Exam 4: Chapter 34

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How do scientists know that the hominid called "Ardi" is about 4.4 million years old? by comparing Ardi's DNA to modern human DNA by looking at Ardi's anatomical features by using radiometric dating techniques on the volcanic deposits found above and below the layer containing Ardi by comparing the stone tools found in the same sediment as Ardi to other stone tools of known age

by using radiometric dating techniques on the volcanic deposits found above and below the layer containing Ardi

Which discovery finally overturned the prevailing perception that all dinosaurs were large, slow, and lumbering? Select one: a. A fossil of Compsognathus, a chicken-sized dinosaur, which was discovered around the same time as Archaeopteryx. b. Pterosaur fossils with hollow bones and wings c. The small theropod dinosaur Deinonychus, which had a large sickle-shaped claw on each of its hindlimbs. d. The fossil of Archaeopteryx, discovered in Germany shortly after the publication of Darwin's On the Origin of Species.


Which clade does not include humans?


A researcher notices that in a certain moth species, some females prefer to feed and lay eggs on domesticated solanaceous plants like potatoes and tomatoes. Other females prefer to feed and lay eggs on wild solanaceous plants like Datura. Both male and female moths primarily use scent to find these plants from afar. Females tend to mate where they feed, and the researcher finds a genetic basis for scent preference in these moths. Based on the above information, what might be occurring in this moth species? Postzygotic isolation polyploidization divergence in sympatry divergence due to habitat fragmentation

divergence in sympatry

Which of the following traits can be used to differentiate humans from our closest living primate relatives? extensive tool use bipedality (the ability to walk exclusively on two legs) grasping hands large brain size

extensive tool use bipedality (the ability to walk exclusively on two legs) large brain size

What is the single unique characteristic that distinguishes extant birds from other extant vertebrates? feathers endothermy an amniotic egg flight a four-chambered heart


Examination of the fossils of Archaeopteryx reveals that, in common with extant birds, it had feathers. a long tail containing vertebrae. wing claws. teeth. all of the above are correct.


A trend first observed in the evolution of the earliest tetrapods was the appearance of bony vertebrae. feet with digits. the mineralization of the endoskeleton. the amniotic egg. the appearance of jaws.

feet with digits.

The water vascular system of echinoderms _____.

functions in locomotion and feeding

The Neanderthal DNA discovered in Homo sapiens is best explained by ____. a mutation genetic drift polyploidy gene flow

gene flow

Unlike eutherians, both monotremes and marsupials

have some embryonic development outside the uterus.

Unlike eutherians, both monotremes and marsupials lay eggs. include only insectivores and herbivores. are found in Australia and Africa. have some embryonic development outside the uterus. lack nipples.

have some embryonic development outside the uterus.

The primates that spend the most time walking upright are the _____.


The primates that spend the most time walking upright are the _____. apes prosimians New World monkeys hominids Old World monkeys


The primates that spend the most time walking upright are the _____.

hominids ( Humans are hominids.)

Which of these anthropoid groups consists of primates who are mostly tree dwellers and whose forelimbs and hind limbs are about equal in length?

monkeys ( In addition to these characteristics many monkeys have tails.)

Which graph properly depicts the relationship between the amount of gas in the swim bladder and the density of the fish? positive linear negative linear negative quadratic positive qudratic

negative linear

8. Is this statement supported or not supported by the graph? For the species represented on this graph, body mass is directly proportional to brain size.

not supported

A placenta and viviparity are most likely adaptations for increasing ______.

parental care and offspring survival. Placental mammals provide considerable maternal care, increasing offspring survival.

What do all craniates have that earlier chordates did not have? bone brain partial or complete skull cartilaginous pipe surrounding notochord vertebrae

partial or complete skull

Why is the discovery of the fossil Archaeopteryx significant? It supports the idea that the first birds were ratites. claim that some dinosaurs had feathers well before birds had evolved. hypothesis that the earliest birds were ectothermic. phylogenetic relatedness of birds and reptiles. contention that birds are much older than we originally thought.

phylogenetic relatedness of birds and reptiles.

Which of the following is a characteristic of all chordates at some point during their life cycle?

post-anal tail

Pasteur's experiments proved that...

preexisting cells present in the air can grow in sterilized nutrient broth

Which of the following statements about hominin evolution is correct? As hominins have evolved, _____.

sexual dimorphism was significantly reduced

Which of the following statements about hominin evolution is correct? As hominins have evolved, _____. jaw size has increased the foramen magnum has shifted farther back on the skull canine teeth have increased in size they have developed longer fingers sexual dimorphism was significantly reduced

sexual dimorphism was significantly reduced

10. Is this statement supported or not supported by the graph? The ratio of brain volume to body mass of Homo sapiens is larger than that of Homo ergaster.


9. Is this statement supported or not supported by the graph? Despite having a body mass similar to that of Homo sapiens, Homo neanderthalensis had a larger brain volume.


Chordate pharyngeal slits appear to have functioned first as the digestive system's opening. portions of the inner ear. gill slits for respiration. suspension-feeding devices. components of the jaw.

suspension-feeding devices.

Mating is believed to have taken place between modern humans and Neanderthals in ____ about 70,000 years ago Europe Asia the Middle East Africa

the Middle East

A unique feature of craniates is _____. segmentation a four-chambered heart a closed circulatory system the neural crest a vertebral column composed of bone

the neural crest

Dr. Mangin did research at Rocky Point on...

the samurai hydroid Samuraia tabularasa

Which of these characteristics added most to vertebrate success in relatively dry environments? bony scales the shelled, amniotic egg two pairs of appendages the ability to maintain a constant body temperature a four-chambered heart

the shelled, amniotic egg

Which one of these chordate groups lacks a post-anal tail and a notochord as adults? lancelets tunicates amphibians mammals reptiles


Which one of these chordate groups lacks a post-anal tail and a notochord as adults?

tunicates ( While larval tunicates have a post-anal tail and a notochord, adult tunicates do not.)

