of a downward movement.


When performing a "squat" exercise the hip is extended during the lowering phase


While performing the pull-up phase of a dumbbell bent-over row the wrist and hand both perform flexion.


A "dead lift" exercise is divided into two phases.


Compared to an untrained person, a well-trained person will see relatively minor improvements in the amount of weight that can be lifted over the same period of time.


Concentric muscle actions are the shortening contraction of muscles against gravity or a resistance.


During the arm pull/leg push phase of the rowing exercise the shoulder joint performs extension.


During the return phase of rowing exercise the hip joint performs flexion.


Eccentric actions occur when muscles lengthen under tension to control the joints moving with gravity or a resistance.


Many types of back pain and other physical ailments can be avoided through proper maintenance of the musculoskeletal system.


Muscles may shorten or lengthen in the absence of a contraction through passive movement caused by other contracting muscles.


Overload may be modified by changing frequency, intensity, and/or duration.


Proper weight lifting technique involves exhaling during lifting and inhaling during lowering.


The "SAID Principle" indicates that strength gains beyond the range of motion utilized in the training are usually minimal.


The "SAID Principle" is applicable in every form of muscle training as well as to the systems of body.


The "alternating prone extension" exercise can be broken down to two separate phases.


The body will gradually, over time, attempt to adapt very specifically to the various stresses and overloads to which it is subjected.


The gastrocnemius and soleus are strengthened in the lowering phase of the squat due to their eccentric contractions.


The rowing exercise is a closed kinetic chain exercise.


The specific needs of each individual should be specifically addressed when designing an exercise program.


When using free weights for strength training it is important to ensure that one group of muscles is not overdeveloped and another is underdeveloped.


Which of the following statements is not true regarding the "kinetic chain concept?" A. A system can be both open and closed simultaneously. B. Bony segments and their linkage system of joints may be likened to a chain. C. Any one link in an extremity may be moved individually without significantly affecting other links if the chain is open. D. If the chain is closed then substantial movement of any one link cannot occur without substantial movement of the other links.

A. A system can be both open and closed simultaneously.

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the "stance phase" of sports skills? A. Allows for more power to be transferred from the body during the movement B. Allows the athlete to assume a comfortable and balanced body position C. Emphasis is on setting various joint angles in correct positions D. Is a relatively static phase with fairly short ranges of motion involved

A. Allows for more power to be transferred from the body during the movement

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the "follow-through phase" of sports skills? A. Begins immediately prior to the climax of movement phase B. Brings about negative acceleration of involved limb or body segment C. Often referred to as the deceleration phase D. Body segment velocity progressively decreases

A. Begins immediately prior to the climax of movement phase

Which of the following muscles is not strengthened to any substantial degree by abdominal curl-ups without rotation to the right and left? A. Erector spinae B. Internal and external abdominal obliques C. Rectus abdominis D. Sternocleidomastoids

A. Erector spinae

Which of the following joint motions is caused during the pushing phase of "hip sled" exercise? A. Extension B. Dorisflexion C. Rotation D. Abduction

A. Extension

Which of the following actions is performed during the return phase of rowing exercise? A. Flexion B. Adduction C. Depression D. Downward rotation

A. Flexion

Which of the following is not an agonist muscle of trunk extension when performing "alternating prone extension" exercise? A. Gluteus maximus B. Erector spinae C. Splenius D. Quadratus lumborum

A. Gluteus maximus

Which of the following muscles is not eccentrically active during the lowering phase of a dead lift exercise? A. Iliopsoas B. Rectus femoris C. Semitendinosus D. Gluteus maximus

A. Iliopsoas

Which of the following is not true regarding the "Valsalva Manuver?" A. Is considered to be proper when performing maximal lifts B. Causes dramatic blood pressure increase followed by equally dramatic drop C. Can cause lightheadedness and fainting D. Leads to complications in heart disease patients

A. Is considered to be proper when performing maximal lifts

Which of the following statements is not valid regarding a "closed kinetic chain?" A. It involves the body moving in relation to the relatively unfixed distal segment. B. Movement of one joint cannot occur without causing movements of the other joints. C. Multiple joints are involved. D. Multiple muscle groups are involved.

