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competitive situations create competitive people/groups, and competitive people/groups create increasingly more competitive and hostile situations. This description of the self fulfilling spiral of intergroup competition illustrates which two forms of person situation interactions?

1)situations can change people 2) people change their situations

Ways to prevent Loafing

1. Make contributions identifiable 2. Make task meaningful or personally relevant 3. Make clear that individual effort contributes to group success 4. Increase cohesiveness of team 5. Recruit Collectivists


A generalized attitude toward members of a group. [Can be negative or positive].


A generalized belief about members of a group

Which of the following examples are costs borne by targets of discrimination?

A. Women and minority groups tend to be paid less for the same work B. Women and minorities tend to receive worse deals on cars than white men C. Stereotype threat D. All of the above***

Which of the following person and situation factors increase the likelihood that an individual becomes a leader?

A. being male B. being highly ambitious C. a viod at the top presents a new leadership opportunity D. all of the above****

Which of the following is a strategy to decrease social loafing?

A. make each group members contributions identifiable B. try to increase the interpersonal cohesiveness of your group C. recruit group members who tend toward being collectivistic in their interpersonal orientation D. all the above***

Which of the following techniques help counteract groupthink?

A. make group members interpersonally focused rather than task focused B. leaders reveal their own views at the beginning of the discussion rather than at the end C. insulate group members from criticism and outside feedback so as not to stifle the creative process D. none of the above****

Which of the following statements describes how social norms influence the expression and internalization of prejudice?

A. people who find themselves in a prejudice social environment may fell free to express the prejudices that they already hold B. people may publicly conform to others prejudiced views when they desire social approval, even if they wouldn't endorse such views privately C. people may come to internalize the prejudiced views they are frequently exposed to in their everyday social environments D. all of the above****

Which of the following factors increase the likelihood of stereotyping?

A. positive mood B. arousing emotions C. physiological arousal D. all of the above***

Which of the following factors contributes to a collection of individuals becoming a real group?

A. shared identity B. interdependence C. structure D. all of the above****

The evolutionary perspective suggests that humans inclinations toward prejudice evolved in part ot deal with which of the following threat?

A. the possibility of physical violence from others B. the threat of becoming infected with others' contagious diseases C. the threat of people taking more from the group than they contribute D. all of the above***

Which of the following is a reason that people seek out groups?

A. to gain information by observing the behavior of people who are going through the same experience B. to gain knowledge from people with similar interests C. to glean information that will reduce feelings of uncertainty D. all of the above****

effective problem solving teams should typically consist of ____

At least one member whose agreeable and tolerant, at least one member who is not achievement motivated and energetic


Behaviordirectedtoward members of a group based on their identity

Conflict Spiral View

Belief that escalating threats will lead to conflict so leaders should show peaceful intentions to reduce opponents' fear

Deterrence view

Belief that signs of weakness will be exploited by opponents and that leaders must show willingness to use force

Perceptual Dilemma

Combination ofsocial dilemma and outgroup bias. Each sidebelieves both sides should cooperate but does not trust the other group

Based on Axelrod's research, in iterated Prisoner's Dilemma situaBons, the best strategy is


Replenishing Resources Dilemma

Group members share a renewable resource that will continue producing benefits if group members don't over harvest it

Transactive Memory

Group memory systemincluding knowledge held by individuals and communication system among members

___ tends to ____ ingroup favoritism and outgroup hostility

Intergroup competition, increase

Which of the following is true regarding the Need to Belong

It is a human universal


Loss of personal identity when in a crowd and behavior disinhibition

Which of the following claims about leadership effectiveness is true?

New workers tend to prefer more directive leadership than expert workers

According to what we learned today which of the following best describes the relationship between culture and people's behavior in social dilemmas

People in large-scalesocieties appear to be more cooperative in these dilemmas than thosein small-scale societies

Social Loafing

Phenomenon where individual group members reduce effort as groups get bigger

feeling negatively toward people who do not share your religious beliefs is an example of ____, whereas a generalized belief such as "all asians are good at math" is an example of ____.

Prejudice, Stereotype

Stereotypes are useful as heuristics because they

Provide ready interpretations of ambiguous events, Provide ready explanations for others' behavior

The __________ Dilemma occurs when individuals can benefit from free-riding; the __________ Dilemma occurs when individuals can profit from taking more than their share of a renewable resource

Public Goods, Replenishing Resource


Reduction in performance due to presence of more vs. fewer competitors in a situation

Which of the following strategies for coping with stereotype threat are beneficial in both the short and long term?