What do lampreys, sharks, snakes, turtles, and cats have that a hagfish lacks? a notochord at some point in their lives vertebrae legs a cranium jaws


Which of the following is NOT a diagnostic feature of the Chordata? a muscular, post-anal tail notochord pharyngeal slits or clefts a hollow dorsal nerve cord vertebrae


What trait(s) define(s) the vertebrates?

vertebrae and cranium

Which of the following chordate groups include(s) humans? Select all that apply. -Amniotes -Hominins -Gnathostomes

-Amniotes -Hominins -Gnathostomes

Which evidence supports the hypothesis that four limbed animals came from fish?

-DNA analysis shows that fish are tetrapods closest relatives - Fish and four limbed animals have very similar embryos -both fish and four limbed animals are vertebrates -The fossil record shows more and more tetrapod like fish before the appearance of tetrapods about 365 million years ago

Which evidence supports the hypothesis that four-limbed animals came from fish?

-DNA analysis shows that fish are tetrapods' closest relatives. -The fossil record shows more and more tetrapod-like fish before the appearance of tetrapods about 365 million years ago. -Both fish and four-limbed animals are vertebrates. -Fish and four-limbed animals have very similar embryos.

Which of the following statements about bird evolution are accurate based on the evidence presented?

-Feathers may have originally evolved for insulation. -Feathers may have originally evolved for interspecies communication and display. Evidence from theropods and living birds suggests that early feathers may have served functions in insulation, communication, and/or display and were later co-opted for flight.

Tiktaalik had a combination of fishlike and tetrapod-like characteristics. Which were the tetrapod-like characteristics?

-Flat head with eyes on top - interlocking ribs -a neck Tiktaalik had characteristics of both fish (scales, fins, and fin rays) and tetrapods (flat head, eyes on top, strong interlocking ribs, and a neck). These characteristics would have enabled it to survive both in and out of water, like amphibians and reptiles today.

The 150-million-year-old Archaeopteryx fossil has birdlike features such as feathered wings, but it also has characteristics that we associate with living reptiles. Which of the following are considered reptilian characteristics of Archaeopteryx?

-Long, bony tail -claws on the ends of each digit in the "hands" -teeth in the jaws

The ultimate source of all genetic variation is... gene flow mutation founder effect natural selection


1. Which of the following are causes of evolutionary change?

Natural Selection Mutation Gene Flow Genetic Drift

Louis and Mary Leakey found two different fossil hominid skulls at Olduvai. Which of the following statements about the skulls is true? The second skull was that of a species that could walk upright, and the first one was not. Both skulls belonged to the "the toolmaker" species that the Leakeys had been searching for. The first skull they found was several million years older than the second skull. The second skull represented a species more closely related to modern humans than the first skull's species.

The second skull represented a species more closely related to modern humans than the first skull's species.

Which discovery ultimately overturned the prevailing perception that all dinosaurs were large, slow, and lumbering?

The small theropod dinosaur Deinonychus, which had a large sickle-shaped claw on each of its hind limbs

How did the great transition from fish to tetrapod occur?

The transition occurred gradually over time, so there are many intermediate forms

How did the great transition from fish to tetrapod occur?

The transition occurred gradually over time, so there are many intermediate forms Most major evolutionary changes, like the evolution of birds from dinosaurs or tetrapods from fish, are products of many small evolutionary steps. Over millions of years, these steps leave behind a series of transitional fossils.

Which characteristic distinguishes echinoderms from the other two deuterostome lineages? Their body plan Their ability to move The presence of an endoskeleton Their habitat

Their body plan

Which characteristic distinguishes echinoderms from the other two deuterostome lineages? Their ability to move Their body plan The presence of an endoskeleton Their habitat

Their body plan (Echinoderms exhibit a unique body plan characterized by an endoskeleton and a water vascular system.)

Which of the following represents the strongest evidence that two of the three middle ear bones of mammals are homologous to certain reptilian jawbones? The mammalian jaw has fewer bones than does the reptilian jaw. Mammals can hear better than reptiles. They are similar in shape to the reptilian jawbones. They are similar in size to the reptilian jawbones. These bones can be observed to move from the developing jaw to the developing middle ear in mammalian embryos.

These bones can be observed to move from the developing jaw to the developing middle ear in mammalian embryos.

Why did Shubin and Daeschler search in the Canadian arctic for fossil evidence of the transition from fish to tetrapods?

They hypothesized that the transitional fossils were in sedimentary rocks older than 365 million years ago, when the first tetrapods appear in the fossil record Shubin and Daeschler searched the Canadian arctic because it has rocks of the right age and type to hold transitional fossils.

Why did Shubin and Daeschler search in the Canadian arctic for fossil evidence of the transition from fish to tetrapods?

They hypothesized that the transitional fossils were in sedimentary rocks older than 365 million years ago, when the first tetrapods appear in the fossil record.

What should be true of fossils of the earliest tetrapods? They should be transitional forms with the fossils of chondrichthyans that lived at the same time. They should feature the earliest indications of the appearance of jaws. They should show evidence of internal fertilization. They should show evidence of having produced shelled eggs. They should indicate limited adaptation to life on land.

They should indicate limited adaptation to life on land.

How many species of Hominin coexisted 100,000 years ago?


What kind of habitat did tiktaalik live in?

Tiktaalik lived in a warm, freshwater swamp.