A. It involves the body moving in relation to the relatively unfixed distal segment.

Which of the following muscles is not activated during an isometric abdominal exercise? A. Serratus anterior B. Rectus abdominis C. External oblique D. Transverse abdominis

A. Serratus anterior

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the lowering phase of a barbell press? A. The shoulder girdle performs eccentric downward rotation B. The elbow performs extension C. The shoulder joint performs flexion D. The shoulder girdle performs elevation

A. The shoulder girdle performs eccentric downward rotation

During the lifting phase of a "dead lift" exercise the agonist muscles of the hip include all of the following except: A. Vastus medialis B. Gluteus maximus C. Semimembranosus D. Biceps femoris

A. Vastus medialis

Which of the following statements is true regarding the action of the quadriceps muscle group during squatting? A. When the descent is at the same speed as gravity no muscular control is exerted. B. When the descent is at the same speed as gravity the muscle lengthening is eccentric. C. Both of the above choices are correct D. None of the above choices is correct

A. When the descent is at the same speed as gravity no muscular control is exerted.

All of the following are open chain exercises except for _____. A. chin-up B. biceps curl C. bench press D. lat pull

A. chin-up

The alternating prone extension strengthens the trunk extensors through _____. A. concentric contractions during the lifting phase B. concentric contractions during the lowering phase C. eccentric contractions during the lifting phase D. isometric contractions during the lifting phase

A. concentric contractions during the lifting phase

In the alternating prone extension exercise the hip extensors contract _____. A. concentrically during the lifting phase B. concentrically during the lowering phase C. eccentrically during the lifting phase D. isometrically during the lifting phase

A. concentrically during the lifting phase

Which of the following joint motions is controlled during the lowering phase of "hip sled" exercise? A. Plantar flexion B. Dorisflexion C. Extension D. Abduction

B. Dorisflexion

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the "movement phase" in sport skills? A. Sometimes known as the acceleration, action, motion, or contact phase B. Generally involves high amounts of eccentric activity C. Summation of force is generated directly to the ball, sport object, or opponent D. Usually characterized by near-maximal concentric activity in involved muscles

B. Generally involves high amounts of eccentric activity

Which of the following is not true regarding muscular strength and endurance in the shoulder area? A. Essential for improved appearance and posture B. Increases performance in all sports C. Increases efficiency in skill performance of upper body activities D. Specific conditioning exercises and activities should be intelligently selected

B. Increases performance in all sports

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the lifting phase of a chest press? A. The wrist and hand perform extension B. The elbow performs extension C. The shoulder performs extension D. The shoulder girdle performs adduction

B. The elbow performs extension

Which of the following statements is not valid regarding an "open kinetic chain?" A. The core of the body is more stabilized while the distal segment is free to move in single plane. B. The proximal segment is not fixed while the distal segment is free to move in a single plane. C. Its not considered to be as functional as closed chain work for most lower extremity activities. D. Its beneficial in isolating a particular joint to concentrate on specific muscle groups.

B. The proximal segment is not fixed while the distal segment is free to move in a single plane.

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the "bent knee sit-up" exercise? A. The participant lies on back with forearms crossed and lying across chest. B. The strength of the erector spinae muscles are benefited significantly through this exercise. C. Hips and knees are flexed in this manner to reduce hip flexor length. D. Participant curls up to a sitting position, rotates trunk to right, touches left elbow to right knee.

B. The strength of the erector spinae muscles are benefited significantly through this exercise.

Which of the following is not an agonist muscle of shoulder flexion when performing "alternating prone extension" exercise? A. Deltoid B. Triceps brachii C. Coracobrachialis D. Biceps brachii

B. Triceps brachii

The squat and dead lift are similar in that they both strengthen the _____. A. knee flexors B. hip extensors C. hip flexors D. trunk extensors

B. hip extensors

Which of the following actions is performed during the arm pull/leg push phase of rowing exercise? A. Dorsiflexion B. Abduction C. Extension D. Upward rotation

C. Extension

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the "preparatory phase" of sports skills? A. Often referred to as cocking or wind-up phase B. Used to lengthen the muscles in order to generate more force and momentum C. Is generally not the most critical phase in leading toward the desired result of activity D. Becomes more dynamic as the need for explosiveness in the sport skill increases

C. Is generally not the most critical phase in leading toward the desired result of activity

Which of the following muscles does not perform hip extension during the lifting phase of a "squat" exercise? A. Gluteus maximus B. Semimembranosus C. Rectus femoris D. Biceps femoris

C. Rectus femoris

Which of the following statements is not valid regarding an "open kinetic chain?" A. Allows any one joint in the extremity to move or function separately B. Upper extremity examples include a shoulder shrug, a shoulder abduction, or a biceps curl C. Requires the movement of other joints in the extremity D. Lower extremity examples include seated hip flexion, knee extension, and ankle dorsiflexion