Reminding oneself that the negative stereotype does not apply to everyone

Which of the following strategies contributes to negative prejudice and is used to maintain favorable personal and social identities?


Social Trap

Situation where actions that lead to immediate rewards have negative long-term consequences

Public Goods Dilemma

Situation where all can benefit if some contribute BUT individuals can profit from "free-riding."

Social Dilemma

Situation where individual profits from selfishness UNLESS too many choose selfish upon

Which of the following is a cause of social traps

Sliding Reinforcers

a person high in social dominance orientation would likely agree with which of the following statements?

Some groups of people are simply inferior to others

Sliding Reinforcers

Stimuli that bring rewards insmall doses but punishments in large doses

Which of the following claims about gender and leadership is TRUE?

Studies show that men and women do not differ in their effectiveness as leaders

Compared to Real Groups, Groupings

Tend not to have a sense of common identity

Those holding a minority opinion are more likely to influence the majority if

The group is motivated to reach an accurate decision

Which of the following claims about transformational leadership is FALSE?

Transformational leaders are better at adapting themselves to fit the groups needs rather than adapting the group to fit their own style


When desire for group cohesion trumps critical thinking leading to poor decisions

Group Polarization

When group discussion members having more extreme view or making more extreme decisions than individuals initially favored

What is a dynamical system?

a system consisting of many interacting elements that changes and evolves over time

Which of the following is not a characteristic of the authoriarian personality?

authoritarians have trouble conforming to society's conventions and rules

In-group bias

benefit members of own group over other groups

What accounts for the relationship between religiosity and negative prejudice and discrimination?

commitment to ones religious group

Which of the following is not a principle of effective intergroup contact?

contact should occur at the group level so that the potential for interpsonal conflicts is minimized

Which of the following interventions is not an effective strategy for reducing rejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination?

educating people about different groups so that they'll develop factual beliefs about stigmatized groups

Outgroup HomogeneityEffect

endencytooverestimate similarity of outgroup members

Which of the following is NOT a factor that contributes to group polarization?

group members in individualistic cultures dont want to appear like they are conforming to the majority so they will often polarize toward the minority view

Group ____ helps on tasks in which a group needs only one member to get the correct answer, whereas group ____ is beneficial when group success depends on whether each of its members performs his or her role well.

heterogeneity, homogeneity

People in ____ societies tend to participate in performance groups more than those in ____ societies.

individualistic, collectivistic

Realistic group conflict theory

intergroup conflict in competition for resources (us vs. them)

____ religious people strive to live their religion and internalize its teachings, whereas ____ religious people strive to use religious worship as an opportunity to make social connections or gain status

intrinsically, extrinsically

We can thinkof ________ as being more affective in nature, and ________ as being more behavioral in nature

prejudice, discrimination

Norman Triplet

presence of crowd = better performance Fishing reel winding-children did better if competition Reanalysis = weak findings

Social Facilitation

presence of others increase likelihood of dominant responses. Do well on mastered tasks, worse on unmastered tasks

Stereotypes tend to ___ the differences between groups and ___ the differences within groups

sharpen, soften


subtle insults toward members of stigmatized groups, often ambiguous and carryingimplicit hostility

Stereotype Threat

the fear of confirming others' negative stereotypes about one's group. effects performance potential

Which of these statements about social facilitation is false?

the presence of others improves performance on tasks for which dominant responses are incorrect

Which of the following research findings on the shooter bias is false?

the shooter bias has only been found in white participants

In which of the following ways does the jigsaw classroom design take advantage of the six principles of effective contact?

the students work cooperatively with each other toward the common goal of learning the days lesson

The halloween studies on deindividuation found which of the following?

theft among trick or treaters arriving in groups decreased significantly when they no longer felt anonymous

People are especially likely to express their groups prejudice-relevant norms when____

they are new to the group and express their opinions publicly

Which of the following factors helps make opinion minorities more persuasive?

they have at least some support from others


two or more individuals who influence each other

Which of the following statements is true?

when our self images are threatened by failure, we are more likely to derogate members of stigmatized groups

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