What kind of habitat did tiktaalik live in? (tiktaalik: a monospecific genus of extinct sarcopterygian (lobe-finned fish) from the late Devonian period, about 375 MYA (million years ago))

Tiktaalik lived in a warm, freshwater swamp. When tiktaalik lived and became fossilized, its location was closer to Earth's equator, where warm, freshwater habitats were abundant. Over time, continental drift moved the pieces of Earth's crust (and all the fossils in the rocks above them) to different locations.

What is a transitional fossil?

Transitional fossils have features that are intermediate between ancestors and descendants Species descend from other species. The fossil record includes fossils of animals with features that are intermediate, or transitional, between those of earlier and later species.

What is a transitional fossil?

Transitional fossils have features that are intermediate between ancestors and descendants.

Despite having a body mass similar to that of Homo sapiens, Homo neanderthalensis had a larger brain volume.


The ratio of brain volume to body mass of Homo sapiens is larger than that of Homo ergaster.


Biological fitness is best defined as _____. A. The relative ability of an individual to produce offspring that survive and reproduce. B. Variability in the population for a trait that increases survival. C. Similar reproductive success among individuals in a population. D. A heritable trait that increases the match of an individual to its environment. E. Competition among individuals for resources that allow them to have more offspring.


Similar gill pouches in embryos of a chick, human, and cat are an example of _____. A. developmental homology B. the inheritance of acquired characteristics C. genetic homology D. structural homology


What does the biological species concept use as the primary criterion for determining species boundaries? Morphological similarity Niche differences Geographic isolation Ability to successfully interbreed Molecular (DNA, RNA, protein) similarity

Ability to successfully interbreed, See powerpoint 6 Page 5

What structure in a placental developing organism is greatly reduced (but not absent) as compared to an amniotic egg? See Section 32.4 (Page 663) .

Yolk sac The placenta replaces the core function of the yolk sac (to provide nutrients to the embryo).

Darwin and Wallace's theory of evolution by natural section was revolutionary because it A) was the first theory to refute the ideas of special creation B) proved that individuals acclimated to their environment over time C) dismissed the idea that species are constant and emphasized the importance of variation and change in populations D) was the first time a biologist had proposed that species changed through time


Which of the following is a fitness trade-off (compromise)? A. In some hornbill species, the male helps seal the female in a tree with her nest until the young are ready to fledge B. Hummingbirds are the best pollinators of certain flowers, but bees are the best pollinators for orchids C. Turtle shells provide protection but are heavy and burden some when moving D. The strong, thick beak of a woodpecker helps it find insects in trees

C, Turtle shells provide protection but are heavy and burden some when moving

The evolution of similar insulating skin coverings such as fur, hair, and feathers in mammals and birds is a result of _____.

Convergent evolution.

Listed below are four adaptations of terrestrial vertebrates. Which is a characteristic only of truly terrestrial animals with no need to return to water at any stage of the life cycle?

amniotic eggs

Listed below are four adaptations of terrestrial vertebrates. Which is a characteristic only of truly terrestrial animals with no need to return to water at any stage of the life cycle? amniotic eggs tetrapod locomotion lungs hearts with more than two chambers All of these are essential for a completely terrestrial existence.

amniotic eggs

According to this phylogenetic tree, the animals most closely related to reptiles and mammals are _____. sharks, rays, and chimaeras amphibians lampreys ray-finned fishes lancelets


According to this phylogenetic tree, the animals most closely related to reptiles and mammals are _____.

amphibians ( The branching pattern of the phylogenetic tree makes it clear that amphibians are most closely related to reptiles and mammals.)

What does the distance between two white horizontal lines on this graph represent?

an increase of 200 cm^3 in brain volume

3. What does the distance between two white horizontal lines on this graph represent?

an increase of 200cm^3 in brain volume

Identify the correct statement(s) about animal classification. Select all that apply. Craniates have a head and neural crest cells. Reptiles can be defined as ectothermic amniotes. Animals have a cranium, fur, and mammary glands.

Craniates have a head and neural crest cells.

At the end of which period did most dinosaurs and pterosaurs become extinct? Ordovician Devonian Cretaceous Triassic Permian


Review 3,5,6,7, 15-26, 28, 34-35, and 37-39 on exam 1


The phylogenetic tree shown here displays the major clades of chordates. Which statements about the phylogenetic tree are true? Select all that apply. Descendants of organism (d) have legs. Birds and ray-finned fishes have a notochord and jaws. Rays and frogs have a vertebral column. Lancelets and coelacanths are more closely related than are chimaeras and coelacanths. Organism (a) is a common ancestor of all chordates. Hagfishes, lungfishes, and frogs have lobed fins. Organism (c) is a common ancestor of lampreys and lungfishes. Mammals and turtles are more closely related than are lungfishes and sharks.

Descendants of organism (d) have legs. Birds and ray-finned fishes have a notochord and jaws. Rays and frogs have a vertebral column. Organism (a) is a common ancestor of all chordates. Mammals and turtles are more closely related than are lungfishes and sharks.

11. What is the meaning of Darwin's expression "descent with modification"?

Descent with modification refers to evolutionary change over time.

What is the significance of the evolution of Hox gene clusters during vertebrate evolution?

Duplication of Hox genes made increased morphological complexity possible.

What is the significance of the evolution of Hox gene clusters during vertebrate evolution? Novel Hox genes coded for novel vertebrate features, such as jaws, limbs, and large brains. Duplication of Hox genes made increased morphological complexity possible. Duplicate Hox genes triggered the formation of neural crest cells and allowed them to disperse throughout the body, forming a variety of structures.

Duplication of Hox genes made increased morphological complexity possible.

Which of these primate groups is most closely related to hominids? apes Old World monkeys lorises prosimians New World monkeys


Which of these primate groups is most closely related to humans?


