exam 3 practice questions

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If you say that "a Labrador retriever is my idea of a typical dog," you would be using the _____ approach to categorization. a. exemplar b. definitional c. family resemblance d. prototype


Mental-scanning experiments found a. a positive linear relationship between scanning time and distance on the image. b. a negative linear relationship between scanning time and distance on the image. c. a constant scanning time for all locations on an image. d. that imagery does not represent spatial relations in the same way perceptual information does.


Noam Chomsky proposed that a. humans are genetically programmed to acquire and use language. b. language is learned through the mechanism of reinforcement. c. as children learn language, they produce only sentences they have heard before. d. the underlying basis of language is different across cultures.


Which of the following is the best example of a garden path sentence? a. Before the police stopped the Toyota disappeared into the night. b. The man was not surprised when he found several spiders, roaches, and other bugs in the corner of the room. c. The cats won't bake. d. The Eskimos were frightened by the walrus.


Your text's discussion of false memories leads to the conclusion that false memories a. arise from the same constructive processes that produce true memories. b. occur for details but not for entire events. c. occur in laboratory settings but do not occur in real-world circumstances. d. do not occur for all people but rather are experienced by suggestible or inattentive people.


______ is an average representation of a category. a. A prototype b. An exemplar c. A unit d. A component


According to Collins and Quillian's semantic network model, it should take longest to verify which statement below? a. Pigs are pigs. b. A pig is an animal. c. A pig is a pig. d. A pig is a mammal.


Loftus and Palmer's "car-crash slides" experiment described in the text shows how a seemingly minor word change can produce a change in a person's memory report. In this study, the MPI was (were) the word(s) a. "fast." b. "smashed." c. "miles per hour." d. "car crash."


Shepard and Metzler measured the time it took for participants to decide whether two objects were the same (two different views of the same object) or different (two different objects). These researchers inferred cognitive processes by using a. image scanning. b. mental chronometry. c. epiphenomena. d. propositional representations.


Which property below is NOT one of the characteristics that makes human language unique? a. Hierarchical structure b. Communication c. Governed by rules d. all of these make human language unique


Kosslyn interpreted the results of his research on imagery (such as the island experiment) as supporting the idea that the mechanism responsible for imagery involves ____ representations. a. epiphenomenal b. propositional c. spatial d. unilateral


Lindsay's misinformation effect experiment, in which participants were given a memory test about a sequence of slides showing a maintenance man stealing money and a computer, showed that participants are influenced by MPI a. if they believe the postevent information is correct. b. only if the MPI is presented immediately after viewing the event. c. even if they are told to ignore the postevent information. d. if the MPI is consistent with social stereotypes.


Not all of the members of everyday categories have the same features. Most fish have gills, fins, and scales. Sharks lack the feature of scales, yet they are still categorized as fish. This poses a problem for the _______ approach to categorization. a. prototype b. exemplar c. definitional d. family resemblance


Your friend has been sick for several days, so you go over to her home to make her some chicken soup. Searching for a spoon, you first reach in a top drawer beside the dishwasher. Then, you turn to the big cupboard beside the stove to search for a pan. In your search, you have relied on a kitchen a. source memory. b. script. c. schema. d. scan technique.


B.F. Skinner, the modern champion of behaviorism, proposed that language is learned through a. parsing. b. genetic coding. c. syntactic framing. d. reinforcement.


In their imagery study, Finke and Pinker presented a four-dot display briefly to participants. After a two-second delay, participants then saw an arrow, and their task was to indicate whether the arrow would have pointed to any of the dots in the previous display. The significance of their results was they called into question the ____ explanation of imagery. a. epiphenomenon b. depictive representation c. spatial representation d. tacit-knowledge


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