Exam 4

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Approximately how long does it take to attain expert performance? Know the structure of practice in the daily lives of elite performers

-10 years -Practive in the morning for 1 hour followed by rest. Approx 4 hours a day. (Expert musicians practice longer and sleep longer than less accomplished musicians.)

Be familiar with research on absolute pitch

-Ability to correctly identify each of the 64 different tones presented in isolation. -only about 0.01% of population have Absolute pitch -This ability occurs in early childhood -adults unable to learn -limited period to develop this: 3-6 years old

*Know the 3 qualities of creativity suggested by most definitions

-Bringing something useful into being -Original -Valuable

-What is the main Argument of Campitelli & Gobert (DP as necessary vs sufficient)? -What was the minimum number of houses required to achieve chess master in their sample? -What was t he average number of hours required to achieve chess master in their sample? What other factors were related to chess performance?

-Deliberate practice is necessary but not sufficient -3,000 hours -11,000 hours - younger age when started, born first half of the year

Know the research comparing elite athletes to non-elite athletes and controls

-Elite athletes react faster and make better perceptual discriminations in their own domains -Simple reaction times and perceptual acuity in lab tests: elite=non-elite=control (both have the same amount of control)

(Little-C Creativity) -What percentile of SAT-math was used for this study? -Know the differences between the highest and lowest quartiles on Math ability. -Know the two differences in ability pattern and career choice.

-More people in highest quartile were more likely to geet PHDs, Peer- Reviewed Publication, STEM publication, STEM PHDS, Patent, Income in 95th precentile, STEM Tenure -Even with exceptional math ability, higher verbal leads to non-STEM careers. -Exceptional math ability + Spatial ability= Math leads to steam

Understand associations between child prodigies and exceptional adult performance.

-Most child prodigies never attain exceptional levels of performance as adults -Vast majorities of exceptional adult performers were never child prodigies

Understand the research on savants

-Musical Savants cannot reproduce unconventional or non-western patterns of music - Most were given opportunity, support, and encouragement for years before "talent" emerged -Abilities reflect acquired skills. -Abilities reflect acquired skills

-What personality traits are associated with creativity in general? -Which Traits are more characteristic of artists and scientists?

Artists and scientists: Introvert, asocial, Independent, hostility, arrogance Characteristics: Asocial, Need for power(drive, Ambition, Self-confidence), Need for diversity of experience(openness to experience, flexibility of thought, active imagination) Artists: Intense emotion experience( anxiety, affective illness, emotion sensitivity) Low socialization, Scientists: Conscientiousness.

Be able to Recognize the definition / description of Fluency, Originality, and elaboration

Fluency- The NUMBER of ideas a person expresses through interpretable responses that use the stimulus ins a meaningful way Originality- the STATISTICAL INFREQUENCY and UNUSUALNESS of the response" Elaboration- Each pertinent DETAILED added to the original stimulus figure

What factor predicted sight-reading performance beyond deliberate practice?

Working-memory capacity

-Which Genotype is related to an increased risk of psychosis? - How was creativity measured in this study? -What was the effect of the genotype on creativity?

-Neuregulin 1 (T/T) -Neuregulin 1, creative achievement Q and Just Suppose test. (originality, flexibility, fluency) - People with the T/T genotype scored higher on Creative achievement Q, Originality, Flexibility, Fluency

Be familiar with the results of de Groot

-Presented chess positions for 2-15 seconds to players of various levels of expertise. Results: Best players could describe structure and reproduce positions . Weaker chess players' memory was much worse

Be familiar with the results of Chase & Simon

-Presented meaningful patterns and random patterns Results: A) Meaningful Patterns: Experts>Novices B) Random Patterns: Experts=Novices

What differences in psychopathologies were found between artists and scientists?

-Schizophrenia: 3X higher in ARTISTS than gen pop. Manic Depression: 10X higher in scientists than gen pop

*-Be able to define Sternberg's three insights -Be able to correctly identify examples of each insight

-Selective encoding: Noticing of potentially relevant information for conceptualization of problem from a stream of information (example: Alexander Fleming and discovery of penicillin: He had a culture of bacteria to grow but when he came back, the bacteria was dead because of mold, first time people realized t here are organisms that killed bacteria) - Selective Combinations: Disparate pieces of information need to be put together in a novel and useful way (examples: Billy Crystal. Mike from Monsters INC was combination of Sammy Davis JR and Mr. Toad. -Selective Comparison: perception of an analogy between the old and the new. (example: Kekule structure of benzene ring: He knew it was made up of carbon and hydrogen atoms, but didn't know how they combined. After work he took and nap by the fire and saw a snake bite its own tale and figured out it was a ring structure.

Be familiar with the results of Chase & Ericsson

-Through extended practice (200 Hours) it is possible to improve performance by more than %1,000 -Acquisition of memory skills to store information in Long-term Memory

-What Job categories did the authors use to identify creative professions? -What psychopathology was associated with creative professions in general? -What psychopathologies characterized authors?

-artists and scientists - Bipolar Disorder -unipolar depression, Schizophrenia anxiety disorders, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, commit suicide

*Be able to give the four main ports of the four possible explanations for the connection between creativity and mood disorder.

Mood Disorders>Creativity: 1) Depressive episodes may provide material for creative work 2) Hypo(manic) Episodes provide motivation and the drive to express one's insights 3.)Mood lability in Bipolar may enhance: your creative insights and ability integrate both. Creates possibility of more or complex and creative associations Creativity>Mood Disorders: -May Negatively impact mood regulation: -Channeling and expression of intense emotions -Financail instability -Illegal Drugs as coping -irregular hours -Drive and ambition

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