Which of these primate groups is most closely related to hominids?

apes ( Apes, such as chimpanzees, are the primates most closely related to humans.)

Which structure can be used for feeding and gas exchange? Pharyngeal gill slit Dorsal nerve cord Endoskeleton Notochord

Pharyngeal gill slit

Which structure can be used for feeding and gas exchange? Pharyngeal gill slit Dorsal nerve cord Endoskeleton Notochord

Pharyngeal gill slit (A pharyngeal gill slit is an opening into the throat that can be used for feeding and gas exchange.)

Most causes of speciation are relatively slow, in that they may take many generations to see changes with the exception of... colonization polyploidy natural selection reinforcement

Polyploidy Definition: cells and organisms are those containing more than two paired (homologous) sets of chromosomes. Most species whose cells have nuclei (eukaryotes) are diploid, meaning they have two sets of chromosomes—one set inherited from each parent.

Select the vertebrate taxon or taxa whose origin(s) involved duplication of Hox genes. Select all that apply. Gnathostomes Craniates The genus Homo

Gnathostomes Craniates

Which of these species was the first to have been adapted for long-distance bipedalism? H. sapiens H. erectus H. habilis H. ergaster Australopithecus garhi

H. ergaster

Unlike eutherians, both monotremes and marsupials _____.

Have some embryonic development outside the mother's uterus.

Humans are _______.

Homo sapien ( Humans are classified as Homo sapiens.)

Humans are _____.

Homo sapiens

Humans are _______. Australopithecus Homo erectus Ardipithecus Homo sapiens Homo habilis

Homo sapiens

_____ are the oldest known primate group.


_____ are the oldest known primate group. Apes Prosimians Anthropoids Hominids Monkeys


_____ are the oldest known primate group.

Prosimians ( Prosimian fossils date back to the end of the dinosaurs.)

Which character would allow you to identify something as an echinoderm and not a chordate? See Section 32.4 (Page 663) .

Radial Symmetry

Which of the following statements describing hominin evolution is/are correct Select all that apply. -Hominin species began to walk on two legs in order to free their hands to use tools. -Homo sapiens is the only surviving member of a highly branched evolutionary tree of hominin species. -The first hominin species evolved from chimpanzees.

Homo sapiens is the only surviving member of a highly branched evolutionary tree of hominin species.

At least one of these has been found in all species of eumetazoan animals studied thus far. Otx Dlx Hox FOXP2 more than one of these


Part C - Lancelets and tunicates Lancelets and tunicates are two groups of chordates. Classify each statement as applying to lancelets, tunicates, both lancelets and tunicates, or neither. Drag each item to the appropriate bin. View Available Hint(s) Lancelets, Tunicates, Both, or Neither •adults swim using the vertebral column •most chordate characters not present in adults •in adults, water enters through one siphon and leaves through another •adults feed with the aid of pharyngeal slits neither •adults bury themselves into the sediment of the sea floor •larvae swim using the notochord, but adults may be sessile •all chordate characters present in adults •adults swim by the contraction of a series of muscles along the notochord

Lancelets •all chordate characters present in adults •adults swim by the contraction of a series of muscles along the notochord •adults bury themselves into the sediment of the sea floor Tunicates •in adults, water enters through one siphon and leaves through another •most chordate characters not present in adults •larvae swim using the notochord, but adults may be sessile Both •adults feed with the aid of pharyngeal slits Neither •adults swim using the vertebral column (Tunicates and lancelets are two groups of chordates. Both possess the four derived characters of chordates during their development. However, whereas adult lancelets retain all four of these characters, adult tunicates retain only one (pharyngeal slits). Lancelets swim by contracting a series of muscles located along the side of the notochord, which results in a motion similar to the swimming motion of fishes. Larval tunicates are mobile, using their tail muscles and notochord to propel themselves through the water; adult tunicates are sessile or float with the current. Adult lancelets and tunicates use their pharyngeal slits to filter suspended food particles from the water.)

Which group is most closely related to amphibians?

Mammalia and Aves

2. Generation-to-generation change in the allele frequencies in a population is _______.


Which of the pairs of plant structures below are homologous? There are none here oak tree root and leaf rose bush leaf and oak tree leaf rose bush stem and flower

Rose bush leaf and oak tree leaf

Which of the following character is most commonly used to construct modern phylogenies? morphological molecular (DNA sequence) habitat type behavioral

Molecular (DNA sequence)

Which of these are amniotes? fishes placental mammals amphibians egg-laying mammals More than one of these is correct.

More than one of these is correct.

A key characteristic of modern birds is flight powered by feathered wings. Which of the following pieces of evidence support the hypothesis that the first feathers served a purpose other than flight?

Some feathered theropods were not capable of flight. A rich diversity of theropods with various feather structures and from different ages supports the hypothesis that feathers evolved long before flight.

Which of the following statements about vertebrates is true? All vertebrates have jaws with which to catch their prey. Birds are more related to mammals than to dinosaurs. The development of more efficient surfaces for gas exchange in reptiles stimulated expansion into terrestrial habitats. The development of an amniotic egg and internal fertilization allowed vertebrates to reproduce away from water.

The development of an amniotic egg and internal fertilization allowed vertebrates to reproduce away from water.

Which of the following statements about vertebrates is true? All vertebrates have jaws with which to catch their prey. The development of more efficient surfaces for gas exchange in reptiles stimulated expansion into terrestrial habitats. The development of an amniotic egg and internal fertilization allowed vertebrates to reproduce away from water. Birds are more related to mammals than to dinosaurs.

The development of an amniotic egg and internal fertilization allowed vertebrates to reproduce away from water. (Reptiles and their descendants reproduce on land via an amniotic egg, which prevents the embryo from drying out.)