C. Requires the movement of other joints in the extremity

During the lowering phase of a "dead lift" exercise the agonist muscles of the knee include all of the following except: A. Rectus femoris B. Vastus medialis C. Semimembranosus D. Vastus intermedius

C. Semimembranosus

Which one of the following is not true regarding the analysis of most sport skills? A. Will include a preparatory phase B. Will include a movement phase C. Will include a stop-action phase D. Will include a follow-through phase

C. Will include a stop-action phase

The dead lift strengthens the knee extensors through _____. A. concentric contractions during the lowering phase B. eccentric contractions during the lifting phase C. eccentric contractions during the lowering phase D. isometric contractions during the lifting phase

C. eccentric contractions during the lowering phase

The abdominal curl-up strengthens the abdominal muscles through _____. A. concentric contractions during the return to starting phase B. eccentric contractions during the curl-up phase C. eccentric contractions during the return to starting phase D. isometric contractions during the curl-up phase

C. eccentric contractions during the return to starting phase

The dumbbell bent-over row is an excellent shoulder girdle exercise due to its work on the _____. A. levator scapula B. pectoralis minor C. rhomboids D. serratus anterior

C. rhomboids

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the "recovery phase" of sports skills? A. Used after follow-through to regain balance B. Needed to get repositioned for the next possible sport movement C. Not needed in some sports activities D. Involves more total force production by muscles than any other phase except for the movement phase

D. Involves more total force production by muscles than any other phase except for the movement phase

Which of the following muscles are agonists during a triceps extension? A. Brachialis B. Brachioradialis C. Biceps brachii D. None of the above choices is correct

D. None of the above choices is correct

Which of the following muscles are antagonists during an arm curl? A. Flexor carpi radialis B. Flexor carpi ulnaris C. Flexor pollicis longus D. None of the above choices is correct

D. None of the above choices is correct

Which of the following is not considered very important in skillful performance of physical activity and body maintenance from a kinesiological perspective? A. Strength B. Endurance C. Flexibility D. Power

D. Power

During the lifting phase of a "dead lift" exercise the agonist muscles of the wrist and hand include all of the following except: A. Flexor carpi radialis B. Palmaris longus C. Flexor digitorum profundus D. Quadratus lumborum

D. Quadratus lumborum

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the pushing phase of a push-up? A. The wrist and hand perform extension B. The elbow performs flexion C. The shoulder performs horizontal abduction D. The shoulder girdle performs abduction

D. The shoulder girdle performs abduction

With respect to the agonist muscles involved in performing a shoulder pull which of the following statements is true? A. The wrist and hand perform concentric flexion B. The elbow joint performs eccentric extension C. The shoulder joint performs concentric adduction D. The shoulder girdle performs isometric adduction

D. The shoulder girdle performs isometric adduction

Which of the following is not an agonist muscle of hip extension when performing "alternating prone extension" exercise? A. Gluteus maximus B. Semitendinosus C. Biceps femoris D. Vastus medialis

D. Vastus medialis

Which one of the following may not be determined from viewing an activity from an analysis perspective? A. Which muscles that are performing the movement B. Which type of contraction is occurring C. Which kind of exercises are appropriate for developing the muscles D. Which angle of movement will produce the greatest force

D. Which angle of movement will produce the greatest force

The push-up and bench press are similar in that they both strengthen the _____. A. elbow extensors B. glenohumeral flexors and horizontal adductors C. shoulder girdle protractors D. all of the above

D. all of the above

During the squat the hip flexors are strengthened by _____. A. concentric contractions during the lowering phase B. eccentric contractions during the lifting phase C. eccentric contractions during the lowering phase D. none of the above

D. none of the above

All of the following are open chain exercises except for _____. A. dumbbell bent-over row B. triceps curl C. barbell press D. push-up

D. push-up

Emphasizing the end of a push-up by exaggerating shoulder girdle protraction is an excellent strengthening exercise for the _____. A. levator scapula B. trapezius C. rhomboids D. serratus anterior

D. serratus anterior

All of the following are open chain exercises except for _____. A. abdominal curl-up B. alternating prone extension C. sit-up D. squat

D. squat

All sports involve closed-chain lower extremity activities and open-chain upper extremity activities.


During the "follow-through" phase velocity of the moving body segment progressively decreases over a wide range of motion which is usually attributable to high concentric activity in muscles.


Most physical activity, particularly those that involve the lower extremity, requires multiple joint activities involving single muscle groups.


Muscles are usually grouped together according to their eccentric function.


Some athletes may begin follow-through too late which can cut short the movement phase.


The arm curl exercise is composed of two phases which are the lifting phase and the relaxation phase.


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