Why was the discovery of organisms, such as Archaeopteryx, that have a mix of traits usually associated with two different groups considered validation of Darwin's theory of evolution?

The discovery provided evidence that species descend with modification from other species. Intermediate forms such as Archaeopteryx support the hypothesis, because they have features of the descendant species in addition to the features of the ancestral species, suggesting that the descendant features were gained before the ancestral features were lost.

18. Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding human evolution?

The fossil record contains creatures with features that are intermediate between those of modern humans and quadrupedal apes The first humans evolved in Africa In the latest phase of human evolution, there as been a greater reliance on culture

Which characteristics define a chordate? The presence of four specific morphological traits The development of an anus from the blastopore The ability to live on land The presence of a well-developed circulatory system

The presence of four specific morphological traits

Which characteristics define a chordate? The ability to live on land The presence of four specific morphological traits The presence of a well-developed circulatory system The development of an anus from the blastopore

The presence of four specific morphological traits (Chordates are defined by the presence of four morphological traits: a notochord, a dorsal nerve cord, pharyngeal gill slits, and a tail behind the anus.)

13. Louis and Mary Leakey found two different fossil hominid skulls at Olduvai. Which of the following statements about the skulls is true?

The second skull represented a species more closely related modern humans than the first skull's species.

Which of the following shared characteristics of living birds and theropod dinosaurs provided support to the hypothesis that birds evolved from dinosaurs?

- Birds and many theropods have a wishbone (or furcula) -Birds and theropods have hollow bones that are strong, but light -Birds and theropods have S-shaped necks -Birds and many theropods have feathers.

Part B - Phylogeny of chordates The phylogenetic tree shown here displays the major clades of chordates. Which statements about the phylogenetic tree are true? Select all that apply. View Available Hint(s) Lancelets and coelacanths are more closely related than are chimaeras and coelacanths. Rays and frogs have vertebrae. Birds and ray-finned fishes have a notochord and jaws. Mammals and turtles are more closely related than are lungfishes and sharks. Hagfishes, lungfishes, and frogs have lobed fins. Organism (c) is a common ancestor of lampreys and lungfishes. Descendants of organism (d) have limbs with digits. Organism (a) is a common ancestor of all chordates.

- Rays and frogs have vertebrae. - Birds and ray-finned fishes have a notochord and jaws. - Mammals and turtles are more closely related than are lungfishes and sharks. - Descendants of organism (d) have limbs with digits. - Organism (a) is a common ancestor of all chordates. (The phylogenetic tree shown above represents the evolutionary relationships between the major clades of chordates. The hatch marks on the tree indicate derived characters shared by all the groups to the right of each mark. For example, all chordates have a notochord, and all mammals produce milk. The phylogenetic tree also shows the degree of relatedness of particular groups of chordates. For example, mammals are more closely related to hagfishes than to lancelets.)

Why have we NOT found examples in the fossil record of every animal that ever lived on earth?

-Many fossils remain buried. We can only find them when they are exposed by erosion or excavation -To become a fossil, an animal must be quickly and completely buried in ash or sediment before it has a chance to decompose. -To become a fossil, an animal must remain buried for thousands or millions of years until it (and the layer around it) turns to rock Incredibly few of the organisms that live in any particular time become fossils. Though the fossil record shows a remarkable diversity of organisms, they are likely only a fraction of those that lived in past environments.

Why have we NOT found examples in the fossil record of every animal that ever lived on Earth?

-To become a fossil, an animal must remain buried for thousands or millions of years until it (and the layer around it) turns to rock. -Many fossils remain buried. We can only find them when they are exposed by erosion or excavation. -To become a fossil, an animal must be quickly and completely buried in ash or sediment before it has a chance to decompose.

Which of the following is a tetrapod?

-a mammal -an amphibian -a reptile -a bird -a fish Everything except for fish.

Tiktaalik had a combination of fishlike and tetrapod-like characteristics. Which were the tetrapod-like characteristics?

-a neck -interlocking ribs -flat head with eyes on top

Chordates, members of the phylum Chordata, are part of the clade Deuterostomia. Chordates include the vertebrates (animals that have a vertebral column, or backbone) as well as three groups of invertebrates.


How many of the following statements about craniates is (are) correct? 1. Craniates are more highly cephalized than are noncraniate chordates. 2. Craniates' genomic evolution includes duplication of clusters of genes that code for transcription factors. 3. The craniate clade is synonymous with the vertebrate clade. 4. Pharyngeal slits that play a major role in gas exchange originated in craniates. 5. The two-chambered heart originated with the early craniates. only 1 is correct 1 and 5 are correct 2, 3, and 5 are correct 1, 2, 4, and 5 are correct all 5 options are correct

1, 2, 4, and 5 are correct

The Hardy-Weinberg equation p2+2pq+q2=... and stands for the... frequencies in a population. 2,allele 1,allele 1,genotype 2,genotype


14. Which of the following statements supports the conclusion that the common ancestor of modern chimps and modern humans lived around 7 million years ago?

Analysis of modern human and modern chimpanzee protein and DNA sequences suggests that their lineages diverged about 7 million years ago.

5. The body mass of the chimpanzee is approximately _______ kg greater than the body mass of Australopithecus afarensis.


The body mass of the chimpanzee is approximately _______kg greater than the body mass of Australopithecus afarensis.


The ratio of brain volume to body mass of Homo ergaster is approximately _______.

14 cm^3/kg

6. The ratio of brain volume to body mass of Homo ergaster is approximately ________.


During chordate evolution, what is the sequence (from earliest to most recent) in which the following structures arose? 1. amniotic egg 2. paired fins 3. jaws 4. swim bladder 5. four-chambered heart 2, 1, 4, 3, 5 3, 2, 1, 4, 5 2, 3, 4, 1, 5 2, 4, 3, 1, 5 3, 2, 4, 1, 5

2, 3, 4, 1, 5

Plant species A has a diploid number of 12 . Plant species B has a diploid number of 16. A new species C arises as an allopolyploid from A and B. the diploid number for species C would probably be... 28 14 12 16 56


7. The brain volume of Homo sapiens is approximately ______ times as large as the brain volume of Australopithecus afarensis.


The brain volume of Homo sapiens is approximately _____ times as large as the brain volume of Australopithecus afarensis.


Research confirms that Neanderthal DNA makes up about ____ of the modern human genome. 1% 4% 10% 25%


Suppose 51% of a remote mountain village can taste phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) and must, therefore, have at least one copy of the dominant PTC taster allele. Only individuals with at least one copy of the dominant allele can taste PTC. If this population conforms to Hardy-Weinberg expectations for this gene, what percentage of the population must be heterozygous for this trait? 16% 42% 50% 49% 26%


Except for modern ethnic groups in ______, the majority of humans appear to have traces of Neanderthal DNA in their genome. America Europe Asia Africa


Which of the following statements about deuterostomes is false? All deuterostomes exhibit radial symmetry in their bodies. All deuterostomes are triploblastic and have three tissue layers. All deuterostomes have a coelom. All deuterostomes have a similar pattern of early embryonic development.

All deuterostomes exhibit radial symmetry in their bodies.

Which of the following statements about deuterostomes is false? All deuterostomes exhibit radial symmetry in their bodies. All deuterostomes are triploblastic and have three tissue layers. All deuterostomes have a coelom. All deuterostomes have a similar pattern of early embryonic development.

All deuterostomes exhibit radial symmetry in their bodies. (This statement is false; in the deuterostome lineage, only adult echinoderms exhibit radial symmetry.)

Recall the ant navigation experiment about how ants determine how far they are from the nest. In order to run a controlled experiment, what parameters were held constant for the test group of 75 ants? stride number stride number, leg length, and environmental temp all variables except leg length leg length

All variables except leg length

Which of the following statements supports the conclusion that the common ancestor of modern chimps and modern humans lived around 7 million years ago? Scientists estimate that it would take about 7 million years for chimps to evolve into humans. Analysis of modern human and modern chimpanzee protein and DNA sequences suggests that their lineages diverged about 7 million years ago. Stone tools have been found that date back about 7 million years. Scientists estimate that it takes about 2.5 million years for brains to double in volume, so it would take about 7 million years to go from 300 cc (early hominid brain size) to 1500 cc (modern human brain size).

Analysis of modern human and modern chimpanzee protein and DNA sequences suggests that their lineages diverged about 7 million years ago.

17. What did scientist learn from other fossils found in the same sediment layer as Ardi?

Ardi lived in a woodland habitat

What did scientists learn from other fossils found in the same sediment layer as Ardi? Ardi lived in a woodland habitat Ardi raised livestock and domesticated crops Ardi lived in an open grassland habitat Ardi and Lucy lived at the same time

Ardi lived in a woodland habitat

Which of the following statements about human evolution is correct? The upright posture and enlarged brain of humans evolved simultaneously. Human ancestors were virtually identical to extant chimpanzees. Human evolution has occurred within an unbranched lineage. Fossil evidence indicates that tool use preceded bipedalism in the hominin lineage. At most times during hominin evolution, more than one species of hominin have existed concurrently

At most times during hominin evolution, more than one species of hominin have existed concurrently

4. Which species of hominin had a brain volume closest to the brain volume of the chimpanzee?

Australopithecus afarensis

Which species of hominin had a brain volume closest to the brain volume of the chimpanzee?

Australopithecus afarensis

Male frogs give calls that attract female frogs to approach and mate. Researchers examined mating calls of closely related tree frogs in South America. If reinforcement is occurring, what would you expect if you compare the calls of the two species in zones of sympatry versus zones of allopatry? A. Calls would be equally similar in both areas B. Calls would be more different in areas of sympatry. C. Calls would be more similar in areas of sympatry D. None

B. Calls would be more different in areas of sympatry. Allopatric speciation is speciation that results when a population is separated by a physical barrier. ... Sympatric speciation is speciation that occurs without physical separation of members of the population.

Mammals and birds eat more often than reptiles. Which of the following traits shared by mammals and birds best explains this habit?


Which of these would a paleontologist be most likely to do in order to determine whether a fossil represents a reptile or a mammal? Use molecular analysis to look for the protein keratin. Examine the teeth. Look for the mammalian characteristics of a four-chambered heart and a diaphragm. Look for the presence of milk-producing glands. Because mammals are eutherians, look for evidence of a placenta.

Examine the teeth.

Which structure is not an innovation that occurred during vertebrate diversification? Amniotic egg Bone Jaws Exoskeleton


Which structure is not an innovation that occurred during vertebrate diversification? Jaws Exoskeleton Bone Amniotic egg

Exoskeleton (Exoskeletons are present in groups other than the vertebrates, including some in the protostome lineage.)

True or false? An organism that is radially symmetric has many well-developed head regions. True False


True or false? An organism that is radially symmetric has many well-developed head regions. True False

False (An organism that is radially symmetric does not have a well-developed head region.)

Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding human evolution? Select all that apply. In the latest phase of human evolution, there has been a greater reliance on culture. Once bipedality, tool use, and larger brains evolved in humans, humans stopped evolving. The first humans evolved in Africa. The fossil record contains creatures with features that are intermediate between those of modern humans and quadrupedal apes.

In the latest phase of human evolution, there has been a greater reliance on culture. The first humans evolved in Africa. The fossil record contains creatures with features that are intermediate between those of modern humans and quadrupedal apes.

How did Dr. Jack Horner's discovery of dinosaur nesting grounds support the hypothesis that birds evolved from a group of dinosaurs?

It provided evidence that dinosaurs raised and cared for their young in colonies like many birds. Dr.Horner's discovery of "Egg Mountain" in Montana led to the conclusion that some dinosaurs returned annually to nesting grounds, brooded, and cared for their young − all behaviors associated with birds.

Which of these primate groups lives in trees in Central and South America and have nostrils that are wide open and far apart? hominids apes New World monkeys anthropoids Old World monkeys

New World monkeys

Which of these primate groups lives in trees in Central and South America and have nostrils that are wide open and far apart?

New World monkeys (the Western Hemisphere is also known as the New World)

Which of these primate groups lives in trees in Central and South America and have nostrils that are wide open and far apart?

New World monkeys ( You might recall that the Western Hemisphere is also referred to as the New World.)

Internal fertilization, a leathery amniotic egg, and skin that resists drying are characteristics of ________.

Non-bird reptiles

Part A - Derived characters of chordatesPart complete All chordates share a set of derived characters during at least some part of their life. Drag the labels to their correct locations on the diagram of chordate characters below. Use blue labels for blue targets and pink labels for pink targets. (Or match the following) notochord pharyngeal clefts pharyngeal slits dorsal, hollow nerve cord muscular, post-anal tail ---------------------------- may develop into gill slits may develop into the brain and spinal cord may be associated with a jointed skeleton may develop into parts of the ear may be used to propel some species in water

Notochord - a flexible rod that runs along the anterior-posterior axis = may be associated with a jointed skeleton Pharyngeal clefts - grooves that separate pouches along the side of the pharynx = may develop into parts of the ear Pharyngeal slits - openings to the outside of the body along the side of the pharynx = may develop into gill slits Dorsal, hollow nerve cord - a bundle of nervous tissue running the length of the body = may develop into the brain and spinal cord Muscular post anal tail - a structure that contains muscles and extends past the anus = may be used to propel some species in water (All chordate embryos exhibit four derived characters: a notochord; a dorsal, hollow nerve cord; a muscular, post-anal tail; and pharyngeal slits or clefts. In many chordates, these characters develop into different structures or are reduced in form as the animal continues its development. For example, the pharyngeal slits develop into gill slits in aquatic vertebrates, and a jointed skeleton forms around a reduced notochord in most vertebrates.)

15. Which of the following anatomical features of the 3.2 million year old Australopithecus fossil known as "Lucy" suggest she was a bipedal hominid?

a much shorter hip bone that is broader from front to back and wraps around the side

Which of the following anatomical features of the 3.2-million-year-old Australopithecus fossil known as "Lucy" suggest she was a bipedal hominid? a hairless face the absence of a prehensile tail a much shorter hip bone that is broader from front to back and wraps around the side a large brain

a much shorter hip bone that is broader from front to back and wraps around the side

Vertebrates and tunicates share _____.

a notochord and a dorsal, hollow nerve cord

Vertebrates and tunicates share jaws adapted for feeding. a notochord and a dorsal, hollow nerve cord. an endoskeleton that includes a skull. a high degree of cephalization. the formation of structures from the neural crest.

a notochord and a dorsal, hollow nerve cord.

Which of the following is a tetrapod?

a reptile a bird a mammal an amphibian

Which of these might have been observed in the common ancestor of chondrichthyans and osteichthyans? a mineralized, bony skeleton bony fin rays opercula a swim bladder a spiral valve intestine

a spiral valve intestine

Which of the following could be considered the most recent common ancestor of living tetrapods?

a sturdy-finned, shallow-water lobe-fin whose appendages had skeletal supports similar to those of terrestrial vertebrates

Which of the following could be considered the most recent common ancestor of living tetrapods? a sturdy-finned, shallow-water lobe-fin whose appendages had skeletal supports similar to those of terrestrial vertebrates a salamander that had legs supported by a bony skeleton but moved with the side-to-side bending typical of fishes an armored, jawed placoderm with two pairs of appendages an early terrestrial caecilian whose legless condition had evolved secondarily an early ray-finned fish that developed bony skeletal supports in its paired fins

a sturdy-finned, shallow-water lobe-fin whose appendages had skeletal supports similar to those of terrestrial vertebrates

When Darwin wrote On the Origin of Species, no transitional fossils had been discovered, but Darwin predicted that some would be found. On which of the following concepts was Darwin basing his bold prediction? More than one answer is expected. Choose all that are correct a. All major groups of organisms living today descended from preexisting groups. There must therefore be fossils with features that link different major groups, both living and extinct, to one another. b. Major transitions in the history of life occur over long periods of time and in small steps rather than major leaps, with groups of animals evolving traits that did not exist in the ancestral groups. c. Darwin reasoned that eventually the fossils of all organisms that ever existed would be discovered and that there would have to be some transitional forms among them. d. Individual organisms can change from one form to another, like a fish becoming a land animal, and give rise to new species. The transitional forms must therefore exist in the fossil record.


The 150-million-year-old Archaeopteryx has many birdlike characteristics such as feathered wings, but it also has characteristics that we associate with living reptiles. Which of the following are considered reptilian characteristics of Archaeopteryx? Select all that apply. Choose all that are correct a. Claws on the ends of each digit b. Long, bony tail c. Teeth in the jaws d. Wings supported by elongated fourth digits


Which of the following pieces of evidence supports the hypothesis that birds evolved from theropod dinosaurs? Select all that apply. Choose all that are correct a. Birds and many theropods have a wishbone (furcula). b. Birds and theropods have S-shaped necks. c. All birds and theropods could fly. d. Birds and many theropods have feathers. e. Birds and theropods both have long, bony tails. f. Birds and theropods have hollow bones that are strong but light.


Which of Darwin's postulates about evolution by natural selection is most directly related to heritable variation? a. The individual organisms that make up a population vary in the traits they possess. b. An individual's phenotype can change in response to a challenge from the environment. c. In each generation, many more offspring are produced than can possibly survive. d. Individuals that survive are not a random sample of the population.

b. An individual's phenotype can change in response to a challenge from the environment.

Which of the following statements about bird evolution are accurate based on the evidence presented? Select all that apply. Choose all that are correct a. Feathered birds, capable of flight, evolved after the extinction of dinosaurs. b. Feathers may have originally evolved for interspecies communication and display. Correct c. Feathers may have originally evolved for insulation. Correct d. The evolution of feathers and other bird characteristics occurred in a linear progression.


Which of the following pieces of evidence led scientists to propose that the first feathers served a purpose other than flight? Choose all that are correct a. Bats fly but do not have feathers. b. Some living birds have feathers but do not fly. c. Archaeopteryx had flight feathers. d. Some feathered theropods were not capable of flight.


As hominins diverged from other primates, which of the following appeared first?

bipedal locomotion

As hominins diverged from other primates, which of the following appeared first? reduced jawbones language an enlarged brain bipedal locomotion the making of stone tools

bipedal locomotion

12. Which of the following traits can be used to differentiate humans from our closest living primate relatives?

bipedality (the ability to walk exclusively on two legs) large brain size extensive tool use

To be ectothermic means that ______.

body heat comes from an external source

DNA was isolated from Neanderthal ____ and sequenced so that it could be compared to modern human DNA. a combination of teeth, bone, and soft tissue soft tissue teeth bone fragments

bone fragments

Jaws evolved _____. by modification of the skeletal rods that previously supported the anterior pharyngeal gill slits from arthropod jaws from the bony armor of ostracoderms from the rasping tongue by modification of middle ear bones

by modification of the skeletal rods that previously supported the anterior pharyngeal gill slits

16. How do scientists know that the hominid called "Ardi" is about 4.4 million years old?

by using radiometric dating techniques on the volcanic deposits found above and below the layer containing Ardi

Which of these anthropoid groups consists of primates who are mostly tree dwellers and whose forelimbs and hind limbs are about equal in length? monkeys hominids prosimians primates apes


Why is the discovery of organisms such as Archaeopteryx that have a mix of traits usually associated with two different groups considered validation of Darwin's theory of evolution? Select one: a. Because they provide DNA evidence that proves how organisms are related. b. Because they are evidence that it is possible to reconstruct the complete history of life on Earth. c. Because they provide evidence of common descent—that species descend with modification from other species. Correct d. Because they are evidence that Earth has a long history lasting billions of years.


To which of the following are the scales of chondrichthyans most closely related in a structural sense? bird scales reptilian scales chondrichthyan teeth mammalian scales osteichthyan scales

chondrichthyan teeth

The common ancestor of all these chordate groups EXCEPT the _____ probably had paired appendages. mammals amphibians lampreys ray-finned fishes reptiles


The common ancestor of all these chordate groups EXCEPT the _____ probably had paired appendages.

lampreys ( Lampreys lack paired appendages.)

Which extant chordates are postulated to be most like the earliest chordates in appearance? chondrichthyans adult tunicates amphibians reptiles lancelets


Which of these anthropoid groups consists of primates who are mostly tree dwellers and whose forelimbs and hind limbs are about equal in length?


Which group's members have had both lungs and gills during their adult lives? lungfishes ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs lancelets sharks, skates, and rays amphibians


Which of these is the only chordate group that has hair? tunicates ray-finned fishes mammals amphibians sharks, rays, and chimaeras


Which of these is the only chordate group that has hair?

mammals ( Hair is one of the defining characteristics of mammals.)

There are three major groups of mammals, categorized on the basis of their _____.

method of reproduction

There are three major groups of mammals, categorized on the basis of their _____. size habitat method of reproduction method of locomotion presence or absence of hair

method of reproduction

The following question refers to the description below. While on an intersession course in tropical ecology, Kris pulls a large, snakelike organism from a burrow (the class was granted a collecting permit). The 1-m-long organism has smooth skin, which appears to be segmented. It has two tiny eyes that are hard to see because they seem to be covered by skin. Kris brings it back to the lab at the field station, where it is a source of puzzlement to the class. Kris says that it is a giant oligochaete worm; Shaun suggests it is a legless amphibian; Kelly proposes it belongs to a snake species that is purely fossorial (lives in a burrow). The class decided to humanely euthanize the organism and subsequently dissect it. Having decided that it was probably not a reptile, two of their original hypotheses regarding its identity remained. Which of the following, if observed, should help them arrive at a conclusive answer? presence of moist, highly vascularized skin presence of a nerve cord presence of a closed circulatory system presence of lungs presence of a digestive system with two openings

presence of lungs

For the following item, match the extant vertebrate groups with the descriptions. Which of the following are the most abundant and diverse of the extant vertebrates? amphibians birds mammals ray-finned fishes nonbird reptiles

ray-finned fishes

Jaws first occurred in which extant group of fishes? lungfishes ray-finned fishes placoderms lampreys chondrichthyans

ray-finned fishes

Which of these traits is most strongly associated with the adoption of bipedalism? fingerprints opposable big toe enhanced depth perception shortened hind limbs repositioning of foramen magnum

repositioning of foramen magnum

This phylogenetic tree indicates that mammals are most closely related to _____. sharks, rays, and chimaeras ray-finned fishes tunicates reptiles amphibians


This phylogenetic tree indicates that mammals are most closely related to _____.

reptiles ( The branching pattern of the phylogenetic tree clearly indicates that mammal are most closely related to reptiles.)

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